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This book examines the radical changes in social and political
landscape of the Upper Guinea Coast region over the past 30 years
as a result of civil wars, post-war interventions by international,
humanitarian agencies and peacekeeping missions, as well as a
regional public health crisis (Ebola epidemic). The emphasis on
'crises' in this book draws attention to the intense
socio-transformations in the region over the last three decades.
Contemporary crises and changes in the region provoke a challenge
to accepted ways of understanding and imagining socio-political
life in the region - whether at the level of subnational and
national communities, or international and regional structures of
interest, such as refugees, weapon trafficking, cross-border
military incursions, regional security, and transnational
epidemics. This book explores and transcends the central
explanatory tropes that have oriented research on the region and
re-evaluates them in the light of the contemporary structural
dynamics of crises, changes and continuities.
After World War II, returning veterans with GI Bill benefits
ushered in an era of unprecedented growth that fundamentally
altered the meaning, purpose, and structure of higher education.
This volume explores the multifaceted and tumultuous transformation
of American higher education that occurred between 1945 and 1970,
while examining the changes in institutional forms, curricula,
clientele, faculty, and governance. A wide range of well-known
contributors cover topics such as the first public university to
explicitly serve an urban population, the creation of modern day
honors programs, how teachers' colleges were repurposed as state
colleges, the origins of faculty unionism and collective
bargaining, and the dramatic student protests that forever changed
higher education. This engaging text explores a critical moment in
the history of higher education, signaling a shift in the meaning
of a college education, the concept of who should and who could
obtain access to college, and what should be taught.
​Der ulnokarpale Schmerz entspringt aus einer funktionell
äußerst wichtigen Region am Handgelenk. Aufgrund der Komplexität
der Strukturen ist einerseits die Kenntnis der Anatomie und
andererseits das Verständnis der Biomechanik dieser Gelenkregion
essentiell für eine zielgerichtete Untersuchung und Diagnostik.
Nach Darlegung dieser Grundlagen werden die häufigsten
Differentialdiagnosen, von traumatisch bedingten Läsionen über
degenerative Alterationen bis zu angeborene Pathologien vorgestellt
und die möglichen konservativen bzw. operativen
Therapiemöglichkeiten präsentiert.
This book examines the radical changes in social and political
landscape of the Upper Guinea Coast region over the past 30 years
as a result of civil wars, post-war interventions by international,
humanitarian agencies and peacekeeping missions, as well as a
regional public health crisis (Ebola epidemic). The emphasis on
'crises' in this book draws attention to the intense
socio-transformations in the region over the last three decades.
Contemporary crises and changes in the region provoke a challenge
to accepted ways of understanding and imagining socio-political
life in the region - whether at the level of subnational and
national communities, or international and regional structures of
interest, such as refugees, weapon trafficking, cross-border
military incursions, regional security, and transnational
epidemics. This book explores and transcends the central
explanatory tropes that have oriented research on the region and
re-evaluates them in the light of the contemporary structural
dynamics of crises, changes and continuities.
This SpringerBrief introduces the development and practical
application of a module-oriented development framework for domain
specific system-dynamic libraries (SDL approach), which can be used
in the simulation of multi-causal and dynamic relationships on
different levels of an industry, as an example the construction
industry. Multidisciplinary research and development teams,
scientists from different domains as well as practitioners can
develop SDL units from varying perspectives based on this approach.
For example, the explanation of the risk situation of a company,
the identification and evaluation of project risks, endangered
operational procedures on various functional levels, or to improve
the understanding of the decision making process in detail. This
book is an excellent source for researchers, programmers and
practitioners. It enables the development of suitable simulation
systems from the beginning and demonstrates that it is possible to
connect the development of simulation models and daily work. It
provides advanced-level students from different domains with a
comprehensive overview and clear understanding of a new and
valuable modeling technique.
1. R.C. Mehrotra, Jaipur, India Present Status and Future Potential
of the Sol-Gel Process 2. J. Fricke, A. Emmerling, Wuerzburg, FRG
Aerogels - Preparation, Properties, Applications 3. S. Sakka, T.
