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Books > Business & Economics > Economics > Macroeconomics > Monetary economics
Everybody uses money every day, but we rarely stop to think about how money works. In this book, scholars from different disciplines seek to answer that question; from historians to economists, sociologists, a philosopher and a physicist. Money works as a social construction because we have mutual expectations that support its use -- despite the seeming irrationality of trading valuable things or doing strenuous work for pieces of paper or numbers in accounts. Recently, there has been a revival of interest in monetary theory, not least because the impacts of globalizing markets and of new communication and information technologies have changed the forms of money. The deep crisis of the financial system has demonstrated the importance of a functioning monetary system and although renewed interest in this has led to significant contributions in various fields, it remains true that no social science discipline on its own is sufficiently equipped to explain the basic workings of monetary systems, their rapid innovation and their effects on social, economic and political structures. The contributors to this book report on their latest research on the origins of money, on the nature of monetary transactions, on money and the state, and on the role of money and finance in the recent global crisis. They show how established theories of money and the policies guided by these theories went wrong. This collection will be a valuable resource for students and researchers seeking a deeper understanding of money.
First published in 1913, this Routledge Revivals title reissues J. A. Hobson's seminal analysis of the causal link between the rise in gold prices and the increase in wages and consumer buying power in the early years of the Twentieth Century. Contrary to the assertions of some notable contemporary economists and businessmen, Hobson contended that the relationship between gold prices and wages (and the resulting social unrest across much of Europe) was in fact much more complex than it initially appeared and that there were significantly more important factors in the rise of contemporary wealth, such as the rapid enlargement of state enterprise and joint stock companies; a wide extension of banking and general financial apparatus; and, the opening of profitable fields of investment for the development of underdeveloped countries, which helped raise the rate of interest and profits.
This study provides a comprehensive account and reconsideration of the contribution to political economy of Thomas Tooke (1774-1858). It clarifies Tooke's monetary thought and its legacy to modern economics. The study shows Tooke possessed a rich and extensive political economy, covering many aspects of economic activity relevant to key policy issues. Tooke's political economy is shown to be a unified and coherent body of intellectual thought in the classical tradition which, like most of his nineteenth-century contemporaries, was much influenced by Adam Smith's economics. More particularly, Tooke's monetary thought, especially his novel banking school theory, is shown to be theoretically coherent from the standpoint of nineteenth-century classical economics. It is also shown that besides contributing toward a better understanding of the behaviour of monetary systems in general, key elements of Tooke's banking school theory make an important contribution to explaining distribution, growth and price inflation in modern economics.
Forrest Capie is an eminent economic historian who has published extensively on a wide range of topics, with an emphasis on banking and monetary history, particularly in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, but also in other areas such as tariffs and the interwar economy. He is also a former editor of the Economic History Review, one of the leading academic journals in this discipline. This book comprises a collection of papers by eminent scholars in the fields of historiography, banking, monetary economics both domestic and international, and tariff theory and policy, all areas to which Forrest Capie, in whose honour this book was produced, has made major contributions. Under the editorship of Geoffrey Wood, Terence Mills and Nicholas Crafts, this book brings together a stellar line of contributors - including Charles Goodhart, Harold James, Michael Bordo, Barry Eichengreen and Charles Calomiris. The book analyses many of the mainstream themes in economic and financial history - monetary policy, international financial regulation, economic performance, exchange rate systems, international trade, banking and financial markets - where historical perspectives are considered important. The current wave of globalisation has stimulated interest in many of these areas as 'lessons of history' are sought. These themes also reflect the breadth of Capie's work in terms of time periods and topics. This expertly written book contain original scholarly work, often with new empirical results, and will be of interest to Economics postgraduates and researchers, particularly those focussing on monetary economics, banking and economic history, as well as to Central Bankers and trade negotiators.
