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Books > Business & Economics > Economics > Macroeconomics
This book discusses contemporary banking and monetary policy issues from the perspective of the Austrian School of Economics. Based on the heritage of the Austrian school, leading scholars and practitioners offer a coherent diagnosis and analysis of the factors leading to Europe's current financial crisis. The first part of the book discusses Ludwig von Mises's and Friedrich August von Hayek's ideas on banking and monetary policy from both historical and economic standpoints. It includes contributions on Austrian monetary dynamics and micro-foundational business cycle theory, von Mises's concepts of liquidity and solvency of fractional-reserve banks, and liberalism of Austrian economics. The second part analyzes the measures taken by the European Central Bank (ECB) in light of the ideas of von Mises and Hayek. It includes contributions on non-neutrality of money, ECB monetary policy, and the future of the ECB. The third and final part presents discussions on monetary reforms, including contributions on Bitcoins, Cryptocurrencies and anti-deflationist Paranoia.
This book explores widely used seasonal adjustment methods and recent developments in real time trend-cycle estimation. It discusses in detail the properties and limitations of X12ARIMA, TRAMO-SEATS and STAMP - the main seasonal adjustment methods used by statistical agencies. Several real-world cases illustrate each method and real data examples can be followed throughout the text. The trend-cycle estimation is presented using nonparametric techniques based on moving averages, linear filters and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, taking recent advances into account. The book provides a systematical treatment of results that to date have been scattered throughout the literature. Seasonal adjustment and real time trend-cycle prediction play an essential part at all levels of activity in modern economies. They are used by governments to counteract cyclical recessions, by central banks to control inflation, by decision makers for better modeling and planning and by hospitals, manufacturers, builders, transportation, and consumers in general to decide on appropriate action. This book appeals to practitioners in government institutions, finance and business, macroeconomists, and other professionals who use economic data as well as academic researchers in time series analysis, seasonal adjustment methods, filtering and signal extraction. It is also useful for graduate and final-year undergraduate courses in econometrics and time series with a good understanding of linear regression and matrix algebra, as well as ARIMA modelling.
Global competitiveness has always been a hotly debated issue, promoting differing opinions among economists, management strategists, business leaders, and policy analysts and consultants. Global Economic Competition provides a broad framework to compare the United States economy with 23 other global economies. This is done by presenting empirical evidence in a series of comparative analyses of economic competition using data pertaining to specific countries, industries and companies. In this volume, the electronics industries are used to illustrate an ongoing economic warfare among competing regions, nations, and cluster companies across the electronic technology chain. Employing the latest empirical data to evaluate the competitiveness of the US economy and its electronic industries and companies in the 1980s and early 1990s, Global Economic Competition will be of interest not only to those who study economics, management science and international trade, but also to policy makers and business leaders.
This book represents the revised and enlarged results of a research projeet whieh recieved fmaneial support from the "Wissenschaftsforderung der Sparkassenorganisation e.V." and was originally published in German (Menkhoff 1996). As the issue of monetary poliey instruments for EMU is one whieh is inherently international, the publieation of an English edition is a logieal step. I whish to thank the Deutscher Sparkassenverlag, whieh published the German edition, for eneouraging work on this subsequent projeet. The major innovation in the English edition is the inc1usion of several new seetions, i.e. 3.2.4, 3.3.4, 3.3.5, 3.4.3 and 3.5. These new analyses, together with changing institutional eireumstanees and the addition of new literature have also resulted in a large number of minor ehanges through outthetext. The book is a contribution, from a German perspeetive, to the diseussion about monetary poliey instruments of the future European Central Bank. The main instruments are analyzed from the point of view of effieieney; in addition, the need to harmonize often divergent sets of national poliey instruments means that an emphasis on the additional goal of fair eompeti tion is of partieular relevanee. Last but not least, the explieit linking of EMU to the eoneept of subsidiarity has wide-ranging eonsequenees for monetary poliey instruments."
This work deals with the economic systems of the two monetary revolutionaries of this century. They reacted against orthodoxy in different ways, with Friedman redirecting and reinforcing Keynes' major contributions. Friedman used the system of testing one hypothesis against another rather than using a naive model. He provided analytical, political, and ideological positions that yield an all-encompassing analytical system.
