Books > Arts & Architecture > Music > Music recording & reproduction
Istanbul is home to a multimillion dollar transnational music
industry, which every year produces thousands of digital music
recordings, including widely distributed film and television show
soundtracks. Today, this centralized industry is responding to a
growing global demand for Turkish, Kurdish, and other Anatolian
ethnic language productions, and every year, many of its
top-selling records incorporate elaborately orchestrated
arrangements of rural folksongs. What accounts for the continuing
demand for traditional music in local and diasporic markets? How is
tradition produced in twenty-first century digital recording
studios, and is there a "digital aesthetics" to contemporary
recordings of traditional music? In Digital Traditions: Arrangement
and Labor in Istanbul's Recording Studio Culture, author Eliot
Bates answers these questions and more with a case study into the
contemporary practices of recording traditional music in Istanbul.
Bates provides an ethnography of Turkish recording studios, of
arrangers and engineers, studio musicianship and digital audio
workstation kinesthetics. Digital Traditions investigates the
moments when tradition is arranged, and how arrangement is
simultaneously a set of technological capabilities, limitations and
choices: a form of musical practice that desocializes the ensemble
and generates an extended network of social relations, resulting in
aesthetic art objects that come to be associated with a range of
affective and symbolic meanings. Rich with visual analysis and
drawing on Science & Technology Studies theories and methods,
Digital Tradition sets a new standard for the study of recorded
music. Scholars and general readers of ethnomusicology, Middle
Eastern studies, folklore and science and technology studies are
sure to find Digital Traditions an essential addition to their
"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans
10:17 Practically every church in the free world utilizes a sound
system of some size or form, but an alarmingly small amount of
churches actually have trained personnel who can acceptably operate
the system and allow the congregation to simply focus on Jesus. The
Sound Guide is designed to cut to the chase and get right into the
foundational elements that every sound person must know. With an
easy-to-understand approach, this book de-mystifies and brings
clarity to the essentials of the Audio Ministry. Whether you are
new to running sound, or have been at it for years, The Sound Guide
is a must-read...your pastor, worship team, and congregation will
be very happy you did
The Fundamentals of Sound Science teaches the principles of the
physics of sound, as well as basic principles of physics, by
linking them to music and musical instruments. The book begins by
asking students to question the meaning of sound itself. What is
sound? How far and how fast does it travel? By asking students to
think about sound in this way, the material is able to connect our
daily experience of sound to principles of physics such as
distance, velocity, scalars, and vectors. Through the next six
chapters students learn about harmonic motion, waves, the sources
and physical properties of sound, and measurements of loudness. The
second half of the book uses music as the vehicle for a deeper
exploration of sound. Students study some basic musicianship,
including articulation, intervals, and harmonic series. These
concepts become the springboard for an examination of the Fourier
Analysis of Simplest Sound Spectra, which encompasses steady tones,
periodic waves of arbitrary form, square, triangular, and sawtooth
waves, and modulated tones. Different families of instruments are
discussed in depth: percussion, strings, flutes and recorders,
woodwinds, and finally the human voice. The book concludes with a
chapter on room acoustics, which covers the precedence effect and
reverberations. Each chapter is filled with detailed explanations,
and numerous examples are used to enhance student understanding.
Study questions are included to encourage critical thinking, and
prepare students for tests. Chapter summaries aid retention by
reviewing terms and relations. By finding the common ground between
physics and music, The Fundamentals of Sound Science strengthens
understanding of both, revealing that many principles of the
physical world are a part of our common, taken for granted, daily
experience. All we have to do is listen. The Fundamentals of Sound
Science can be used for introductory courses in physics, including
those at the high school level. The accessibility of the material
makes the book appropriate for non-majors at the university level,
and students can achieve mastery of the content without a
background in mathematics, making the book ideal for general
education courses.