Monetary policy in the Middle East and North African (MENA) countries remains an understudied area; this book fills an important gap by examining monetary policy frameworks and monetary policy strategies in the region. Building on the editors' earlier book, Monetary Policy and Central Banking in the Middle East and North Africa, which focused on central bank independence issues and on exchange rate regimes, this book emphasises monetary policy strategies. Part I contains an overview of the financial markets and institutions which condition the choice of monetary policy strategy in the countries of the region, followed by single-country studies on aspects of the monetary policy frameworks of Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Territory and Turkey. Part II includes analyses of the prospects for inflation targeting in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, of the monetary transmission mechanism in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, of the relative advantages of inflation targeting and exchange rate fixity with reference to Egypt, of the problem of fiscal dominance in Egypt, and of the inflationary implications of exchange rate fixity for Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The contributors are experts from universities inside and outside the MENA region, from central banks in the region and from outside institutions such as the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
As a world economy emerged from the 16th-17th centuries onwards, a global cashless payment system arose. This had its base in Europe, first in Italy, then in the rising regions of the north-west, with Amsterdam and then London as the central financial market. The mutual quotation of exchange rates, which provide the data tabulated and analysed here, mark the integration into a global network of all areas with significant economic potential. The primary aim of this book is to provide a compact account of the exchange rates in all these financial markets, from the late 16th century up to the First World War. This makes possible an instant conversion between the major world currencies at nearly any date within that period, while the important introduction provides the explanation and context of developments. The present handbook therefore serves as an invaluable resource for those concerned with all aspects of commercial and financial history.
A key objective of the Central European Economies (CEE) on their transition path from planned to more market-oriented economies has been membership of the European Union (EU). The start of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in 1999 has added membership of the EMU to the agenda for the CEEs. The task of the so-called VisA]grad countries (the Czech and Slovak Republics, Hungary and Poland) of preparing for EU and EMU membership is the key theme underlying the papers contained in this volume. There are many issues to be resolved before the VisA]grad countries are admitted into the EU, and this volume focuses on the issues relating to macroeconomic policies and financial sector structures. The chapters of Central Europe Towards Monetary Union: Macroeconomic Underpinnings and Financial Reputation contain new theoretical and empirical results and also comprehensive institutional overviews. The intended readership of the book is policy makers and economists working in the academic and financial sectors.
This second edition updates and extends the original foundations of the loanable funds model. It develops a new monetary model of inside money, which is created by the commercial (or retail) banks, drawing on the events of 2007/08 that led to the Great Recession and fragile economy of today. Coronavirus is likely to cause another downturn of economic activity, from the perspective of late 2020 as this is written. That will represent a long-period of subpar, anaemic growth, which has not been satisfactorily explained by the traditional theory in the form of neo-classical analysis. The reason may lie with the adoption of a body of theory based primarily on a barter system of exchange but sometimes with one commodity used as money to try to explain a dynamic, monetary economy of today. Money has evolved from a system of barter to become a medium of exchange based on fiat money and credit currency underpinned by legal tender, and therefore, a creature of law. If households and firms lose confidence in the banking system, they can withdraw their deposits in the form of cash as a medium of exchange, which must be accepted in exchange for goods and services as legal tender. This book highlights the importance of how money is created or destroyed endogenously and derives the loanable supply of funds in conjunction with the demand within a revised analysis of monetary theory, with a new emphasis on portfolio theory. It applies critical thinking and the realization of a more precise formulation of the loanable funds theory to final year and postgraduate students in particular, with various features systematically added such as the catastrophe framework and Minsky's theory of changing states in an attempt to derive a fully dynamic model. There is a new framework using aggregate demand and supply analysis to explain inflation. This will be reinforced at each stage by the inclusion of revised and updated case studies, graphs and figures to give an international setting and application
In this narrative history, David E. Lindsey gives the reader a ringside seat to a century of policies at the US Federal Reserve. Alternating between broad historical strokes and deep dives into the significance of monetary issues and developments, Lindsey offers a fascinating look into monetary policymaking from the Fed's inception in 1913 to today. Lindsey's three decades of service on the Federal Reserve Board staff allow him to combine the heft of scholarship with an insider's perspective on how the recent chairmen's and current chairwoman's personalities and singular visions have shaped policy choices with far-reaching consequences. He critiques the performances of Chairman Ben Bernanke and Vice Chair Janet Yellen during the prelude, outbreak, and aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, situating them in the context of the Fed's century-long history. He also quantitatively explores an alternative to the conventional New-Keynesian theory of inflation, replacing so-called "rational expectations" with the Fed's inflation objective. This unique volume is a piece of living history that has much to offer economists and monetary policy and finance professionals.
