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ThisvolumecompilesallpaperspresentedattheInternationalSymposiumon- plications of Graph Transformation with Industrial Relevance (AGTIVE 2007). Thesubmissions?rstunderwentathoroughreviewprocessbeforeAGTIVE2007. Asecondreviewroundwasorganizedafterthesymposiumfor(1)?nalpaperv- sions of presented contributions, (2) additional short tool surveys, and (3) the results ofa separatetoolcompetition satellite event. AGTIVE 2007 was the third practice-orientedscienti?c meeting of the graph transformationcommunity. The aim of the AGTIVE seriesasa whole is to serve asaforumforallthosescientistsofthegraphtransformationcommunitythatare involved in the development of graph transformation tools and the application of graph transformation techniques-usually in an industrial setting. In more detail, our intentions were and still are to: 1. Bring the practice-oriented Graph Transformation community together 2. Study and integrate di?erent Graph Transformation approaches 3. Build a bridge between academia and industry In addition, AGTIVE 2007 laid a special emphasis on the role that graph transformation techniques play for model-driven system engineering languages, tools, and methods including the well-known standards of the Object Mana- ment Group (OMG). The ?rst AGTIVE symposium took place at Kerkrade, The Netherlands, in 1999. Its proceedings appeared as vol. 1779 of the Springer LNCS series. The second symposium, AGTIVE 2003, was held in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. The proceedings were published as LNCS 3062. The conference location for AGTIVE 2007 was a historic site again: the Schlosshotel Bad Wilhelmsh] ohe, whichis nextto the Wilhelmsh] ohe Palaceabovethecity inthe famousBergpark of Kassel, right in the center of Germany. Kassel is a very old city that was ?rst mentioned in 913. In ancient times Castellum Cattorum was a forti?cation of the German Tribe of the unusually disciplined and well-organized Chatti (cf."
PROGRES schliesst eine Lucke in der objektorientierten Modellierung durch die Modellierung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Objektwelten. Mit Hilfe "visueller" Graphoperationen werden komplexe Strukturveranderungen beschrieben."
If you would ask us, whether this is just another book about modeling, we would probably feel inclined to say: yes and no. Yes, it is a lot about modeling, but no, it is also about programming, methodological software design, and rapid prototyping via methods from model driven engineering. It will also be one of the first complete references and teaching guides for Story Driven Modeling. Story Driven Modeling is an agile software development method using objects and scenarios and special modeling steps to facilitate system analysis and design. Most parts of this book can be done with pencil and paper and with standard UML tools and standard software development environments. However, some steps are best supported by the rapid prototyping tool Fujaba or the Story Driven Modeling library SDMLib. The title of this book does not include Object Oriented Modeling on purpose. Object Orientation, Object Oriented Design, Object Oriented Analysis, and other object oriented methods all refer somehow to class diagrams and inheritance. Instead of this, we will actively use objects for modeling, analysis, and design. We will learn to think in objects. This book is foremost planned to be a textbook for software modeling courses. It offers a very interactive and agile approach to modern software design. In this book, we introduce the Objects First principle which is the foundation of the Story Driven Modeling development method. This is not to be mistaken with an object oriented development method. You will see that the Object First method slightly differs from traditional object oriented methods. With this book, we address a majority of readers dealing with or wanting to learn software development. This includes teachers and students for introduction to Object Orientation, Systems Modeling, Object Oriented Design, or Model Driven Engineering. This book should also be insightful for people interested in modeling and program design and beginning programmers. We expect from the reader some very basic programming skills, preferable in Java, though most of the presented concepts in this book can be also applied in any other object oriented language. However, all the examples presented in this book focus on Java as the example language.
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