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Kinematics is an exciting area of computational mechanics which
plays a central role in a great variety of fields and industrial
applications. Apart from research in pure kinematics, the field
offers challenging problems of practical relevance that need to be
solved in an interdisciplinary manner in order for new technologies
to develop. The present book collects a number of important
contributions presented during the First Conference on
Interdisciplinary Applications of Kinematics (IAK 2008) held in
Lima, Peru. To share inspiration and non-standard solutions among
the different applications, the conference brought together
scientists from several research fields related to kinematics, such
as for example, computational kinematics, multibody systems,
industrial machines, robotics, biomechanics, mechatronics and
chemistry. The conference focused on all aspects of kinematics,
namely modeling, optimization, experimental validation, industrial
applications, theoretical kinematical methods, and design. The
results should be of interest for practicing and research engineers
as well as Ph.D. students from the fields of mechanical and
electrical engineering, computer science, and computer graphics.
Computational kinematics is an enthralling area of science with a
rich spectrum of problems at the junction of mechanics, robotics,
computer science, mathematics, and computer graphics. The present
book collects up-to-date methods as presented during the Fifth
International Workshop on Computational Kinematics (CK2009) held at
the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. The covered topics
include design and optimization of cable-driven robots, analysis of
parallel manipulators, motion planning, numerical methods for
mechanism calibration and optimization, geometric approaches to
mechanism analysis and design, synthesis of mechanisms, kinematical
issues in biomechanics, balancing and construction of novel
mechanical devices, detection and treatment of singularities, as
well as computational methods for gear design. The results should
be of interest for practicing and research engineers as well as
Ph.D. students from the fields of mechanical and electrical
engineering, computer science, and computer graphics.
This book presents the proceedings of the 31st International
Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD), held in
Klagenfurt, Austria, June 8-10, 2022. It gathers contributions by
researchers from several countries on all major areas of robotic
research, development and innovation, as well as new applications
and current trends. The topics covered include: novel designs and
applications of robotic systems, intelligent cooperating and
service robots, advanced robot control, human-robot interfaces,
robot vision systems, mobile robots, humanoid and walking robots,
bio-inspired and swarm robotic systems, aerial, underwater and
spatial robots, robots for ambient assisted living, medical robots
and bionic prostheses, cognitive robots, cloud robotics, ethical
and social issues in robotics, etc. Given its scope, the book
offers a source of information and inspiration for researchers
seeking to improve their work and gather new ideas for future
developments. Chapter "The Use of Robots in Aquatic Biomonitoring
with Special Focus on Biohybrid Entities" is available open access
under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
Looking beyond prominent figures or major ecclesial events,
Liberation Theology and the Others offers a fresh historical
perspective on Latin American liberation theology. Thirteen case
studies, from Mexico to Uruguay, depict a vivid picture of
religious and lay activism that shaped the profile of the Latin
American Catholic Church in the second half of the 20th century.
Stressing the transnational character of Catholic activism and its
intersections with prevalent discourses of citizenship, ethnicity
or development, scholars from Latin America, the US, and Europe,
analyze how pastoral renewal was debated and embraced in multiple
local and culturally diverse contexts. Contributors explore the
connections between Latin American liberation theology and
anthropology in Peru, armed revolutionaries in highland Guatemala,
and the implementation of neoliberalism in Bolivia. They identify
conceptions of the popular church, indigenous religiosity, women's
leadership, and student activism circulated among Latin American
religious and lay activists between the 1960s and the 1980s. By
revisiting the multifaceted and oftentimes contingent nature of
church reforms, this edited volume provides fascinating new
insights into one of the most controversial religious movements of
the 20th century.
While the importance of consent has been discussed widely over the
last few decades, interest in its study has received renewed
attention in recent years, particularly regarding medical
treatment, clinical research and sexual acts. The Routledge
Handbook of the Ethics of Consent is an outstanding reference
source to this exciting subject and the first collection of its
kind. Comprising over thirty chapters by a team of international
contributors, the Handbook is divided into five main parts: *
General questions * Normative ethics * Legal theory * Medical
ethics * Political philosophy. Within these sections central
issues, debates and problems are examined, including: the nature
and normative importance of consent, paternalism, exploitation and
coercion, privacy, sexual consent, consent and criminal law,
informed consent, organ donation, clinical research, and consent
theory of political obligation and authority. The Routledge
Handbook of the Ethics of Consent is essential reading for students
and researchers in moral theory, applied ethics, medical ethics,
philosophy of law and political philosophy. This volume will also
be very useful for those in related fields, such as political
science, law, medicine and social science.
The book introduces the main problems, key methods, and milestone
results in singularity analysis of mechanisms. It provides a
comprehensive and concise overview of basic results while also
addressing a few advanced topics of singularities in mechanical
systems and robots.
