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Each financial crisis calls for - by its novelty and the mechanisms
it shares with preceding crises - appropriate means to analyze
financial risks. In Extreme Financial Risks and Asset Allocation,
the authors present in an accessible and timely manner the
concepts, methods, and techniques that are essential for an
understanding of these risks in an environment where asset prices
are subject to sudden, rough, and unpredictable changes. These
phenomena, mathematically known as "jumps", play an important role
in practice. Their quantitative treatment is generally tricky and
is sparsely tackled in similar books. One of the main appeals of
this book lies in its approachable and concise presentation of the
ad hoc mathematical tools without sacrificing the necessary rigor
and precision.This book contains theories and methods which are
usually found in highly technical mathematics books or in
scattered, often very recent, research articles. It is a remarkable
pedagogical work that makes these difficult results accessible to a
large readership. Researchers, Masters and PhD students, and
financial engineers alike will find this book highly useful.
The first three volumes of the World Court Digest cover the periods
1986 to 1990, 1991 to 1995 and 1996 to 2000. We are happy to issue
the fourth volume, covering the period from 2001 to 2005. We hope
that this new Digest will be welcome to all those interested in the
case law of the International Court of Justice. We are, of course,
aware that nowadays the decisions of the Court are easily
accessible through electronic data systems. However, there is no
systematic analysis available in the form presented by the World
Court Digest. Therefore, the Digest will be useful for those who
wish to find the most recent position of the Court on a particular
issue of international law. As the three previous volumes, also
this fourth volume will be made available through electronic data
on the homepage of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public
Law and International Law. The first five years of the new century
have been a busy period for the Court due to its continuing heavy
caseload. The cases concerned a variety of legal issues reaching
from the use of force and self-defence to questions of land and
maritime boundary delimitation, immunity, consular matters,
revision of judgments and the effect of provisional measures. The
parties to the cases were States from all parts of the world
demonstrating the general acceptance of the Court.
The first three volumes of the World Court Digest cover the periods
1986 to 1990, 1991 to 1995 and 1996 to 2000. We are happy to issue
the fourth volume, covering the period from 2001 to 2005. We hope
that this new Digest will be welcome to all those interested in the
case law of the International Court of Justice. We are, of course,
aware that nowadays the decisions of the Court are easily
accessible through electronic data systems. However, there is no
systematic analysis available in the form presented by the World
Court Digest. Therefore, the Digest will be useful for those who
wish to find the most recent position of the Court on a particular
issue of international law. As the three previous volumes, also
this fourth volume will be made available through electronic data
on the homepage of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public
Law and International Law. The first five years of the new century
have been a busy period for the Court due to its continuing heavy
caseload. The cases concerned a variety of legal issues reaching
from the use of force and self-defence to questions of land and
maritime boundary delimitation, immunity, consular matters,
revision of judgments and the effect of provisional measures. The
parties to the cases were States from all parts of the world
demonstrating the general acceptance of the Court.
This volume contains presentations and discussions from a
conference of the Association of German Constitutional Law
Professors held in Kiel on 3-6 October 2012.
Lehre und Praxis der Staats- und Volkerrechtswissenschaft wurden
uber Jahrzehnte durch Jochen Abr. Frowein mitgepragt. Diese
Schriftensammlung mit den wesentliche Publikationen des Jubilars
macht seine Forschungsschwerpunkte zuganglich und wurdigt zugleich
sein Gesamtwerk."
Peoples and minorities in many parts of the world assert a right to
self-determination, autonomy, and even secession from a state,
which naturally conflicts with that state's sovereignty and
territorial integrity. The right of a people to self-determination
and secession has existed as a concept within international law
since the American Declaration of Independence in 1776, but the
exact definition of these concepts, and the conditions required for
their application, remain unclear. The Advisory Opinion of the
International Court of Justice concerning the Declaration of
Independency of Kosovo (2010), which held that the Kosovo
declaration of independence was not in violation of international
law, has only led to further questions. This book takes four
conflicts in the post-Soviet Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS) as a starting point for examining the current state of the
law of self-determination and secession. Four entities,
Transnistria (Moldova), South Ossetia, Abkhazia (both Georgia), and
Nagorno-Karabakh (Azerbaijan), claim to be entitled not only to
self-determination but also to secession from their mother state.
For this entitlement they rely on historic affiliations, and on
charges of discrimination and massive human rights violations
committed by their mother state. This book sets out its analysis of
these critical issue in three parts, providing a detailed
understanding of the principles of international law on which they
rely: The first part sets out the contours and meaning of
self-determination and secession, including an overall assessment
of secession within the Commonwealth of Independent States. The
second section provides case studies investigating the events in
Transnistria, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, and Nagorno-Karabach in
greater detail. The third and final section extends the scope of
the examination, providing a comparative analysis of similar
conflicts involving questions of self-determination and secession
in Kosovo, Western Sahara, and Eritrea.
Erstmals seit Anfang der 70er Jahre behandelt die Arbeit den von
der VN-Satzung fur regionale Aktivitaten der Friedenssicherung
gezogenen rechtlichen Rahmen anhand der jungsten Praxis des
Sicherheitsrats und bestimmter Regionalorganisationen (u.a. ECOWAS,
GUS, OAS, OSZE, NATO, WEU). Der Begriff der Regionalorganisation,
insbesondere im Verhaltnis zu Organisationen kollektiver
Selbstverteidigung, die Moeglichkeiten regionaler Friedenssicherung
in den Bereichen friedliche Streitbeilegung, Durchfuhrung von
Zwangsmassnahmen und die Entsendung von Friedenstruppen werden
eroertert. Ausserdem wird die neuerdings verstarkt stattfindende
Zusammenarbeit zwischen Vereinten Nationen und
Regionalorganisationen dargestellt.
