Books > Biography > Historical, political & military
On 11 June 2011, three days short of his sixth-ninth birthday, Jonathan
Raban suffered a stroke which left him unable to use the right side of
his body, wheelchair-bound in a rehab facility and endlessly frustrated
by his newfound physical limitations. As he resisted the overbearing
ministrations of the nurses helping him along the road to recovery,
Raban began to reflect not only on the measure of his own life but the
extraordinary story of his parents’ early marriage, conducted for three
years by letter while his father fought in the Second World War.
Robert Dallek, a luminary in the field of political
biography-author of the Pulitzer Prize finalist Nixon and Kissinger
and the New York Times bestselling biography of John F.
Kennedy-offers here a look at the life of William Dodd, an American
diplomat stationed in Nazi Germany. An insightful historical
account, Democrat and Diplomat exposes the dark underbelly of 1930s
Germany and explores the terrible burden of those who realized the
horror that was to come. Dodd was the U.S. Ambassador to Germany
from 1933 to 1937, arriving in Berlin with his wife and daughter
just as Hitler assumed the chancellorship. An unlikely candidate
for the job-and not President Roosevelt's first choice-Dodd quickly
came to realize that the situation in Germany was far grimmer than
was understood in America. His early optimism was soon replaced by
dire reports on the treatment of Jewish citizens and his pessimism
about the future of Germany and Europe. Finding unwilling listeners
back in the U.S., Dodd clashed repeatedly with the State
Department, as well as the Nazi government, during his time as
ambassador. He eventually resigned and returned to America,
despairing and in ill-health. Dodd's story was brought into public
prominence last year by Erik Larsen's New York Times bestseller The
Garden of Beasts. Dallek's biography, first published in 1968 and
now in paperback for the first time, tells the full story of the
man and his doomed years in the darkness of pre-War Berlin.
The Letters of Richard Cobden (1804-65) aims in four printed
volumes to provide the first critical edition of Cobden's letters,
publishing the complete text in as near the original form as
possible, accompanied by full scholarly apparatus, together with an
introduction to each volume re-assessing Cobden's importance in
their light. As a whole these volumes will make available a unique
source of the understanding of British liberalism in its European
and international contexts, throwing new light on issues such as
the repeal of the Corn Laws, British radical movements, the Crimean
War, the Indian Mutiny, Anglo-French relations, and the American
Civil War.
The second volume, drawing on over fifty archives world-wide,
follows the career of Richard Cobden from that of the 'Manchester
Manufacturer' who had gained celebrity in the repeal of the Corn
Laws in 1846 to that of the dominant Radical leader on the British
political scene between 1848 and 1853, widely considered by
contemporaries equal in importance to the leaders of the Whig and
Conservative parties. Cobden in this period was concerned with an
inter-connected series of movements which sought in different ways
to reduce aristocratic power in Victorian Britain. These included
the reform of parliament (especially through the secret ballot), of
landownership, of government finances, of the British empire, as
well as the introduction of state education. At the same time we
see the emergence of Cobden "the International Man," with a
cosmopolitan following, playing a pivotal role in the global peace
movement, and articulating a wide-ranging critique of British
foreign policy, with regard to the dangers of French invasion, the
aftermath of the Revolutions of 1848, British expansionism in
India, and the ramifications of the Eastern Question as Britain
drifted towards war in the Crimea. Although in his own day,
Cobden's radical ideas increasingly separated him from many
contemporaries, in the longer term they became a vital tributary of
nineteenth-century British and international liberalism.
In the stirring first volume of his presidential memoirs, Barack Obama
tells the story of his improbable odyssey from young man searching for
his identity to leader of the free world, describing in strikingly
personal detail both his political education and the landmark moments
of the first term of his historic presidency―a time of dramatic
transformation and turmoil.
Obama takes readers on a compelling journey from his earliest political
aspirations to the pivotal Iowa caucus victory that demonstrated the
power of grassroots activism to the watershed night of November 4,
2008, when he was elected 44th president of the United States, becoming
the first African American to hold the nation’s highest office.
Reflecting on the presidency, he offers a unique and thoughtful
exploration of both the awesome reach and the limits of presidential
power, as well as singular insights into the dynamics of U.S. partisan
politics and international diplomacy.
A Promised Land is extraordinarily intimate and introspective―the story
of one man’s bet with history, the faith of a community organizer
tested on the world stage. Obama is candid about the forces that
opposed him at home and abroad and bearing the expectation of a
generation buoyed by messages of “hope and change”, and unafraid to
reveal self-doubt and disappointment. Yet he never wavers from his
belief that inside the great, ongoing American experiment, progress is
always possible.