Kinematics is an exciting area of computational mechanics which
plays a central role in a great variety of fields and industrial
applications. Apart from research in pure kinematics, the field
offers challenging problems of practical relevance that need to be
solved in an interdisciplinary manner in order for new technologies
to develop. The present book collects a number of important
contributions presented during the First Conference on
Interdisciplinary Applications of Kinematics (IAK 2008) held in
Lima, Peru. To share inspiration and non-standard solutions among
the different applications, the conference brought together
scientists from several research fields related to kinematics, such
as for example, computational kinematics, multibody systems,
industrial machines, robotics, biomechanics, mechatronics and
chemistry. The conference focused on all aspects of kinematics,
namely modeling, optimization, experimental validation, industrial
applications, theoretical kinematical methods, and design. The
results should be of interest for practicing and research engineers
as well as Ph.D. students from the fields of mechanical and
electrical engineering, computer science, and computer graphics.
Computational kinematics is an enthralling area of science with a
rich spectrum of problems at the junction of mechanics, robotics,
computer science, mathematics, and computer graphics. The present
book collects up-to-date methods as presented during the Fifth
International Workshop on Computational Kinematics (CK2009) held at
the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. The covered topics
include design and optimization of cable-driven robots, analysis of
parallel manipulators, motion planning, numerical methods for
mechanism calibration and optimization, geometric approaches to
mechanism analysis and design, synthesis of mechanisms, kinematical
issues in biomechanics, balancing and construction of novel
mechanical devices, detection and treatment of singularities, as
well as computational methods for gear design. The results should
be of interest for practicing and research engineers as well as
Ph.D. students from the fields of mechanical and electrical
engineering, computer science, and computer graphics.
Underserved Communities and Digital Discourse: Getting Voices Heard
presents a series of case studies which evaluate the elevation and
suppression of voices within marginalized and minority communities.
It examines the use of digital media and its role in the
construction of reality-specifically who is included, who is left
out, and who feels they must remain silent. Through both
quantitative and qualitative measures, this book discusses digital
discourse in terms of ethnic media, political communication,
ethics, crisis communication, myth, and health frameworks.
Ein funktionierendes Forderungsmanagement ist heute unerlasslich.
Dieses Buch vermittelt juristisches Basiswissen und zeigt
systematisch, wie es Unternehmen gelingt, Forderungen abzusichern
und durchzusetzen. Zahlreiche Praxishinweise und Beispiele machen
deutlich, worauf es ankommt."
While the importance of consent has been discussed widely over the
last few decades, interest in its study has received renewed
attention in recent years, particularly regarding medical
treatment, clinical research and sexual acts. The Routledge
Handbook of the Ethics of Consent is an outstanding reference
source to this exciting subject and the first collection of its
kind. Comprising over thirty chapters by a team of international
contributors, the Handbook is divided into five main parts: *
General questions * Normative ethics * Legal theory * Medical
ethics * Political philosophy. Within these sections central
issues, debates and problems are examined, including: the nature
and normative importance of consent, paternalism, exploitation and
coercion, privacy, sexual consent, consent and criminal law,
informed consent, organ donation, clinical research, and consent
theory of political obligation and authority. The Routledge
Handbook of the Ethics of Consent is essential reading for students
and researchers in moral theory, applied ethics, medical ethics,
philosophy of law and political philosophy. This volume will also
be very useful for those in related fields, such as political
science, law, medicine and social science.
This volume entails a collection of new ideas, themes and questions
towards a phenomenon which we are used to refer to with the key
term "diversity". The aim of the book is to offer a cultural
sciences perspective on "diversity", to advance knowledge about it
and enrich the dialogue between academics and practitioners in
related domains of action. Today, changes in the demographic
structures of the population, the migration flux, multiculturalism,
the rising awareness concerning minorities' rights, gender studies
and so on lead to a complex picture of what "diversity" means. The
narrative of a society and of most organizations is constituted by
multiple layers of social categorization, segregation and identity.
Therefore, "diversity" defies simple definition. The contributions
in this volume approach the phenomenon from different angles and
reveal new theoretical, methodological and practical perspectives
on it.
