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Books > Law > International law > Public international law > International humanitarian law
The book is a critical review of accountability conducted under the authority of the United Nations Security Council, by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), and the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET). It is centred on two case studies: the 1999 events in Rwanda, and the 1999 mayhem in East Timor. The books subjects to testing cross-examination tools to hold accountable persons with the greatest responsibility" for serious international humanitarian law violations.
How, despite the enormous investment of blood and treasure, has the West's ten-year intervention left Afghanistan so lawless and insecure? The answer is more insidious than any conspiracy, for it begins with a profound lack of understanding of the rule of law, the very thing that most dramatically separates Western societies from the benighted ones in which they increasingly intervene. This volume of essays argues that the rule of law is not a set of institutions that can be exported lock, stock and barrel to lawless lands, but a state of affairs under which ordinary people and officials of the state itself feel it makes sense to act within the law. Where such a state of affairs is absent, as in Afghanistan today, brute force, not law, will continue to rule.
Recent armed conflicts, whether international or non-international in character, are in many respects characterized by a variety of asymmetries. These asymmetries may be overstressed, sometime even abused, and ultimately virtually meaningless. Still, either as such or in conjunction with other developments, they seem to challenge the law of armed conflicts or: international humanitarian law. These challenges may very well compromise the very function of that body of law, which is to mitigate as far as possible the calamities of war. Thus, the law of armed conflict may be deprived of its fundamental function as an order of necessity because its legally binding directives will increasingly be disregarded for the sake of allegedly superior values. In order to discuss these and other questions a most distinguished group of experts in the field of the law of armed conflicts gathered in Berlin in June 2005. The goal of that colloquium, which marked the 70th birthday of Knut Ipsen, was to find operable solutions for problems and challenges the contemporary law of armed conflict is confronted with. With contributions by Bill Boothby, Michael Bothe, Yoram Dinstein, Knut Dormann, Charles J. Dunlap Jr., Volker Epping, Dieter Fleck, Steven Haines, Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg, Hans-Joachim Heintze, Rainer Hofmann, Frits Kalshoven, Stefan Oeter, W. Hays Parks, Michael Schmitt, Torsten Stein, and Andreas Zimmermann."
Terrorism and International Law: Accountability, Remedies, and
Reform, researched and written by the International Bar
Association's Task Force on International Terrorism, examines the
developments in international law and practice in this dynamic and
often controversial area. The Task Force comprises world famous
jurists and, chaired by Justice Richard Goldstone, provides
authoritative expert analysis of the operation and application of
international law to terrorism and provides recommendations for
Ideas of collective responsibility challenge the doctrine of individual responsibility that is the dominant paradigm in law and liberal political theory. But little attention is given to the consequences of holding groups accountable for wrongdoing. Groups are not amenable to punishment in the way that individuals are. Can they be punished - and if so, how - or are other remedies available? The topic crosses the borders of law, philosophy and political science, and in this volume specialists in all three areas contribute their perspectives. They examine the limits of individual criminal liability in addressing atrocity, the meanings of punishment and responsibility, the distribution of group punishment to a group's members, and the means by which collective accountability can be expressed. In doing so, they reflect on the legacy of the Nuremberg Trials, on the philosophical understanding of collective responsibility, and on the place of collective accountability in international political relations.
In order to ensure its absolute authority, the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal (1946-1948), the Japanese counterpart of the Nuremberg Trial, adopted a three-tier structure for its interpreting: Japanese nationals interpreted the proceedings, second-generation Japanese-Americans monitored the interpreting, and Caucasian U.S. military officers arbitrated the disputes. The first extensive study on the subject in English, this book explores the historical and political contexts of the trial as well as the social and cultural backgrounds of the linguists through trial transcripts in English and Japanese, archival documents and recordings, and interviews with those who were involved in the interpreting. In addition to a detailed account of the interpreting, the book examines the reasons for the three-tier system, how the interpreting procedures were established over the course of the trial, and the unique difficulties faced by the Japanese-American monitors. This original case study of the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal illuminates how complex issues such as trust, power, control and race affect interpreting at international tribunals in times of conflict.
