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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > Geology & the lithosphere > Geological surface processes (geomorphology)
Dunes is the first book in over a decade to incorporate the latest research in this active and fast-developing field. It discusses the shapes, sizes, patterns, distribution, history and care of wind-blown dunes, and covers all aspects of dunes, terrestrial and in the Solar System. * The only book to cover all dunes, terrestrial and in the Solar System, in deserts, on coasts, and in the past * Represents the most current update on the research of dunes for over a decade * Incorporates the latest research to come out of China where the field is most rapidly expanding * Discusses the most recent range of skills and technology now focused on the study of dunes * Brings up-to-date a rapidly expanding field
Mallorca - the island of Robert Graves, Joan Miro, and Archduke Ludwig Salvador - has become the most popular holiday destination in the Mediterranean, with nearly 10 million visitors a year. Few, however, are aware of the 5,000 year history of Mallorca and its resulting landscape featuring late Bronze Age navetes and talayots, Roman cities, and a major medieval trading port with one of Europe's largest cathedrals. Mallorca's landscape has been formed with a pattern of country houses and enclosed fields, and the relics of major 19th-century industries, including textiles and shoe-making workshops. 120 years of tourism, latterly on a massive scale, endangers much of what has gone before. This pioneering work, based on more than 10 years of local research, describes and analyzes all these elements that together form the contemporary landscape. Written in an accessible style and well-illustrated with maps and photographs, this book will appeal to student and concerned reader alike and should be read by all who are inquisitive about what they see around them when they visit the island. *** ..".a must for anyone curious about this lesser sung story of history, making 'Mallorca' a fine and quite recommended read, not to be missed." - The Midwest Book Review, Library Bookwatch, April 2013, The World History Shelf *** "Buswell's latest book has no peer in English....he draws on various epistemological perspectives to portray the landscape as a cultural artifact that is unique due to changing human settlement and exploitation, but also is a palimpsest bearing telltale signs of sequent occupancy never completely erased." - The AAG Review of Books, Fall 2013
The interactions between tectonic uplift, river erosion and alluvial deposition are fundamental processes which have acted to shape the landscape we see today. These processes are of course ongoing, and are important not only in geomorphology, sedimentology and structural geology, but also hydrology and river engineering. The authors have combined their specialities to bring together evidence and a variety of examples from both field and experimental studies to demonstrate how alluvial rivers are responding to uplift, subsidence and lateral tilting. Such recognition of the nature of river response yield criteria for the identification of active tectonics elsewhere, especially in areas without a history of seismic activity, or in the stratigraphic record. This volume will be of interest to graduate students, consultants and academic researchers in geomorphology, sedimentology and stratigraphy, structural geology, hydrology, geophysics, and geography.
Geomorphology is the study of the earth's landforms and the processes that made the landscape look the way it does today. What we see when we look at a scenic view is the result of the interplay of the forces that shape the earth's surface. These operate on many different timescales and involve geological as well as climatic forces. Adrian Harvey introduces the varying geomorphological forces and differing timescales which thus combine: from the global, which shape continents and mountain ranges; through the regional, producing hills and river basins; to the local, forming beaches, glaciers and slopes; to those micro scale forces which weather rock faces and produce sediment. Finally, he considers the effect that humans have had on the world's topography.
Animals as geomorphic agents have primarily been considered "curiosities" in the literature of geomorphology, whose spatial and quantitative influences have been seen as both limited and minor. Zoogeomorphology: Animals as Geomorphic Agents examines the distinct geomorphic influences of invertebrates, ectothermic vertebrates, birds, and mammals, and demonstrates the importance of animals as landscape sculptors. Specific processes associated with the diversity of animal influences in geomorphology are examined, including burrowing and denning, nesting, lithophagy and geophagy, wallowing and trampling, food caching, excavating for food, and dam building by beavers. Particular emphasis is placed on terrestrial animals, although aquatic animals are also discussed where appropriate. This book, which is the only one available wholly devoted to this topic, will interest graduate students and professional research workers in geomorphology, ecology, environmental science, physical geography, and geology.
This book reviews the major achievements recently made in soil erosion and sediment redistribution research and management, and identifies future requirements. The book presents work from key players in river basin soil erosion and sediment redistribution from sources to sinks, field to riverbank, from academia to policy and industry. It examines the developments made in three themes - measurement, modeling and management - and covers a variety of scales (in both time and space) and geographical locations.
