Books > Medicine > Complementary medicine > Homoeopathy
This work of the author is a simple and easy way to study the
repertory. This is meant specially for the students of BHMS who
study this subject as a part of their academic curriculum.
The many correlations between philosophical concepts in Eastern
belief systems and the thought and practice of classical homeopathy
have never been thoroughly explored. The homeopathy content of the
arguments presented is mainly, though not exclusively, classical
homeopathy, that is to say the method that emerges from the
original founder, Samuel Hahnemann, and proceeds to the present day
with a belief, where possible, in one, single, similimum remedy for
the treatment of disease. The Eastern belief systems addressed are
Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Jainism. Relevant detours include
the mystical aspects of Islam as expressed in Sufism; and points of
contact with Christian faith. Chapters include: Fundamental
concepts The vital force The interrelated Universe Holism The
pathological self Imbalance, disease and its symptoms Miasmatic
pathology Remedies Potentization Cure: The purification of
consciousness Homeopathy and the Coronavirus.
After nearly a quarter of a century's proving and research into new
homeopathic medicines, the dozens of new remedies that have been
developed by the meditation circle of Janice Micallef RSHom are now
presented in the form of a repertory as a desk top reference guide
for any homoeopath with an interest in expanding the horizons of
their art.
Colin Griffith, a member of the circle since its earliest days, has
laid out the book in a user-friendly manner to facilitate the
search among familiar and unfamiliar rubrics of symptoms for the
most well indicated remedy to a patient's condition. The
accompanying lists of comparable 'old' remedies ensure that
practitioners will not be tempted to view the new remedies as
exclusively remedial in cases that may seem to call for something
There are explanatory essays on how to use the repertory, on the
association of remedies with the seven chakras and the 6 major
miasms and a glossary of remedy names in both English and Latin to
conform with universal usage. Each new remedy is also given a
characteristic essential 'thumb nail' sketch to act as an
additional guide.
- Essential desk top reference book for practitioners using up to
the minute homoeopathy.
- Fully compatible with existing reference books.
- A book that expands the horizons of homoeopathic prescribing.
- Covers new ground with its references to new areas as diverse as
the radiation miasm and chakras.