Books > Religion & Spirituality
Ons lees dikwels in die Bybel van mense wat gekies is om God te dien,
maar wat beteken dit werklik om gekies te wees? Om deur Jesus gekies te
wees, het wonderlike en verreikende implikasies – hoewel dit meer sê
oor die Een wat kies as oor die een wat gekies is. Ons is geliefd, want
Hy is liefde. Ons is gered, want Hy is genadig. Ons behoort aan God se
familie, want Jesus nooi ons, waardeur al die beloftes in die Bybel vir
ons net so waar is as wat dit in die Bybelse tyd was.
Jy is Myne is ’n interaktiewe Bybelstudie met 8 studies gebaseer op die
eerste reeks van The Chosen, die gewilde aanlyn TV-reeks oor die lewe
van Jesus. Dit loop hand aan hand met elke episode om jou op ’n unieke
manier aan die Bybel bekend te stel. Dit bied:
• ’n indiepte kyk na Jesaja 43 en die vervulling daarvan in Jesus se
lewe, asook dié van sy volgelinge.
• Skrifgedeeltes en aanhalings uit die TV-reeks.
• Vrae vir nadenke vir groepe of individue.
Wat gebeur nadat jy besef en aanvaar Jesus het jou inderdaad gekies?
Wanneer ons aan Hom behoort, kry ons nie net ’n nuwe identiteit nie;
ons word in ’n nuwe realiteit ingelei – een wat eg, kragtig en
lewensveranderend is.
Geseënd is julle is ’n interaktiewe Bybelstudie in 8 sessies vir
individue of kleingroepe gebaseer op die tweede reeks van die aanlyn
TV-reeks The Chosen. Hierdie studie stel beide die Ou en Nuwe Testament
op ’n vars en verstaanbare manier bekend. Elke studie is gebaseer op ’n
episode van die reeks en bevat:
• ’n dieper studie van God se karakter, krag en beloftes met Jesus se
Bergpreek as raamwerk.
• Skrifgedeeltes en aanhalings uit elke episode.
• Bybelteks as agtergrond vir die studie.
• Breedvoerige inligting oor karakters.
• Addisionele brokkies insiggewende Bybel-inligting.
• Leidende vrae vir nadenke en bespreking vir individue of groepe.
The New International Version of the Bible is today’s most popular
modern-English translation.
This low-cost Bible with extra helps is perfect for churches and
ministries looking to distribute God’s Word through their outreach
Features include:
- Complete text of the New International Version
- NIV sectional headings
- Translator footnotes
- Plan of salvation
- Table of weights and measures
In Marblehead Myths, Legends and Lore, author Pam Peterson recounts
the oral and written accounts that Marbleheaders have handed down
over the past four hundred years. Here you will find stories of
magic and witches, sailors, pirates and shipwrecks. Compiled with
meticulous care, Marblehead Myths, Legends and Lore offers a
diverse sampling of tales from one of New England's maritime
Live boldly and act on your most powerful beliefs with this
life-changing guide to faith, positive thinking, and spiritual
fulfillment with this book from #1 New York Times bestselling author
Joel Osteen, now updated and expanded with the study guide included for
the 20th Anniversary edition.
We all have our list of things we want to have “someday.” Whether it’s
for a better job, a stronger marriage, a happier home, more gratifying
relationships with friends, or simply accomplishing more and leaving a
lasting legacy, we think that tomorrow is the day to start our journey
towards our goals. But then tomorrow comes and we’re still crowded in
by the demands of mundane routines and other people’s priorities. How
do you break out and experience the full potential that God intended
you to have?
In Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential, Joel
Osteen offers unique insights and encouragement that will help you
overcome every obstacle you may encounter. This updated and expanded
version will give you a way to improve your life for good and help you
experience victory, joy, and satisfaction with seven steps:
• Enlarge your vision
• Develop a healthy self-image
• Discover the power of your thoughts and words
• Let go of the past
• Find strength through adversity
• Live to give
• Choose to be happy
Your life has a divine purpose and destiny. Put these principles to
work today and see how you begin living your best life now!
Do you know how to wage effective warfare against
our spiritual enemy, Satan? Spiritual battles are not
just for preachers or other spiritual leaders. Whether you
are a new believer or have known the Lord for many years,
you will inevitably experience the devil's attacks. But
you can learn how to protect yourself from them, take the
offensive, and fulfill what God has called you to do in
The principles in the Spiritual Warfare Self-Study Bible
A reissue of this inspiring and heartbreaking memoir about family,
empathy and the stories we tell about ourselves and others Gifts
come in many guises. One summer, Rebecca Solnit was given three
boxes of ripening apricots, fruit from a neglected tree that her
mother, gradually succumbing to memory loss, could no longer tend
to. In this courageous, heartbreaking memoir, Solnit draws from
this unexpected inheritance, weaving her own story into fairy tales
and the lives of others. Encompassing the Marquis de Sade and Mary
Shelley, explorers and monsters, a library of water in Iceland, and
the depths of the Grand Canyon, The Faraway Nearby is a meditation
on family, empathy, and the art of storytelling from a writer of
limitless talent and imagination.
What happens after you realize and accept that Jesus has indeed chosen
you? Once we belong to Him, we’re not only given a new identity; we’re
ushered into a new reality – one that is sure, powerful and
Blessed Are the Chosen is an 8-lesson interactive Bible study for
individuals or small groups based on season 2 of the groundbreaking
television show, The Chosen. This study brings both the Old and New
Testaments to life in an approachable and conversational way. It works
in tandem with each episode of the show and includes:
• A deeper look at God’s character, power and promises using the
framework of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
• Script excerpts, quotes and illustrations from each episode.
• Scripture to provide lesson context.
• Pictures and bios of characters for increased connection.
• Conversational features to invite Bible knowledge.
• Guiding questions for group or individual discussion or reflection.