Books > Religion & Spirituality > Non-Christian sacred works & liturgy > Liturgy
Story and Song: A Postcolonial Interplay between Christian
Education and Worship examines the roles of Scripture and hymnody
in a Christian community in the twenty-first century, an era marked
by a growing awareness of complex issues and migrating contexts.
This work identifies the divisions that have existed between these
two disciplines. The postcolonial approach employed here offers
insights that uncover the colonial assumptions that led to division
rather than integration of worship and Christian education.
Furthermore, this book seeks to employ qualitative research methods
in studying a Korean-Canadian diasporic congregation and a Korean
feminist Christian group. Such research demonstrates how the Gospel
Story and the congregation's stories can be woven together in a
particular context, while the Song of Faith can help to build a
postcolonial feminist community. Readers will be equipped to mend
the divisions between Christian education and worship, to respond
to the needs of non-Western Christian communities, and to attain
postcolonial insights. A balanced theoretical work with reflective
practical descriptions, this volume will be useful to those who are
looking for a text to guide Christian education and worship courses
and contribute to the readings of courses in practical theology,
postcolonial studies, feminist pedagogies, and feminist liturgies.
In the time of the church, transformation, renewal, and the process
of coming-to-faith rely on the symbolic efficacy of speech, where
God is encountered as a word. The Sacramentality of Preaching
examines the thought of Louis-Marie Chauvet and incorporates it
into contemporary homiletical theory in order to bolster and renew
Christian proclamation that has an intentionally sacramental
character. Liturgical preachers will find practical pathways,
frameworks, and common language through the use of this innovative
This book, which developed from an understanding of the dialectical
relationship between theology and the church, provides information
about the function and domain of language in the church through an
analysis of its creedal statements. The study begins with an
historical investigation of the crisis in linguistic interpretation
in the church and theological community. Subsequently, a
philosophical framework is presented through an investigation of
particularly significant aspects of Ludwig Wittgenstein's later
writings. Following a discussion of the alternative readings of
Wittgenstein by theologians, examples are presented for ways in
which we can apply Wittgenstein's linguistic approach to the
interpretation of creeds. After distinguishing optional approaches
to the creeds, the book presents an understanding of creedal
statements in light of Wittgenstein. Reclaiming the functional
nature of doxological language within its liturgical context
provides a central connection between the language of the church
and the actions of its members.
Love has always been the need.
Jesus has always been the answer.
"The world is hurting for love," writes pastor and Bible teacher
Charles Stanley. "Because God is infinite and full of compassion,
He heard our cries and responded in the form of a perfect gift,
Consider this simple truth: all the wonderful attributes of God
would be meaningless unless God was also a "giver." He loves the
world, and the evidence of that love is that he "gave" His Son.
From this simple but profound premise, Dr. Stanley unfolds the
riches of the giver and the glories of the gift. Stanley explores
the many dimensions of God's generous nature, first in His
character, then in the revelation of Himself through His Son, and
finally in the impact of His magnificent gift.
Written in a warm, daily devotional format, "A Gift of Love"
will cause the height and depth of God's love to shine in your
This collection of special prayers is a wonderful companion for
parents and caregivers and will help guide children on their
journey to adulthood. It includes verses for every occasion?for
parents to recite as the incarnating soul prepares for birth, for
the baby after birth, and for children of all ages. Also included
are prayers for morning and evening and graces for mealtimes. A
lecture by Rudolf Steiner provides context for the prayers,
offering insight into the greater cosmic relationships in which
individuals are immersed before birth, during life, and after
The Quero Apache Snake Clan or Tlish Diyan centre their spiritual
practices on a daily ceremony of Dowaa-gon'ch-aada entering the
silence. A combination of meditation breath work and prayer
Doowaa-gon'ch-aada offers an experiential connection to All That Is
from the Earth-based spiritual traditions of indigenous America.
