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Products from Cells - Cells as Products This book ist he "lasting"
product, a resource ofup to date information in the scientific
literature fort he field ofanimal cell tec hnology, as it was
presented during a pleasant and s timulating mee ting that was held
in Lugano Switzerland in April 1999. "Products" appeartwice int he
title oft he conference. This clearly indicates the fact that the
focus oft he papers presented during this meeting was really the
application ofn ew technologies (novel reactors or novel vectors,
for example for the preparation and/ort he more efficient
generation ofproducts ) that could be used, mainly, int he medical
field. Classical approaches forthe use ofa nimal cells, for example
forthe p r oduction of virus vaccines for human and animal health,
still remain an important technology and still have, surprisingly,
quite significant potential for further development and
improvement. How ever, it appears that major technological advances
an d major growth from an economical point ofview are occurring in
other areas. Most importantly, protein production on the basis of
recombinant DNA molecules transferred into a nimal cells, appears
to be an ever increasing field of interest and innovation, even
though the first production scheme with this technology was
approved more than 15 years ago.
Animal cell technology has undergone a rapid transformation over
the last decade from a research tool and highly specialised
technology to a central resource for innovation in pharmaceutical
research and development. These proceedings of the 14th Meeting of
the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (Vilamoura,
Portugal, May 1996) bring up to date the historical perspective of
animal cell technology for the benefit of society, `From Vaccines
to Genetic Medicine', and will charter this vital technology for
the years to come. Strong contributions are grouped in the
traditional ESACT areas of 'Cell and Physiology Engineering'
dealing with cell state, including genetics, and its environment,
and 'Animal Cell Process Engineering' covering integration of
bioreaction with bioseparation coupled with on-line monitoring to
improve protein production and consistency. Extensive coverage of
metabolic engineering on synthesis, folding, assembly, transiting
and secretion is dealt with in the session on 'Recombinant
Proteins: Biosynthesis and Bioprocessing'. Two traditional but
expanding areas of animal cell technology relevance are highlighted
in the broad sessions of 'Animal Cells as Tools for Discovery and
Testing' and 'Animal Cell Vaccines: Present and Future'. Two
sessions finally cover the more recent domains of animal cell
technology work - 'Tissue Engineering and Biomedical Devices' and
'Cells and Vectors for Genetic Medicine' - where one can foresee a
very bright future.
Animal cell technology is becoming an increasingly important part
of biotechnology and many products are now used in human health
care and for veterinary applications. However, there are many times
more products actually in the developmental pipelines of the
biotechnology industry, including various phases of clinical
trials. The Proceedings of the 15th Meeting of the European Society
for Animal Cell Technology (Tours, France, September 1997) presents
the actual current state as well as New Developments and
Applications in Animal Cell Technology for the benefit of society.
These Proceedings represent both the current state and applications
of animal cell technology and the way the technology is expanding
into new areas to give a unique insight into new products and
applications for human and animal health care.
Animal cell technology is becoming an increasingly important part
of biotechnology and many products are now used in human health
care and for veterinary applications. However, there are many times
more products actually in the developmental pipelines of the
biotechnology industry, including various phases of clinical
trials. The Proceedings of the 15th Meeting of the European Society
for Animal Cell Technology (Tours, France, September 1997) presents
the actual current state as well as New Developments and
Applications in Animal Cell Technology for the benefit of society.
These Proceedings represent both the current state and applications
of animal cell technology and the way the technology is expanding
into new areas to give a unique insight into new products and
applications for human and animal health care.
Products from Cells - Cells as Products This book ist he "lasting"
product, a resource ofup to date information in the scientific
literature fort he field ofanimal cell tec hnology, as it was
presented during a pleasant and s timulating mee ting that was held
in Lugano Switzerland in April 1999. "Products" appeartwice int he
title oft he conference. This clearly indicates the fact that the
focus oft he papers presented during this meeting was really the
application ofn ew technologies (novel reactors or novel vectors,
for example for the preparation and/ort he more efficient
generation ofproducts ) that could be used, mainly, int he medical
field. Classical approaches forthe use ofa nimal cells, for example
forthe p r oduction of virus vaccines for human and animal health,
still remain an important technology and still have, surprisingly,
quite significant potential for further development and
improvement. How ever, it appears that major technological advances
an d major growth from an economical point ofview are occurring in
other areas. Most importantly, protein production on the basis of
recombinant DNA molecules transferred into a nimal cells, appears
to be an ever increasing field of interest and innovation, even
though the first production scheme with this technology was
approved more than 15 years ago.