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Wil jy graag ’n nouer band hê met jou seun? Wil jy die tipe verhouding hê wat God eer en vir jou en jou seun ’n seën sal wees, nou en vir die res van julle lewens?
In Pa’s en seuns moedig Angus Buchan pa’s aan om die verhouding met hulle seuns te slyp, te beskerm en te koester. Deur temas soos nederigheid, liefde, waardering, genade en respek inspireer Angus mans om die tipe pa te wees wat God hulle gemaak het om te wees.
Hy herinner elke pa dat dit nooit te vroeg of te laat is om daardie kosbare verhouding met jou seun te koester nie.
Summary: The world of the academic journal continues to be one of
radical change. A followup volume to the first edition of The
Future of the Academic Journal, this book is a significant
contribution to the debates around the future of journals
publishing. The book takes an international perspective and looks
ahead at how the industry will continue to develop over the next
few years. With contributions from leading academics and industry
professionals, the book provides a reliable and impartial view of
this fast-changing area. The book includes various discussions on
the future of journals, including the influence of business models
and the growth of journals publishing, open access and academic
libraries, as well as journals published in Asia, Africa and South
America. About the Editors: Bill Cope is Professor in the
Department of Educational Policy Studies, Organization and
Leadership at the University of Illinois, USA and Director of
Common Ground Publishing. From 2010-2013 he was Chair of the
Journals Publication Committee of the American Educational Research
Association. He is the author of a number of books, including, with
Mary Kalantzis and Liam Magee, Towards a Semantic Web: Connecting
Knowledge in Academic Research, also published by Chandos, in 2011,
and with Mary Kalantzis, Literacies, 2012. Angus Phillips is
Director of the Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies
at Oxford Brookes University. He has degrees from Oxford and
Warwick universities and before joining Oxford Brookes he ran a
trade and reference list at Oxford University Press. His books
include Turning the Page: The evolution of the book, hich examines
the effects of digital and other developments on the book itself.
He is also the author, with Giles Clark, of Inside Book Publishing.
He is the editor of the premier publishing jounal, Logos. Table of
Contents: Introduction; Changing knowledge ecologies and the
transformation of the scholarly journal; Sustaining the 'Great
Conversation' the future of scholarly and scientific journals;
Academic journals in a context of distributed knowledge; Business
models in journals publishing; The growth of journals publishing;
The post-Gutenberg open access journal; How the rise of open access
is altering journal publishing; Gold open access: the future of the
academic journal?; The future of copyright: what are the pressures
on the present system?Journals ranking and impact factors: how the
performance of journals is measured; The role of repositories in
the future of the journal; The role of the academic library; Doing
medical journals differently: Open Medicine, open access and
academic freedom; The Elsevier Article of the Future project: a
novel experience of online reading; The future of Latin American
academic journals; The status and future of the African journal;
Academic journals in China: past, present and future.
Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction provides practicing
veterinarians with a concise and up-to-date source of information
regarding the equine reproductive process. Coverage of the mare
includes the reproductive system, normal and abnormal physiology,
and reproductive problems. It also discusses advanced reproductive
techniques in the mare such as assisted fertilization techniques
and embryo transfer. Coverage of the stallion includes reproductive
problems and advanced reproductive techniques. Features the most
current information available on equine reproduction, including the
latest therapies and treatments for breeding dysfunction, as well
as advances in reproductive techniques Focuses on therapy and
treatment to provide practitioners with quick access to key
information Features the shared experience and valuable advice of
world-renowned experts who have first-hand knowledge of which
treatments and therapies are most effective
Stress is an inevitable part of being lawyer and it can even be a
positive force - it can help you push through long hours or meet
tough targets. However, when stress becomes excessive, it can be
damaging to individuals and to firms, leading to mental and
physical sickness, lack of morale or a desire to take on additional
responsibility, and worse. The problem is widespread. According to
a Law Society survey, 95% of lawyers have some negative stress in
their jobs, and 17% say that this is extreme. Lawyers feel
overloaded with work, unappreciated, isolated, and unsupported;
many complain of unattainable targets, poor pay, and long hours.
And while many firms say they have programmes in place that are
geared towards improving the wellbeing of staff, 66% of lawyers say
they would be concerned about reporting feelings of stress to their
employer because of the stigma involved. Nobody wishes to be seen
as a weak link in the chain of a professional practice. A solution
won't be found overnight. This book is designed to encourage
lawyers and firms to think more about the question of stress, how
to recognise it in others and themselves, and how to take action
before it becomes excessive. It is written for lawyers everywhere -
regardless of location or career level. Key topics include: What is
stress - how does it affect us? How can you prepare for inevitable
stress and be better fitted to cope? How can you recognise the
signs of stress in yourself and others? What are the particular
characteristics of lawyers that make them more susceptible to
negative stress? Mindfulness, mind-mindedness, and emotional
intelligence (EI) - what they are and how they can help you to cope
with stressful situations. Vicarious trauma - how you can be aware
of and manage unavoidable emotional reactions to and/or involvement
with clients' emotions. Looking after ourselves and our teams -
what can (and can't) we do to make things better? The advice is
informed by the author's practical experience as a lawyer and
psychotherapist, and it is underpinned by recent statistical and
research evidence, and illustrated by the personal experiences of
lawyers whose stories have been anonymised, deconstructed, and
re-arranged for confidentiality. The book also includes tips,
exercises, and frameworks to think about in order to help you to
tackle stress and promote mental wellbeing.
