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In explicit form, Kant does not speak that much about values or
goods. The reason for this is obvious: the concepts of 'values' and
'goods' are part of the eudaimonistic tradition, and he famously
criticizes eudaimonism for its flawed 'material' approach to
ethics. But he uses, on several occasions, the traditional
teleological language of goods and values. Especially in the
Groundwork and the Critique of Practical Reason, Kant develops
crucial points on this conceptual basis. Furthermore, he implicitly
discusses issues of conditional and unconditional values,
subjective and objective values, aesthetic or economic values etc.
In recent Kant scholarship, there has been a controversy on the
question how moral and nonmoral values are related in Kant's
account of human dignity. This leads to the more fundamental
problem if Kant should be seen as a prescriptvist (antirealist) or
as subscribing to a more objective rational agency account of
goods. This issue and several further questions are addressed in
this volume.
Treasure Island (Hardcover)
Robert Louis Stevenson; Introduction by Christopher Ian Thoma, Christopher Horn
Discovery Miles 5 520
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Gesellschaftliche Vielfalt wird in der Regel mit Metropolen
assoziiert und in der Wissenschaft primär als Phänomen
großstädtischen Lebens reflektiert. Anhand ausgewählter
Fallbeispiele aus Landau in der Pfalz zeigt der Sammelband jedoch
auf, dass Heterogenität und Diversität auch in Mittelstädten
gesellschaftliche Normalität war und ist. Auf der Basis
empirischer Befunde formuliert der Band zudem theoretische
Überlegungen zu Heterogenität und Diversität in Städten
mittlerer Größe, wodurch er einen Beitrag zur Überwindung eines
wichtigen Forschungsdesiderats – der wissenschaftlichen Reflexion
gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt jenseits großstädtischer Metropolen
– leistet.
What role can the humanities play in shaping our common future?
What are the values that guide us in the 21st century? How can we
unleash the potential the humanities offer in a time of multiple
crises? This volume tackles some of these fundamental questions,
acknowledging and developing the changing role of academic
discourse in a turbulent world. This timely book argues that the
humanities engender conceptual tools that are capable of
reconciling theory and practice. In a bold move, we call for the
humanities to reach beyond the confines of universities and engage
in the most urgent debates facing humanity today - in a
multidisciplinary, transformative, and constructive way. This is a
blueprint for how societal change can be inclusive and equitable
for the good of humans and non-humans alike.
Kanta (TM)s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals from 1785 is
one of the most important and influential texts in the whole
history of philosophy.Its central purpose is to develop the
categorical imperative. The present collected volume contains
papers on central theoretical aspects. Key Features: Contributions
from leading international authorities in Kant research A
reflection of the current state of research together with new
The updated second edition of this highly practical guide helps
pathology professionals quickly and accurately describe surgical
and autopsy specimens as they perform gross dissection. It also
helps clinicians and medical students interpret pathology reports
with ease and precision. Gross Pathology Handbook provides a
comprehensive list of 171 gross descriptive terms paired with
images of gross specimens, including five new listings for the
second edition. Each listing includes a brief commentary describing
the gross appearance, the underlying disease process and commonly
affected tissues. Christopher Horn and Dr. Christopher Naugler lay
the framework for a standardized method of description, resulting
in easier interpretation of reports by clinicians and improved
communication among healthcare providers.
Historically speaking, the majority of efforts in the study of
ancient Greek physics have traditionally been devoted either to the
analysis of the surviving evidence concerning Presocratic
philosophers or to the systematic examination of the Platonic and
the Aristotelian oeuvre. The aim of this volume is to discuss the
notion of space by focusing on the most representative exponents of
the Hellenistic schools and to explore the role played by spatial
concepts in both coeval and later authors who, without specifically
thematising these concepts, made use of them in a theoretically
original way. To this purpose, renowned scholars investigate the
philosophical and historical significance of the different
conceptions of space endorsed by various thinkers ranging from the
end of the Classical period to the middle Imperial age. Thus, the
volume brings to light the problematical character of the ancient
reflection on this topic.
Despite Platonism's unquestioned claim to being one of the most
influential movements in the history of philosophy, for a long time
the conventional wisdom was that Platonists of late antiquity, or
Neoplatonists, were so focused on otherworldly metaphysics that
they simply neglected any serious study of the sensible world,
which after all is 'merely' an image of the intelligible world.
Only recently has this conventional wisdom begun to be dispelled.
In fact, it is precisely because these thinkers did see the
sensible world as an image of the intelligible world that they
devoted so much time and energy to understanding its inner
workings. Thus we find Neoplatonists writing on embryology,
physiology, meteorology, and astronomy, among other subjects.
Neoplatonism and the Philosophy of Nature collects essays by
leading international scholars in the field which shed new light on
how the Neoplatonists sought to understand and explain nature and
natural phenomena. It is thematically divided into two parts, with
the first part-The General Metaphysics of Nature-directed at the
explication of central Neoplatonic metaphysical doctrines and their
relation to the natural world, and the second part-Platonic
Approaches to Individual Sciences-showing how these same doctrines
play out in individual natural sciences such as elemental physics,
geography, and biology. Together these essays show that a serious
examination of Neoplatonic natural philosophy has far-reaching
consequences for our general understanding of the metaphysics of
Platonism as well as for our evaluation of their place in the
history of science.
Historically speaking, the majority of efforts in the study of
ancient Greek physics have traditionally been devoted either to the
analysis of the surviving evidence concerning Presocratic
philosophers or to the systematic examination of the Platonic and
the Aristotelian oeuvre. The aim of this volume is to discuss the
notion of space by focusing on the most representative exponents of
the Hellenistic schools and to explore the role played by spatial
concepts in both coeval and later authors who, without specifically
thematising these concepts, made use of them in a theoretically
original way. To this purpose, renowned scholars investigate the
philosophical and historical significance of the different
conceptions of space endorsed by various thinkers ranging from the
end of the Classical period to the middle Imperial age. Thus, the
volume brings to light the problematical character of the ancient
reflection on this topic.
Recent research on Plato s Laws has brought to light a number of
new facets of Plato s political philosophy.Topics adressed in this
volume are: the founding of an ideal city called Magnesia,
questions on to its legal order, administration, education, the
role of men and women, penal law, managing money and theology, and
comedy and tragedy. This volume is a compendium of original
contributions from 13 recognized Plato scholars."
Das Symposion ist einer der bekanntesten Dialoge Platons. In
meisterhafter literarischer Form wird hier ein Trinkgelage
dargestellt, bei welchem der Tragodiendichter Agathon und seine
Gaste Reden zu Ehren des Gottes Eros halten sollen. Diese Reden
heben ganz unterschiedliche begriffliche und phanomenologische
Aspekte der Liebe hervor. Von philosophischem Interesse ist das
Symposion neben Platons Theorieansatzen zum Thema Liebe besonders
wegen seiner Darstellung der Ideentheorie. Die Forschung zu diesem
platonischen Dialog hat in den letzten Jahren eine neue Dynamik
bekommen, die sich in dem vorliegenden Band spiegelt, der in Form
eines kooperativen Kommentars 12 Originalbeitrage international
renommierter Philosophen vereint. MIT BEITRAGEN VON: Pierre
Destree, Dorothea Frede, Christoph Horn, Nora Kreft, Bernd
Manuwald, Jorn Muller, Christian Pietsch, C. D. C. Reeve, Frisbee
Sheffield, Kurt Sier, Simon Weber und Jula Wildberger"
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