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Books > Professional & Technical > Other technologies > Space science
Now is the time to fly to space! New technological developments, commercialisation of spaceflight and advances in space medicine have made human space travel more attainable than ever before. This entertaining but nevertheless authoritative book gives a practical introduction to space travel from a number of viewpoints: How spacecraft are built, how to steer and navigate them, instructions for a comfortable everyday life in space and a guide to remain healthy and strong in weightlessness. The Spacefarer's Handbook is full of advice, tips and anecdotes to prepare the reader for their own trip to space. At the same time, it does not lose the scientific perspective on spaceflight. The authors, a physicist and a space medicine specialist, explain the underlying concepts rigorously and include recent research findings. From the operating principles of rocket engines, via bone loss in weightlessness to the methane lakes of Titan, this book contains everything aspiring spacefarers need to know! It also serves as a very good resource, beyond general space enthusiasts, for science fiction readers & writers who are looking for a better foundation in space flight. "Highly recommended for everyone who wants to fly to space and all passengers of our mothership Earth!" Hans Schlegel, ESA Astronaut
This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of aerospace technology and aviation safety, as presented by researchers at the 9th World Congress "Aviation in the XXI Century": Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies, held in Kyiv, Ukraine, on April 26-28 2021. It covers highly diverse topics, including carbon neutral aviation, precision engineering in aerospace, robots in the aerospace industry, nanotechnology for aerospace, aircraft design and strength, tribotechnology in aviation, engines and power installations, intelligent robotic and measuring systems, control systems, civil aviation cybersecurity, mathematical modeling and numerical methods, aeronavigation, unmanned aerial complexes, environmental safety and aviation chemmotology, aviation transport logistics, and construction of transport facilities. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, highlight numerous exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaborations.
Long before humans wrote, we painted. From mud and ash to acrylic and computers, artists across the centuries have found countless inventive ways to explore and express some of life's biggest mysteries. Enter space art, a genre of artistic expression that strives to capture the wonders of our universe. This lavishly illustrated book chronicles the remarkable development of space art from a fledgling theme to a modern movement. In Part I, we traverse the history of art and astronomy from ancient times, through the Industrial Revolution, and into the 20th-century Space Age. Part II delves into the diverse techniques and subgenres of space art, where you will learn about things like rocks and balls, hardware art, and cosmic expressionism. Along the way, we'll stop at places where neither humans nor spacecraft can easily go, from the scorching surface of Venus and the radiation-soaked volcanoes of Io to the alien terrain of exoplanets and the depths of distant galaxies. Featuring hundreds of original color images from space artists and astronomers alike, this book is a vivid visual story about the power of art, astronomy, and human curiosity. A heavily revised edition of the original Beauty of Space, it will entertain, educate, and inspire anybody who yearns to make sense of the strange and surreal sights in our universe.
Offers an accessible text and reference (a cosmic-ray manual) for graduate students entering the field and high-energy astrophysicists will find this an accessible cosmic-ray manual Easy to read for the general astronomer, the first part describes the standard model of cosmic rays based on our understanding of modern particle physics. Presents the acceleration scenario in some detail in supernovae explosions as well as in the passage of cosmic rays through the Galaxy. Compares experimental data in the atmosphere as well as underground are compared with theoretical models
Intended for a one- or two-semester course, this text applies basic, one-variable calculus to analyze the motion both of planets in their orbits as well as interplanetary spacecraft in their trajectories. The remarkable spacecraft missions to the inner and outermost reaches of our solar system have been one of the greatest success stories of modern human history. Much of the underlying mathematical story is presented alongside the astonishing images and extensive data that NASA's Voyager, NEAR-Shoemaker, Cassini, and Juno missions have sent back to us. First and second year college students in mathematics, engineering, or science, and those seeking an enriching independent study, will experience the mathematical language and methods of single variable calculus within their application to relevant conceptual and strategic aspects of the navigation of a spacecraft. The reader is expected to have taken one or two semesters of the basic calculus of derivatives, integrals, and the role that limits play. Additional prerequisites include knowledge of coordinate plane geometry, basic trigonometry, functions and graphs, including trig, inverse, exponential, and log functions. The discussions begin with the rich history of humanity's efforts to understand the universe from the Greeks, to Newton and the Scientific Revolution, to Hubble and galaxies, to NASA and the space missions. The calculus of polar functions that plays a central mathematical role is presented in a self-contained way in complete detail. Each of the six chapters is followed by an extensive problem set that deals with and also expands on the concerns of the chapter. The instructor has the flexibility to engage them with greater or lesser intensity. "I have been an aerospace engineer for 39 years and honestly, it would be hard for me to overstate how valuable I believe this book will be to numerous scientific and engineering disciplines and in particular to the future of aerospace engineering ... This book is perfectly crafted to motivate, educate, and prepare the scientists and engineers who wish to reach for the sky and beyond." -Dr. Mario Zoccoli, Aerospace Engineer, NASA and Lockheed Martin