First published in French in 1998, revised in 2010, and appearing
here in English for the first time, Michel Chion's Sound addresses
the philosophical, interpretive, and practical questions that
inform our encounters with sound. Chion considers how cultural
institutions privilege some sounds above others and how spurious
distinctions between noise and sound guide the ways we hear and
value certain sounds. He critiques the tenacious tendency to
understand sounds in relation to their sources and advocates
"acousmatic" listening-listening without visual access to a sound's
cause-to disentangle ourselves from auditory habits and prejudices.
Yet sound can no more be reduced to mere perceptual phenomena than
encapsulated in the sciences of acoustics and physiology. As Chion
reminds us and explores in depth, a wide range of linguistic,
sensory, cultural, institutional, and media- and
technologically-specific factors interact with and shape sonic
experiences. Interrogating these interactions, Chion stimulates us
to think about how we might open our ears to new sounds, become
more nuanced and informed listeners, and more fully understand the
links between how we hear and what we do.
"Logic Pro X - How it Works" from the GEM series (Graphically
Enhanced Manuals) explains Apple's popular music production
application "Logic Pro" with rich illustrations and diagrams that
are not found in any other manual. This nnn pages letter size book
presents this software application in great detail with that easy
to understand, visual approach.- What are Graphically Enhanced
Manuals (GEM)? They're a new type of manual with a visual approach
that helps you UNDERSTAND a program, not just LEARN it. No need to
read through 500 of pages of dry text explanations. Rich graphics
and diagrams help you to get that "aha" effect and make it easy to
comprehend difficult concepts. The Graphically Enhanced Manuals
help you master a program much faster with a much deeper
understanding of concepts, features and workflows in a very
intuitive way that is easy to understand.
"An Excursion In Soul" takes a historical look at the Soul Music
Era that ended in the Nineteen Eighties. The book focuses on a
small independent record company and the political, economical and
social issues that existed at that time. This era include music
greats like Aretha Franklin, Micheal Jackson, Al Green, Otis
Redding and Isaac Hayes. It is a true and very exciting account of
an era in American music history.
The music industry is a fast moving field with new technology and
methodological advances combining to catalyse innovations all the
time. 'Innovation in Music 2013' was an international conference
exploring this topic, held in December 2013 in York, UK. The event
covered specific and cross-disciplinary aspects of the music
industry including music creation, technology, production and
business, sound engineering, mastering, post production and sound
design, games music and cross-disciplinary themes. This volume
contains a technical keynote speech delivered by former Metropolis
Studios Mastering Engineer and now Technical Manager at Guilde
Productions, Crispin Murray, accompanied by 20 articles developed
from presentations delivered at the conference and peer reviewed.
Read this book to get an excellent overview of the latest
leading-edge developments occurring in the music industry.
(Music Pro Guide Books & DVDs). On his top-rated YouTube show,
Pensado's Place, first-call mixing engineer Dave Pensado (Beyonce,
Christina Aguilera, Kelly Clarkson, Mariah Carey, Elton John,
Michael Jackson, and more ) discusses a never-ending stream of
important music and audio recording topics. While sharing the
importance of relentless perseverance and tenacity in the pursuit
of success in the world of recording studios and music producers,
The Pensado Papers is also a story of incredible, almost
unbelievable redemption. See from behind the scenes, the journey
that Dave Pensado has shared with his manager and best friend, Herb
Trawick, all the way from death's door to platinum records to
Internet sensation In this book you'll discover unique insights
into the engineering regime of a recording genius, a creative
philosophy that results in achievement and success, examples of
Dave and Herb's powerful and inspirational friendship, amazing
teachings from guests on Pensado's Place, and above all, fun This
is an incredible collection of techniques, tips, and truths about
audio recording presented on a platform of trust, perseverance,
behind-the-scenes insights, and humor. While retaining technical
insights and educational value, Maureen Droney editor and long-time
friend to Dave and Herb has skillfully captured the likeability,
wisdom, and charm that millions of viewers have grown to love about
this incredible duo. These are The Pensado Papers .