This beautifully written and powerful book captures Barack Obama’s
conviction that democracy is not a gift from on high but something
founded on empathy and common understanding and built together, day by
Billings Learned Hand was one of the most influential judges in
America. In Learned Hand: The Man and the Judge, Gerald Gunther
provides a complete and intimate account of the professional and
personal life of Learned Hand. He conveys the substance and range
of Hand's judicial and intellectual contributions with eloquence
and grace. This second edition features photos of Learned Hand
throughout his life and career, and includes a foreword by Ruth
Bader Ginsburg.
Gunther, a former law clerk for Hand, reviewed much of Hand's
published work, opinions, and correspondence. He meticulously
describes Hand's cases, and discusses the judge's professional and
personal life as interconnected with the political and social
circumstances of the times in which he lived.
Born in 1872, Hand served on the United States District Court for
the Southern District of New York and the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit. He clearly crafted and delivered
thousands of decisions in a wide range of cases through extensive,
conscientious investigation and analysis, while at the same time
exercising wisdom and personal detachment. His opinions are still
widely quoted today, and will remain as an everlasting tribute to
his life and legacy.
This edition of the writings of Theobald Wolfe Tone (1763-98),
barrister, United Irishman, agent of the Catholic Committee and
later an officer in the French revolutionary army, is intended to
comprehend all his writings and largely to supersede the two-volume
Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone. ..written by himself that was edited
by his son William, and published at Washington in 1826. It
consists mainly of Tone's correspondence, diaries, autobiography,
pamphlets, public addresses, and miscellaneous memoranda (both
personal and public); it is based on the original MSS if extant or
the most reliable printed sources.
Tone's participation in Irish politics in the early 1790s and his
presence on the periphery of the ruling circle in revolutionary
France from February 1796 to September 1798 would be sufficient to
make his writings a major historical source. The literary quality
of his writings, diaries, and autobiography enhances their
importance. The unique quality of Tone's writings is that they are
the production of a gifted and convivial young Irishman who moved
widely in intellectual and political circles.
This volume - France, the Rhine, Lough Swilly, and the Death of
Tone - completes the edition, following the last part of Tone's
life, until his death following the abortive Irish uprising of
1798. It includes addenda, corrigenda, an iconography, a
bibliography, and a complete index to all three volumes.
The book celebrates the centenary of one of the most misunderstood intellectual political leaders of South Africa: Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe. It seeks to set the record straight regarding Sobukwe’s legacy and heritage, a task sorely neededed for the country’s new leadership and memorialisation purposes.
This book breaks new ground in scholarly biographies. Its significance lies in the major gaps it fills in the scholarship on Sobukwe, the history of the liberation struggle and Pan-Africanism. Not only does it correct misinterpretations of Sobukwe’s ideas in the historiography of the liberation struggle in South Africa, but also reveals unknown aspects of Sobukwe’s childhood, early life and his rise as an intellectual who padvocated both radical African nationalism and Pan-Africanism.
Dondolo’s writing is accessible and engaging to both general readers and academics. Dondolo’s depth of knowledge is evident from his use of secondary literature, oral interviews and other sources and his analysis is arguably the most up-to-date, critical African-centred perspective on Sobukwe’s thoughts.
The life of Arsinoe II (c. 316-c.270 BCE), daughter of Ptolemy
Soter, the founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty, is characterized by
dynastic intrigue. Her marriage to her full brother Ptolemy II,
king of Egypt, was the first of the sibling marriages that became
the "dynastic signature" of the Ptolemies. With Ptolemy II, she
ended her days in great wealth and security and was ultimately
deified. However, in order to reach that point she was forced to
endure two tumultuous marriages, both of which led her to flee for
her life, leaving war, murder, and bloodshed in her wake.
Throughout much of her life, Arsinoe controlled great wealth and
exercised political influence, but domestic stability characterized
only her last few years. Arsinoe was the model for the powerful
role Ptolemaic women gradually acquired as co-rulers of their
empire. Her image continued to play a role in dynastic loyalty and
solidarity for centuries to come. Despite the fact that Arsinoe was
the pivotal figure in the eventual evolution of regnal power for
Ptolemaic women, and despite a considerable body of recent
scholarship across many fields relevant to her life, there is no
up-to-date biography in English on the life of this queen.
Elizabeth Carney, in sifting through the available archaeological
and literary evidence, creates an accessible and reasoned picture
of this royal woman. In describing Arsinoe's significant role in
the courts of Thrace and Alexandria, Carney dicusses the role of
earlier Macedonian royal women in monarchy, the institution of
sibling marriage, and the reasons for its longstanding success in
Hellenistic Egypt. Ultimately, this book provides a broader view of
an integral player in the Hellenistic world.