The Mars Curiosity Rover is the most sophisticated mobile laboratory ever deployed on a planet. For over seven years, scores of investigators have planned its daily route and activities, poring over the overwhelming images and data and revising our understanding of planetary surfaces, geology, and potential habitability. This book takes readers right down to the surface of Mars, chronicling Curiosity's physical and scientific journey across the planet's Earth-like, yet strikingly alien vistas. Through dozens of images and descriptive accounts of the surface, you will gain a deeper knowledge of the Martian landscape, from the floor of Gale Crater up to the cliffs of Mount Sharp. Presented at the end of each chapter are the results and revelations from the science team spearheading the mission. Like any cross-country road trip, the rover has hit some unexpected hitches along the way. The book describes the obstacles faced by the rover and its scientists over the years and the difficult decisions and careful experimentation it took to solve them.
This book presents Special Relativity in a language accessible to students while avoiding the burdens of geometry, tensor calculus, space-time symmetries, and the introduction of four vectors. The search for clarity in the fundamental questions about Relativity, the discussion of historical developments before and after 1905, the strong connection to current research topics, many solved examples and problems, and illustrations of the material in colloquial discussions are the most significant and original assets of this book. Importantly for first-time students, Special Relativity is presented such that nothing needs to be called paradoxical or apparent; everything is explained. The content of this volume develops and builds on the book Relativity Matters (Springer, 2017). However, this presentation of Special Relativity does not require 4-vector tools. The relevant material has been extended and reformulated, with additional examples and clarifications. This introduction of Special Relativity offers conceptual insights reaching well beyond the usual method of teaching relativity. It considers relevant developments after the discovery of General Relativity (which itself is not presented), and advances the reader into contemporary research fields. This presentation of Special Relativity is connected to present day research topics in particle, nuclear, and high intensity pulsed laser physics and is complemented by the current cosmological perspective. The conceptual reach of Special Relativity today extends significantly further compared even to a few decades ago. As the book progresses, the qualitative and historical introduction turns into a textbook-style presentation with many detailed results derived in an explicit manner. The reader reaching the end of this text needs knowledge of classical mechanics, a good command of elementary algebra, basic knowledge of calculus, and introductory know-how of electromagnetism.
This brief addresses the design of model predictive control algorithms for performing space rendezvous manoeuvres. It consolidates developments within guidance and control algorithms, with the aim of improving the efficiency, safety, and autonomy of these manoeuvres. The brief presents several applications of model predictive control to rendezvous manoeuvres, including Ankersen zero-order-hold particular solution1, which provides a realistic thrust profile. It offers new approaches for rendezvous manoeuvres in elliptical orbits, formulating obstacle avoidance constraints, passive safety constraints, and robustness techniques. It also compares finite-horizon and variable-horizon formulations for model predictive control in the context of performance and computational complexity. Predictive Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous is accessible to academics and students new to the topics of orbital rendezvous and model predictive control, but also presents compelling subject matter for researchers and professionals in the aerospace industry.
This engaging and unprecedented work captures the compelling story of John F. Kennedy's role in advancing the United States' space program, set against the Cold War with the Soviet Union. The stunning collection of history and photographs crafted by authors John Bisney and J. L. Pickering illustrates Kennedy's close association with the race to space during his legendary time in office. In addition to the exhaustive research and rare photographs, the authors have also included excerpts from Kennedy's speeches, news conferences, and once-secret White House recordings to provide the reader with more context through the president's own words. While Kennedy did not live to see the fruition of many of the endeavors he supported, his legacy lives on in many ways--many of which are captured in this important work.
