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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Production engineering > Reliability engineering
Die BemUhungen, die Herstellkosten von Maschinen zu senken, fUhren im Zahnradgetriebebau zu immer geringeren Leistungsge- wichten. So wurde z. B. das Leistungsgewicht fUr Seriengetriebe bestimmter Leistung in der Zeit von 1930 bis 1965 um ca. 70%, bezogen auf den ursprUnglichen Wert, gesenkt (1). Diese Entwicklung war nur durch den Einsatz neuer Zahnradwerk- stoffe und Warmebehandlungsverfahren sowie durch systematische Untersuchungen der Gr6Ben m6glich, die die Tragfahigkeit eines Getriebes beeinflussen. Derartige Untersuchungen sind fUr Stirn- radgetriebe sehr weit fortgeschritten, so daB eine hohen Anfor- derungen genUgende Auslegung heute weitgehend gesichert ist. Stirnradgetriebe, die nach neuesten Gesichtspunkten ausgelegt sind, konnen deshalb hoch beansprucht werden, ohne daB die Ge- fahr eines Getriebeschadens besteht. Bei Kegelradgetrieben ist die Situation nicht so gUnstig. Nach den bisher Ublichen Berechnungsverfahren - beispielsweise nach DIN 3990 oder nach Niemann (20) - wird die Geometrie eines Ke- gelrades durch die eines Ersatzstirnrades angenahert. Da eine UberprUfung dieser Umrechnung durch Tragfahigkeitsuntersuchungen an LaufprUfstanden bisher nicht bekannt geworden ist, ist die Richtigkeit der bisher bekannten Berechnungsverfahren nicht ge- sichert.
Entwicklung und Einsatz der elektrochemischen Bearbeitungsverfah- ren waren zunachst gepragt durch den Einsatz und die Verarbei- tung von hochwarmfesten metallischen Werkstoffen, besonders im Flugzeugbau und in der Raumfahrttechnik. Es bieten sich jedoch he ute zahlreiche Einsatzoebiete filr eine elektrochemische Bear- beitung in allen Produktionszweigen der metallverarbeitenden In- dustrie an. Unter Berilcksichtigung der spezifischen Vorteile sollten diese Verfahren weit starker in die Gesamtheit der Me- tallbearbeitungsverfahren nach wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten eingegliedert werden. Voraussetzung hierfilr ist eine moglichst genaue Kenntnis der Moglichkeiten und Grenzen dieser Verfahren. 1m vorliegenden Bericht - Weiterfilhrung der Forschungsberichte 1716, 1845 und 1991 (1, 2) - werden die Abbildungs- und Formge- nauigkeit sowie die KurzschluBerkennung und Abschaltung beim elektrochemischen Senken und Honen eingehend untersucht. Die Abbildungs- und Formgenauigkeit werden im wesentlichen von der GroBe und der Art der Ausbildung des Arbeitsspaltes bee in- fluBt. Beim elektrochemischen Senken ergibt sich der Arbeits- spalt aus den Arbeitsparametern, w1ihrend er beim elektrochemi- schen Honen vorgegeben wird. In ersten Versuchen ergab sich, daB mit kleinerem Arbeitsspalt sowohl beim Senken als auch beim Ho- nen groBere Form- und Abbildungsgenauigkeiten zu erzielen sind. Ein sehr kleiner Spalt zwischen den Elektroden erhoht jedoch die Gefahr von Kurzschlilssen und der damit verbundenen Gefahr der Werkzeug- und Werkstilckzerstorung erheblich. Urn die Folgen von Kurzschlilssen weitestgehend ausschlieBen zu konnen, wurde die Entstehung von Kurzschlilssen untersucht und Moglichkeiten ihrer frilhzeitigen Erkennung aufgezeigt. Aus die- sen Kenntnissen ergeben sich KurzschluBabschaltungen, die eine elektrochemische Bearbeitung mit sehr kleinen Arbeitsspalten ge- statten, ohne eine Zerstorung der Werkzeuge durch Kurzschlilsse befilrchten zu milssen.