Yoko, Kyoto, Japan Sol-Gel-Derived Coating Films and Applications
4. H. Schmidt, Saarbruecken, FRG Thin Films, the Chemical
Processing up to Gelation 5. M. Henry, J.P. Jolivet, J. Livage,
Paris, France Aqueous Chemistry of Metal Cations: Hydrolysis,
Condensation and Complexation 6. R. Reisfeld, Jerusalem, Israel,
C.K. Joergensen, Geneva, Switzerland Optical Properties of
Colorants or Luminescent Species in Sol-Gel Glasses
The possibility of stimulated light emission was discussed by
Einstein in 1917, eight years before the quantum-mechanical
description of energy levels of many-electron systems. Though it is
imperative to use samples having optical properties greatly
different from the stan dard continuous spectrum of opaque objects
("black body" radia tion) it is not always necessary to restrict
the study to monatomic entities. Thus, spectral lines can be
obtained (in absorption and in emission) from lanthanide compounds,
containing from one to thir teen 4f electrons going from trivalent
cerium to ytterbium, that are nearly as sharp as the ones from
gaseous atoms. However, the presence of adjacent atoms modifies the
simple picture of an isolated electron configuration, and in
particular, it is possible to pump excited levels efficiently by
energy transfer from species with intense absorption bands, such as
the inter-shell transitions of other lanthanides and of
thallium(I), lead(II) and bismuth(III) or the electron transfer
bands of the uranyl ion or other complexes. On the other hand, it
is possible to diminuish the mUlti-phonon relaxation (competing
with sharp line luminescence) by selecting vitreous or crystalline
materials with low phonon energies. Obviously, one cannot
circumvent the conservation of energy by lasers, but they may have
unprecedented consequences for the future by allowing nuclear
fusion of light elements, effects of non-linear optics and
time-resolved spectroscopy, besides the more conventional
applications of coherent light beams with negligible angular
After World War II, returning veterans with GI Bill benefits
ushered in an era of unprecedented growth that fundamentally
altered the meaning, purpose, and structure of higher education.
This volume explores the multifaceted and tumultuous transformation
of American higher education that occurred between 1945 and 1970,
while examining the changes in institutional forms, curricula,
clientele, faculty, and governance. A wide range of well-known
contributors cover topics such as the first public university to
explicitly serve an urban population, the creation of modern day
honors programs, how teachers' colleges were repurposed as state
colleges, the origins of faculty unionism and collective
bargaining, and the dramatic student protests that forever changed
higher education. This engaging text explores a critical moment in
the history of higher education, signaling a shift in the meaning
of a college education, the concept of who should and who could
obtain access to college, and what should be taught.
Lernen Sie in diesem Buch uber die Arbeit 4.0, wie Sie die
Digitalisierung im Mittelstand umsetzen Dieses Buch beleuchtet die
Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die Arbeitswelt von morgen,
die zunehmend im Mittelstand an Relevanz gewinnen. Wahrend
Grossunternehmen den Wandel hin zur Industrie 4.0 weiter
vorantreiben, entstehen parallel dazu fur KMU im Kontext der
digitalen Transformation unzahlige Herausforderungen. Vernetzte
Produktionsanlagen, Automatisierung und cyber-physische Systeme
sind fur mittelstandische Unternehmen selten rentable Loesungen.
Vielmehr gilt es fur sie, ihre Prozesse mit den digitalen
Moeglichkeiten weiter zu optimieren und dadurch positive Effekte zu
generieren. Die Leser sollen Massnahmen der Digitalisierung selbst
umsetzen Ziel dieses Buches ist es, Loesungsansatze fur die Arbeit
4.0 im Mittelstand von der Entwicklung bis hin zur Umsetzung in
mittelstandischen Unternehmen aufzuzeigen und damit fur Inhaber und
Fuhrungskrafte verfugbar zu machen. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt auf
den folgenden inhaltlichen Themenbereichen: Strategieentwicklung
Technologieeinfuhrung Assistenzsysteme Wissensmanagement
Kommunikation und Fuhrung Digitale Transformation Neue Formen der
Arbeitsorganisation Veranderungs- und Change Management
Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Die Praxisbeispiele dienen als Anstoss bzw.
Anknupfungspunkt fur eigene Digitalisierungsprojekte. Die
Herausgeber richten sich vor allem an Unternehmensfuhrungen,
Fuhrungskrafte und leitende Angestellte.
Making Sense of Tantric Buddhism fundamentally rethinks the nature
of the transgressive theories and practices of the Buddhist Tantric
traditions, challenging the notion that the Tantras were marginal
or primitive and situating them instead -- both ideologically and
institutionally -- within larger trends in mainstream Buddhist and
Indian culture. Critically surveying prior scholarship, Wedemeyer
exposes the fallacies of attributing Tantric transgression to
either the passions of lusty monks, primitive tribal rites, or
slavish imitation of Saiva traditions. Through comparative analysis
of modern historical narratives -- that depict Tantrism as a
degenerate form of Buddhism, a primal religious undercurrent, or
medieval ritualism -- he likewise demonstrates these to be stock
patterns in the European historical imagination. Through close
analysis of primary sources, Wedemeyer reveals the lived world of
Tantric Buddhism as largely continuous with the Indian religious
mainstream and deploys contemporary methods of semiotic and
structural analysis to make sense of its seemingly repellent and
immoral injunctions.Innovative, semiological readings of the
influential Guhyasamaja Tantra underscore the text's overriding
concern with purity, pollution, and transcendent insight -- issues
shared by all Indic religions -- and a large-scale, quantitative
study of Tantric literature shows its radical antinomianism to be a
highly managed ritual observance restricted to a sacerdotal elite.