This book is aimed at those who wish to understand more about the molecular basis of life and how life on earth may change in coming centuries. Readers of this book will gain knowledge of how life began on Earth, the natural processes that have led to the great diversity of biological organisms that exist today, recent research into the possibility of life on other planets, and how the future of life on earth faces unprecedented pressures from human-made activities. Readers will obtain a perspective on the potential risks of chemical or nuclear warfare, and the ever-increasing risks from human activities that are causing pollution and climate change with global heating. Readers will also learn about ongoing research efforts to generate "designer lifeforms" through synthetic biology and applications of artificial intelligence. The book makes an integrated, up-to-date, overview of topics often considered as separate fields. It should be valuable to students, teachers, and people who are concerned about the future of life.
Militarizing Outer Space explores the dystopian and destructive dimensions of the Space Age and challenges conventional narratives of a bipolar Cold War rivalry. Concentrating on weapons, warfare and vio lence, this provocative volume examines real and imagined endeavors of arming the skies and conquering the heavens. The third and final volume in the groundbreaking European Astroculture trilogy, Militarizing Outer Space zooms in on the interplay between security, technopolitics and knowledge from the 1920s through the 1980s. Often hailed as the site of heavenly utopias and otherworldly salvation, outer space transformed from a promised sanctuary to a present threat, where the battles of the future were to be waged. Astroculture proved instrumental in fathoming forms and functions of warfare's futures past, both on earth and in space. The allure of dominating outer space, the book shows, was neither limited to the early twenty-first century nor to current American space force rhetorics.
This book presents a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in unlocking Latin America's developmental aspirations. It explains how space and its applications can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of Latin American societies, while being driven by Latin American goals. The Latin American space sector is currently undergoing a phase of rapid and dynamic expansion, with new actors entering the field and with space applications increasingly used to support the continent's social, economic, and political development. All across Latin America, attention is shifting to space as a fundamental part of the continental development agenda, and the creation of a Latin American space agency is evidence of this. Additionally, while in recent years, great advances in economic and social development have lifted many of Latin America's people out of poverty, there is still much that needs to be done to fulfill the basic needs of the population and to afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavor to serve Latin America's goals for its future, but there is still a need for further incorporation of space systems and data. The book is of great interest to researchers, professionals and students in fields such as Space Studies, International Relations, Governance, Social and Rural Development, and many others.
This last volume of the SpringerBriefs in Space Life Sciences series is setup in 5 main parts. The 1st part shortly summarizes the history of life science research in space from the late 40s until today with focus on Europe and Germany, followed by a part on describing flight opportunities including the Space Shuttle/Spacelab system and the International Space Station ISS; in the 3rd part it focuses on extraordinary success stories of this constantly challenging research program and highlights some important key findings in space life science research. The book introduces in the 4th part innovative developments in non-invasive biomedical diagnostics and training methods for astronauts that emerge from this program and are of benefit for people on Earth especially in the aging society. Last but not least in its 5th part it closes with an outlook on the future of space life sciences in the upcoming era of space exploration. The book is intended for students and research scientists in the life sciences and biomedicine as well as for interested lay persons, who wish to get an overview of space life science research: its early days, current status and future directions.
In the late 20th and beginning 21st century high-precision astronomy, positioning and metrology strongly rely on general relativity. Supported by exercises and solutions this book offers graduate students and researchers entering those fields a self-contained and exhaustive but accessible treatment of applied general relativity. The book is written in a homogenous (graduate level textbook) style allowing the reader to understand the arguments step by step. It first introduces the mathematical and theoretical foundations of gravity theory and then concentrates on its general relativistic applications: clock rates, clock sychronization, establishment of time scales, astronomical references frames, relativistic astrometry, celestial mechanics and metrology. The authors present up-to-date relativistic models for applied techniques such as Satellite LASER Ranging (SLR), Lunar LASER Ranging (LLR), Globale Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Very Large Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), radar measurements, gyroscopes and pulsar timing. A list of acronyms helps the reader keep an overview and a mathematical appendix provides required functions and terms.
