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The year 2004 was a remarkable one for the growing ?eld of time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). Not only did we celebrate the 40th - niversary of the Hohenberg-Kohn paper, which had laid the foundation for ground-state density functional theory (DFT), but it was also the 20th - niversary of the work by Runge and Gross, establishing a ?rm footing for the time-dependent theory. Because the ?eld has grown to such prominence, and has spread to so many areas of science (from materials to biochemistry), we feel that a volume dedicated to TDDFT is most timely. TDDFT is based on a set of ideas and theorems quite distinct from those governingground-stateDFT, butemployingsimilar techniques.Itisfarmore than just applying ground-state DFT to time-dependent problems, as it - volves its own exact theorems and new and di?erent density functionals. Presently, themostpopularapplicationistheextractionofelectronicexcit- state properties, especially transition frequencies. By applying TDDFT after thegroundstateofamoleculehasbeenfound, wecanexploreandunderstand the complexity of its spectrum, thus providing much more information about the species. TDDFT has a especially strong impact in the photochemistry of biological molecules, where the molecules are too large to be handled by t- ditional quantum chemical methods, and are too complex to be understood with simple empirical frontier orbital theo
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.
This concise book offers an essential introduction and reference guide for the many newcomers to the field of physics of elemental 2D materials. Silicene and related materials are currently among the most actively studied materials, especially following the first experimental synthesis on substrates in 2012. Accordingly, this primer introduces and reviews the most crucial developments regarding silicene from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. At the same time the reader is guided through the extensive body of relevant foundational literature. The text starts with a brief history of silicene, followed by a comparison of the bonding nature in silicon versus carbon atoms. Here, a simple but robust framework is established to help the reader follow the concepts presented throughout the book. The book then presents the atomic and electronic structure of free-standing silicene, followed by an account of the experimental realization of silicene on substrates. This topic is subsequently developed further to discuss various reconstructions that silicene acquires due to interactions with the substrate and how such effects are mirrored in the electronic properties. Next the book examines the dumbbell structure that is the key to understanding the growth mechanism and atomic structure of multilayer silicene. Last but not least, it addresses similar effects in other elemental 2D materials from group IV (germanene, stanane), group V (phosphorene) and group III (borophene), as well as transition metal dichalcogenides and other compositions, so as to provide a general comparative overview of their electronic properties.
There have been many significant advances in time-dependent density functional theory over recent years, both in enlightening the fundamental theoretical basis of the theory, as well as in computational algorithms and applications. This book, as successor to the highly successful volume Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (Lect. Notes Phys. 706, 2006) brings together for the first time all recent developments in a systematic and coherent way. First, a thorough pedagogical presentation of the fundamental theory is given, clarifying aspects of the original proofs and theorems, as well as presenting fresh developments that extend the theory into new realms-such as alternative proofs of the original Runge-Gross theorem, open quantum systems, and dispersion forces to name but a few. Next, all of the basic concepts are introduced sequentially and building in complexity, eventually reaching the level of open problems of interest. Contemporary applications of the theory are discussed, from real-time coupled-electron-ion dynamics, to excited-state dynamics and molecular transport. Last but not least, the authors introduce and review recent advances in computational implementation, including massively parallel architectures and graphical processing units. Special care has been taken in editing this volume as a multi-author textbook, following a coherent line of thought, and making all the relevant connections between chapters and concepts consistent throughout. As such it will prove to be the text of reference in this field, both for beginners as well as expert researchers and lecturers teaching advanced quantum mechanical methods to model complex physical systems, from molecules to nanostructures, from biocomplexes to surfaces, solids and liquids. "From the reviews of LNP 706: " "This is a well structured text, with a common set of notations and a single comprehensive and up-to-date list of references, rather than just a compilation of research articles. Because of its clear organization, the book can be used by novices (basic knowledge of ground-state DFT is assumed) and experienced users of TD-DFT, as well as developers in the field." (Anna I. Krylov, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 129 (21), 2007) "This book is a treasure of knowledge and I highly recommend it. Although it is a compilation of chapters written by many different leading researchers involved in development and application of TDDFT, the contributors have taken great care to make sure the book is pedagogically sound and the chapters complement each other ...]. It is highly accessible to any graduate student of chemistry or physics with a solid grounding in many-particle quantum mechanics, wishing to understand both the fundamental theory as well as the exponentially growing number of applications. ...] In any case, no matter what your background is, it is a must-read and an excellent reference to have on your shelf." Amazon.com, October 15, 2008, David Tempel (Cambridge, MA)"
This book is a journey through the wonders of physics, the special thousandth volume of the renowned Lecture Notes in Physics book series. From quantum physics to solar physics, this volume showcases the beauty of physics in various fields. Written by series editors and colleagues, these essays are accessible to non-specialists and graduate-level students alike, making for an intriguing read for anyone interested in learning about physics beyond their own field of study. Explore the historical development of the series with two insightful forewords. List of essays: A New Era of Quantum Materials Mastery and Quantum Simulators In and Out of Equilibrium Evaluation and Utility of Wilsonian Naturalness The Geometric Phase: Consequences in Classical and Quantum Physics The Coming Decades of Quantum Simulation Insights into Complex Functions Exploring the Hottest Atmosphere with the Parker Solar Probe A Primer on the Riemann Hypothesis
Blunders are not personal problems but a collective result of a habitual society, aimless and lacking a plan; a symptom of a time where it is very difficult to not mess up. We are submersed in the 'logic of a supermarket', where everything seems worthwhile to buy but no purchase seems successful. But things are changing. Without leaders or headquarters, many people are taking control over their own lives. They are also weaving together new meaningful relationships, whether they are sexual, friendship, work-related, or of leisure.Las meteduras de pata no son un problema personal, sino un vicio colectivo resultado de una sociedad equivocada, sin rumbo y carente de proyecto; el sintoma de unos tiempos en los que es muy dificil no pifiarla, sumergidos en la logica del supermercado donde todo vale mientras se pueda comprar, donde ninguna decision parece la acertada. Pero las cosas estan cambiando. Sin lideres ni jefaturas, muchas personas estan tomando el poder sobre sus vidas y tejiendo nuevas relaciones con significado: familiares sexuales, de amistad, ocio, trabajo, economicas o de consumo.
Obra tejida por un grupo de profesores y expertos del Turismo Cultural, a travZs de diversas rutas gri+licas y Culturales, con la que compartir la ilusi-n del viaje como v'a de encuentro personal y desarrollo de las regiones. Eso s', sin renunciar al encanto de los relatos hist-ricos sobre templarios, c+taros, y leyendas artoericas; desde diferentes campos, pero unidos por ese misterio, comprensible s-lo desde la trascendencia, y deseado, el s'mbolo de la copa de la eterna juventud y la inmortalidad. It is a tour from the occidental slopes of Aragon and Valencia originary coming from Europa. Besides presenting several grial routes and other adjacent ones, the are motivated by pasion and illusion towards reunion coexistance and develoing of new regions. Historic narrations about templars, cathars and Arthurian legends are all together around this mystery, just understandable thanks to transcendence and to desidere of the eternal youth and immortality given by the sacred vessel.
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