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Showing 1 - 25 of 51 matches in All Departments
General Leemy's Circus: A Navigator's Story of the Twentieth Air Force In World War II is the action-packed account of the fearless men who flew the Superforts, the B-29's of General Curtis Lemay's XXI Bomber Command. The navigator's role was a critical one and involved making complex directional calculations during the chaos of combat. Navigator turned author Earl Snyder was a whiz at steering pilots through the whirlwinds of skirmishes and had a knack for thinking on the fly in the middle of the storm. His unique improvisational skills earned him a place in the Circus and the important series of bombings that ended the war. This is his story.
This volume is perhaps the most in-depth exploration ever undertaken of Tolkien's world. Accessible but authoritative, and fully illustrated, it is now being reissued with a stunning new cover treatment and updated commentary on new books, films, games, and shows. This book, originally published in 2013 and richly illustrated with photographs and artwork, was the first to connect all the threads of influence on Tolkien that infused his creation of Middle-earth--from the languages, poetry, and mythology of medieval Europe and ancient Greece and Rome to the halls of Oxford and the battlefields of World War I. Snyder examines the impact of these works on our modern culture, from 1960s counterculture to fantasy publishing, gaming, music, and beyond. The reissue has a gorgeous, updated cover design with a custom illustration on foil-stamped faux cloth and additional pages of material covering new developments.
In this revolutionary new book on music and emotion, Dr. John A. Snyder shows us how not to get depressed. Drawing on 40 years of clinical experience as a psychotherapist, he demonstrates that antidepressant pills are dangerous, addictive, and don't work. What does work is listening to feelings and moving toward the very feelings we object to most. Snyder illustrates the special relationship between music and emotion by exploring the inner life of composer Gustav Mahler (1860-1911). Often wrongly portrayed as neurotic, Mahler was actually quite resilient, despite the many tragedies of his short life--a strength that came from his ability to listen to his darkest feelings. Overcoming Depression explains how all of us can access that same emotional strength in our own lives. Written in a direct, conversational style and filled with personal stories from Snyder's life and practice, the book is designed to be a bedside companion to which readers can return again and again for insight and support. Dr Snyder forcefully challenges what is currently being taught in professional schools and to the public about feeling states. His insights are invaluable for any person interested in how we understand and integrate feeling into our daily lives. I especially recommend this book to any professional who works with people suffering from depression." - Dr. William Packard, psychiatrist "Interwoven with Mahler's riveting life story, Dr. Snyder has another agenda: a sweeping analysis of how sadness--which should be viewed as a normal part of the life experience-- has been hijacked and given a new identity as a Disease" requiring "Treatment" with a drug, courtesy of the pharmaceutical industry. -Dr. Donald Kushon, psychiatrist " Like Leonard Bernstein in his Young People s Concerts," John Snyder makes Mahler come alive. He traces the emotional threads that are woven through Mahler's life-in-music, creating a tapestry that helps us better understand our own 'life symphony' and how to orchestrate it. The book's lively and straightforward style makes even subtle concepts easy to grasp." -Dr. Judith D. Fisher, psychiatrist
Following disastrous floods in 1995, North Korea appealed to the international community for assistance. An unprecedented number of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) responded, bringing humanitarian assistance and reflief. With their arrival came hopes for a more open, engaged North Korea. The authors of "Paved with Good Intentions" explore the varying experiences of U.S., South Korean, and European NGOs--and some of the obstacles that have placed those hopes on hold. Intended to assist policy makers, the NGO community, and others interested in engaging North Korea, "Paved With Good Intentions" is the first book to take an inside look at the NGO experience in North Korea. Through this study of humanitarian relief activities in North Korea, the authors shed light on what is arguably the world's most inaccessible and closed nation. Experts in their field, the authors have spent considerable time in North Korea and are in a position to analyze the experiences of NGOs there. The book begins with a look at the humantitarian response to the disastrous 1995 floods in North Korea. It was the first practical opportunity to learn about North Korea and its internal structure, organization, and intentions. A unique compilation of the results of numerous in-depth interviews and workshop discussions, the study examines and compares the responses and differing experiences of U.S., European, and South Korean NGOs in North Korea.
This is the Study Guide and Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry, 11th Edition. Now in a new edition, this book continues its tradition of excellence in teaching and preparing students for success in the organic classroom and beyond. A central theme of the authors' approach to organic chemistry is to emphasize the relationship between structure and reactivity. To accomplish this, the text is organized in a way that combines the most useful features of a functional group approach with one largely based on reaction mechanisms. Emphasizing mechanisms and their common aspects as often as possible, this book shows students what organic chemistry is, how it works, and what it does in living systems and the physical world around us.