In 2005, the international community made a landmark commitment to prevent mass atrocities by unanimously adopting the UN's "Responsibility to Protect" (R2P) principle. As often as not, however, R2P has failed to translate into decisive action. Why does this gap persist between the world's normative pledges to R2P and its ability to make it a daily lived reality? In this new book, leading global authorities on humanitarian protection Alex Bellamy and Edward Luck offer a probing and in-depth response to this fundamental question, calling for a more comprehensive approach to the practice of R2P - one that moves beyond states and the UN to include the full range of actors that play a role in protecting vulnerable populations. Drawing on cases from the Middle East to sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, they examine the forces and conditions that produce atrocity crimes and the challenge of responding to them quickly and effectively. Ultimately, they advocate both for emergency policies to temporarily stop carnage and for policies leading to sustainable change within societies and governments. Only by introducing these additional elements to the R2P toolkit will the failures associated with humanitarian crises like Syria and Libya become a thing of the past.
This volume is a collection of the key writings of Professor Ramesh Thakur on norms and laws regulating the international use of force. The adoption of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) principle by world leaders assembled at the UN summit in 2005 is widely acknowledged to represent one of the great normative advances in international politics since 1945. The author has been involved in this shift from the dominant norm of non-intervention to R2P as an actor, public intellectual and academic and has been a key thinker in this process. These essays represent the author's writings on R2P, including reference to test cases as they arose, such as with Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar in 2008. Comprising essays by a key thinker and agent in the Responsibility to Protect debates, this book will be of much interest to students of international politics, human rights, international law, war and conflict studies, international security and IR in general.
This dispassionate analysis of the legal implications of non-international armed conflicts explores the rules regulating the conduct of internal hostilities, as well as the consequences of intervention by foreign States, the role of the UN Security Council, the effects of recognition, State responsibility for wrongdoing by both Governments and insurgents, the interface with the law of human rights and the notion of war crimes. The author addresses both conceptual and specific issues, such as the complexities of 'failing' States or the recruitment and use of child soldiers. He makes use of the extensive case law of international courts and tribunals, in order to identify and set out customary international law. Much attention is also given to the contents of available treaty texts. This new updated edition takes into account the latest events in terms of the practice of States, judicial pronouncements and UN Security Council resolutions.
The Status of Refugees in Asia surveys some of the key issues of law and policy affecting refugees in the Asian region. The movement and presence of refugees in different parts of the region is surveyed, and the general legal position - ranging from multilateral treaties to regional and national initiatives - evaluated. A selection of country profiles to illustrate the implementation of law and policy at the national level is provided, and the performance of three Asian countries which have acceded to the 1951 United Nations Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol is assessed: namely, China, Japan, and the Philippines. Attention is given to the five other countries which have not acceded to these instruments - Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand - and current critical refugee problem areas such as Afghanistan and Sri Lanka examined. The book concludes by examining current difficulties with state practice in the region and presents possible solutions and new directions for the future.
Seit 2003 hat sich die Europaische Union in mehr als zwanzig militarischen und zivilen Operationen engagiert. Spezifika der Europaischen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik (ESVP) sind zum einen ihre starke politische Pragung und zum anderen ihre Einbettung in das europaische Mehrebenensystem. Die Arbeit untersucht die verschiedenen Ebenen der europaischen Verteidigungsstrukturen vom Ausgangspunkt der Operation "Artemis." Die erste Problemlage "Streitkrafte im europaischen Verfassungsrecht" behandelt Fragen in Bezug auf die "Gewaltenteilung" im Rahmen der ESVP und die (parlamentarische) Legitimation von Streitkraften, die im Bereich solcher Operationen eingesetzt werden. Die zweite Ebene untersucht Befehlsketten und die Zurechnung von Verantwortung fur Entscheidungen, die in der ESVP gefallt werden. Die dritte Ebene geht der Frage nach, inwieweit die EU inhaltlich an das Volkerrecht gebunden ist, und welche Rolle sie im "conflict-management" der Vereinten Nationen spielt.