Zweck und Aufgabe des Terminwesens. Die Wirtschaftlichkeit eines industriellen Fertigungsbetriebes hangt im wesentlichen von 2 Bedingungen ab: Vom technischen Stand der verwendeten Produktionsmittel und von der Beschaffenheit der Betriebsorganisation, d. h. von dem Masse, in welchem die Fertigung der Erzeugnisse vorbereitet und der Arbeits- ablauf gesteuert ist. Der technische Stand ist seinerseits von der Investitionsmoeglichkeit abhangig, denn "Modernisieren" lasst sich ein Betrieb nur durch Ver- wendung neuer und leistungsfahigerer Maschinen, es muss also Kapital investiert werden. Dagegen ist es Aufgabe der Betriebsorganisation, die vorhandenen maschinellen Anlagen, entsprechend ihrer Leistungsfahig- keit so zu nutzen, dass die Fertigungskosten der mit ihrer Hilfe herge- stellten Erzeugnisse ein Minimum werden. An der Spitze der Betriebsorganisation steht die Arbeitsvorbe- reitung. Ihr obliegt die Arbeitsplanung im weitesten Sinne, d. h. sie be- stimmt die Arbeitsfolge und die Art der Fertigungsmittel, sie uberwacht die Beschaffung der Roh-und Hilfsstoffe und befasst sich mit der Arbeits- zeitermittlung. Ihre eigentlichen Aufgaben sind mit Beginn der Fer- tigung abgeschlossen, und es tritt nunmehr die UEberwachung des Arbeits- ablaufes und seine Steuerung hinsichtlich "Fertigungsmenge" und "Fertigungszeit" in den Vordergrund: Es muss dafur gesorgt werden, dass jedes Erzeugnisteil zur rechten Zeit am rechten Ort vorhanden ist. Die hiermit zusammenhangenden Aufgaben hat das Terminwesen zu loesen.
Dieses kleine Werk ist das Ergebnis einer vieljahrigen Bc triebserfahrung und weicht in vielem von den die einzelnen Ka piteI der chemischen Technologie behandelnden Werken abo Es bildet einen Ubergang von der beschreibenden Technologie und der Betriebsanweisung, jedoch in einer Weise, daB es den An spriichen des Fachmannes Rechnung tragend, jede Breitspurig keit meidet und dennoch leicht verstandlich bleibt. Vom technologischen Teil wird nur das behandelt, was zur chemischen Betriebskontrolle unbedingt notwendig ist und ru t die engste Verbindung zwischen Betrieb und Laboratorium her vor. EinegleichmaBige Durchfiihrnng dieser Aufgabe in den ver schiedenen Zweigen der Fettindnstrie war nicht moglich, eines teils wegen der abweichenden Natur der einzelnen Industrien, anderseits da die Betriebskontrolle gewisser Zweige .der Fett industrie noch immer sehr liickenhaft ist. Der Zweck des vorliegenden Werkes ist ein zweifacher: Eines teils solI es als Wegweiser dienen in der Betriebskontrolle der verschiedenen Teile der Fettindustrie, anderseits solI es zur Ent wicklung der Betriebskontrolle durch die Erorterung beitragen, daB Technologie und Betriebskontrolle der verschiedenen Zweige der Fettindustrie noch viele Einzelheiten enthalten, die in ur spriinglicher Form oder entsprechend abgeandert auch bei der Herstellung anderer Produkte der Fettindustrie erlolgreich ange wendet werden k6nnen. Auch ist ein Teil der behandelten Metho den noch nirgends beschrieben, so daB ich hoffe, durch Ver assen dieser Schrift zum Aufban des Gebaudes der ettindu striellen Technologie ebenfalls einige Bausteine geliefert zu haben. Budapest, Januar 1925. H. Dubovitz. Inhaltsverzeichnis."