I wanted to write this book, especially for myself. I needed to relive my sixty nine years to see if I had done anything to be proud of, constructive or worthwhile. I discovered in the end, that life is just about the ups and downs of everyday living. Some good and some bad. I'm sure if you asked most people, they would agree that if they still could, would do some things differently in their lives. I don't think we were meant to be totally satisfied. I had a wonderful childhood and a loving family. I wouldn't change a thing.
Since Kim Jong-un's assumption of power in December 2011, North Korea has undergone expanded nuclear development, political isolation, and economic stagnation. Kim's early prioritization of the byungjin policy, simultaneous economic and military or nuclear development, highlighted his goal of transforming North Korea's domestic economic circumstances and strengthening its position in the world as a nuclear state. The central dilemma shaping Kim Jong-un's foreign policy throughout his first decade in power revolves around ensuring North Korea's prosperity and security while sustaining the political isolation and control necessary for regime survival. In order to evaluate North Korea's foreign policy under Kim, this volume will examine the impact of domestic factors that have influenced the formation and implementation of Kim's foreign policy, Kim's distinctive use of summitry and effectiveness of such meetings as an instrument by which to attain foreign policy goals, and the impact of international responses to North Korea's pursuit of nuclear capabilities on North Korea's foreign policy.
Since Kim Jong-un's assumption of power in December 2011, North Korea has undergone expanded nuclear development, political isolation, and economic stagnation. Kim's early prioritization of the byungjin policy, simultaneous economic and military or nuclear development, highlighted his goal of transforming North Korea's domestic economic circumstances and strengthening its position in the world as a nuclear state. The central dilemma shaping Kim Jong-un's foreign policy throughout his first decade in power revolves around ensuring North Korea's prosperity and security while sustaining the political isolation and control necessary for regime survival. In order to evaluate North Korea's foreign policy under Kim, this volume will examine the impact of domestic factors that have influenced the formation and implementation of Kim's foreign policy, Kim's distinctive use of summitry and effectiveness of such meetings as an instrument by which to attain foreign policy goals, and the impact of international responses to North Korea's pursuit of nuclear capabilities on North Korea's foreign policy.
A survey of critical attention devoted to Arthurian matters. This book offers the first comprehensive and analytical account of the development of Arthurian scholarship from the eighteenth century, or earlier, to the present day. The chapters, each written by an expert in the area under discussion, present scholarly trends and evaluate major contributions to the study of the numerous different strands which make up the Arthurian material: origins, Grail studies, editing and translation of Arthurian texts, medieval and modern literatures (in English and European languages), art and film. The result is an indispensable resource for students and a valuable guide for anyone with a serious interest in the Arthurian legend. Contributors:NORRIS LACY, TONY HUNT, KEITH BUSBY, JANE TAYLOR, CHRISTOPHER SNYDER, RICHARD BARBER, SIAN ECHARD, GERALD MORGAN, ALBRECHT CLASSEN, ROGER DALRYMPLE, BART BESAMUSCA, MARIANNE E. KALINKE, BARBARA MILLER, CHRISTOPHER KLEINHENZ, MURIEL WHITAKER, JEANNE FOX-FRIEDMAN, DANIEL NASTALI, KEVIN J. HARTY NORRIS J. LACY is Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of French and Medieval Studies at Pennsylvania State University.
An examination of both the role played by Fortune in Arthurian literature and legend, and the fortunes of the legend itself. The essays in this volume offer a general overview and a number of detailed examinations of Arthur's fortunes, in two senses. First is the role of Fortune itself, often personified and consistently instrumental, in accounts of Arthur's court and reign. More generally the articles trace the trajectory of the Arthurian legend - its birth, rise and decline - through the middle ages. The final essay follows the continued turning of Fortune's wheel, emphasizingthe modern revival and flourishing of the legend. The authors, all distinguished Arthurian scholars, illustrate their arguments through studies of early Latin and Welsh sources, chronicles, romances [in English, French, German, Italian, Latin and Welsh], manuscript illustration and modern literary texts. Contributors: CHRISTOPHER A. SNYDER, SIAN ECHARD, EDWARD DONALD KENNEDY, W.R.J. BARRON, DENNIS H. GREEN, NORRIS LACY, CERIDWEN LLOYD-MORGAN, JOAN TASKER GRIMBERT, ALISON STONES, NEIL THOMAS, JANE H.M. TAYLOR, CAROLINE D. ECKHARDT, ALAN C LUPACK.