Allow yourself to be taken back into deep geologic time when strange creatures roamed the Earth and Western North America looked completely unlike the modern landscape. Volcanic islands stretched from Mexico to Alaska, most of the Pacific Rim didn't exist yet, at least not as widespread dry land; terranes drifted from across the Pacific to dock on Western Americas' shores creating mountains and more volcanic activity. Landscapes were transposed north or south by thousands of kilometers along huge fault systems. Follow these events through paleogeographic maps that look like satellite views of ancient Earth. Accompanying text takes the reader into the science behind these maps and the geologic history that they portray. The maps and text unfold the complex geologic history of the region as never seen before. Winner of the 2021 John D. Haun Landmark Publication Award, AAPG-Rocky Mountain Section
Approaches to research on the causes and impacts of soil erosion have changed significantly over recent years. Whereas biophysical research traditionally utilized small, carefully-managed erosion plots, models and methods are now available to study impacts of broad scale management on the hydrology and water quality of catchments and even river basins. Corresponding research tools have been developed for social and economic analysis at the household, farm and community levels. This book reviews the latest developments in such soil erosion studies. These are considered on a matrix of scales, from plot to river basin, and from farm to national policy. Some chapters review background issues while others consider specific methods. Conclusions of working groups are presented in another chapter. The book is based on papers presented at a workshop held in Indonesia in November 1997, and includes authors from Europe, America, Australia and Asia, as well as from several of the CGIAR centers.
Your interest is bound to be held by the contents of this work and the amazing characters, their achievements and the other topics dealt with herein. A search team was formed to find any remains of the Ark of Noah. They recorded on tape, the amazing account by an elderly Armenian living in the USA who had climbed onto the petrified hulk of the Holy Ark, when his uncle took him up Mount Ararat as a boy. His recorded account was subjected to the P.S.E Test (Lie Test)and it passed. Read the amazing account of the incredible Count St Germain, philosopher, alchemist and linguist, who could manufacture diamonds and transmute gold and was friend of Louis XV. Voltaire said to him He is a man who knows everything and never dies. He discovered the elixir of youth. Various nobles and dignitaries met him over the decades and he always looked the same. Read about N.D.E's (near death experiences) ghosts, spirits and the paranormal, the Atlantis myth, the story of Noah and more. The title given to this work will now be obvious to all.
Computational models are invaluable in understanding the complex effects of physical processes and environmental factors which interact to influence landform evolution of geologic time scales. This book provides a holistic guide to the construction of numerical models to explain the co-evolution of landforms, soil, vegetation and tectonics, and describes how the geomorphology observable today has been formed. It explains the science of the physical processes and the mechanics of how to solve them, providing a useful resource for graduates studying geomorphology and sedimentary and erosion processes. It also emphasises the methods for assessing the relative importance of different factors at field sites, enabling researchers to select the appropriate processes to model. Integrating a discussion of the fundamental processes with mathematical formulations, it guides the reader in understanding which processes are important and why; and creates a framework through which to study the interaction of soils, vegetation and landforms over time.
Unless they research the subject for themselves, many people do not realise that the origins and development of the human entity are largely an unresolved mystery. Before the Author's own research, he was among them. He found that he also had been subtly indoctrinated with such remarks 'cousins' and 'relatives' with regard to the apes and assumed like most others, that all the facts where in. When you read the work, you will find that this is simply not true. So begins 'The Human Enigma', a truly epic enquiry into the origins of our world and the creatures that walk upon. In particular, it examines the human brain as a uniquely wonderful creation which can be viewed as a gift from God (or was it the gods?) besides Darwinian evolution and Biblical creation. This book explores the fanatic proposition that mankind's rapid development with regard to the human brain may have been influenced by extra terrestrial sources. This work refers to, and draws together the previous work of respected scientists and looks at the future scenarios that the latest genetic and environmental sciences are pointing towards.
Popular culture is flourishing again, with a renewed interest in the ET and UFO phenomena. We are inundated with films, TV programmes and books, plus many conspiracy theories, dealing with the phenomena. Governments and security agencies are denying any interest in the issue, yet releasing masses of documents (mostly unreadable) after being compelled to, by the Freedom of Information Act. Such speculation and documentation in ancient writings suggests that an unearthly presence has been in Earth-space for many generations. The question of this situation must reach a culminating point sometime in the near future. This book is concerned with the cultural shock and social disorientation that would obviously occur with a sudden appearance en-mass of an alien race finally revealing themselves to humanity and how the people of Earth would react.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Dieses Buch soll keine lehrbuch-oder handbuchartige systematische Darstellung und ebensowenig eine fur den Anfanger bestimmte Ein. fuhrung, sondern eine grundsatzliche Erorterung der auf die Ober flachenformen des Festlandes gerichteten Untersuchungen und ihrer Ergebnisse sein. Eine solche grundsatzliche Erorterung ist in einer Wissenschaft dann notig, wenn Arbeitsweise und Auffassung weit aus einandergehen und die Gefahr besteht, dass sie auf ein falsches Geleise kommen. Das ist jetzt in der Lehre von den Oberflachenformen des Landes der Fall. Die Arbeitsweise und Auffassung, die von Amerika zu uns heruber gekommen sind, der sich viele Forscher mit Begeiste rung angeschlossen, und die auch in weiteren Kreisen Verbreitung ge funden haben, scheinen mir, trotzmancher Verdienste im einzelnen, doch im Ganzen der Theorie und namentlich in der Methode verfehlt zu sein. Darum habe ich mich bereits in einer Reihe von Aufsatzen, die seit I9II in der "Geographischen Zeitschrift" erschienen sind, damit auseinandergesetzt und dabei auch andere Grundfragen der Wissen schaft erortert. Das vorliegende Buch fasst nicht nur die genannten Aufsatze, vielfach umgearbeitet, zusammen, sondern vereinigt damit eine ebenso grosse Zahl neuer Aufsatze und stellt so eine grundsatzliche Prufung des ganzen Lehrgebaudes von den Oberflachenformen des Landes dar. Es soll ein Buch der Selbstbesinnung der Wissenschaft sein; man wird begreifen, dass ich dabei gern von personlichen Er fahrungen ausgehe. Ich erhebe nicht den Anspruch, uberall das Rich tige zu treffen; aber ich hoffe, zum Nachdenken anzuregen und den Gesundungsprozess unserer Wissenschaft, der schon eingesetzt hat, zu fordern."