In international law, as in any other legal system, respect and
protection of human rights can be guaranteed only by the
availability of effective judicial remedies. When a right is
violated or damage is caused, access to justice is of fundamental
importance for the injured individual and it is an essential
component of the rule of law. Yet, access to justice as a human
right remains problematic in international law. First, because
individual access to international justice remains exceptional and
based on specific treaty arrangements, rather than on general
principles of international law; second, because even when such
right is guaranteed as a matter of treaty obligation, other norms
or doctrines of international law may effectively impede its
exercise, as in the case of sovereign immunity or non reviewability
of UN Security Council measures directly affecting individuals.
Further, even access to domestic legal remedies is suffering
because of the constraints put by security threats, such as
terrorism, on the full protection of freedom and human
This book deals with the prosecution of core crimes and constitutes the first comprehensive analysis of the horizontal and vertical systems of enforcement of international criminal law and of their inter-relationship. It provides a global jurisprudential exposition in assessing the grounds for refusal of surrender to the International Criminal Court and of extradition to another State. It also offers insights into legal perspectives which improve the prevailing enforcement regimes of various models of criminal justice, including hybrid criminal tribunals, special criminal courts, judicial panels and partnerships, and other budding sui generis judicial and/or prosecutorial institutions. The book espouses a human rights law-oriented critique to the enforcement of domestic, regional and international criminal justice and is aimed at legal practitioners (prosecutors, defence lawyers, magistrates and judges), jurists, criminal justice experts, penologists, legal researchers, human rights activists and law students. Christopher Soler lectures Maltese criminal law, international criminal law and public international law at the University of Malta. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands.
This publication assists readers (be they academics, students, practitioners, experts or migrants themselves) to better orientate themselves in the web of norms and principles existing at the international level. The focus of the compendium is on bringing together a comprehensive compilation of universal instruments with varying degrees of legal force from authoritative international treaties, through customary international law, to the sets of principles and guidelines, which, although non-binding, are nonetheless of clear contemporary relevance and can contribute to the progressive development of law in areas not covered by 'hard' norms.
The world's only annual publication devoted to the study of the laws of armed conflict, the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law provides a truly international forum for high-quality, peer-reviewed academic articles focusing on this highly topical branch of international law. Ease of use of the Yearbook is guaranteed by the inclusion of a detailed index. Distinguished by its topicality and contemporary relevance, the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law bridges the gap between theory and practice and serves as a useful reference tool for scholars, practitioners, military personnel, civil servants, diplomats, human rights workers and students.
The book explores recent developments in the international and national prosecution of persons accused of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. It considers the relationship between national and international law, science and practice, with emphasis on the emerging principle of universial jurisdiction and the effect of "the war on terror" on legal norms.
Since the mid-1950s, the international community has sought to ban all nuclear testing. In 1996, the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty emerged after three years of intense international negotiations. However, after nearly a decade, there is no sign that the treaty will ever enter into force. Despite the general support for and adherence to a series of national moratoria on nuclear explosive testing, it is important to understand why the effort to achieve a permanent ban on nuclear testing has experienced such difficulties and continues to travel such a problematic road. The author of this book is neither a promoter nor a critic of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, but rather he provides a brief historical and analytical understanding of the events surrounding its negotiation and implementation. The author's analysis, based on his personal involvement in the CTBT negotiations, provides one insider's view of how the critical events unfolded and how they are likely to affect future nonproliferation initiatives.