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
In this book, the authors present in detail several recent methodologies and algorithms that we have developed during the last fifteen years. The deterministic methods account for uncertainties through empirical safety factors, which implies that the actual uncertainties in materials, geometry and loading are not truly considered. This problem becomes much more complicated when considering biomechanical applications where a number of uncertainties are encountered in the design of prosthesis systems. This book implements improved numerical strategies and algorithms that can be applied only in biomechanical studies.
G giebt Auskunft daruber, ob in einem Papier neben anderen Faserstoffen Fichten-, Tannen-, Kiefern- oder Espen-Stoff vor- handen ist, was selbstverstandlich auf den Harzgehalt des bethei- ligten Holzschliffes und auf die Bestimmung des vegetabilischen Leims von Einfluss ist, und dass sie somit das Resultat der q uantitati ven Analyse direct beruhrt. Aus letzterem Grunde habe ich die qualitative, Unter- suchungsweise, sowohl auf chemischem als auch auf physica- lischem Wege, in Kurze besprochen, wobei ich allerdings z. Th. aus der gros sen Quelle bekannter Thatsachen schoepfen musste; ich habe mich indessen auch hierbei bemuht, nur das anerkannt Beste und absolut Noethige wiederzugeben; einiges Neue aber, hoffe ich, wird der aufmerksame Leser auch in diesem Theile der Arbeit finden und bei eigenen Untersuchungen vielleicht nicht ohne Vortheil beachten. Auf den Aschengehalt der Papiere uud der betheiligten Bestandtheile musste naturlich, soweit sie die Bestimmungen der Faserstoffe und speciell des Holzschliffes beruhren, auch Bezug genommen werden; es ist indessen hier nur auf Papiere mit feuerbestandigen Erden Rucksicht genommen, weil einmal nur solche als Probepapiere zur Untersuchung vorlagen, und weil ferner Papieruntersuchungen, welche mit Aschenanalysen combinirt werden mussen, sich einfach in eine qualitative und eine quantitative Analyse zergliedern, welche keine Schwierigkeiten darbieten, besonders aber deshalb, weil es hier nur auf die Bestimmung des schwierigsten Factors, des Holzschliffes, ankam.
The term "automation" includes all topics that have traditionally been identified using names such as instrumentation, instruments and control, process control, process automation, control systems, automation and control, manufacturing control, manufacturing automation, and system integration. The topics in this book represent the scope of automation application, they include: Process and analytical instrumentation Continuous and batch control Control valves and final control elements Basic discrete, sequencing, and manufacturing control Advanced control Digital and analog communications Data management and system software Networking and security Safety and reliability System checkout, testing, start-up, and troubleshooting Project management This edition-written by 38 leading experts from all aspects of automation-provides comprehensive information about all major topics in the broad field of automation. It serves as a technical summary of automation knowledge for those who need a complete perspective on automation including: Automation professionals who need to understand the basics of an unfamiliar topic Managers who need a better perspective of all aspects of automation, enabling them to better set direction and make staffing decisions Those who work in fields related to automation, such as IT professionals who need to learn more about plant floor control and information systems Academicians who need guidance in developing and improving curriculum or courses Students, novices, and others evaluating career decisions Those studying for the ISA Certified Automation Professional (R) (CAP (R)), ISA Certified Control Systems Technician (R) (CCST (R)), and/or Control Systems Engineer (CSE) exams
Create, deploy, and manage applications at scale using SRE principles Key Features Build and run highly available, scalable, and secure software Explore abstract SRE in a simplified and streamlined way Enhance the reliability of cloud environments through SRE enhancements Book DescriptionSite reliability engineering (SRE) is being touted as the most competent paradigm in establishing and ensuring next-generation high-quality software solutions. This book starts by introducing you to the SRE paradigm and covers the need for highly reliable IT platforms and infrastructures. As you make your way through the next set of chapters, you will learn to develop microservices using Spring Boot and make use of RESTful frameworks. You will also learn about GitHub for deployment, containerization, and Docker containers. Practical Site Reliability Engineering teaches you to set up and sustain containerized cloud environments, and also covers architectural and design patterns and reliability implementation techniques