This book theoretically and empirically investigates the emergence of strong money demand in wartime Japan (1937-1945), its disappearance after the end of the war (1945-1949), and the reemergence of strong money demand in contemporary Japan (from 1995 to the present) in terms of the effects on fiscal activities and the price level. An augmented fiscal/monetary theory of the price level is constructed from a close examination of the strong money demand present in these periods. Then, profoundly puzzling phenomena such as mild deflation despite monetary expansion, low long-term interest rates despite fiscal unsustainability, and weak aggregate demand despite near-zero rates of interest, all of which are actually being observed in contemporary Japan, can now be interpreted in line with the above augmented theory. In the present, strong money demand at near-zero rates endows the Japanese government with maximum fiscal flexibility. However, if it disappeared for some reason, prices would surge to the quantity theory of money level, and fiscal sustainability would have to be restored. In the future, alternative currency units issued by private banks might carry out a purge of such strong demand for the yen.
As a fundamental review and critique of activist economic policies, this book is a unique contribution to classical political economy. "Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Stabilization" is about macroeconomic stabilization policy, with emphasis on the value of a distinct national monetary policy to growth. Ole Bji1/2rn Ri1/2ste's argument is for public officials to restrain themselves in the pursuit of policy. As the author notes: when you know less, you should do less. The history of modern macroeconomics started in 1936 with the publication of Keynes' "General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money." The problems of the Great Depression of the 1930s paved the way for a change of focus, from the long run to economic fluctuations in the short run, and from nominal to real variables, such as unemployment and aggregate output. Keynes offered clear policy implications in tune with the times. Because economic adjustment was slow, waiting for the economy to recover by itself was irresponsible. Particluarly fiscal policy was essential to return to high employment. Monetary policy could affect aggregate demand through interest rates, but was less important. Ri1/2ste discusses the role of monetary policy, starting out with the implications of the theory of optimum currency areas (OCAs). This is followed by estimates of the output loss associated with disinflation policy (the sacrifice ratio) for six OECD economies. Further, Ri1/2ste models the dynamic adjustment to negative, local market shocks, with particular relevance to Scandinavia, in a final section. The idea that governments should pursue stabilizing fiscal or monetary policies with regard to real variables is often taken for granted by the public, if not by economists. Among the reasons for skepticism, is the presence of differing views on how economies really work, that the state of a given economy becomes known only after a time lag, and that economic agents react to policy and expectations of policy. For these reasons, the effects of policy are generally uncertain. This book explains why the role of history is critical to the study of macroeconomics.
This book analyses the current debate around Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and the future of New Global Financial System. It offers deep insight into the global monetary policy in the context of digital and cryptocurrencies and examines both the opportunities and challenges to come. The book draws a clear distinction between digital and cryptocurrencies and answers several research questions, such as what the consequences of forming Central Bank Digital Currencies and their impact on the financial markets, in both advanced and developing economies, might be. Another question refers to whether the role of monetary policy easing has led to the rise of the virtual currency market, while still others relate to the impact of the pandemic on international settlements. The book also discusses the issue of investment in cryptocurrencies, and the related risks, whether or not this is a profitable investment vehicle, and how the digital banking system evaluates such investments. Further, the book also highlights the post-pandemic challenges for central banks, such as future monetary policy. It includes a complex review of the literature and presents elaborate econometric models of digital currencies and cryptocurrencies. The book has a wide geographic focus, examining these aspects from the perspective of several countries including China, India and the US. The primary audience for the book is researchers, scholars and students of international finance and economics but it will also appeal to practitioners concerned with the digitalisation of financial systems, policymakers and regulatory agencies. Note: Prof. Shalini Talwar's affiliation is published incorrectly. Her correct affiliation, which may be considered for referencing and records is: Shalini Talwar, Associate Professor, S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, India.