This dispassionate analysis of the legal implications of non-international armed conflicts explores the rules regulating the conduct of internal hostilities, as well as the consequences of intervention by foreign States, the role of the UN Security Council, the effects of recognition, State responsibility for wrongdoing by both Governments and insurgents, the interface with the law of human rights and the notion of war crimes. The author addresses both conceptual and specific issues, such as the complexities of 'failing' States or the recruitment and use of child soldiers. He makes use of the extensive case law of international courts and tribunals, in order to identify and set out customary international law. Much attention is also given to the contents of available treaty texts. This new updated edition takes into account the latest events in terms of the practice of States, judicial pronouncements and UN Security Council resolutions.
Traditions of War examines wars and military occupation, and the ideas underlying them. The search for these ideas is conducted in the domain of the laws of war, a body of rules which sought to regulate the practices of war and those permitted to fight in it. This work introduces three ideologies: the martial, Grotian, and republican. These traditions were rooted in incommensurable conceptions of the good life, and the overall argument is that these differences lay at the heart of the failure fully to resolve the distinction between lawful and unlawful combatants at successive diplomatic conferences of Brussels in 1874, the Hague in 1899 and 1907, and Geneva in 1949. Based on a wide range of sources and drawing on a plurality of intellectual disciplines, this book places these diplomatic failures in their broader social and political contexts, bringing out ideological continuities through an illustration of the social history of army occupation in Europe and resistance to it.
The Advanced Introduction by Robert Kolb to IHL is a concise and brilliantly written journey through the most challenging aspects of the contemporary laws of war: the distinction between international and non-international armed conflicts, between combatants, fighters and civilians in asymmetric warfare and the so-called 'war on terror', the complex relationship between IHL and international human rights law, the geographical scope of the battlefield in times of cyber warfare and targeted killings by armed drones.' - Manfred Nowak, Vienna University, Austria and Former UN Special Rapporteur on Torture'A fascinating and inspiring presentation and discussion of the most crucial and controversial features of international humanitarian law with respect to its application in contemporary armed conflicts' - Professor Fausto Pocar, President, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, Sanremo, Italy and Judge and Former President, ICTY, The Hague, the Netherlands 'Robert Kolb considers that this is not an introduction for the beginner. Indeed, those seeking a descriptive summary of all the rules of humanitarian law should consult another book or the applicable conventions. For all others, however, this also an inductive, refreshing, committed, yet nuanced introduction, focusing in depth on a few, central issues, and written by one who does not only master this branch of international law, but also the relevant legal, political and historical contexts.'- Marco Sassoli, University of Geneva, Switzerland Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. This innovative book provides a thought-provoking introduction to international humanitarian law. Robert Kolb explores the field through questions - which are at times challenging and controversial - in order to get to the very essence of the subject and give a fresh perspective. The result is an exposition both of the law as it stands, through its written and unwritten rules, and also of the uncertainties, gaps, controversies and practical problems which have arisen. IHL is revealed as a living tool, an ever-adapting means to an ever-remaining need of protection during times of armed conflict. Key features include: - Focus on key questions, exploring the whole system of law and its practical working - Covers the main principles, sources of law and implementation - Leads the reader to think through the topic - Concise and accessible, whilst taking a rigorous approach. Reflecting on current questions regarding the structure of the law, this concise and readable book offers a thought-provoking view of the system as a whole and its practical working. It covers the main principles, applicability issues and implementation of humanitarian law, as well as shedding light on the challenges ahead. This thoughtful introduction will provide unique insights for academics, advanced students, government officials and practitioners interested in the legal construction of international humanitarian law.
Providing a critical introduction to the notion of humanitarianism in global politics, tracing the concept from its origins to the twenty-first century, this book examines how the so called international community works in response to humanitarian crises and the systems that bind and divide them. By tracing the history on international humanitarian action from its early roots through the birth of the Red Cross to the beginning of the UN, Peter Walker and Daniel G. Maxwell examine the challenges humanitarian agencies face, from working alongside armies and terrorists to witnessing genocide. They argue that humanitarianism has a vital future, but only if those practicing it choose to make it so. Topics covered include: the rise in humanitarian action as a political tool the growing call for accountability of agencies the switch of NGOs from bit players to major trans-national actors the conflict between political action and humanitarian action when it comes to addressing causes as well as symptoms of crisis. This book is essential reading for anyone with an interest in international human rights law, disaster management and international relations.