These insights into Tantric scripture and ritual clarify the
continuities between South Asian Tantrism and broader currents in
Indian religion, illustrating how thoroughly these radical
communities were integrated into the intellectual, institutional,
and social structures of South Asian Buddhism.
Das Bauvertragsrecht definiert die Rechte und Pflichten des
Bauherrn, der Bauaufsicht und der den Bau ausfuhrenden Unternehmen.
Das Buch stellt diese komplexe Spezialmaterie sowohl fur den BGB-
als auch fur den VOB-Bauvertrag kompakt und dennoch leicht
verstandlich mit einer Vielzahl von relevanten Fallen aus der
Praxis dar."
Die Ausschreibungsverordnungen fur offentliche Bauauftrage sind
hierzulande komplex. Nicht selten unterlaufen den verantwortlichen
Sachbearbeitern Fehler, die revidierte oder gar aufgehobene
Ausschreibungsverfahren zur Folge haben konnen. Dieser kompakte
Leitfaden hilft dabei, die bestehende Lucke zwischen Theorie und
Praxis zu uberwinden. Er beschreibt Schritt fur Schritt
Verfahrensablaufe speziell bei der nationalen Vergabe einer
Bauleistung durch einen offentlichen Auftraggeber. Mit Hilfe von
vorgefertigten Listen und Formblattern sowie Auszugen aus den
relevanten Gesetzestexten lassen sich die einzelnen Teilschritte
einer Ausschreibung nicht nur effizienter, sondern auch fehlerfrei
abwickeln. Ein Ablaufschema dokumentiert zudem ubersichtlich die
Soll- und Ist-Situation eines Vergabeprozesses und hilft dabei, die
Kommunikation zwischen den am Vergabeprozess beteiligten Personen
zu verbessern. Eine praxisnahe Fallstudie rundet den Inhalt ab."
Although Raphael has long been recognized as one of the great
innovators of visionary painting (images of supernatural phenomena,
including apparitions and prophetic visions), the full measure of
his achievement in this area has never been taken. Vision and the
Visionary in Raphael redresses this oversight by offering an
expansive reading of these works within their contemporary artistic
and religious contexts. At the center of the book is Raphael's
engagement with one of the critical conflicts in the Renaissance
understanding of vision. Whereas artistic theory emphasized
painting's engagement with the physical world by way of the bodily
eyes, religious images were generally intended to inspire their
viewers to move from sensible appearances to the use of their
"spiritual eyes" for contemplation of their god. For Raphael and
his contemporaries, this double commitment to physical appearances
and the spiritual dimensions of the image presented one of the
greatest challenges of Renaissance religious art.
"Making Sense of Tantric Buddhism" fundamentally rethinks the
nature of the transgressive theories and practices of the Buddhist
Tantric traditions, challenging the notion that the Tantras were
"marginal" or primitive and situating them instead -- both
ideologically and institutionally -- within larger trends in
mainstream Buddhist and Indian culture.
Critically surveying prior scholarship, Wedemeyer exposes the
fallacies of attributing Tantric transgression to either the
passions of lusty monks, primitive tribal rites, or slavish
imitation of Saiva traditions. Through comparative analysis of
modern historical narratives -- that depict Tantrism as a
degenerate form of Buddhism, a primal religious undercurrent, or
medieval ritualism -- he likewise demonstrates these to be stock
patterns in the European historical imagination.
Through close analysis of primary sources, Wedemeyer reveals the
lived world of Tantric Buddhism as largely continuous with the
Indian religious mainstream and deploys contemporary methods of
semiotic and structural analysis to make sense of its seemingly
repellent and immoral injunctions. Innovative, semiological
readings of the influential "Guhyasamaja Tantra" underscore the
text's overriding concern with purity, pollution, and transcendent
insight -- issues shared by all Indic religions -- and a
large-scale, quantitative study of Tantric literature shows its
radical antinomianism to be a highly managed ritual observance
restricted to a sacerdotal elite. These insights into Tantric
scripture and ritual clarify the continuities between South Asian
Tantrism and broader currents in Indian religion, illustrating how
thoroughly these "radical" communities were integrated into the
intellectual, institutional, and social structures of South Asian
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