There was a world BC (Before Crisis) and there will be a world AD (After Deleveraging) - the challenge is to create an effective, efficient yet stable and sustainable financial system for this 'new world'. This book provides the most comprehensive and thought-provoking basis for action I have seen so far.' - Paul Achleitner, Chair of Supervisory Board Deutsche Bank AG'The financial crisis demonstrated conclusively that for central bankers and other policymakers financial stability must always be of paramount concern, for without it the macroeconomy will perform badly and monetary policy will lose its effectiveness. This book underscores the importance of financial stability, laying out the key issues and what must be done to avoid such disasters in the future.' - William C. Dudley, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, US 'Since 2008, financial stability has moved to the center of the policy stage. This volume, combining contributions from leading policy makers and academics, is the essential introduction to the issues. Must reading.' - Barry Eichengreen, George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, US 'Financial stability is an overarching goal. In open and democratic societies, ensuring financial stability is a matter of interest not only to central bankers, academics and financial market players, but also to all well-informed citizens. This book provides an excellent basis for a wide-ranging and rewarding debate.' - Thomas J. Jordan, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank 'Financial stability is necessary. To achieve this common target an on-going dialogue is required between industry, policymakers, academia and other relevant stakeholders. This book provides a welcome and refreshing perspective from different standpoints on the issues at stake, and reminds us of the remaining work ahead.' - Axel Weber, Chair of Supervisory Board, UBS In the aftermath of the financial crisis, new financial market regulation is being implemented, and increasing numbers of countries are establishing new legislation for macroprudential oversight. Against this backdrop, this thought provoking book provides a platform for the leading international experts to discuss and encourage future debate on financial stability. The breadth and scope of the issues addressed reflect the challenge of developing and consistently implementing a coherent set of financial reforms to promote financial stability. The book advocates the development of financial reforms that are effective in striking the optimal balance between realizing the enormous benefits of efficient financial intermediation, capital allocation and risk management on the one hand, and controlling systemic risks and maintaining financial stability on the other. Making an important contribution to deepening our understanding of the many facets of financial stability, this book will prove a challenging read for policy makers, regulators and central bankers as well as for researchers and scholars in the fields of economics, money, finance and banking. Contributors include: P. Angelini, S.N. Altimari, L. Bini Smaghi, M. Blessing, C.M. Buch, M.C. Burda, J.M. Campa Fernandez, M. Carney, J. Caruana, A. Dombret, W.P. Gaglianone, P. Hildebrand, V. Hofstatter, A. Ittner, K.H.W. Knot, U. Koerner, C. Lagarde, J.-P. Landau, S. Lautenschlager, D.T. Llewellyn, O. Lucius, Y. Mersch, H. Nakaso, E. Nowotny, L.A. Pereira da Silva, W. Rothensteiner, A. Soares Sales, N. Sheets, P. Tucker, G. Tumpel-Gugerell, H. van Voorden, I. Visco
The 'boom' in foreign direct investment (FDI) since the mid-1980s, continues to be paramount in policy interest. This book reviews the literature on the nature of FDI and reports the recent results on the performance of FDI plants in order to show the implications for regional economic development. It presents new evidence on the nature and performance of these plants, using a unique dataset that has been constructed and rigorously analyzed by applying econometric techniques. The role of FDI in economic development has long been poorly understood and this book contributes to improving understanding, and is of direct policy relevance. An examination is made of the generation, theory and location of FDI, as well as its implications for regional and national development. In addition to this, analysis is made of the issues at the project and plant levels, related to investment, employment and firm survival.
In recent years econometricians have examined the problems of diagnostic testing, specification testing, semiparametric estimation and model selection. In addition researchers have considered whether to use model testing and model selection procedures to decide the models that best fit a particular dataset. This book explores both issues with application to various regression models, including the arbitrage pricing theory models. It is ideal as a reference for statistical sciences postgraduate students, academic researchers and policy makers in understanding the current status of model building and testing techniques.