This diary gives a vivid picture of life in a Yorkshire village
between the Napoleonic Wars and the Victorian era. Robert Sharp,
schoolmaster, village constable, shopkeeper, and tax collector, was
in a unique position to observe the affairs of the village and the
lives of his fellow-villagers, whom he describes with wry humour
and affection, often quoting their conversations verbatim. He also
took a keen interest in what was happening outside the village,
both nationally and internationally, giving the reader a valuable
insight into how these events were reflected at the local level and
how they were viewed by contemporaries.
Die eiesoortige vriendskap tussen Winston Churchill en Jan Smuts is ’n studie in kontraste. In hul jeug het hulle uiteenlopende wêrelde bewoon: Churchill was die weerbarstige en energieke jong aristokraat; Smuts die asketiese, filosofiese Kaapse plaasseun, wat later aan Cambridge sou gaan studeer. Daar sou hy die eerste student word wat albei dele van die finale regskursus in dieselfde jaar neem en al twee met onderskeiding slaag.
Nadat hulle in die Anglo-Boereoorlog eers as vyande, en later in die Eerste Wêreldoorlog as bondgenote byeengebring is, het die mans ’n vriendskap gesmee wat oor die eerste helfte van die twintigste eeu gestrek het en tot Smuts se dood in 1950 voortgeduur het. Richard Steyn, die skrywer van Jan Smuts: Afrikaner sonder grense, bestudeer dié hegte vriendskap deur twee wêreldoorloë aan die hand van ’n magdom argiefstukke, briewe, telegramme en die omvangryke boeke wat oor albei mans geskryf is.
Dit is ’n fassinerende verhaal oor twee besonderse individue in oorlog en vrede – die een die leier van ’n groot ryk, die ander die leier van ’n klein, weerspannige lid van daardie ryk.
Michael Lynch
Discovery Miles 36 690
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Adolf Hitler is the most notorious political figure of the
twentieth century. The story of his life, how he became a dictator,
and how he managed to convince so many to follow his cause is a
subject of perennial fascination.
Balancing narrative and analysis, this biography employs a
chronological approach to describe the main features of Hitler s
career. Set against the background of developments in Germany and
Europe during his lifetime, the text tells the extraordinary story
of how an Austrian layabout rose to become F hrer of the Third
The chapters incorporate into their narrative the major debates
surrounding Hitler s ideas, behaviour and historical significance.
Particular attention is paid to his experience as a soldier in 1914
-18 and to the reasons why his original left-wing sympathies
transmuted into Nazism. Arguments over the real character of Hitler
s dictatorship are analysed and a measured assessment is offered on
the disputed issues of how far Hitler initiated the Third Reich s
domestic and foreign policies himself and to what extent he was
controlled by events. His destructive leadership of wartime Germany
is now a subject of close scrutiny among historians and the book s
final chapters deal with this theme and offer a set of reflections
on Hitler s relationship with the German people and his legacy to
the German nation.
Michael Lynch provides a balanced guide to this most difficult
of figures that will be enlightening for students and general
readers alike
The post-Civil War slave narrative isn't nearly so well known or
widely taught as the antebellum texts by Douglass, Harriet Jacobs,
Henry Box Brown, and others. But now that these antebellum
narratives have taken their rightful place in courses in American
literature, not to mention African American literature, it's time
to make available four representative post-Civil War narratives, to
ensure that teachers and readers understand the richness of the
slave narrative and its continuing socio-political import after
Emancipation. Few people know that there were almost as many
narratives of slavery published in the fifty years following the
end of slavery as there were during the fifty years before
abolition. Post-Civil War narratives don't merely recapitulate the
themes and issues of the antebellum texts. Postwar narratives have
a more varied agenda, owing largely to the fact that their authors
did not have to adhere so closely to the antislavery movement's
priorities and aims. Postwar narratives compare life in freedom to
life in slavery in ways that most antebellum narrators do not
pursue, for instance. Postwar narratives bring the issue of class
and economic mobility among black people, particularly after
Emancipation, into much greater focus than appears in the
antebellum narratives.
Watter soort mens was dr. H.F. Verwoerd, die sesde premier van die
Unie van Suid-Afrika en grondlegger van die huidige Republiek? Die
bydraers tot hierdie boek skryf op onderhoudende wyse oor hoe hulle
hom onthou, wat hulle saam met hom beleef het en oor hulle
opvatting van sy politieke oogmerke. Die persoonlike aard van die
bydraes verleen ’n dimensie aan die boek wat in objektiewe
geskiedskrywing ontbreek. Verwoerd tree te voorskyn as vriend,
gesinsman, volksman, raadsman en leier. Hierdie bundel verskyn die
eerste keer in 2001 by geleentheid van die 100ste herdenking van
dr. Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd se geboortedag, 8 September 1901. Die
bygewerkte weergawe in 2016 bevat nuwe bydraes deur onder andere
Elise Verwoerd, Cas Bakkes en Albert Hertzog.
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Kris Condi
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