such as reactive programming, and languages such as Ballerina and Rust. In the concluding chapters, you will get well-versed with service mesh solutions such as Istio and Linkerd, and understand service resilience test practices, API gateways, and edge/fog computing. By the end of this book, you will have gained experience on working with SRE concepts and be able to deliver highly reliable apps and services. What you will learn Understand how to achieve your SRE goals Grasp Docker-enabled containerization concepts Leverage enterprise DevOps capabilities and Microservices architecture (MSA) Get to grips with the service mesh concept and frameworks such as Istio and Linkerd Discover best practices for performance and resiliency Follow software reliability prediction approaches and enable patterns Understand Kubernetes for container and cloud orchestration Explore the end-to-end software engineering process for the containerized world Who this book is forPractical Site Reliability Engineering helps software developers, IT professionals, DevOps engineers, performance specialists, and system engineers understand how the emerging domain of SRE comes handy in automating and accelerating the process of designing, developing, debugging, and deploying highly reliable applications and services.
Reliability of Microtechnology discusses the reliability of microtechnology products from the bottom up, beginning with devices and extending to systems. The book's focus includes but is not limited to reliability issues of interconnects, the methodology of reliability concepts and general failure mechanisms. Specific failure modes in solder and conductive adhesives are discussed at great length. Coverage of accelerated testing, component and system level reliability, and reliability design for manufacturability are also described in detail. The book also includes exercises and detailed solutions at the end of each chapter.
Presents the theory and methodology for reliability assessments of safety-critical functions through examples from a wide range of applications Reliability of Safety-Critical Systems: Theory and Applications provides a comprehensive introduction to reliability assessments of safety-related systems based on electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) technology. With a focus on the design and development phases of safety-critical systems, the book presents theory and methods required to document compliance with IEC 61508 and the associated sector-specific standards. Combining theory and practical applications, Reliability of Safety-Critical Systems: Theory and Applications implements key safety-related strategies and methods to meet quantitative safety integrity requirements. In addition, the book details a variety of reliability analysis methods that are needed during all stages of a safety-critical system, beginning with specification and design and advancing to operations, maintenance, and modification control. The key categories of safety life-cycle phases are featured, including strategies for the allocation of reliability performance requirements; assessment methods in relation to design; and reliability quantification in relation to operation and maintenance. Issues and benefits that arise from complex modern technology developments are featured, as well as: * Real-world examples from large industry facilities with major accident potential and products owned by the general public such as cars and tools * Plentiful worked examples throughout that provide readers with a deeper understanding of the core concepts and aid in the analysis and solution of common issues when assessing all facets of safety-critical systems * Approaches that work on a wide scope of applications and can be applied to the analysis of any safety-critical system * A brief appendix of probability theory for reference With an emphasis on how safety-critical functions are introduced into systems and facilities to prevent or mitigate the impact of an accident, this book is an excellent guide for professionals, consultants, and operators of safety-critical systems who carry out practical, risk, and reliability assessments of safety-critical systems. Reliability of Safety-Critical Systems: Theory and Applications is also a useful textbook for courses in reliability assessment of safety-critical systems and reliability engineering at the graduate-level, as well as for consulting companies offering short courses in reliability assessment of safety-critical systems.
Rotating Machinery, Structural Health Monitoring, Shock and Vibration, Volume 5 Proceedings of the 29th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2011, the fifth volume of six from the Conference, brings together 35 contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Rotating Machinery, Structural Health Monitoring, as well as Shock and Vibration, along with other structural engineering areas.
