Books > Children's & Educational > Life skills & personal awareness, general studies > Personal, health & social education (PHSE)
For introductory courses in hospitality. Introduction to
Hospitality is a lively, comprehensive survey of the world's
largest industry - hospitality. Students explore the vibrant inner
workings of each hospitality segment, including hospitality and
lodging; beverages, restaurants, and managed services; tourism,
recreation, attractions, clubs, and gaming; assemblies, events, and
attractions; and managerial areas of the hospitality industry. The
8th Edition highlights a range of issues shaping the future of each
segment of the hospitality industry.
Jou liggaam verander, nuwe emosies verwar jou en jy het honderd
duisend vrae wat jy nie weet hoe of vir wie om te vra nie. Jy is
skielik fyngevoelig, selfbewus en sommer net moeilik... Maar
hoekom? En hoekom is daardie pes van ’n meisiekind ewe skielik vir
jou so oulik? As al die bogenoemde waar is, is hierdie boek vir
jou. Want jy is ’n “puber” en ’n nuwe wereld gaan vir jou oop.
Selfs nog voor jongmense vir die eerste keer seks en seksualiteit
ondervind, wonder meisies en seuns reeds ’n geruime tyd oor al
hierdie dinge. Ouers weet meestal nie hoe om sulke sensitiewe vrae
te beantwoord nie en het nie noodwendig tyd om by te hou met wat in
hul tienerkinders se koppe aangaan nie. Met die gevaar van
ongekontroleerde bronne op die internet vandag, is dit belangrik om
die regte inligting van ’n betroubare bron te verkry, en dis wat
hierdie boek poog om te doen. Jan von Holleben het op by kreatiewe
en prettige wyse die avontuur van grootword deur middel van foto’s
daargestel, en Antje Helms gee insiggewende antwoorde op ’n
direkte, maar sensitiewe, manier. Die boek bied antwoorde op
allerhande vrae oor puberteit en seks wat jongmense nie noodwendig
vir hul ouers wil vra nie.
The year 2020 presented conflicts in higher education, including a
global pandemic, racial protests, cries for Black Lives Matter
following the deaths of Black women and men by police, education
moved online to virtual classrooms, and the U.S. economy struggling
as millions of Americans were furloughed or worked remotely and
ordered everything curbside; all of this compounded by an election
year. This book is a compilation of perspectives shared from
students enrolled in a graduate course on diversity and social
justice in higher education who found community in sharing their
personal and professional experiences associated with identity and
allyship development, socialization, activism, institutionalized
racism, academic traditions, advising, to implications for change
in higher education policies, processes, and practice.
The Sex God has left the country, taking Georgia's heart with
him. So she decides to display glaciosity to all boys -- a girl can
only have her heart broken so many times.
Until she meets Masimo, the new singer for the Stiff Dylans. The
Sex God is gone, but here comes the Dreamboat, and Georgia's away
laughing on a fast camel (whatever that means).
A Special Sweater
Tuula Pere; Illustrated by Catty Flores
Discovery Miles 6 680
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The Pet Promise
Amy Nowlin; Illustrated by Paul Schultz
Discovery Miles 4 740
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Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This nonfiction self-help book for young readers with disordered
eating and body image problems delivers real talk about eating
disorders and body image, tools and information for recovery, and
suggestions for dealing with the media messages that contribute so
much to disordered eating. You Are Enough answers questions like: *
What are eating disorders? * What types of treatment are available
for eating disorders? * What is anxiety? * How can you relax? *
What is cognitive reframing? * Why are measurements like BMI flawed
and arbitrary? * What is impostor syndrome? * How do our role
models affect us? . . . just to name a few. Many eating disorder
books are written in a way that leaves many people out of the
eating disorder conversation, and this book is written with a
special eye on inclusivity.