Books > Medicine > Complementary medicine > Traditional medicine & remedies
Tissue salts are minerals that our bodies need to ensure optimal
health. They are found in the Earth’s rocks and soil, and in food
that is grown organically in mineralrich soil. Considered to be the
basic constituents of our bones, blood, organs and muscles, they
are easily absorbed by the human body, with no side-effects. In
this book, Margaret Roberts draws on decades of experience to
advise readers on using the 12 key tissue salts to slow the ageing
process, promote vitality and enhance health. Each tissue salt is
presented in its own chapter, with tips on treating specific
ailments; and advice on increasing the intake of the salts through
the diet. An ailment chart is included for quick reference. An
indispensable guide for anyone interested in health, wellness, and
using natural remedies to ease the effects of ageing.
Die daggaplant (Cannabis sativa) word al vir duisende jare
gebruik. Dit is, inderdaad, ’n baie nuttige plant om materiaal
en toue mee te vervaardig. Dit is egter die bekendste vir die
psigotropiese effekte van dagga se aktiewe bestanddeel,
tetrahidrokannabinol (THC).
Die kwessie oor of dagga verslawend is, is nog nie heeltemal
duidelik nie. Baie navorsing word gedoen om korrekte en
interessante inligting vir gebruikers, hul naasbestaandes,
handelaars en almal wat oor dagga wonder, beskikbaar te stel.
Hierdie handleiding bring die leser op datum met alles wat ons
weet aangaande dagga. Slegs wanneer al die feite op die tafel is,
is dit sinvol om ’n opinie oor hierdie wonderlike plant te waag.
’n Nuttige handleiding wat 'n ereplek in elke Suid-Afrikaanse huis
behoort te he. Maklike oplossings op daaglikse probleempies wat in
en om die huis ontstaan, word hier prakties en effektief
beantwoord. Van die behandeling van algemene kwale soos
slaaploosheid, tot die skoonmaak van yskaste en silwerware. Daar is
nuttige raad vir die gaarmaak en preservering van voedsel, algemene
noodhulpwenke asook wenke vir buitelugliefhebbers.
This book is an immersive experience into the delights of foraging in
Spring, written by one of Britain's most respected foragers. Forage In
Spring celebrates the top fifteen edible and medicinal wild plants
found in March, April and May. It's a comprehensive exploration of
their past and present uses as food and medicine. An invaluable
addition to any forager, herbalist, gardener, horticulturist or
naturalist's library, providing plant-lovers with a much-needed
resource to understanding nature's most useful wild plants. Inside,
you'll discover the forgotten story of Alexanders, Brooklime, Cleavers
(Goosegrass), Dandelion, Garlic Mustard, Ground Elder, Ground Ivy,
Plantain, Primrose, Ramsons (Wild Garlic), Sea Beet, Sorrel,
Sowthistle, Stinging Nettle and Violet. Plants have stories that
reconnect us to the Land and the rest of Nature. As our society becomes
ever more disconnected, there is a revivalist movement flourishing like
a rhizome. This ancient path of the forager reconnects us to the vital,
to wildness, to creation, to what is in effect the very pulse of life
itself. One of the most direct ways to experience this is to consume
this wildness. Take it into our bodies, where like a sleeper agent, it
lies dormant until you have eaten enough to change the structure of
your blood, thereby changing your brain and how you relate to the
non-human world. For it is this simple act. The act of taking wild food
and medicine into our body, that in time becomes so transformative.
Forage In Spring is not a harking back to some naive, romantic vision
of how we might once have lived. Instead, these plants' stories are a
way to help you sense into the future and understand our ecological
function (as a species) within the world.
Covers forty eight wild edible and medicinal plants of Britain and
Includes multiple full-colour photographs of each plant to help make
identification easy.
I wrote this book to help you rediscover our forgotten plant heritage.
To learn how to use wild plants as food and medicine. Knowledge that
was once common to everyone.
Each individual plant profile includes:
- common name
- scientific name
- family
- an easy to understand botanical description
- multiple full colour photos of each plant
- when the plant flowers
- where it is found
- a historical summary
- which parts of the plant to use
- how the plant is used as food
- its nutritional profile
- its traditional folk medicine uses
- and finally, safety notes
For over fifteen years I have experimented and explored the world of
wild plants. Uncovering how our ancestors used plants to nourish and
heal themselves.
I’ve spent thousands of hours digging through scientific papers, read
hundreds of books. Even gone so far as to be nomadic for over a year.
During this time I followed the seasons and plants around the highways
and byways of these isles.
I have written this book to help you rediscover our forgotten plant
heritage. To learn how to use wild plants as food and medicine.
Knowledge that was once common to everyone.