Some things are reasons for us to perform certain actions. That it
will spare you great pain in the future, for example, is a reason
for you to go to the dentist now, and that you are already late for
work is a reason for you not to read the next article in the
morning paper. Why are such considerations reasons for or against
certain actions? Constructivism offers an intriguing answer to this
question. Its basic idea is often encapsulated in the slogan that
reasons are not discovered but made by us. Andreas Muller
elaborates this idea into a fully-fledged account of practical
reasons, makes its theoretical commitments explicit, and defends it
against some well-known objections. Constructing Practical Reasons
begins with an examination of the distinctive role that reason
judgements play in the process of practical reasoning. This
provides the resources for an anti-representationalist conception
of the nature of those judgements, according to which they are
true, if they are true, not because they accurately represent
certain normative facts, but because of their role in sound
reasoning. On the resulting view, a consideration owes its status
as a reason to the truth of the corresponding reason judgement and
thus, ultimately, to the soundness of a certain episode of
reasoning. Consequently, our practical reasons exhibit a kind of
mind-dependence, but this does not force us to deny their
Sind Zeitreisen wirklich moeglich? In diesem Buch werden allgemein
verstandlich die physikalischen Grundlagen fur Zeitreisen und drei
verschiedene Arten von Zeitmaschinen vorgestellt, wobei es auch um
die technische Umsetzbarkeit solcher Maschinen sowie die
gesellschaftlichen und politischen Folgen von Zeitreisen geht. Auf
unterhaltsame Weise wird eine spekulative Vision vom Jahr 2100
gezeichnet, wie es in den Bereichen Gesellschaft, Politik und
Wirtschaft, Medizin, Technik und Verkehr sowie den
Naturwissenschaften aussehen koennte. Um diese Vision besser
beurteilen zu koennen, wird ihr eine Ruckschau in das Jahr 1910
entgegengestellt. Hatte ein Mensch aus dem Jahr 1910 eine Ahnung
von den technischen Errungenschaften wie dem Computer oder der
Entdeckung der Ausdehnung des Universums gehabt? Der
Wissenschaftsautor Andreas Muller nimmt den Leser mit auf
abenteuerliche Reisen durch die Zeit.
Aufgabenorientiertes Lernen und Lehren hat sich zu einem der
fuhrenden Ansatze in der Fremdsprachendidaktik entwickelt. In
diesem Band liegt der Fokus auf dem Zusammenspiel zwischen
Medieneinsatz und Aufgabenorientierung im Fremdsprachenunterricht
(Englisch, Spanisch, Deutsch als Fremdsprache). Einleitend wird ein
umfassender UEberblick uber den Forschungsstand aus einer
padagogisch-soziokulturellen Perspektive gegeben. Neben dem Einsatz
von traditionellen Medien, wie Film, geht es in den Beitragen um
die Entwicklung und den Einsatz von Multimedia-Software sowie
internetbasiertem Material (webquest), Projekte im Bereich der
Telekollaboration und den Einsatz neuer technischer Werkzeuge, wie
weblogs, wikis und interaktive whiteboards. Die Forschungskontexte
umfassen die Grundschule, Sekundarstufe und die Lehrerausbildung
auf der Hochschulebene.
Andreas Muller untersucht die Wirtschaftlichkeit der
Standardisierung betrieblicher Anwendungssysteme aus der Sicht
okonomischer Theorien und entwickelt ein nutzen- und
kostentheoretisches Modell der Wirkungen integrierter
Anwendungssysteme. Dabei berucksichtigt er sowohl den fur den
jeweiligen Anwender anfallenden originaren Nutzen als auch den
derivativen Nutzen, so dass uber die indirekten Netzeffekte
erstmals der Integrationsnutzen in komponentenbasierten Systemen
aufgezeigt wird.
Auf der Basis einer fundierten theoretischen Analyse fuhrt Thilo
Andreas Muller eine empirische Untersuchung zum Zusammenhang
zwischen der Kunden- und Wettbewerbsorientierung, dem Erfolg
neugegrundeter Softwareunternehmen und der Zusammenarbeit der
Grunder durch und entwickelt Handlungsempfehlungen fur die Praxis.
Der Erhalt gew ssertypischer Strukturen und die naturnahe
Entwicklung von Flie gew ssern z hlen heute zu den wichtigsten
Aufgaben des Umweltschutzes. Um Defizite und
Sanierungserfordernisse, aber auch Renaturierungserfolge
einheitlich bewerten zu k nnen, wurde das Verfahren der Gew
sserstrukturg tekartierung bundesweit verbindlich eingef hrt.
Die Autoren dieses Buches sind erfahrene Praktiker, die wesentlich
an der Entwicklung des Kartierverfahrens beteiligt waren. Anhand
zahlreicher Beispiele erl utern sie die offizielle Kartieranleitung
und geben vielf ltige Hinweise zur Gel ndearbeit. Von grundlegenden
Fragen der Flie gew sserbewertung bis zur DV-technischen
Verarbeitung von Kartierdaten werden alle wichtigen Aspekte
anschaulich dargestellt. Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Praxis runden
das Bild ab.
No-Point (Paperback)
Andreas Muller, Justin Allen
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