Reliability engineering is an engineering field, that deals with the study of reliability: the ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time. It is often reported in terms of a probability. Reliability may be defined in several ways: The idea that something is fit for purpose with respect to time; The capacity of a device or system to perform as designed; The resistance to failure of a device or system; The ability of a device or system to perform a required function under stated conditions for a specified period of time; The probability that a functional unit will perform its required function for a specified interval under stated conditions. The ability of something to "fail well" (fail without catastrophic consequences) Reliability engineers rely heavily on statistics, probability theory, and reliability theory. Many engineering techniques are used in reliability engineering, such as reliability prediction, Weibull analysis, thermal management, reliability testing and accelerated life testing. Because of the large number of reliability techniques, their expense, and the varying degrees of reliability required for different situations, most projects develop a reliability program plan to specify the reliability tasks that will be performed for that specific system. The function of reliability engineering is to develop the reliability requirements for the product, establish an adequate reliability program, and perform appropriate analyses and tasks to ensure the product will meet its requirements. This book presents the latest research in the field.
In this probing critique of aviation security since 9/11, Andrew R.
Thomas, a globally recognized aviation security expert, examines
the recent overhaul of the national aviation security system.
Expanding on the coverage provided in Volume 1, Volume 2 covers the prediction of equipment and system reliability for the series, parallel, standby, and conditional function configuration cases and discusses the prediction of the reliability of complex components, equipment, and systems with multimode function and logic, multistress level of function, load sharing function mode, static switches, cyclic switches, and fault tree analysis.
This third book of a 3-volume set on Fracture Mechanics adds a pragmatic and supportive character to the previous volumes by focusing on case studies using corrected exercises that teachers, students or engineers will find extremely useful. Due to the wide themes approached in this series, it can also be used to organize work in this field in a new way, as well as in the maintenance of industrial plants.Several cases of sampling plans and their applications in industry are presented, as well as several solved case studies on the main indicators of capability according to ISO/TS 16949, ISO 8258 and FORD.This book distinguishes itself from other works in the field through its originality in presenting an educational approach which aims at helping practitioners both in academia and industry. It is intended for technicians, engineers, designers, students, and teachers working in the fields of engineering and vocational education. The main objective of the author is to provide an assessment of indicators of quality and reliability to aid in decision-making. To this end, an intuitive and practical approach, based on mathematical rigor, is recommended.
Product reliability engineering from concept to marketplace In today's global, competitive business environment, reliability professionals are continually challenged to improve reliability, shorten design cycles, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. "Life Cycle Reliability Engineering" details practical, effective, and up-to-date techniques to assure reliability throughout the product life cycle, from planning and designing through testing and warranting performance. These techniques allow ongoing quality initiatives, including those based on Six Sigma and the Taguchi methods, to yield maximized output. Complete with real-world examples, case studies, and exercises, this resource covers: Reliability definition, metrics, and product life distributions (exponential, Weibull, normal, lognormal, and more) Methodologies, tools, and practical applications of system reliability modeling and allocation Robust reliability design techniques Potential failure mode avoidance, including Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Accelerated life test methods, models, plans, and data analysis techniques Degradation testing and data analysis methods, covering both destructive and nondestructive inspections Practical methodologies for reliability verification and screening Warranty policies, data analysis, field failure monitoring, and warranty cost reduction All reliability techniques described are immediately applicable to product planning, designing, testing, stress screening, and warranty analysis. This book is a must-have resource for engineers and others responsible for reliability and quality and for graduate students in quality and reliabilityengineering courses.
This book provides an overview of state-of-the-art uncertainty quantification (UQ) methodologies and applications, and covers a wide range of current research, future challenges and applications in various domains, such as aerospace and mechanical applications, structure health and seismic hazard, electromagnetic energy (its impact on systems and humans) and global environmental state change. Written by leading international experts from different fields, the book demonstrates the unifying property of UQ theme that can be profitably adopted to solve problems of different domains. The collection in one place of different methodologies for different applications has the great value of stimulating the cross-fertilization and alleviate the language barrier among areas sharing a common background of mathematical modeling for problem solution. The book is designed for researchers, professionals and graduate students interested in quantitatively assessing the effects of uncertainties in their fields of application. The contents build upon the workshop "Uncertainty Modeling for Engineering Applications" (UMEMA 2017), held in Torino, Italy in November 2017.