Simple, Safe, and Effective Herbal Remedies for Women For centuries women have turned to herbs to cope with a wide variety of health problems and conditions. Comprehensive and easy-to-use, Herbal Healing for Women explains how to create remedies -- including teas, tinctures, salves, and ointments -- for the common disorders that arise in the different cycles of a woman's life. Covering adolescence, childbearing years, pregnancy and childbirth, and menopause, Rosemary Gladstar teaches how herbs can be used to treat the symptoms of conditions such as acne, PMS, morning sickness, and hot flashes. A complete women's health-care manual, Herbal Healing for Women discusses: * common disorders and the herbs that are effective for treating them; * how to select and store herbs; * preparation of hundreds of herbal remedies; * an alphabetical listing of herbs, including a brief description of the herb, the general medicinal usage, and when necessary, warnings about potential side effects. By explaining the properties of specific herbs and the art of preparation, Rosemary Gladstar demonstrates not only how to achieve healing through herbs but good health as well.
Learn to forage in the hedgerows like the herbalists of the past
with this best-selling beginner's guide. For centuries our
ancestors looked to nature not just for food, but also for healing.
To this day, our ancient hedgerows, woodlands and forests are still
full of remedies - and they're waiting to be discovered. This is
the essential guide to enjoying the bountiful delights of the
natural world. Learn how to make delicious preserves, healing
balms, soothing toddies and cures for colds with nature's jewels
such as rose hips, elderberries and mugwort. You will also find:
Photographs to help you safely identify edible plants Advice on
what is available in each season Guidance on how best to prepare
and preserve your finds The fascinating folklore and history of
foraging Every walk is an opportunity to learn, identify a new
plant, gather something to eat and reconnect with nature - so dive
in to begin your foraging adventure.
Learn to forage in the hedgerows like the herbalists of the past As
many of us look for ways to live a more planet-friendly lifestyle,
the sustainable and ethical art of foraging offers us a way to
connect with the world around us. It is a practice rich in
tradition and steeped in history, and one that links us to our past
and our future. This foraging companion is designed to be taken
with you on your adventures into the hedgerows, forests and
woodland all year round. Helpfully arranged by season, this book
includes clear photographs to aid plant identification, ideas on
how best to prepare and preserve your finds, fascinating foraging
and plant folklore, and handy pages to make your own notes and
drawings. Additional features: Paperback and lightweight (approx.
330g) design, to allow you to take the book with you while foraging
A month-by-month foraging calendar Advice on foraging etiquette and
tips for creating a forager's toolkit This is the essential guide
to enjoying the bountiful delights of the hedgerows.
From the best-selling author of The Hedgerow Apothecary Learn how
to make the most of your common garden plants like the herbalists
of the past Unlock the sustainable and ethical art of the
apothecarist, and explore its rich folklore and history. Discover
the hidden delights in your own garden and how to use them to make
delicious edible treats, herbal cures and restorative beauty
products. With photographs to help you safely identify edible
plants and tips on how best to prepare and preserve your finds,
this is the essential guide to enjoying the home-grown riches of
your garden. Enjoy the therapeutic delights of the plants to be
found in your own garden with easy-to-follow recipes. Heal dry
hands with calendula balm Encourage restful sleep with cherry moon
milk Get creative with a vivid blue ink made from cornflowers Try a
borage infusion for tired eyes Soothe itchy skin with herbal bath
tea Bake a delicious nettle and lemon sponge cake Freshen up with a
rosemary mouthwash Enjoy a cool glass of red clover lemonade And
much more!
Discover 50 common medicinal plants and how to use them for healing
and self-care with this sumptuously illustrated card deck. Thanks
to exceptional photographic plates showing detailed views of all
parts of the fresh plant, you will quickly learn to recognise them
when out foraging. For any plant lover or green witch, the
beautiful photographs make this card deck an absolute treasure.
Discover the fascinating history of these plants, their active
components and therapeutic properties, and learn how to prepare
safe herbal remedies including infusions, tinctures, oils and
lotions. This journey into plant-based wellbeing is guided by a
respected ethnobotanist and doctor of phytotherapy, meaning you can
grow your knowledge of this natural science with complete
confidence. The plants are ordered alphabetically, and each species
has its own card packed with information. You'll find suggested
treatments for nausea, coughs, colds and flu, acne, burns, bites
and sprains, as well as ideas for pain relief, skincare and aids
for digestion, stress, sleep and more. In the accompanying booklet,
you'll find a practical guide for budding herbalists, featuring
useful tips for picking and preserving plants while being an
environmentally responsible picker, ensuring you always show
respect to nature and its 'magical' healing powers. The healing
properties referenced for each plant are explained and there's a
glossary of botanical terms to ensure that everything is clear for
complete beginners. This magnificent card deck will satisfy all
your curiosities about healing plants and become your essential
companion to herbal medicines and natural beauty products.