Die deutsche und zum groBen Teil die europaische geologische Wissenschaft steht im Gegensatz zur amerikanischen und anglo-indischen den Gedankengangen, die sich mit der Theorie der Isostasie verknupfen, relativ fremd und ablehnend gegenuber. Das hat vor allem darin seinen Grund, weil sich mit dem Wort "Isostasie" der Name DUTTONS assoziiert als des angeblichen Grunders dieser Theorie, gleichzeitig aber auch als des Begrunders der Hypothese der isostatischen Gebirgsbildung. Aber es ist ebenso falsch, DUTTON als Begrunder der Theorie der Isostasie zu feiern - er ist lediglich Erfinder des W ortes "isostasy" - wie die Theorie der Isostasie als Gebirgsbildungstheorie aufzufassen. Die Untersuchung der Faktoren, die zur Gestaltung des Antlitzes der Erde gefiihrt haben, hat erkennen lassen, daB die Formierung der Erdoberflache die Folge eines hochst komplizierten Ineinanderspiels verschiedener Krafte ist. Endogene Energieverschiebungen und kos mische Krafte greifen ineinander, 16sen erdo berflachlich V organge a us, die ihrerseits Ursachen neuer Storungen werden. Sie heben sich in ihren Wirkungen auf oder summieren sich. Von allem Ineinanderspiel sehen wir nur das Ergebnis: die heutige Morphologie der Erdoberflache. Palaogeographische Forschung zeigt uns jedoch bis in ferne geologische Vergangenheit die Veranderungen im morphologischen Bild. Wir erkennen den Wechsel im Relief der Erde, die Verschiebungen von Hoch- und Tiefgebieten. Von den Ursachen dieses Wechselspiels stellt die Hypothese resp."
The book summarizes the results of the experimental studies of phase relations in the chemical systems relevant to Earth, carried out by the author in a time period of over 20 years between 1979 and 2001. It is based on 1000 piston-cylinder experiments at pressures up to 4 GPa, and close to 700 experiments carried out with a multi-anvil apparatus at pressures up to 24 GPA. This is the largest published collection of calculated phase diagrams for the chemical systems relevant to Earth. This is also the first time that the phase relations at the relatively low pressures of the lithospheric mantle, mainly applicable to the experimental thermobarometry of metamorphic rocks and mantle xenoliths, are seamlessly integrated with the phase relations of the sublithospheric upper mantle and the uppermost lower mantle, primarily applicable to inclusions in diamond and schocked meteorites. "Tibor Gasparik has devoted his career to determining the high-pressure, high-temperature phase relations of the geologically important Sodium-Calcium-Magnesium-Aluminium-Silicon (NCMAS) oxide system. This book is his opus magnum, summarizing more than 1700 experiments in over 120 figures. ... I have found Phase Diagrams for Geoscientists to be a useful first port-of-call for finding the P-T stability fields ... and I can recommend the book as a reference for geoscientists requiring an overview of the stable phase assemblages in the top 700 km of the Earth." (David Dobson, Geological Magazine, Vol. 142 (2), 2005)
Mountain areas constitute exceptionally rich environments characterised by an extremely high biodiversity, high geomorphological dynamics, peculiar climatic environments and an important reserve of natural resources (hydrological, geological). But these areas are also characterised by specific cultural aspects and varied forms of territory exploitation and occupation. The highest mountain areas were once considered repulsive areas, until they began to attract scientists (mainly geographers) in the 19th and 20th centuries. The gradual occupation of these areas with different economical activities during this period started to slow down between the 1960's-980's, when mountains suffered a gradual abandonment. In the 1990's, a movement of appropriation over these mountain spaces occurred, promoted mainly by urban societies, in search of new spaces for sport, leisure and tourism. This modification of uses, a key process for revitalisation of economically depressed areas, posed some issues, however, in terms of the preservation and management of environmental resources. Although mountain areas are important to local and regional societies, they play a crucial role in the global economy and the environment. They are a source of energy, water, food and other natural resources for both local and distant populations. Therefore, the protection and preservation of mountains is an issue that belongs to all mankind and forces the development of a globally sustainable strategy. The present book intends to outline different perspectives regarding the geology, topography and environmental issues of mountains, including 13 valuable contributions that reflect its title. |
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