When performed properly this ritual becomes a path to
self-realization and transcendence. PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS OF THE
QUERO APACHE explains how to establish a personal practice of
Dowaa-gon'ch-aada. In addition to 24 prayers easy-to-follow
instructions for the ritual and accompanying pieces of
inspirational artwork the book includes a rare overview of the
spiritual philosophies of the Quero Apache. Author Maria Yraceburu
incorporates her own stories and essays into the text in order to
share the wisdom she has gained as daughter of the Tlish Diyan
granddaughter and apprentice of Apache holy man Ten Bears and
descendant of the prophet Nochaydelklinne. Maria Yraceburu is Quero
Apache Tlish Diyan 'tsanti-a storyteller healer ceremonial
facilitator teacher and guardian of ancient Snake Clan knowledge
that has been passed down through countless generations.
In Robert McGee's best-selling book "The Search for
Significance," he helps readers realize the fact that they will
never be content if they search for their significance in
accomplishments or the opinions of others. Instead, God has given
them significance and worth through the work of Christ on the
cross. Because of McGee's classic book, more than two million
readers have learned what it means to be free to enjoy Christ's
love and forgiveness.
Now, McGee invites readers of his book to go on a 10-week
journey of reflection, discovery, and ultimately victory as they
learn how to implement, on a daily basis, the principles of "The
Search for Significance." Each page of this valuable companion to
The Search for Significance includes: Thought-provoking questions
Essential biblical truths Space for readers to reflect on how God
is calling them to a deeper realization of his love for them. Daily
A selection from Underhill's enduring devotional writings, chosen
for their pertinence to Lenten themes. Half a century has passed
since Evelyn Underhill's death, yet her devotional writings have
endured as a beacon to those who seek a deeper understanding of the
interior life in the mystical Christian tradition. The editor's
personal discovery of Underhill's works when he was a young student
at General Theological Seminary moved him to pursue an extensive
knowledge of her writings. From these he has skillfully culled
readings appropriate for every day of Lent, from Ash Wednesday to
Easter Eve and broadly following liturgical themes. Now back in
print, these selections were chosen with the purpose of deepening
Lenten observance by allowing the reader to follow the thought of
Underhill, from the spiritual stocktaking theme for Ash Wednesday
to Easter Saturday's joyous anticipation of God's ultimate Gift.
Estas a punto de embarcarte en un viaje de descubrimiento. A lo
largo de estas seis nuevas sesiones, basadas en estudios impartidos
por Rick Warren, vas a descubrir la respuesta a la pregunta
fundamental de la vida: ' Para que estoy aqui en la tierra?'. Y
esta es una pista de la respuesta: 'No se trata de ti... Fuiste
creado por Dios y para Dios, y hasta que lo entiendas, tu vida no
tendra ningun sentido. Solo en el encontramos nuestro origen,
nuestra identidad, nuestro sentido, nuestro proposito, nuestro
significado y nuestro destino. Cualquier otra ruta termina en un
callejon sin salida'."
Ibn 'Arabi (1165-1240) has long been known as a great spiritual
master. His many works of prose and poetry are beginning to be more
accessible in translation in Western languages. They possess the
remarkable quality of being able to speak to people of all walks of
life and belief, across the apparent barrier of many centuries and
differing cultures. Despite this growing interest, the prayers
which are attributed to him remain little-known. They provide a
most precious glimpse into the real practice of the mystical life
within the Sufi tradition. This is the first time that any of Ibn
'Arabi's prayers have been published in another language. This
particular collection is one of the most beautiful, having been
revered in the Islamic world for centuries. There are fourteen
prayers, one for each day and night of the week. They include not
only the most astounding expressions of contemplation and devotion
to God, but also an unparalleled depth of knowledge of Union
(tawhid). As the translators show in their introduction, the very
structure of the prayers is a mode of contemplation, since for Ibn
'Arabi the weekly cycle itself is sacred. These prayers are
presented with notes and appendices.
"All will find here much reality, much wisdom, much encouragement,
and much to praise God for."--J.I. Packer
This popular book from respected leader Charles H. Kraft shows
believers how to exercise the authority they have from God through
Jesus Christ. When Christians recognize and use the amazing gift of
spiritual authority, they position themselves to provide protection
and bring transformation, not only in their lives but in the lives
of family members, friends, even coworkers. Now fully revised and
A new translation of the foundation texts of the Zoroastrian
religion, the Gathas (songs) composed by Zoraster himself, together
with the Liturgy in seven chapters composed shortly after his death
some 2600 years ago. After a substantial introduction to
Zoroaster's religious thought, West presents the translations with
facing page explanations of the meaning of each verse.