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An episode from the first season of the action thriller series
starring Steven Seagal. The activities of a new serial killer bring
a chill to the city. Apparently drawing on techniques and ideas
associated with the occult, the killer gruesomely dispatches their
unfortunate victims. Kane is assigned the task of catching the
murderer and begins his investigations in his usual unflinching
manner. It may well be, however, that catching a killer so immersed
in the dark arts and magic will require Kane to venture
uncomfortably close to these practices himself. Will his dual love
for justice and vengeance pull him through?
A Dangerous Man (DVD)
Steven Seagal, Byron Mann, Hugo Steele, Jesse Hutch, Mike Dopud, …
Discovery Miles 410
Ships in 10 - 20 working days
Action thriller starring Steven Seagal. After serving a 15-year
sentence for a crime that he did not commit, Shane Daniels (Seagal)
is released from jail with a formal pardon from the State of
Arizona. But within hours of claiming his freedom, he becomes
witness to a botched illegal diamond deal in which members of both
the Mexican Mafia and the State Troopers are killed, leaving behind
them a terrified girl and a bag of money. Shane must now fight his
way through a corrupt town and get the girl to safety in the only
way he knows how...
From Neal Gabler, the definitive portrait of one of the most
important figures in twentieth-century American entertainment and
cultural history.
Seven years in the making and meticulously researched--Gabler is
the first writer to be given complete access to the Disney
archives--this is the full story of a man whose work left an
ineradicable brand on our culture but whose life has largely been
enshrouded in myth.
Gabler shows us the young Walt Disney breaking free of a heartland
childhood of discipline and deprivation and making his way to
Hollywood. We see the visionary, whose desire for escape honed an
innate sense of what people wanted to see on the screen and, when
combined with iron determination and obsessive perfectionism, led
him to the reinvention of animation. It was Disney, first with
Mickey Mouse and then with his feature films--most notably "Snow
White, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, "and "Bambi--"who transformed
animation from a novelty based on movement to an art form that
presented an illusion of life."
We see him reimagine the amusement park with Disneyland, prompting
critics to coin the word "Disneyfication" to describe the process
by which reality can be modified to fit one's personal desires. At
the same time, he provided a new way to connect with American
history through his live-action films and purveyed a view of the
country so coherent that even today one can speak meaningfully of
"Walt Disney's America." We see how the True-Life Adventure nature
documentaries he produced helped create the environmental movement
by sensitizing the general public to issues of conservation. And we
see how he reshaped the entertainment industry by building a
synergistic empire that combined film, television, theme parks,
music, book publishing, and merchandise in a way that was
unprecedented and was later widely imitated.
Gabler also reveals a wounded, lonely, and often disappointed man,
who, despite worldwide success, was plagued with financial problems
much of his life, suffered a nervous breakdown, and at times
retreated into pitiable seclusion in his workshop making model
trains. Gabler explores accusations that Disney was a red-baiter,
an anti-Semite, an embittered alcoholic. But whatever the
characterizations of Disney's personal life, he appealed to the
nation by demonstrating the power of wish fulfillment and the
triumph of the American imagination. Walt Disney showed how one
could impose one's will on the world.
This is a masterly biography, a revelation of both the work and the
man--of both the remarkable accomplishment and the hidden life
Take a unique look at the Earth as you examine its natural
processes, complex systems and the reciprocal relationship between
people and Earth’s natural environment. Written by three of
today's most respected geographers, Petersen/Sack/Gabler’s
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 12E introduces geography from three
perspectives: as a physical science, a spatial science and an
environmental science. A reader-friendly presentation demonstrates
the processes and interactions among Earth’s systems and
emphasizes environmental sustainability -- highlighting how natural
systems are affected by human activities and how natural processes
impact human lives. Updated, compelling visuals illustrate concepts
with vivid photos, helpful figures and information-rich maps. This
edition also explores dynamic areas of the Earth, such as the
Pacific Ring of Fire, and examines the latest digital and drone
technologies used in geographical research. MindTap digital tools
and videos are available to assist in review.