This book is a standard guide with numerous code examples of
practical applications. It will help you advance your skills in
creating sophisticated visualizations while working with
audio-visual systems. This book is ideal for digital artists and
sound artists who are familiar with SuperCollider and who wish to
expand their technical and practical knowledge of mapping and
visualization. It is assumed that you already have some experience
with the SuperCollider programming language and are familiar with
the fundamental audio synthesis techniques.
Listeners have enjoyed classical music recordings for more than a
century, yet important issues about recorded performances have been
little explored. What is the relationship between performance and
recording? How are modern audiences affected by the trends set in
motion by the recording era? What is the impact of recordings on
the lives of musicians? In this wide-ranging book, Robert Philip
extends the scope of his earlier pioneering book, Early Recordings
and Musical Style: Changing Tastes in Instrumental Performance
1900-1950. Philip here considers the interaction between
music-making and recording throughout the entire twentieth century.
The author compares the lives of musicians and audiences in the
years before recordings with those of today. He examines such
diverse and sometimes contentious topics as changing attitudes
toward freedom of expression, the authority of recordings made by
or approved by composers, the globalization of performing styles,
and the rise of the period instrument movement. Philip concludes
with a thought-provoking discussion of the future of classical
music performance.
With Computational Thinking in Sound, veteran educators Gena R.
Greher and Jesse M. Heines provide the first book ever written for
music fundamentals educators which is devoted specifically to
music, sound, and technology. The authors demonstrate how the range
of mental tools in computer science - for example, analytical
thought, system design, and problem design and solution - can be
fruitfully applied to music education, including examples of
successful student work. While technology instruction in music
education has traditionally focused on teaching how computers and
software work to produce music, Greher and Heines offer context: a
clear understanding of how music technology can be structured
around a set of learning challenges and tasks of the type common in
computer science classrooms. Using a learner-centered approach that
emphasizes project-based experiences, the book provides music
educators with multiple strategies to explore, create, and solve
problems with music and technology in equal parts. It also provides
examples of hands-on activities which encourage students, alone and
in interdisciplinary groups, to explore the basic principles that
underlie today's music technology and which expose them to current
multimedia development tools.
"GarageBand X - How it Works" from the GEM series (Graphically
Enhanced Manuals) explains Apple's popular music production
application "GarageBand" with rich illustrations and diagrams that
are not found in any other manual (this is the only manual
available). This 321 pages letter size book presents this software
application in great detail with that easy to understand, visual
approach.- What are Graphically Enhanced Manuals (GEM)? They're a
new type of manual with a visual approach that helps you UNDERSTAND
a program, not just LEARN it. No need to read through 500 of pages
of dry text explanations. Rich graphics and diagrams help you to
get that "aha" effect and make it easy to comprehend difficult
concepts. The Graphically Enhanced Manuals help you master a
program much faster with a much deeper understanding of concepts,
features and workflows in a very intuitive way that is easy to
John Cage's disdain for records was legendary. He repeatedly spoke
of the ways in which recorded music was antithetical to his work.
In Records Ruin the Landscape, David Grubbs argues that, following
Cage, new genres in experimental and avant-garde music in the 1960s
were particularly ill suited to be represented in the form of a
recording. These activities include indeterminate music,
long-duration minimalism, text scores, happenings, live electronic
music, free jazz, and free improvisation. How could these proudly
evanescent performance practices have been adequately represented
on an LP? In their day, few of these works circulated in recorded
form. By contrast, contemporary listeners can encounter this music
not only through a flood of LP and CD releases of archival
recordings but also in even greater volume through Internet file
sharing and online resources. Present-day listeners are coming to
know that era's experimental music through the recorded artifacts
of composers and musicians who largely disavowed recordings. In
Records Ruin the Landscape, Grubbs surveys a musical landscape
marked by altered listening practices.