Books > Health, Home & Family > Family & health > Advice on parenting > General
Most parents do a pretty good job of raising kids, says
psychologist Laurence Steinberg, but truly effective parenting
means not just relying on natural instincts but also on knowing
what works and why. In "The Ten Basic Principles of Good Parenting,
" Dr. Steinberg distills decades of research into a parenting book
that explains the fundamentals of raising happy, healthy children,
giving readers an invaluable map to help them navigate parenthood
from infancy to adolescence.
Dr. Steinberg found that the basic principles for effective
parenting are simple and universal, and apply to all parents and
children regardless of background. He explains each principle and
shows how to put it into action, using anecdotes and examples: from
"What You Do Matters" (parents make an enormous difference;
children are not simply the product of their genes) to "Establish
Rules and Limits" (how to provide structure in your child's life,
and how to handle conflicts over rules) and "Help Foster Your
Child's Independence" (help your child think through decisions
instead of making them for him or her). Concise and authoritative,
written with warmth and compassion, "The Ten Basic Principles of
Good Parenting" is an intelligent guide to raising a happy, healthy
child and to becoming a happier, more confident parent in the
Hierdie ideesboek bevat waardevolle raad en voorstelle vir ouers en
versorgers wat wil seker maak dat hul kinders van kleins af lief is
vir boeke - eers as babas, dan eerste lesers, laerskoollesers, die
tusseninners en tieners. Bekende boekresensent Jay Heale verslind
boeke en deel die kennis wat hy in 'n leeftyd van noue
betrokkenheid by boeke opgedoen het met aansteeklike entoesiasme.
Die boek sluit 'n skatkis van aanbevole boeke vir die boekrak in,
met spesifieke verwysings na oorspronklike Afrikaanse boeke en
stories deur Lona Gericke (afgetrede hoof van Bellville Openbare
Biblioteek se kinderafdeling). Daar word ook deurgaans in die
hoofteks voorbeelde gegee van spesifieke leesstof en klassieke
keuses. Verder word boeke oor boeke en inligting oor biblioteke
bespreek, asook elektroniese leesstof en die manier waarop
tegnologie die manier waarop ons lees, beinvloed het.
An empty nest does not have to be an empty life. Judy Holland shows
you how to get back in touch with yourself, your partner, your
life, AND your kids when the house is less-populated. The
transition to the empty nest creates a void that can catapult you
into existential crisis. Your zeal for climbing the career ladder,
striving for social status, and collecting material things starts
to subside, as is common in middle age. Friends and relatives may
suffer from illness or pass away, bringing jarring reminders of
mortality that trigger a need to make sense of it all. HappiNest
helps you traverse this passage with grace by distilling the latest
social science research and drawing from hundreds of interviews
with those who have gone before you. Whether you're seeking a
renaissance in your romantic relationship, dealing with a boomerang
child at home, or figuring out how to support aging parents, this
book is for you. HappiNest explores a variety of challenges that
arise when the house is suddenly empty or emptying, and Judy
Holland provides tips and tools for managing the emotions and
realities of this new life stage. From dealing with friends, career
transitions, rekindling love or leaving a marriage, to reconnecting
with genuine interests and passions, this road map will help guide
you. There are hills, valleys, thickets, briar patches, and ditches
ahead, as well as waterfalls that resolve into pristine ponds. With
mindfulness, hard work, and knowledge of experiences, research, and
wisdom from seasoned empty nesters, you can create the most golden
phase of your life.
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