Understand how society works--and how to make it better It's
impossible to exist in the contemporary world without being aware
that powerful social forces, ideas, and movements--#MeToo, climate
change, and Black Lives Matter to name just a few--are having
far-reaching impacts on how we think and live. But why are they
happening? And what are their likely effects? The new edition of
Sociology For Dummies gives you the tools to step back from your
personal experience and study these questions objectively, testing
the observable phenomena of the human world against established
theories and making usable sense of the results. In a friendly,
jargon-free style, sociologist and broadcaster Jay Gabler
introduces you to sociology's history and basic methods, and--once
you have your sociological lens adjusted--makes it clear how to
survey the big questions of culture, gender, ethnicity, religion,
politics, and crime with new eyes. You'll find everything you need
to succeed in an introductory sociology class, as well as to apply
sociological ideas to give you extra insight into your personal and
professional life. Get a working knowledge of Sociology 101
Understand how human communities work Engage more deeply with
debates on social justice, healthcare, and more Interpret and use
sociological methods and research Whether you're studying sociology
at school or just want to gain deeper insight into our collective
life, Sociology For Dummies gives you the tools to understand the
mechanisms of the human world--and the knowledge to influence how
they work for the better.
Image in Outline introduces the reader to Lou Andreas-Salome's
significant engagement with modern thought. Through detailed
explorations of some of her major texts, Brinker-Gabler examines
Andreas-Salome's contributions to contemporary discourses on
meaning, perception, memory, and the unconscious. Situating her
analyses within Andreas-Salome's historical, social, and
intellectual contexts, this new reading utilizes a theoretical
frame informed by thinkers such as Benjamin, Bergson, and Freud,
and current theoretical perspectives by Irigaray, Grosz, and
Kristeva. Brinker-Gabler argues that Andreas-Salome - committed as
she was to the "double direction" of rigorous thought and
individual nuancing - refocused dominant visions of gender,
sexuality, culture, religion, and creativity through a female lens.
In a "disenchanted world" (Weber), Andreas-Salome offered an image
epistemology or "aesthetics of b(u)ilding," as Brinker-Gabler calls
it, that seeks to retrieve the multilayered past embedded in
individuals and cultural forms, thus providing positive accounts of
sexual and cultural difference, experience, narcissism, and
creativity in modern life.
Research shows that high-performing organisations focus on
diversity and inclusion (D&I). In any workplace, it is
important to both understand and recognise the benefits that having
a D&I workforce provides. It is integral to developing people
within an organisation, serving clients as best we can, and playing
an important leadership role in communities. This book is the first
to place D&I at the centre of successful real estate and
construction organisations. It provides guidance to, and most
importantly, actions for professionals in the sector who want to
make D&I an inherent part of the culture of their organisation.
This book has been written to bring the sector up to speed with
what D&I is all about and how a D&I strategy can be
implemented to secure future success. It presents a practical and
easy-to-read guide that can help organisations and their leaders
engage with and apply this agenda to win the war for talent in real
estate and construction. This book is essential reading for all
property leaders and professionals working in the real estate and
construction sectors. Readers will gain especially from personal
reflections on all aspects of diversity by a broad range of people
working in the property industry.
First published in 1993. The seminal invention for James Joyce's A
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man was the narrative essay A
Portrait of the Artist'. This reprinting also includes an
introduction of its origin to publication in 1914 as a serialised
narrative in 'The Egoist' journal.
First published in 1993. The seminal invention for James Joyce's A
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man was the narrative essay A
Portrait of the Artist'. This reprinting also includes an
introduction of its origin to publication in 1914 as a serialised
narrative in 'The Egoist' journal.
Ingeborg Bachmann (1926-1973) was one of the most significant
post-war women writers in German language literature and remains
one of the most important writers of our time. Over thirty years
after her death, her work continues to attract the critical
attentions of a wide general readership as well as scholars from
many different disciplines, not least because her poems, short
stories, critical essays, radio plays and novels deal with issues
that continue to haunt contemporary culture: history, gender,
exile, war, memory and the Holocaust. A poet, writer and trained
philosopher, Bachmann relentlessly proved what she believed was the
potential of language and writing to raise awareness and effect
change in a culture marked by violence against women, individual
and collective trauma, the effacement of memory, the forgetting of
atrocities, and the silencing of victims. The multifaceted,
interdisciplinary approaches to Ingeborg Bachmann's work make this
collection appealing and relevant to both critics and scholars of
Ingeborg Bachmann and to everyone interested in critical theory and
contemporary culture.