Saddle up for a fun-filled ride around the farm with Farmer Angus and
his best friend Snowy. Snowy 2-in-1 combines Angus Buchan’s well-loved
children’s books Snowy and Snowy and Friends to share fun farm stories
that children aged 5-8 can relate to and learn valuable lessons from.
Snowy: Join Snowy the horse as he learns all sorts of fun lessons like
how to be friendly to Big Stuff, a very grumpy and angry horse, and how
to overcome his fear when crossing a river with Farmer Angus.
Snowy and Friends: Meet a whole new bunch of Snowy’s animal friends
like Mr. Bull, Red Rooster, Betsy, Tiger and Samuel. They teach Snowy
all sorts of wonderful lessons about listening to Farmer Angus and how
God has made all of us unique.
Children will love the farm activities for every story, which includes
mazes, crossword puzzles, spot-the-difference and match-the-shadow
games. Each story also includes a Scripture verse and prayer. This
collection of interactive and educational stories is sure to keep young
hearts and minds entertained as they learn good, godly virtues.
Snowy 2-in-1 bevat Angus Buchan se gewilde boeke Snowy en Snowy en sy
maats. Die prettige plaasstories is vol waardevolle lesse vir kinders
tussen 5 en 8.
Snowy: Kom leer allerhande lesse saam met Snowy, soos om vriendelik te
wees met kwaai mense en hoe om jou vrese te oorkom in moeilike
Snowy en sy maats: Ontmoet ’n hele klomp van Snowy se nuwe vriende,
soos Mê en Rooies. Hulle leer vir Snowy allerhande lesse oor om
gehoorsaam te wees en hoe God ons almal uniek geskape het.
Kinders sal ook hou van die prettige aktiwiteite, soos
blokkiesraaisels, soek die verskille en doolhowe. Elkeen van die
stories word afgerond met ’n teksvers en gebed. Hierdie versameling
interaktiewe en opvoedkundige stories sal goddelike waardes vaslê in
jong hartjies.
• Omnibus van Angus Buchan se gewilde kinderboeke Snowy en Snowy en sy
• Angus Buchan is ’n topverkoper-outeur en bekende evangelis.
• Raak ouderdomsgeskikte konsepte vir kinders tussen 5 en 8 aan, soos
gehoorsaamheid, omgee vir ander en dankbaarheid.
• Sluit speletjies in soos blokkiesraaisels, soek die verskille en
doolhowe in.
• 100 volkleur-bladsye.
• Sagteband.
• Ook beskikbaar in Engels onder die titel Snowy 2-in-1.
Is daar kommer in jou hart, of onbeantwoorde vrae? Neem dit na God toe
in gebed!
Angus Buchan is jou gebedsvennoot met die 365 kort, kragtige en
Skrifgebaseerde gebede. Elke gebed word afgerond met ’n sleutelvers en
aanhaling, asook ’n praktiese wenk om geloofsgroei in jou lewe aan te
moedig. Wat jy ook al nodig het – of dit geduld, vrede, vreugde of
genade is – Sakpas-gebede vir elke dag sal jou lei om jou hart oop te
maak teenoor jou Skepper en só jou verhouding met Hom te verinnig.
Vind nuwe krag en inspirasie wanneer jy met jou Skepper praat en sy
troos, liefde en genade ervaar.
On Listening is a unique collection of forty multi-disciplinary
perspectives drawn from anthropology, bioacoustics, geography,
literature, community activism, sociology, religion, philosophy,
art history, conflict mediation and the sonic arts including music,
ethnomusicology and field recording. These specially commissioned
contributions explore the many ways in which skilled listening can
mediate new relationships with our physical environment and the
people and other species that we share it with. From the
Introduction: Listening has become an increasingly popular subject
of study. It features in conferences, in academic journals, in
doctoral research projects. However, reflexive listening is an
applied practice that exceeds the boundaries of academic
institutions to take its place in a number of everyday settings.
This book aims to connect the scholarly and the experiential and
extend the contemporary discourse on listening.