Why are small and culturally homogeneous nation-states in the advanced capitalist world so prosperous? Examining how Denmark, Ireland, and Switzerland managed the 2008 financial crisis, The Paradox of Vulnerability shows that this is not an accident. John Campbell and John Hall argue that a prolonged sense of vulnerability within both the state and the nation encourages the development of institutions that enable decision makers to act together quickly in order to survive, especially during a crisis. Blending insights from studies of comparative political economy and nationalism and drawing on both extensive interviews and secondary data, Campbell and Hall support their claim by focusing on the three states historically and, more important, in their different responses to the 2008 crisis. The authors also devote attention to the difficulties faced by Greece and Iceland. The implications of their argument are profound. First, they show that there is a positive side to nationalism: social solidarity can enhance national prosperity. Second, because globalization now requires all states to become more adaptable, there are lessons here for other states, large and small. Lastly, the formula for prosperity presented here is under threat: highly homogeneous societies face challenges in dealing with immigration, with some responding in ways that threaten their success. The Paradox of Vulnerability demonstrates how the size and culture of a nation contribute in significant ways to its ability to handle political and economic pressures and challenges.
Governments in the US, the UK and other nations around the world routinely consider and, in some cases, experiment with reforms of their income support systems. The basic income guarantee, a universal unconditional income grant, has received increasing attention from scholars as an alternative to the kinds of reforms that have been implemented. This book explores the political, sociological, economic, and philosophical issues of the basic income guarantee. Tracing the history of the idea, from its origins in the late eighteenth century through its political vogue in the 1970s, when the Family Assistance Plan narrowly missed passage in the US Congress, it also examines the philosophical debate over the issue. The book is designed to foster a climate of ideas amongst those specifically interested in the income support policies and more widely for those concerned with public, welfare and labour economics. Its coverage will enable readers to obtain an in depth grounding in the topic, regardless of their position in the debate.
This timely book offers bold new fiscal policy options that can complement current automatic stabilizers and counter-cyclical monetary policy to combat recessions. Dr. Seidman acknowledges that most economists are justifiably skeptical of Congress's ability to implement discretionary counter-cyclical fiscal policy in a timely and effective manner, as indicated by the government's heavy reliance on monetary policy to stabilize the economy in recent decades. He argues for an independent fiscal policy board or the Federal Reserve to decide changes in the magnitude of Congress's fiscal policy package of stimulus or restraint. Any recommendations would go into effect immediately without a congressional vote, subject only to congressional override. With thought provoking proposals like this, Dr. Seidman provides a fresh look at practical fiscal policy tools based on the most prominent research in the field.
This timely book offers bold new fiscal policy options that can complement current automatic stabilizers and counter-cyclical monetary policy to combat recessions. Dr. Seidman acknowledges that most economists are justifiably skeptical of Congress's ability to implement discretionary counter-cyclical fiscal policy in a timely and effective manner, as indicated by the government's heavy reliance on monetary policy to stabilize the economy in recent decades. He argues for an independent fiscal policy board or the Federal Reserve to decide changes in the magnitude of Congress's fiscal policy package of stimulus or restraint. Any recommendations would go into effect immediately without a congressional vote, subject only to congressional override. With thought provoking proposals like this, Dr. Seidman provides a fresh look at practical fiscal policy tools based on the most prominent research in the field.
This book is for anyone who is interested in the economic analysis of the future of the international monetary system and the USD, and the rising importance of the RMB. It points out the unsustainability of the dollar standard in the long run, that China has unique incentives to internationalize its currency, and how Hong Kong plays an important role. It explains the real reasons for China to internationalize its currency, including using external commitments to force financial sector reforms ('daobi' in Chinese). It applies economic theories accessible to laymen to establish that financial development and openness are crucial for RMB internationalization to succeed, and that greater exchange rate volatility is inevitable due to the 'open-economy trilemma'. Employing the 'gravity model', the book predicts quantitatively that the RMB is likely to be a distant third payment currency after the USD and the euro, but surpassing the Japanese yen in the next decade. |
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