A practical, step-by-step guide to designing world-class, high availability systems using both classical and DFSS reliability techniques Whether designing telecom, aerospace, automotive, medical, financial, or public safety systems, every engineer aims for the utmost reliability and availability in the systems he, or she, designs. But between the dream of world-class performance and reality falls the shadow of complexities that can bedevil even the most rigorous design process. While there are an array of robust predictive engineering tools, there has been no single-source guide to understanding and using them . . . until now. Offering a case-based approach to designing, predicting, and deploying world-class high-availability systems from the ground up, this book brings together the best classical and DFSS reliability techniques. Although it focuses on technical aspects, this guide considers the business and market constraints that require that systems be designed right the first time. Written in plain English and following a step-by-step "cookbook" format, "Designing High Availability Systems: "Shows how to integrate an array of design/analysis tools, including Six Sigma, Failure Analysis, and Reliability AnalysisFeatures many real-life examples and case studies describing predictive design methods, tradeoffs, risk priorities, "what-if" scenarios, and moreDelivers numerous high-impact takeaways that you can apply to your current projects immediatelyProvides access to MATLAB(R) programs for simulating problem sets presented, along with PowerPoint slides to assist in outlining the problem-solving process "Designing High Availability Systems" is an indispensable working resource for system engineers, software/hardware architects, and project teams working in all industries.
Electrical Engineering Modeling for Reliability Analysis Markov Modeling for Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, and Supportability Analyses of Complex Computer Systems IEEE Press Series on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems Phillip A. Laplante and Alexander D. Stoyen, Series Editors Markov modeling has long been accepted as a fundamental and powerful technique for the fault tolerance analysis of mission-critical applications. However, the elaborate computations required have often made Markov modeling too time-consuming to be of practical use on these complex systems. With this hands-on tool, designers can use the Markov modeling technique to analyze the safety, reliability, maintainability, and cost-effectiveness factors in the full range of complex systems in use today. Featuring groundbreaking simulation software and a comprehensive reference manual, Modeling for Reliability Analysis helps system designers surmount the mathematical computations that have previously prevented effective reliability analysis. The text and software compose a valuable self-study tool that is complete with detailed explanations, examples, and a library of Markov models that can be used for experiments and as derivations for new simulation models. The book details how these analyses are conducted, while providing hands-on instructions on how to develop reliability models for the full range of system configurations. Computer-Aided Rate Modeling and Simulation (CARMS) software is an integrated modeling tool that includes a diagram-based environment for model setup, a spreadsheet-like interface for data entry, an expert system link for automatic model construction, and an interactive graphic interfacefor displaying simulation results.
The aim of this book is to remove the mystique surrounding reliability engineering techniques. It provides practical guidance to the practising engineer who may have a general knowledge of the concepts of reliability, but who lacks a sufficiently precise understanding of the language of reliability engineering to be able to make effective use of the techniques available. This edition revises and updates the earlier text, and includes new sections on CUSUM analysis and Laplace trend tests, which are included along with a new appedix on sources of mechanical reliability data.
Over the last 50 years, the theory and the methods of reliability analysis have developed significantly. Therefore, it is very important to the reliability specialist to be informed of each reliability measure. This book will provide historical developments, current advancements, applications, numerous examples, and many case studies to bring the reader up-to-date with the advancements in this area. It covers reliability engineering in different branches, includes applications to reliability engineering practice, provides numerous examples to illustrate the theoretical results, and offers case studies along with real-world examples. This book is useful to engineering students, research scientist, and practitioners working in the field of reliability. |
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