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful
introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and
law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed
to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys
of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete
subject areas. This updated second edition of the Advanced
Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment offers an
up-to-date exploration of the current theory and practice of
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), a crucial tool for
evaluating and mitigating the impacts of development projects on
the environment. Angus Morrison-Saunders provides an overview of
the key concepts, principles, and methodologies of EIA, with a
focus on recent developments, emerging trends, and best practices
in the field. Key Features: Fresh analyses of how environment and
development intersect in EIA Exploration of the fundamental ideas
promoted by the pioneers of EIA Revised content on international
best practice EIA principles and how they apply today Reflections
on the increasing need to adopt a holistic, sustainability-oriented
approach to EIA. With accessible style, comprehensive coverage, and
a practical approach, this book is an essential resource for
students, scholars, and practitioners in environmental studies,
environmental governance, policy and regulation, urban planning,
and related fields who want to deepen their understanding of EIA.
Whether you need motivation for a challenging day or comfort during
trying times, All That I Need will provide you with promises and hope
from God’s Word. Written by well-known evangelist Angus Buchan, these
366 devotions aim to make you aware of God’s presence in your life and
that He provides all that you need.
Be encouraged to live out God’s love every day as you take inspiration
from the Scriptures and advice and encouragement from Angus Buchan’s
signature down-to-earth style.
Today, I’m starting a ‘rent a person who does nothing‘
service . . . Except for very simple conversation, I’m afraid I
can do nothing. Shoji Morimoto was constantly being told that he
was a ‘do-nothing’ because he lacked initiative. Dispirited and
unemployed, it occurred to him that if he was so good at doing
nothing, perhaps he could turn it into a business. And with one
tweet, he began his business of renting himself out . . . to do
nothing. Morimoto, aka Rental Person, provides a fascinating
service to the lonely and socially anxious. Sitting with a client
undergoing surgery, accompanying a newly-divorced client to her
favourite restaurant, visiting the site of a client’s suicide
attempt are just a few of his thousands of true life adventures. He
is dependable, non-judgmental and committed to remaining a stranger
and the curious encounters he shares are revelatory about both
Japanese society and human psychology. In Rental Person Who Does
Nothing, Morimoto chronicles his extraordinary experiences in his
unique line of work and reflects on how we consider relationships,
jobs and family in our search for meaningful connection and purpose
in life.
The 366 daily devotions in A Mustard Seed are dedicated to those believers who have to get up every morning and walk the talk, go through the daily grind and face their day-to-day challenges.
This devotional is for every believer who needs a mustard seed of faith to get through every day so they can walk in the fullness of what God has prepared for them in His kingdom.
Geloof soos aartappels is die inspirerende ware verhaal van bekende evangelis Angus Buchan. Dit is ’n getuienis van hoe geloof ’n mens deur die donkerste tye kan dra. Nadat Angus tot bekering gekom het, is hierdie humeurige man wat van sy drank gehou het, verander in ’n passievolle dienaar van God. Sy geloof het hom al deur droogtes, familietragedie en finansiële krisisse gedra. Sedert hy tot bekering gekom het, het Angus die evangelie oor die wêreld heen verkondig. Hy het ook ’n kinderhuis gestig, verskeie boeke geskryf en duisende mense geïnspireer met sy boodskappe op TV, radio en by sy konferensies.
Hierdie aangrypende boek sal jou opnuut verseker van God se almag en sy voorsiening vir sy kinders.
Wanneer jy tyd in God se teenwoordigheid deurbring en oor sy kragtige
Woord mediteer, bou dit karakter, innerlike krag en ’n godvresende
selfvertroue om enige lewensuitdaging te trotseer.
In stilwees en vertroue is 366 oordenkings deur die bekende evangelis
Angus Buchan. Elkeen van die daaglikse teksverse, inspirerende
oordenkings en diepsinnige gebede sal jou toerus met die krag van die
Heilige Gees om sterk te staan teen elke dag se uitdagings. Nou is die
tyd om God te vertrou. Bring daarom tyd saam met Hom deur, want ons
krag lê in stil wees en vertroue hê (Jes. 30:15).
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful
introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and
law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed
to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys
of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete
subject areas. This updated second edition of the Advanced
Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment offers an
up-to-date exploration of the current theory and practice of
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), a crucial tool for
evaluating and mitigating the impacts of development projects on
the environment. Angus Morrison-Saunders provides an overview of
the key concepts, principles, and methodologies of EIA, with a
focus on recent developments, emerging trends, and best practices
in the field. Key Features: Fresh analyses of how environment and
development intersect in EIA Exploration of the fundamental ideas
promoted by the pioneers of EIA Revised content on international
best practice EIA principles and how they apply today Reflections
on the increasing need to adopt a holistic, sustainability-oriented
approach to EIA. With accessible style, comprehensive coverage, and
a practical approach, this book is an essential resource for
students, scholars, and practitioners in environmental studies,
environmental governance, policy and regulation, urban planning,
and related fields who want to deepen their understanding of EIA.
Poems (Paperback)
Angus Fairbairn
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