Preaching and music are both regular elements of Christian worship across the theological spectrum. But they often don't interact or inform each other in meaningful ways. In this Dynamics of Christian Worship volume, theologian, pastor, and musician Noel A. Snyder considers how the church's preaching might be helpfully informed by musical theory. Just as a good musical composition employs technical elements like synchrony, repetition, and meter, the same should be said for good preaching that seeks to engage hearts and minds with the good news of Jesus Christ. By drawing upon music that lifts the soul, preachers might craft sermons that sing. The Dynamics of Christian Worship series draws from a wide range of worshiping contexts and denominational backgrounds to unpack the many dynamics of Christian worship-including prayer, reading the Bible, preaching, baptism, the Lord's Supper, music, visual art, architecture, and more-to deepen both the theology and practice of Christian worship for the life of the church.
Of the total number of consumer product chemicals the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has identified, approximately 500 are considered high production volume (HPV) chemicals. This study investigated the occurrence and fate of high production volume household chemicals in wastewater systems. The study was initiated with a comprehensive review on HPV organic chemicals in household commodities and their contributions to municipal wastewater treatment systems. The comprehensive review presented the basis to compile a database on HPV chemicals and organic compounds in household commodities that have the potential to affect wastewater processes and effluent qualities. The occurrence of select HPV target compounds during wastewater treatment was studied by collecting composite samples of raw sewage and final treated effluents at seven full-scale treatment plants employing different operational conditions. Of the 26 household chemicals targeted in this study, 20 compounds were consistently detected in raw influents of full-scale wastewater treatment plants. Chemicals that are primarily used in products applied outdoors were generally not present in raw influent samples. The majority of compounds present in personal care and cleaning products generally appeared in all influent samples with concentrations of 2-phenoxyethanol (a preservative with various uses) and menthol (a fragrance with various uses) consistently exhibiting the highest concentrations of all compounds. The efficacy of advanced wastewater treatment processes to achieve removal and destruction of selected target compounds was studied through controlled lab- and pilot-scale studies (i.e., MBR, ozone, AOP). In general, biological treatment resulted in partial or complete removal (>80%) indicating that biological treatment is a good treatment option for HPV household chemicals.
A bloody and unforgettable tale of transformation and survival, told by three women surviving in a world devastated by a disastrous transformation from multiple Bram Stoker Award-winner. Humanity has been irrevocably changed by a virus that radically alters its victims...yet life goes on. Three women must band together to try to survive. Erin and Savannah are helping usher in the new world, while Mareva has been burdened with a very special task one she's too horrified to even acknowledge. A beautifully written, cosmically horrifying, wholly unique story that examines the roots of our belief systems and completely defies all expectations.
Japan and South Korea are Western-style democracies with open-market economies committed to the rule of law. They are also U.S. allies. Yet despite their shared interests, shared values, and geographic proximity, divergent national identities have driven a wedge between them. Drawing on decades of expertise, Brad Glosserman and Scott A. Snyder investigate the roots of this split and its ongoing threat to the region and the world. Glosserman and Snyder isolate competing notions of national identity as the main obstacle to a productive partnership between Japan and South Korea. Through public opinion data, interviews, and years of observation, they show how fundamentally incompatible, rapidly changing conceptions of national identity in Japan and South Korea-and not struggles over power or structural issues-have complicated territorial claims and international policy. Despite changes in the governments of both countries and concerted efforts by leading political figures to encourage U.S.-ROK-Japan security cooperation, the Japan-South Korea relationship continues to be hobbled by history and its deep imprint on ideas of national identity. This book recommends bold, policy-oriented prescriptions for overcoming problems in Japan-South Korea relations and facilitating trilateral cooperation among these three Northeast Asian allies, recognizing the power of the public on issues of foreign policy, international relations, and the prospects for peace in Asia.
In a very understandable, practical, and accessible manner, this book applies recent groundbreaking findings from behavioral neuroscience to the most complex and vexing challenges in organizations today. In particular, it addresses managing large-scale organizational changes, such as mergers and acquisitions, providing lessons and tactics that can be usefully applied to in many different settings. In addition to discussing successful practices, it also identifies the reasons that most past comprehensive, long-term change projects have failed and unmasks the counterproductive effects of the typical evolutionary or emotion-based attempts to change group and individual behavior, using neuroscience as its principal tool.