This book examines the background and context of Latin America's political and socioeconomic landscape with a focus on space activities. Firstly, it discusses Latin America's contribution to this sector from an international relations perspective, and explores the debates around the establishment of a Latin American Space Agency. It then highlights space-related capacity building, Latin America's participation in UNCOPUOS, and international space activities, agreements, and initiatives in Latin America. The second part is devoted to the national space infrastructures and space activities of Latin American states. It analyzes various spacefaring countries in the context of their intra-regional space relations and initiatives as well as their bi-lateral cooperation programs. This timely book is of interest to scholars and professionals working in the space field, especially those in Latin America and other emerging countries.
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF SEVEN DEVILS 'GOLDILOCKS GRABS YOUR ATTENTION AND DOESN'T LET GO - A THOUGHT-PROVOKING, IMAGINATIVE CALL-TO-ARMS' Katie Khan, author of Hold Back the Stars 'BOLD, FEMINIST SCI-FI FROM A SINGULAR, VISIONARY TALENT' Waterstones Online This is The Martian by way of The Handmaid's Tale - a bold and thought-provoking new high-concept thriller Despite increasing restrictions on the freedoms of women on Earth, Valerie Black is spearheading the first all-female mission to a planet in the Goldilocks Zone, where conditions are just right for human habitation. It's humanity's last hope for survival, and Naomi, Valerie's surrogate daughter and the ship's botanist, has been waiting her whole life for an opportunity like this - to step out of Valerie's shadow and really make a difference. But when things start going wrong on the ship, Naomi starts to suspect that someone on board is concealing a terrible secret - and realises time for life on Earth may be running out faster than they feared . . . FIND OUT WHY READERS CAN'T PUT GOLDILOCKS DOWN... 'Through the novel's fascinating premise Lam gives us plenty of food for thought about gender dynamics in our own world... Eerily prescient' USA TODAY 'Looking for a thrilling ecofeminist sci-fi space opera to keep you glued to your seat during this pandemic? You've found it' MS. MAGAZINE 'INTERSTELLAR'S brain with THE HANDMAID'S TALE's heart' Chuck Wendig, author of WANDERERS 'A perfect balance of beauty, thrills and hope' Nick Clark Windo, author of THE FEED
This open access book serves as a concise primer introducing the non-specialist reader to the physics of solar energetic particles (SEP). It systematically reviews the evidence for the two main mechanisms which lead to the so-called impulsive and gradual SEP events. This second edition contains two completely new chapters discussing element abundances and shock waves, reflecting new theoretical, modeling, and observational results. Existing chapters have been substantially expanded or updated with additions placed in a broader context. More specifically, the author discusses the timing of the onsets of SEPs, their longitude distributions, their high-energy spectral shapes, their correlations with other solar phenomena, as well as the all-important elemental and isotopic abundances. The book relates impulsive SEP events to magnetic reconnection in solar flares and jets. The concept of shock acceleration by scattering on self-amplified Alfven waves is introduced, as is the evidence of reacceleration of impulsive-SEP material in the seed population accessed by the shocks in gradual events. The text then develops processes of transport of ions out to an observer. Finally, a technique to determine the source plasma temperature in both impulsive and gradual events is demonstrated.The author also mentions the role of SEP events as a radiation hazard in space and briefly discusses the nature of the main particle telescope designs that have contributed to most of the SEP measurements.
Africa faces numerous challenges relating to good governance due to its vast and diverse landscape, as well as its history. This book explores the role of space-based applications in supporting African good governance by strengthening civil society, bolstering democratic processes and advancing socio-economic development. The increased use of such applications can accelerate Africa's progress towards the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the African Union's Agenda 2063 aspirations This book examines key challenges facing governance within African to provide an accurate account of the current African context. It discusses specific examples of e-governance and digital solutions that leverage space-based technologies and have been successfully implemented in both the developed and developing world. In the context of the numerous satellite constellations being deployed to provide affordable Internet connectivity globally, it examines the major actors in this sector and presents additional governance solutions based on remote sensing and Earth observation data. Given its scope, the book will be of interest to professionals and students in the fields of development, governance and space studies.
