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Bildung in the Digital Age explores the challenges and potentials
of digitalization for educational theory and practice and
identifies how the pedagogical concept of Bildung can be used to
meet these demands. Discussing the educational landscape of a
pandemic and post-pandemic world, the book describes how
digitalization changes the media foundation of learning and
teaching. It further raises questions of how we could think about
Bildung in a digitalized world, how Bildung-based online teaching
and learning can be implemented, and whether it is possible to
understand Bildung and its emphasis on individual freedom and
self-determination as a counter-concept to digital surveillance
capitalism. The book will appeal to academics, researchers, and
postgraduate students in the fields of digital learning,
educational theory, and media education.
Bildung in the Digital Age explores the challenges and potentials
of digitalization for educational theory and practice and
identifies how the pedagogical concept of Bildung can be used to
meet these demands. Discussing the educational landscape of a
pandemic and post-pandemic world, the book describes how
digitalization changes the media foundation of learning and
teaching. It further raises questions of how we could think about
Bildung in a digitalized world, how Bildung-based online teaching
and learning can be implemented, and whether it is possible to
understand Bildung and its emphasis on individual freedom and
self-determination as a counter-concept to digital surveillance
capitalism. The book will appeal to academics, researchers, and
postgraduate students in the fields of digital learning,
educational theory, and media education.
This book offers a detailed theoretical analysis of the fields of
learning and management in the digital age. Taking an
interdisciplinary approach, it opens a dialogue between agile
management theory and agile learning theory. The book argues that
there is a tension between participative and action-orientated
approaches on the one hand and neoliberal enclosure of the actor on
the other hand. It takes this as an opportunity for
interdisciplinary dialogue between learning theories and management
concepts. With contributions from a range of international experts,
chapters discuss the need for suitable theoretical,
epistemological, and ethical foundations as well as
practice-orientated methods for learning and management to
implement appropriate strategies and meet educational challenges.
This highly topical book will be of great interest to academics,
postgraduate students, and researchers in the fields of digital
learning, educational theory, management theory, and communication
This book offers a detailed theoretical analysis of the fields of
learning and management in the digital age. Taking an
interdisciplinary approach, it opens a dialogue between agile
management theory and agile learning theory. The book argues that
there is a tension between participative and action-orientated
approaches on the one hand and neoliberal enclosure of the actor on
the other hand. It takes this as an opportunity for
interdisciplinary dialogue between learning theories and management
concepts. With contributions from a range of international experts,
chapters discuss the need for suitable theoretical,
epistemological, and ethical foundations as well as
practice-orientated methods for learning and management to
implement appropriate strategies and meet educational challenges.
This highly topical book will be of great interest to academics,
postgraduate students, and researchers in the fields of digital
learning, educational theory, management theory, and communication
Communication and Learning in an Age of Digital Transformation
provides cross-disciplinary perspectives on digitization as social
transformation and its impact on communication and learning. This
work presents openness within its interpretation of the digital and
its impact on learning and communication, acknowledging historical
contexts and contemporary implications emerging from discourse on
digitization. The book presents a triangulation of different
research perspectives. These perspectives, which range from digital
resistance parks and cyber-religious questions to
cultural-scientific media-theoretical reflections, point to the
performative openness of the analysis. The book represents an
interdisciplinary approach and opens a space for understanding the
social complexity of digital transformations in teaching and
learning. This book will be of great interest to academics, post
graduate students and researchers in the field of digital learning,
communication and education research.
The book deals with the digital turn in higher education: One aim
of this book is to address the challenge by providing a
multi-disciplinary, international perspective on higher education
during the digital turn. It presents epistemological, ethical and
theoretical approaches, and best practice examples, from
universities in different countries using different learning
strategies. The book can be understood as an international and
interdisciplinary collection providing heuristic strategies for
handling the digitalization of higher education in theory and in
Communication and Learning in an Age of Digital Transformation
provides cross-disciplinary perspectives on digitization as social
transformation and its impact on communication and learning. This
work presents openness within its interpretation of the digital and
its impact on learning and communication, acknowledging historical
contexts and contemporary implications emerging from discourse on
digitization. The book presents a triangulation of different
research perspectives. These perspectives, which range from digital
resistance parks and cyber-religious questions to
cultural-scientific media-theoretical reflections, point to the
performative openness of the analysis. The book represents an
interdisciplinary approach and opens a space for understanding the
social complexity of digital transformations in teaching and
learning. This book will be of great interest to academics, post
graduate students and researchers in the field of digital learning,
communication and education research.
