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This book provides an insight into the possibilities that so-called
""Electronic Government"" has to offer. It demonstrates the
elements belonging to the concept of E-Government and acts as a
point of reference for those aiming to implement it. Checklists and
lists of questions enable self-assessment at local, state and
federal levels, highlighting opportunities for further development.
The book cannot be described as technical - programmers will not
find any instructions. Instead, it is designed to act as a point of
orientation for decision makers in the field of government and
politics, without the need to get bogged down in technical details.
Central to the book are the following questions: what is Electronic
Government, what advantages does it bring to those involved with
it, and how can it be introduced?
Dieses Buch beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, warum wir für viele
der Herausforderungen unserer Zeit so schwer Lösungen finden. Um
Armut, Rassismus oder den Klimawandel zu stoppen oder Frieden,
persönliches Glück und Wohlstand zu erreichen, brauchen wir die
Fähigkeit, strategisch wirksam zu handeln. Heutige
Strategiekonzepte sind vom militärischen Paradigma der
Überlegenheit durch Stärke im Kampf durchdrungen. Die
Komplexität ökologischer, ökonomischer und
gesellschafts-politischer Probleme macht es aber unmöglich, sie
direkt zu bekämpfen. Nicht Überlegenheit durch Stärke, sondern
Anpassung durch Veränderung kann uns den Lösungen
näherbringen.Dieses Buch setzt sich mit den aktuell verwendeten
Strategiemodellen kritisch auseinander, insbesondere mit dem
weitverbreiteten Hauptinstrument, der SWOT. Auf Basis dieser
grundlegenden Kritik wird ein neues Konzept der Veränderung des
Veränderbaren konzipiert. Es eignet sich nicht nur für
Strategieverantwortliche, Manager und Politiker, sondern beinhaltet
auch wertvolle Ratschläge für alle, die wichtige Entscheidungen
treffen oder verstehen müssen. Abschließend wird das neue Konzept
an drei Beispielen theoretisch getestet; u.a. wird ein neuer
strategischer Ansatz für die Begrenzung des Klimawandels
Die vorliegende Untersuchung befasst sich mit den
"Festgottesdiensten" Friedrich Schleiermachers als Prediger an der
Berliner Dreifaltigkeitskirche zwischen 1809 und 1829. Ausgehend
von Schleiermachers Theorie des Festgottesdienstes werden neun
dieser Festgottesdienste rekonstruiert, indem die Elemente Lied,
Kirchenmusik, Gebet und Liturgie so weit wie moeglich dokumentiert
und deren theologische wie asthetische Koharenz gepruft werden.
Unterbrochen werden diese Analysen durch vier Exkurse
(Kirchenmusik, Gesangbucharbeit, Agende und
Gottesdienstvorbereitung). Es folgt ein Dokumenten- und
Materialanhang, der uberwiegend ungedruckte Quellen aus dem Umfeld
des Schleiermacherschen Gottesdienstes erstmalig veroeffentlicht,
darunter die wieder-entdeckten Protokolle der Berliner
"Gesangbuchs-Commission". Die von Schleiermacher in seiner
liturgischen Theorie postulierte Einheit und Ganzheit des Kultus
kann in seiner eigenen liturgischen Praxis der Festgottesdienste
der Berliner Zeit eindrucklich nachgewiesen werden. Die einzelnen
liturgischen Elemente sind sorgfaltig aufeinander abgestimmt, wobei
jeweils in der Predigt der Schlussel zum theologischen
Gesamtverstandnis des Gottesdienstes zu sehen ist.
This monograph contributes to the existence theory of difference sets, cyclic irreducible codes and similar objects. The new method of field descent for cyclotomic integers of presribed absolute value is developed. Applications include the first substantial progress towards the Circulant Hadamard Matrix Conjecture and Ryser`s conjecture since decades. It is shown that there is no Barker sequence of length l with 13<1<4x10^(12). Finally, a conjecturally complete classification of all irreducible cyclic two-weight codes is obtained.