This Volume offers an introduction to the Israeli legal system. It
includes a detailed analysis of the Foundations of the Israeli Law,
Civil, Public and Criminal Law, Trade and Business Law as well as a
presentation of Israel within the International Law.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Soziologie -
Klassiker und Theorierichtungen, Note: 1,0, FernUniversitat Hagen
(Institut fur Soziologie), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In dieser
Arbeit wird uberpruft, ob die Definition des Sozialkapitals nach
Bourdieu in der Netzwerktheorie sinnvoll angewendet werden kann.
Methodisch wird zunachst das soziale Kapital nach Bourdieu
definiert und in Relation zur Verwendung des Begriffs in der
Netzwerktheorie analysiert. Im zweiten Teil wird eine
handlungstheoretische Analyse durchgefuhrt. Dieser Schritt ergibt
sich aus den definitorischen Fragen zum sozialen Kapital. Welche
Handlungen sind notig, um soziales Kapital zu erweitern?
Dementsprechend werden die Handlungskonzepte der Netzwerk- und
Feldtheorie gegenuber gestellt, um eine theoretische Grundlegung
auf mikro- und makrosoziologischer Ebene zu ermoglichen.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Philosophie -
Sonstiges, Note: 1,0, FernUniversitat Hagen (Institut fur
Philosophie), Veranstaltung: Sozialphilosophische Bedingungen der
Kultur, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es,
Satres Verstandnis des An-Sich-Seins, Fur-Sich-Seins und Hegels
Fursichsseins zu erklaren. Weiterhin das Fur-andere-Sein darzulegen
und Hegels Herr-Knecht Dialektik darzustellen, sowie Sartres
Zustimmung und Kritik an ihr zu erklaren. Zum Abschluss wird das
Thema der Negation erortert, wobei zwangslaufig auf das
dialektische Verstandnis Sartres und seine Hegelbezuge eingegangen
wird. Im Fazit soll gezeigt werden, wo Sartres Ansatz im Bereich
der Negation logisch ist und ob seine intersubjektive Hegelkritik
gerechtfertigt ist.
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1997 im Fachbereich BWL - Marketing,
Unternehmenskommunikation, CRM, Marktforschung, Social Media, Note:
2,3, Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster
(Wirtschaftswissenschaften), Veranstaltung: Internationales
Management, Prof. Dr. Klaus Backhaus, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract:
Inhaltsangabe: Inhaltsverzeichnis: Inhaltsverzeichnis:
Abkurzungsverzeichnis Symbolverzeichnis Abbildungs- und
Tabellenverzeichnis Verzeichnis der Anhange 1.Einleitung
2.Veranderte Rahmenbedingungen fur Unternehmen in der Europaischen
Union durch die Einfuhrung des Euro 2.1Stufenplan zur Europaischen
Wahrungsunion 2.1.1Der Vertrag von Maastricht 2.1.2Bar- und
Buchgeldphase des Euro 2.2Kosten- und Preiswirkungen in einem
veranderten Wettbewerbsumfeld 2.2.1Reduktion und Wegfall von
Transaktionskosten 2.2.2Euro-bedingte Preistransparenz
3.Auswirkungen der Einfuhrung des Euro auf die Marketing-Konzeption
von Unternehmen 3.1Ausgewahlte Aspekte der Marketingziele und
-strategien 3.1.1Okonomische und psychographische Ziele
3.1.2Marktsegmentierungs- und Marktbearbeitungsstrategien
3.2Konsequenzen fur das Absatzmarketing 3.2.1Kontrahierungspolitik
3.2.2Produktpolitik 3.2.3Distributionspolitik
3.2.4Kommunikationspolitik 3.3Konsequenzen fur das
Beschaffungsmarketing 3.3.1Entstehen eines Euro-Sourcing
3.3.2Ausgewahltes Euro-Beschaffungsmanagement im
Industriegutermarketing 4.Euro-spezifisches Preismanagement in
Unternehmen 4.1Aspekte der preistaktischen Verfahren 4.1.1Doppelte
Preisauszeichnung und Umstellungsmodus 4.1.2Optionen der
Neupositionierung mittels Euro-Preisen und
Reaktionsschwellen Optionen
neuer Euro-Preise 4.2Aspekte der Preiskoordination als
preisstrategisches Verfahren 4.2.1Strategie der
Preisdifferenzierung und Preisharmonisierung
4.2.2Euro-Preiskorridor zur Vermeidung von Preisverfall des Euro-Preiskorridors des
Euro-Preiskorridors zur Bestimmung
The importance of the law of international organizations is
continually increasing. This textbook, first published in German,
explains and analyses not only the structures of international
organizations in general, but also focuses on the interplay between
the creation of institutional structures and important substantive
areas of public international law. Thus, in the first and second
parts of the book the general aspects of the law of international
organizations are surveyed, whereas in the third part international
security, human rights protection, trade, development and
environmental protection are analyzed in terms of the interplay
between substantive and institutional law. This third part is built
on the assumption that the law of international organizations needs
to be studied in action, i.e. by looking at highly
institutionalized areas of international law as a way of analyzing
the mutual influences between institutional and substantive
international law. In fact all important parts of international law
are today institutionalized in different international
organizations, a phenomenon which is reflected in the title.Up to
now, there has been no other book on international law which brings
together institutional and substantive aspects in a comparable
manner. This text book is aimed at students of the law of
international organizations but also to students in the social
sciences, above all, political science. It will also be useful to
practitioners in the field of international institutions.
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