The essays in this volume all seek to answer the following broad
question: How can philosophical, educational and critical
approaches to corporate communications deepen our understanding of
learning in the digital age? The authors reflect on how particular
approaches, learning strategies, philosophers or critical theorists
can advance the theory and practice of teaching and learning in the
digital age. Each essay discusses key concepts from their work and
relates those concepts to a particular problem within learning and
teaching in the digital age.
The book deals with precarity within the digital age and focuses on
media change and social insecurity. Change arising from digital
developments takes place on micro-, meso- and meta-levels and have
always social implications. Concepts such as Social Media, eHealth
and Digital Capitalism, Informational Capitalism and Social
Exclusion, Digital Globalization and Motility frame the social
dynamics and implications of changes in digital media. These
changes evoke a double precarity or stable unstability: Social
practices throughout the diverse societal fields are questioned
through the media change which leads to a digital age. The ongoing
media change requires new social practices - what evokes precarity
as an ongoing insecurity how to face the `new digital world.As a
socio-economic phenomenon and effect of neoliberal policy precarity
changes life planning and self-narrations of the affected
individuals. Precarity and neoliberal subjection-processes manifest
in the digital age and are performatively re-produced by the way
new media are used.
Der vorliegende Band liefert eine praxisorientierte und theoretisch
fundierte Auseinandersetzung mit den Moeglichkeiten von E-Learning.
Theorie und Praxis des digital gestutzten Lernens werden integrativ
analysiert und anwendungsorientiert vermittelt. So werden
lerntheoretisch fundierte Ansatze zur didaktischen Gestaltung von
digital gestutzten Lehr-/Lernveranstaltungen dargestellt wie
Strategien zum Qualitatsmanagement vermittelt.
Vor dem Hintergrund kultureller Diversitat und dem medialen Wandel
ergibt sich die Herausforderung, die Begriffe Bildung und Lernen
theoretisch zu diskutieren und deren Anforderungsprofile im Kontext
padagogischer Praxis neu auszuloten. Der Sammelband thematisiert
feldubergreifend in den Bereichen Erwachsenenbildung, Soziale
Arbeit, Medienpadagogik und Hochschulbildung die Effekte der
Digitalisierung und zeigt auf, wie ein diversitatssensibler Umgang
mit Bildung und Lernen im Kontext gesellschaftlicher
Transformationen gelingen kann.
Im Zentrum dieses Buches steht die Fragestellung, wie forschendes
Lernen angesichts eines sich beschleunigenden medialen Wandels und
dem Phanomen der Globalisierung angemessen verstanden und
eingesetzt werden kann. Es werden erkenntnistheoretische Thesen
entfaltet, bildungs- sowie medientheoretische Positionen in Bezug
auf das forschende Lernen diskutiert, methodische Fragestellungen
anwendungsorientiert eroertert sowie Good Practice-Beispiele
Der vorliegende Band liefert eine kurze und praxisorientierte
Einfuhrung in Beratungs- und Kommunikationsstrategien. Dabei stehen
loesungsorientierte Formen der Kommunikation sowie
praxisorientierten UEbungen im Fokus der Darstellung. So werden
v.a. Strategien vermittelt, die ressourcenorientiert die Potenziale
und Starken der Gesprachspartner*innen adressieren. Neben
Kommunikationsmodellen zur Konfliktloesung werden daher
Beratungsansatze und Fragestrategien praxisorientiert dargestellt,
durch die Starken identifiziert, Ressourcen aktiviert und
Wachstumspotenziale freigelegt werden koennen.Den kostenlosen
Zugang zum Online-Kurs finden Sie direkt im Buch.