Universities and Engagement is a timely and insightful book that
examines what universities can contribute to their communities and
economies through lifelong learning, a topic which is of increasing
importance to Higher Education Institutions across the world. The
book will offer an answer to the question 'What can be understood
by University Lifelong Learning today?' by collating the work of
specialists from across Europe and beyond who have first-hand
experience in the field of university engagement through continuing
education. With a diverse range of expertise from the UK, Ireland,
Germany, Finland, Malta, Belgium, New Zealand, Austria and the USA,
readers are guaranteed a varied and informative collection of
perspectives on this important topic. Taken as a whole, the book
provides a theoretical background for readers, drawing on recent
research and practice examples from a variety of countries and
institutional settings, as well as demonstrating a variety of
conceptual approaches, confirming the diverse range of possible
solutions. Key topics covered include: research into policy and
practice; engaging with business and industry; engaging with
communities; engaging with an ageing society; active citizenship
and regional competitiveness. Developed in collaboration with the
European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN),
Universities and Engagement is an invaluable contribution to
research in the subject of lifelong learning. It will be of value
to academics, practitioners and professionals with an interest in
higher education and community management, and will be particularly
suited to those interested in lifelong learning, adult education
and community development.
Universities and Engagement is a timely and insightful book that
examines what universities can contribute to their communities and
economies through lifelong learning, a topic which is of increasing
importance to Higher Education Institutions across the world. The
book will offer an answer to the question 'What can be understood
by University Lifelong Learning today?' by collating the work of
specialists from across Europe and beyond who have first-hand
experience in the field of university engagement through continuing
education. With a diverse range of expertise from the UK, Ireland,
Germany, Finland, Malta, Belgium, New Zealand, Austria and the USA,
readers are guaranteed a varied and informative collection of
perspectives on this important topic. Taken as a whole, the book
provides a theoretical background for readers, drawing on recent
research and practice examples from a variety of countries and
institutional settings, as well as demonstrating a variety of
conceptual approaches, confirming the diverse range of possible
solutions. Key topics covered include: research into policy and
practice; engaging with business and industry; engaging with
communities; engaging with an ageing society; active citizenship
and regional competitiveness. Developed in collaboration with the
European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN),
Universities and Engagement is an invaluable contribution to
research in the subject of lifelong learning. It will be of value
to academics, practitioners and professionals with an interest in
higher education and community management, and will be particularly
suited to those interested in lifelong learning, adult education
and community development.
Friedrich Schleiermacher preached in the Reformed Church in Berlin
from 1809 onwards. From 1812 up to 1828 he printed a special hymn
sheet for each of his main services. But why? To answer this
question it is necessary to undertake a systematic study of the
hymn sheets, which are largely unknown. For this, the periodical
for a whole year is presented with a commentary; the volume chosen
is that for 1817, the first year that was dated throughout. It is
preserved in its entirety with 31 hymn sheets. At the same time,
the multi-faceted image of Schleiermacher presented by the KGA has
an important new dimension added to it, that of Schleiermacher as a
liturgist, hymnologist and publisher.
'Generation' wird aktuell zu einem grosseren Forschungsthema
innerhalb der wissenschaftlichen Padagogik. Im Quer- und
Langsschnitt weist der Begriff zahlreiche Verbindungen zu zentralen
Fragestellungen der Bildungsforschung auf. Zur Bestimmung von
Generation in padagogischen
Kontexten, von Generationenbeziehungen und intergenerativer
Bildung, von Generation
und sozialem Wandel sowie Generationen in der Weiterbildung
schreiben in diesem Band namhafte Erziehungswissenschaftlerinnen
und Erziehungswissenschaftler und eroffnen damit einen neuen
Originally presented as the author's Habilitation--Universit'at
M'unchen, 2009.
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Observ. Crit. In L.A.S. Tragoedias Bernhard Schmidt
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
This book provides an insight into the possibilities that so-called
""Electronic Government"" has to offer. It demonstrates the
elements belonging to the concept of E-Government and acts as a
point of reference for those aiming to implement it. Checklists and
lists of questions enable self-assessment at local, state and
federal levels, highlighting opportunities for further development.
The book cannot be described as technical - programmers will not
find any instructions. Instead, it is designed to act as a point of
orientation for decision makers in the field of government and
politics, without the need to get bogged down in technical details.
Central to the book are the following questions: what is Electronic
Government, what advantages does it bring to those involved with
it, and how can it be introduced?