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Terror warnings, fake news, spectacles and scandals in real time -
the networked world has wound itself up into a nervous frenzy,
where everything has become visible: the banal and the terrible,
the uninhibited abuse and the anonymous attack. Translated for the
first time into English, Digital Fever analyses the patterns of
outrage and agitation that have come to define social media and the
Internet, exposing their devastating impact on our notions of
truth, debate, authority and power. In this endless cycle of
outrage, Poerksen argues that the intelligent use of information
must become part of the general education provided by schools: the
digital society must be transformed into an editorial one. In order
for democracy to survive, we must as a society achieve media
maturity. A blazing tour of the contemporary landscape of
fake-news, echo chambers, disinformation, manipulation, and the
turbulence that democracy is undergoing, this book not only
analyses this digital economy of outrage, but serves as a guiding
light to overcome it.
Die Autorin untersucht die Texte rechtsextremer Bands und
Sanger/-innen. Beim Erstkontakt Jugendlicher mit der rechtsextremen
Szene ist die Musik haufig "Einstiegsdroge Nr. 1". Die Liedtexte
vermitteln die rechtsextreme Ideologie auf wirkungskraftige Weise;
dies kann auf unterschiedlichen sprachlichen Ebenen beschrieben
werden. Das Buch zeigt am Beispiel metaphorischer Ausdrucksformen,
wie die rechtsextreme Ingroup Abwertungsstrategien gegenuber den
von ihnen abgelehnten Outgroups sprachlich vollzieht. Auf Basis von
uber 5500 Texten wird deutlich, wie ganze soziale Gruppen von der
rechtsextremen Szene als nichtmenschliche Entitaten konzipiert
werden. Die spezifischen, fur die Metaphorik genutzten Domanen
leisten einen substantiellen Beitrag zur ideologisch motivierten
Argumentation der rechtsextremen Sprecher "gegen den Feind".
The reputation of the powerful and the powerless, of enterprises
and states, can be destroyed in record time. In order to illustrate
these considerations, this book describes recent case-(hi)stories,
discussing public figures such as Tiger Woods and Anthony Weiner,
the powerful and the helpless that suddenly find themselves in a
worldwide pillory.
Journalismus soll mundige Burger informieren und doch sein Publikum
unterhalten, soll schonungslos recherchieren und gleichzeitig
Profite erwirtschaften. Journalismus soll die Auflage und die
Einschaltquote steigern - und trotz vielfaltiger Abhangigkeiten und
Zwange stets unabhangig sein, den Idealen der Aufklarung und dem
Ethos der Wahrheit verpflichtet. Journalismus lebt von der Distanz
- und von der Nahe, von der Zuspitzung und von der Einordnung, von
der Schnelligkeit und der Genauigkeit, von der Kreativitat und der
Routine. Es sind die Paradoxien, die unvermeidlichen Konflikte und
die heimlichen Schizophrenien der Profession, die von fuhrenden
Fachleuten aus dem In- und Ausland beschrieben werden. Entstanden
ist eine theoretisch herausfordernde, empirisch fundierte und die
Praxis reflektierende Analyse jener Widerspruche, die bestimmen,
was Journalismus und Journalistik leisten sollen - und was sie
tatsachlich leisten koennen.
This book presents the views of the founders of constructivism and
modern systems theory, who are still providing stimulating cues for
international scientific debate. The conversations turn on the
results of brain research, the breaks through of cybernetics, the
linguistic determination of thought, and the intrinsic connection
between epistemology and ethical practice.
Constructivism has been traded as a new paradigm by its advocates,
and criticised by its opponents as legitimating deceit and lies, as
justifying a trendy post-modern "Anything goes." In this book,
Bernhard Poerksen draws up a new rationale for constructivist
thinking and charts out directions for the imaginative examination
of personal certainties and the certainties of others, of
ideologies great and small. The focus of the debate is on the
author's thesis that our understanding of journalism and, in
particular, the education and training of journalists, would profit
substantially from constructivist insights. These insights
instigate, the claim is, an original kind of scepticism; they
provide the underpinnings of a modern type of didactics oriented by
the autonomy of learners; and they supply the sustaining arguments
for a radical ethic of responsibility in journalism. Bernhard
Poerksen, b. 1969, after six years as professor of journalism and
communication studies at the University of Hamburg, is now
professor of media studies at the University of Tubingen, Germany.
He studied German, journalism and biology in Hamburg and the USA
(Pennsylvania State University), worked as a trainee with Deutsches
Allgemeines Sonntagsblatt, and has been active as a journalist and
an author of books for over ten years. His essays and commentaries,
reports and interviews, appear in many daily and weekly newspapers.
He has also published numerous articles in scholarly journals and
books; his books on cybernetics and constructivism (e.g.
Understanding Systems, with Heinz von Foerster; From Being to
Doing, with Humberto Maturana; The Certainty of Uncertainty.
Dialogues introducing constructivism) are available in German,
English, Spanish, Danish and Italian versions. In 2008, Bernhard
Poerksen was voted 'Professor of the Year' in the category
Humanities, Social and Cultural Studies.