Books > Medicine > Complementary medicine > Traditional medicine & remedies
Underexplored Medicinal Plants from Sub-Saharan Africa: Plants with
Therapeutic Potential for Human Health examines a comprehensive
selection of rarely explored plants that have been underestimated
for their therapeutic value. The book contains monographs of
medicinal plants, outlining their botanical description,
geographical distribution, ethnobotanical usage, chemical
constituents, sample and standard preparations and methods, and
pharmacological properties. With expert contributors from South
Africa, Mauritius, Seychelles, Cameroon and Nigeria, and the
compilation of ethnobotanical, taxonomic and pharmacologic
information for each species, this book is a valuable resource for
researchers, academics in pharmacology, ethnopharmacology,
medicinal plant sciences, and more.
Live greener and find magic in the world around you with this
comprehensive sourcebook to living the hearth witch way. Featuring
homemade recipes, instructions for making everything from wine to
soaps, and a variety of potions and spells, The Hearth Witch's
Compendium helps you incorporate spiritual practice into everyday
life. The contemporary hearth witch inherits the mantle of the
village wise woman; she is part shaman, part seer, part herbalist,
part spiritual healer, and entirely witch. Anna Franklin guides you
through each project, from growing your own herbs and making
remedies for simple ailments to creating natural household products
and mixing oils. By following the hearth witch life, you'll save
money, reduce waste and exposure to potentially toxic chemicals,
and have a lot of fun along the way.