"Digital culture" reflects the ways in which the ubiquity and
increasing use of digital devices and infrastructures is changing
the arenas of human experience, creating new cultural realities.
Whereas much of the existing literature on digital culture
addresses the topic through a sociological, anthropological, or
media theoretic lens, this book focuses on its geographic aspects.
The first section, "infrastructures and networked practices"
highlights the integration of digital technologies into everyday
practices in very different historical and geographical
contexts-ranging from local lifeworlds, urban environments, web
cartographies up to global geopolitics. The second section on
"subjectivities and identities" shows how digital technology use
possesses the capacity to alter the subjective, perceptive, and
affective engagement with the spatial world. Finally, "politics and
inequalities" investigates the social and spatial disparities
concerning digital technology and its use. This book draws
attention to the deep interconnectedness of the cultural, digital,
and spatial aspects of everyday practices by referring to a broad
range of empirical examples taken from tourism, banking, mobility,
and health. Scholars in human geography, anthropology, media and
communication studies, and history will find this research
indispensable reading. It addresses both young and seasoned
researchers as well as advanced students in the aforementioned
disciplines. The wealth of examples also makes this publication
helpful in academic teaching.
Ulysses (Paperback)
James Joyce; Edited by Hans Walter Gabler Gabler; Introduction by Anne Enright
Discovery Miles 3 510
Save R63 (15%)
Ships in 9 - 15 working days
Celebrating 100 Years of Joyce's masterpiece The authoritative Hans
Walter Gabler text; with a new introduction by Anne Enright. Set
entirely on one day, 16 June 1904, Ulysses follows Leopold Bloom
and Stephen Daedalus as they go about their daily business in
Dublin. From this starting point, James Joyce constructs a novel of
extraordinary imaginative richness and depth. Unique in the history
of literature, Ulysses is one of the most important and enjoyable
works of the twentieth century. The survivor of countless
controversies, censorships and even claims of blasphemy, this
centenary edition of Ulysses comes packaged in a boldly designed
new package, befitting of its status as one of the most notorious
and influential novels ever written. 'The greatest novel of the
century' Anthony Burgess Ulysses has had a profound influence on
modern fiction... Unforgettable' Guardian 'A work of high genius'
This volume explores the rich, evolving body of contemporary
cultural practices that reflect on a European project of diversity,
new dynamics between and across cultures in Europe, and its
interactions with the world. There have been calls across Europe
for both traditional national identities and new forms of identity
and community, assertions of regionalized identity and declarations
of multiculturalism and multilingualism. These essays respond to
this critical moment by analyzing the literature of migration as a
(re)writing of European subjects. They ask fundamental questions
from a variety of theoretical and critical standpoints: How do
migrants write new identities into and against old national
(meta)narratives? How do they interrogate constructions of
identity? What kinds of literary experiments are emerging in this
unstable context, e.g. in the graphic novel and avant-garde film?
This collection makes a unique contribution to contemporary
European literary studies by taking an interdisciplinary,
transnational and comparative perspective, thereby addressing
readers from diverse disciplinary backgrounds and stimulating new
research on the ambitious writing and thinking taking place across
the borders of Europe today.
"Digital culture" reflects the ways in which the ubiquity and
increasing use of digital devices and infrastructures is changing
the arenas of human experience, creating new cultural realities.
Whereas much of the existing literature on digital culture
addresses the topic through a sociological, anthropological, or
media theoretic lens, this book focuses on its geographic aspects.
The first section, "infrastructures and networked practices"
highlights the integration of digital technologies into everyday
practices in very different historical and geographical
contexts-ranging from local lifeworlds, urban environments, web
cartographies up to global geopolitics. The second section on
"subjectivities and identities" shows how digital technology use
possesses the capacity to alter the subjective, perceptive, and
affective engagement with the spatial world. Finally, "politics and
inequalities" investigates the social and spatial disparities
concerning digital technology and its use. This book draws
attention to the deep interconnectedness of the cultural, digital,
and spatial aspects of everyday practices by referring to a broad
range of empirical examples taken from tourism, banking, mobility,
and health. Scholars in human geography, anthropology, media and
communication studies, and history will find this research
indispensable reading. It addresses both young and seasoned
researchers as well as advanced students in the aforementioned
disciplines. The wealth of examples also makes this publication
helpful in academic teaching.
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