This is a book about the discovery of macroeconomic ideas and concepts long before the term macroeconomics had been coined. The cast of authors varies from doctors and physicians (Sir William Petty and Francois Quesnay), to philosophers (David Hume and Adam Smith), to bankers (Richard Cantillon and Henry Thornton) to Prime Ministers of France (John Law and Anne Robert Jacques Turgot). These authors had very rich and varied careers and the book invites readers to imagine specific moments in their careers that influenced both their lives and their writings. Building on these events the contributions of each author are outlined and discussed. Examination of their writings show that by the start of the nineteenth century they had left a rich legacy of macroeconomics ranging from the analysis and measurement of national income, the depiction of the circular flow of income, the debate on the role of money in the economy, the way to model the economy, the importance of labour, land and capital, the role of entrepreneurship, the Central Bank as a lender of last resort, and much more.
In the course of this book it is argued that the loss of what is essentially "macro" in Keynes is the result of a preference for a form of equilibrium analysis that gives unqualified support to the ideology of free markets. In the case of Marx, his theory of exploitation and from this the stress on class struggle, led to an almost complete neglect of his contribution to the analysis of the aggregate demand and supply of commodities.
This volume is a compilation of essays by prominent economists in the area of household and family economics. The volume attempts to cover some areas in the field and focuses on topics such as income determination and the intergenerational transmission of income generation, the changing role of women in the labor force, fertility, and income tax treatment of the family. Each essay is followed by a discussion of part, or all, of its contents.
A decade after the creation of EMU, Italy is still adjusting to the
policy environment created by the euro. This book assesses Italy's
experience in EMU, identifies the main challenges ahead, outlines
key policy issues, and highlights how Italys experience offers
lessons for other euro area members.
Economically and politically, the former Soviet Union is a hungry, unstable partner. There will be further changes in Baltic relationships with them that are hard to predict beyond the immediate future. For this reason, Professor Palmieri's contribution is more than required reading for an audience of East-West trade specialists. To be competent in Baltic matters, we have to be well informed about the critical economic and political interfaces with our neighbors in the East. "Journal of Baltic Studies"
India was one of the better performers after the global financial crisis, and has done well despite opening out in a period of great international volatility. This book asks if this was due to luck or to good management. How much did macroeconomic policy contribute and did it do as much as it could have, on a reform path that was not standard? Are there any lessons from the Indian experience for the rest of the world? Senior Indian policy economists, market participants, and researchers address these interesting and important questions. There are those who think financial reform has gone too fast - relaxations in foreign borrowing norms exposed firms to external shocks. Volatile capital flows impacted markets, although more liberalization of risk-sharing equity compared to debt flows, was effective in reducing domestic risk. But there are also those who think reform was too slow - choking financial development: many markets and instruments that could improve domestic financial intermediation and reduce risk were held back. Analysis suggests policy was able to find the correct timing, pace and combination of reforms and of caution, but improvement is always possible. Luck and inherent strengths of the economy helped absorb both policy mistakes and external shocks. This book was originally published as a special issue of Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies.
This accessible account of the post-communist transformation of Hungarian companies raises several important questions. How did the transition from planned economy to free market work in practice? What are the main issues now facing Hungarian business? The authors look at the ways in which a cross-section of Hungarian companies and their managers have faced the challenges of the free market system. Containing several contemporary case studies and based upon a major research project this book provides a fascinating insight into the challenges facing modern Hungary.
This book shows how money and banks emerge to efficiently address
problems of trust between economic agents. The analysis offers an
innovative approach for integrating monetary theory, banking
theory, and standard economic theory in a game theoretical
framework. The unified perspective of the book contributes to a
better understanding of the microeconomic foundations of monetary
policy and banking. It emphasizes the importance of trust supported
by credible institutional structures in the financial
This work examines the process of development financing through a comparison between some of the less-well-developed Caribbean countries and the More-Developed Commonwealth Caribbean countries of Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago. Hope analyzes the ways in which development financing has been undertaken in the Caribbean countries and draws conclusions about the growth process in general. He focuses primarily on analyzing the available data from the less and more developed Caribbean countries. He also examines the successes and failures of Caribbean development efforts and makes projections for the future.