This book stems from the worrying scale and intensity of conflicts, humanitarian crises, and human rights violations around the world, which can be seen in a wide range of global hotspots including Venezuela, Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, Sudan, Eritrea, and numerous others. These developments are also relevant for Europe, given the large-scale migrations they can produce. In order to effectively respond to them, it has become imperative to analyse ways in which space data and technologies can be used to uphold human rights and monitor violations. Various international tribunals, such as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC), are increasingly relying on satellite data and especially images when considering human rights violations cases. This use of space-related technologies represents a trend that promises to continue as the range and accuracy of space-derived data improves. Further, satellite data has important legal implications because it allows the fulfilment of international obligations to be monitored, and offers a powerful tool for dispute resolution. Accordingly, this book examines the use of satellite images for cases concerning human rights violations, since the multitude of humanitarian crises worldwide demonstrate that it is of the utmost importance to analyse how space law, policies and space-related applications could further support the implementation and monitoring of the observance of human rights, thus contributing to enhanced security and sustainable development. A range of relevant areas, such as migration, refugees (including settlements and whether they are adequately supplied with basic necessities), water distribution and quality, housing and settlement monitoring are crucial aspects addressed in this book. In closing, the use of satellite data for legal purposes is not without its fair share of problems and concerns, which are also considered to guide the evolution of this emerging field.
This book provides a unique insight into the research and recent developments undertaken among the African Remote Sensing community in regard to the environment. It includes reports of the latest research outcomes in the field of remote sensing and geospatial information technologies, analyses discussions around operational topics such as capacity building, Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), applications of advanced remote sensing technologies (LiDAR , Hyperspectral) in Africa, big data, space policy, and topics of high actually in the field of climate changes, ocean and coastal zone management, early warning systems, natural resources management or geospatial science for sustainable development goals. The book comprises the contributions of the AARSE (African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment) international conference which is conducted biennially across Africa, alternately with the AfricaGIS conference. It is the premier forum in Africa for research on remote sensing technologies and geospatial information science, gathering leading scholars from the remote sensing and related communities. The conference is co-organised by the Arab Academy of Science and Technology, in partnership with the National Authority for Remote Sensing & Space Sciences (NARSS) of Egypte, and continues a long series of successful AARSE conferences which started in 1996, in Harare (Zimbabwe) and has been held in Abidjan (Cote D'Ivoire) in 1998, Cape Town (South Africa) in 2000, Abuja (Nigeria) in 2002, Nairobi (Kenya) in 2004, Cairo (Egypt) in 2006, Accra (Ghana) in 2008, Addis Abeba (Ethiopia) in 2010, El Jadida (Morocco) in 2012, Johannesburg (South Africa) in 2014, and in Kampala (Ouganda) in 2016. The book is mainly addressed to practitioners and experts from academia, politics and industry.
This book produces convincing evidence that exploiting the potential of space could help solve many environmental and social issues affecting our planet, such as pollution, overcrowding, resource depletion and conflicts, economic inequality, social unrest, economic instability and unemployment. It also touches on the legal problems that will be encountered with the implementation of the new technologies and new laws that will need to be enacted and new organizations that will need to be formed to deal with these changes. This proposition for a space economy is not science fiction, but well within the remit of current or under development technologies. Numerous technologies are described and put together to form a coherent and feasible road map that, if implemented, could lead humankind towards a brighter future.
This SpringerBrief explores the technological, economic, physiological, and psychological comparisons between a journey to the Moon versus a journey to Mars, taking into consideration the national and international perspectives at play. The author spent over six years interviewing leading space experts from around the world to learn why lunar habitats and the creation of a permanent presence on the Moon are an essential next step to human exploration and settlement in space. Practical reasons related to energy, telecommunications and networking, robotic systems, medical and scientific research, material processing, and more show why it must be the Moon First and Mars Second. These findings and recommendations have been adopted by current NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, as well as the current U. S. president. The research in this text reflects the author's experiences working internally within NASA Headquarters, the FAA Commercial Spaceflight Office, as well as the International Space University. It is partially based on Reneau's award-winning Harvard thesis in conjunction with her Master's in International Relations. |
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