On February 6, 1989, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board contacted Mid America Institute to inquire whether it would undertake an independent, academically oriented analysis of the insolvency resolution crisis in the thrift industry. The Senate Banking Committee, during the course of hearings on the thrift crisis, had suggested to the Bank Board tile desirability of an independent assessment of Bank: Board and FSLIC resolution methodology, specifically as it related to the controversy surrounding the December deals, the Southwest Plan, and the possibility that tax considerations were driving certain deals. The Bank Board had already initiated studies from industry-oriented perspectives. Therefore, it felt that an academic perspective would provide both a valuable addition to the process, and by the nature of academia, perhaps the best prospect of a credible and independent viewpoint. The Bank Board was prepared to give an appropriately structured Task Force virtually unlimited access to all personnel, documents and resources that the Task Force felt necessary to come to an uncompromising assessment. The only significant constraint imposed was that a report had to be available prior to the start of the next round of Senate Banking Committee hearings on March 1, 1989. The Task Force would be given complete discretion as to the scope and coverage of the report, but it was requested that the topic of the December deals, particularly the associated tax considerations, be a significant part of the report.
The alliance between the United States and South Korea has endured through seven decades of shifting regional and geopolitical security contexts. Yet it now faces challenges from within. Domestic political turmoil, including deepening political polarization and rising nationalism in both countries, has cast doubt on the alliance’s viability—with critical implications for the balance of power in East Asia. Scott A. Snyder provides an authoritative overview of the internal and external pressures on the U.S.–South Korea alliance and explores its future prospects. He argues that nationalist leaders’ accession to power could put past successes at risk and endanger the national security objectives of both countries. In the United States, “America first” nationalism favors self-interest over cooperation and portrays allies as burdens or even free riders. “Korea first” sentiments, in both progressive and conservative forms, present the U.S. military presence in South Korea as an obstacle to Korean reconciliation or a shackle on South Korea’s freedom of action. Snyder also examines North Korea’s attempts to influence South Korean domestic politics and how China’s growing strength has affected the dynamics of the alliance. He considers scenarios in which the U.S.–South Korea relationship weakens or crumbles, emphasizing the consequences for the region and the world. Drawing on this analysis, Snyder offers timely recommendations for stakeholders in both countries on how to preserve and strengthen the alliance.
The alliance between the United States and South Korea has endured through seven decades of shifting regional and geopolitical security contexts. Yet it now faces challenges from within. Domestic political turmoil, including deepening political polarization and rising nationalism in both countries, has cast doubt on the alliance’s viability—with critical implications for the balance of power in East Asia. Scott A. Snyder provides an authoritative overview of the internal and external pressures on the U.S.–South Korea alliance and explores its future prospects. He argues that nationalist leaders’ accession to power could put past successes at risk and endanger the national security objectives of both countries. In the United States, “America first” nationalism favors self-interest over cooperation and portrays allies as burdens or even free riders. “Korea first” sentiments, in both progressive and conservative forms, present the U.S. military presence in South Korea as an obstacle to Korean reconciliation or a shackle on South Korea’s freedom of action. Snyder also examines North Korea’s attempts to influence South Korean domestic politics and how China’s growing strength has affected the dynamics of the alliance. He considers scenarios in which the U.S.–South Korea relationship weakens or crumbles, emphasizing the consequences for the region and the world. Drawing on this analysis, Snyder offers timely recommendations for stakeholders in both countries on how to preserve and strengthen the alliance.
Against the backdrop of China's mounting influence and North Korea's growing nuclear capability and expanding missile arsenal, South Korea faces a set of strategic choices that will shape its economic prospects and national security. In South Korea at the Crossroads, Scott A. Snyder examines the trajectory of fifty years of South Korean foreign policy and offers predictions-and a prescription-for the future. Pairing a historical perspective with a shrewd understanding of today's political landscape, Snyder contends that South Korea's best strategy remains investing in a robust alliance with the United States. Snyder begins with South Korea's effort in the 1960s to offset the risk of abandonment by the United States during the Vietnam War and the subsequent crisis in the alliance during the 1970s. A series of shifts in South Korean foreign relations followed: the "Nordpolitik" engagement with the Soviet Union and China at the end of the Cold War; Kim Dae Jung's "Sunshine Policy," designed to bring North Korea into the international community; "trustpolitik," which sought to foster diplomacy with North Korea and Japan; and changes in South Korea's relationship with the United States. Despite its rise as a leader in international financial, development, and climate-change forums, South Korea will likely still require the commitment of the United States to guarantee its security. Although China is a tempting option, Snyder argues that only the United States is both credible and capable in this role. South Korea remains vulnerable relative to other regional powers in northeast Asia despite its rising profile as a middle power, and it must balance the contradiction of desirable autonomy and necessary alliance. |
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