Modern Financial Markets and Institutions provides a comprehensive and authoritative introduction to the workings of modern financial systems, the efficiency of money markets and the role of investment bankers, illustrating how they impact our everyday lives. By drawing on numerous real-world examples, this text is essential reading for students of banking, finance, investment, business studies and economics. It will be invaluable for those looking to entering banking, insurance, fund management and other financial services industries. "The practical perspective is perfect for business students wishing to understand the financial sector and how it works. Arnold again, as with his other books, has done a great job here. This is a book I have been waiting for some time." Mr Jim Keane - Gloucester Business School University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, UK "Excellent analysis and clear explanations." Ms. Nirmala Lee - Dept Of Accounting/Finance LondonMet (Guild) University, London, UK
With the rapid growth of China and India and the resurgence of Southeast Asia post-1997 8, emerging Asia has once again become one of the most dynamic regions in the world. This dynamism has in turn been fuelled largely by a carefully calibrated embracement of economic openness to international trade, investments and capital flows. While much has been written about international trade, there has been somewhat less work on the issue of capital flows, macroeconomic management and foreign direct investment (FDI) to and from the region, a gap that this book attempts to fill. The book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with selected issues pertaining to macroeconomic management in small and open economies, with particular focus on exchange rates. The second part of the book deals with the trends and determinants of FDI in emerging Asia, its importance as a source of finance, its impact on growth and development, and the nexus between FDI and foreign portfolio flows (FPI). Overall, the chapters in this book tackle important policy issues of contemporary relevance, but are informed by analytical frameworks, data and empirics. While each of the topic areas chosen in individual chapters is intentionally narrow, the book as a whole covers a number of areas and countries/regions within Asia (i.e. East, Southeast and South Asia). While the chapters have been written in a manner that can stand up to academic scrutiny, they are also meant to be accessible to policy makers, researchers and others who might be interested in FDI and related issues in Asia.
In the first part of this book, we treat interacting and small open economies. We do this from an historical perspective, starting from the Classical model of the gold standard and the specie-flow mechanism and aim to show there that the Dornbusch IS-LM-PC approach, with or without rational expectations, can still be considered as a (if not the) core contribution to contemporaneous open economy macrodynamics, also on the level of structural macroeconometric model building. In the second part we then extend this analysis to the incorporation of more disequilibrium on the real markets, prominent further feedback channels of the macrodynamic literature and integrated macromodel building. We start from the closed economy, consider large open economies in a fixed exchange rate system, small open economies subject to high capital mobility, and finally two large interacting economies like the USA and Euroland. Our macrofounded approach extends and integrates non-market clearing traditions to macrodynamics and can be usefully compared with the New Keynesian approaches which are generally rigorously microfounded, but often much more limited in scope in capturing full market and agent interactions.
Inheritance and Wealth in America is a superb collection of original essays, written in nontechnical language by experts in sociology, economics, anthropology, history, law, and other disciplines. Notable chapters provide - an outstanding interpretative history of inheritance in American legal thought - a critical review of the literature on the economics of inheritance at the household and societal levels - a superb history of Federal taxation of wealth transfers, and - a sociological examination of inheritance and its role in class reproduction and stratification. This groundbreaking work is of value to any researcher dealing with the transmission of wealth and privilege across generations.
In a bold attempt to formulate a tentative, unified conceptual framework for the study of global development, the author tries to integrate numerous contributions from a variety of fields, including economics, sociology, anthropology, political science, moral philosophy, sociobiology, neurobiology, and others. He regrets the present compartmentalization of study of this topic, which leads to a lack of perspective in dealing with crucial planetary problems. . . . Truly an ambitious and courageous effort and a worthy project. Recommended for academic and public library collections dealing with development. "Choice" This book breaks important new ground in the international debate over development by presenting the first systematic attempt to map a unified theory of global development. Drawing from the fields of economics, sociology, political science, philosophy, and ethics, the author presents a unique cross-disciplinary perspective on international development that features a number of new concepts and approaches to development studies. Building upon a synthesis of three independent developments of the 1970s, Weigel contends that it is possible to construct a universal development norm and a universal moral principle which retain their credibility in both cross-cultural and transhistorical contexts. He argues further that when these principles are linked to a well-differentiated theory of basic human needs they provide a powerful normative framework for the integration of economic and political rights which can guide policymakers well into the 21st century. Certain to spark new debate among academicians and policymakers, Weigel's work makes a number of significant contributions, including: a comprehensive synthesis between moral philosophy and development studies; the most elaborate philosophical defense of the I.L.O's 'Basic Needs Approach' to date; an analysis of the nuclear arms race which utilizes the concept of stable strategies and presents a new theory of nuclear deterrence; a macroeconomic framework for basic needs program; an analysis of global parameters for development assistance; country studies which demonstrate the feasibility of Basic Needs programs for low-income countries; the application of the theory to a wide variety of topic areas such as paternalism, population control policies, the problem of political legitimation, and economic policies. Throughout, the author focuses on the concept of basic needs, arguing that the satisfaction of basic human needs must be the touchstone of all future development policies.