Paradoxically, victims of ordinary crimes such as fraud, theft or assault, can obtain redress through regular domestic channels, whereas victims of such major atrocities as genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity, have been left mostly uncompensated. Until recently, a pervasive climate of impunity for international crimes relegated victims to the political and legal periphery. Over the last few years however, the international community has begun to recognize that, just as crimes under international law cannot be considered ordinary crimes, victims of these crimes cannot be considered ordinary victims. In this book, Dr. Bottigliero explores the origins, evolution and practice relating to victims' redress in domestic law, regional and universal human rights regimes, humanitarian law, the law of State responsibility, United Nations practice, and international criminal law including the International Criminal Court. She argues that the international community must now move beyond incomplete and fragmented approaches towards a much more comprehensive redress regime for victims of crimes under international law, and she recommends means by which to enhance the coherence, effectiveness and fairness of victims' redress.
International Law and Infectious Diseases is the first comprehensive analysis of the intersection between international law and infectious diseases. Infectious diseases pose a global threat, and international law plays an important but under-explored role in infectious disease control. The book analyses the globalization of public health; and it examines the history of international law in this area, the International Health Regulations, and international law on trade, human rights, armed conflict and arms control, and the environment. Fidler develops the concepts of microbialpolitik and global health jurisprudence to provide a political perspective and a framework for future legal action. The aim of this series of monographs is to publish important and original pieces of research on all aspects of public international law. Topics that are given particular prominence are those, which, while of interest to the academic lawyer, also have important bearing on issues which, touch the actual conduct of international relations. None the less the series is wide in scope and includes monographs on the history and philosophical foundations of international law.
In managing the growing number of refugees arriving in the industrialised world, beginning at the end of the 1970s, States have devised increasingly restrictive policies. The objectives of these measures have been to restrict access to the territory or, at least, to asylum procedures. Thus, while international co-operation in the refugee field traditionally focused on protection and assistance, the last two decades have been characterised by the emergence of transnational policies aimed at containing refugee flows, primarily on the European continent. The convoluted refugee routes - often described as 'secondary' or 'irregular' movements of refugees between countries of origin and their final destination - have been among States' major preoccupations. To combat what they often perceive to be proof of the fraudulent or manifestly unfounded nature of asylum claims, European States have passed legislation or agreed on international instruments designed to allocate and even evade responsibility for the examination of asylum applications. Even bolder solutions have been advocated more recently, such as the outsourcing of asylum procedures through regional or offshore schemes. This book presents a critical legal analysis of the mechanisms and arrangements devised by States to tackle secondary movements of refugees, and offers innovative solutions to the protection crisis afflicting the global refugee regime. After providing a comprehensive breakdown of the various legal tools used by States to combat secondary refugee movements, the book argues that, while the legality of these various arrangements is seriously in doubt, the most appropriate way to address these protection failures is to strengthen and develop adequate international accountability mechanisms.
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have had to deal with a completely new set of legislative and policy challenges relating to migration. This book reviews current and expected migration trends in Central and Eastern Europe, including trends in labour migration, transit migration, trafficking and migrant smuggling. It considers how EU enlargement eastwards is likely to affect international migration in Europe. It also examines how much progress the Central and Eastern European countries have made in aligning their migration legislation and migration policies with EU practice. The book concludes that virtually all the candidate countries appear to be on track as far as legislative developments are concerned, but few countries have seriously and systematically examined the question of what kind of migration policy they wish to develop in the future. Published in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration, Geneva, Switzerland, and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Vienna, Austria |
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