By now it has become obvious that Federal Reserve actions have an immense impact on the functioning of our economy. As a result, a great deal of research has been done on the Fed and on monetary policy. Much of this work is normative; it tells us what the Fed should do. Positive work on the Fed has usually tried to elucidate particular Fed policies, and has not tried to present a theory of why the Fed behaves the way it does. The dominant theory of Fed behavior is that the Fed does what it believes to be best for the public welfare. This theory - usually left implicit - is so simple, and seemingly so obviously correct, that it has received widespread credence without extended discussion or tests. When thinking about govern ment in general many observers doubt that it nearly always acts in the public interest. However, they ascribe this unfortunate state of affairs mainly to political pressures. Since the Fed is relatively removed from such pressures, the public interest theory of government seems more applicable to it."
This volume highlights the problems of the environment and industry in Ukraine from 1985 to 1990. The main theme of the book is the close link between the damage to nature and the growth of political activism and patriotism in Ukraine.
This book represents the first of three volumes offering a complete reinterpretation and restructuring of Keynesian macroeconomics and a detailed investigation of the disequilibrium adjustment processes characterizing the financial, the goods and the labour markets and their interaction. It questions in a radical way the evolution of Keynesian macroeconomics after World War II and focuses on the limitations of the traditional Keynesian approach until it fell apart in the early 1970s, as well as the inadequacy of the new consensus in macroeconomics that emerged from the Monetarist critique of Keynesianism. Professors Chiarella, Flaschel and Semmler investigate basic methodological issues, the pitfalls of the Rational Expectations School, important feedback channels in the tradition of Tobin's work, and theories of the wage-price spiral and the evidences for them. The book uses primarily partial approaches, the integration of which will be the subject of subsequent volumes. With its focus on Keynesian propagation mechanisms, the research in this book provides a unique alternative to the black-box shock-absorber approaches that dominate modern macroeconomics. Reconstructing Keynesian Macroeconomics should be of interest to students and researchers who want to look at alternatives to the mainstream macrodynamics that emerged from the Monetarist critique of Keynesianism.
The drama of the common currency is a hot topic. The Euro was planned for the European Union's member states, bringing economically strong nations like Germany and Holland and weaker nations like Greece, Spain and Italy under one set of currency rules. A dozen years of its implementation has shown that the planning was incomplete at best. Add to this the weight of a deepening debt crisis among western nations, which continues unabated, and Europe has a very deep financial hole to climb out of. In this work, Dimitris N. Chorafas provides the reader with evidence to poor political judgment, then delves into preparation for the foreseeable Euro breakup and confronts the redenomination risk associated to it.
The European economy is emerging from its deepest recession since the 1930s. This volume, which brings together economic analysis from the European Commission services, explains how swift policy response avoided a financial meltdown; but turning the ongoing recovery into sustained growth requires action on five challenges: boosting potential output, enhancing labour market flexibility, preparing fiscal consolidation, facilitating intra-EU adjustment, and unwinding global imbalances. Europe also needs an improved co-ordinated crisis-management framework to help it respond to any similar situations that may arise in the future. Economic Crisis in Europe shows that the beginnings of such a crisis-management framework are emerging, building on existing institutions and legislation and complemented by new initiatives. Naturally, initial EU policy efforts, such as fiscal stimulus, focused on crisis control and mitigation. But first steps have also been taken to redesign financial regulation and supervision with crisis prevention in mind. The design of crisis resolution policies is now becoming a main task. While any premature withdrawal of policy stimulus should be avoided, exit strategies should be ready for implementation, embedded in a broader policy framework that also includes growth-enhancing structural reforms.
`A pioneering and valuable study linking finance to innovative activity: not only is the theoretical framework sound, thought-provoking and creative, but amply supported through systematic empirical testing.' - David B. Audretsch, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fur Sozialforschung This book broadens the economic explanation of technological change, by assuming that development and diffusion of new technologies are closely related to the financial arrangements and institutions which prevail in any given historical period. To support his hypothesis, the author combines theoretical prescriptions with empirical evidence: the interdependences between technology and finance suggested in the first part of the book are therefore analysed from a historical perspective, and a theoretical model is then applied to explain how R&D is funded by new and already established firms in the data processing industry. The book concludes with a survey of policy interventions towards various sources of innovation financing. |
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