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The German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP) is an annual event
that takes place since 1995 in different German cities and targets
all areas of crime prevention. Since its foundation the GCOCP has
been open to an international audience with a growing number of
non-German speaking participants joining. To give the international
guests their own discussion forum, the Annual International Forum
(AIF) within the GCOCP was established in 2007. For international
guests this event offers lectures in English language as well as
other activities within the GCOCP that are translated
simultaneously. This book gives the outcomes of the 6th AIF (16.
and 17. April 2012 in Munich). The articles reflect worldwide views
on crime prevention and criminal policy as well as the current
status, discussion, research and projects in crime prevention from
different countries. Also the Munich Declarations is included, a
report about the key findings of the congress.
The German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP) is an annual event
that takes place since 1995 in different German cities and targets
all areas of crime prevention. Since its foundation the GCOCP has
been open to an international audience with a growing number of
non-German speaking participants joining. To give the international
guests their own discussion forum, the Annual International Forum
(AIF) within the GCOCP was established in 2007. For non-German
guests this event offers lectures in English language as well as
other activities within the GCOCP that are translated
simultaneously. This book reflects the input and output of the 3rd
Annual International Forum 2009 which took place 8th and 9th of
June 2009 in Hanover (state of Lower Saxony). This book contains
lectures of the GCOCP and AIF as well as a contribution from a
partner organisation of the congress. The articles reflect
worldwide views on crime prevention and criminal policy as well as
the current status, discussion, research and projects in crime
prevention from different countries, Europe and the world. Also the
Hanover Declaration is included, a report about the key findings of
the congress.
The German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP) is an annual event
that has taken place since 1995 in different German cities and
targets all areas of crime prevention. Since its foundation the
GCOCP has been opened to an international audience with a growing
number of non-German speaking participants joining. To give the
international guests their own discussion forum, the Annual
International Forum (AIF) within the GCOCP was established in 2007.
For non-German guests this event offers lectures in English
language as well as other activities within the GCOCP that are
translated simultaneously. This book reflects the input and output
of the 2nd Annual International Forum 2008 which took place 2nd and
3rd of June 2008 in Leipzig (state of Saxony). Firstly lectures of
the AIF are printed, followed by contributions from participants of
the congress. The articles reflect worldwide views on crime
prevention as well as the current status, discussion, research and
projects in crime prevention from different countries. The topics
range from prevention of juvenile violence, international examples
and developments in crime prevention, prevention of school
shootings, social capital and community participation to the
results from a workshop within the congress "Probation meets
The German Congress on Crime Prevention is an annual event that has
taken place since 1995 in different German cities and targets all
areas of crime prevention. Since its foundation the GCOCP has been
opened to an international audience with a growing number of
non-German speaking participants joining. To give the international
guests their own discussion forum, the 1st Annual International
Forum (AIF) within the GCOCP took place June 18 and 19 2007 in
Wiesbaden (Capital of the State of Hesse). For non-German guests
this event offered five AIF lectures in English language as well as
other activities that were translated simultaneously. This book
reflects the input and output of the 1st Annual International
Forum. Firstly four lectures of the AIF are printed, followed by
contributions from participants of the congress. The articles
reflect worldwide views on crime prevention as well as the current
status, discussion, research and projects in crime prevention from
different countries. The topics range from what works in crime
prevention, youth and prevention, youth violence, Neighbourhood
Watch and corruption. At the end the Wiesbaden Declaration is
included, a report about the key findings of the Wiesbaden
Until recently crime prevention has been considered of little
importance in the training of practitioners in related disciplines.
In Europe there is a lack of opportunities for basic training and
professional development. It can be assumed that the demand for
qualified specialists and managers in crime prevention will
increase. It was the objective of the Beccaria-Center Professional
Training in Crime Prevention to work on closing this gap. With the
financial support of the AGIS-programme of the European Commission,
the project was implemented by the Council of Crime Prevention of
Lower Saxony, Germany with eight European partners. This
compilation from the involved countries reflects the current
situation of qualification in crime prevention. The contributions
show that it is necessary to expand basic training and further
professional development opportunities in crime prevention. They
clearly demonstrate that the demand for high quality and
sustainable crime prevention is higher than ever and there is a
clear lack of such training offers in Germany and in Europe more
Der 17. Deutsche Praventionstag fand am 16. und 17. April 2012
unter der Schirm-herrschaft des Bayerischen Ministerprasidenten
Horst Seehofer im Internationalen Congress Center in Mu nchen
statt. Den fast 3.700 Teilnehmenden und Gasten, darunter 199
internationale Teilnehmende aus 37 Staaten, wurden nicht nur 49
Vortrage zum Schwerpunktthema und weiteren Praventionsthemen sowie
14 Vortrage im 6. Internationalen Forum, 54 Kurzvortrage
(Projektspots) und eine Sonderveranstaltung Sicher im Offentlichen
Personen- und Nahverkehr" geboten, sondern auch die
kongressbegleitende Ausstellung mit Infostanden, Infomobilen und
Sonderausstellungen mit u ber 200 beteiligten Organisationen und
Institutionen. Daru berhinaus wurden wieder die DPT-Schu
leruniversitat angeboten, das DPT-Bu hnenprogramm und das
Filmforum. Dieser Dokumentationsband enthalt zum einen die
Schriftfassungen der Vortrage zum Schwerpunktthema des 17.
Deutschen Praventionstages Sicher leben in Stadt und Land." Zum
andern gibt die Dokumentation einen Uberblick u ber den gesamten
Kongress und enthalt das Kongressgutachten sowie die ausfu hrliche
Zum 15. Geburtstag des Kongresses kamen am 10. und 11. Mai 2010
insgesamt ca. 4.500 teilnehmende und G ste des 15. Deutschen Pr
ventionstages in das Internationale Congress Centrum (ICC) in
Berlin. Unter der Schirmherrschaft des regierenden B rgermeisters
Klaus Wowereit wurden neben dem Schwerpunktthema Bildung - Pr
vention - Zukunft" in mehr als 500 Vortr gen, Pr sentationen und
Ausstellungsbeitr gen aktuelle Themen der Kriminalpr vention und
angrenzender Pr ventionsbereiche bearbeitet. Dieser
Dokumentationsband fasst einerseits die Schriftfassungen jener
Vortr ge zusammen, die dem Schwerpunktthema Bildung - Pr vention -
Zukunft" zuzuordnen sind. Andererseits gibt der Band einen berblick
ber den gesamten Kongress und beinhaltet das Kongressgutachten, die
Berliner Erkl rung des Deutschen Pr ventionstages sowie die ausf
hrliche Kongressevaluation.
Mit diesem Dokumentationsband wird einerseits ein Gesamtu berblick
u ber den 16.Deutschen Praventionstag gegeben, der unter der
Schirmherrschaft des Niedersachsischen Ministerprasidenten David
McAllister am 30. und 31. Mai 2011 in Oldenburg stattgefunden hat.
Andererseits wird das Schwerpunktthema des Kongresses Neue
Medienwelten - Herausforderungen fu r die Kriminalpravention?" hier
mit jenen Beitragen dokumentiert, die uns die Referenten mit
speziellem Bezug zum Schwerpunktthema zur Verfu gung gestellt
The German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP) is an annual event
that takes place since 1995 in different German cities and targets
all areas of crime prevention. Since its foundation the GCOCP has
been open to an international audience with a growing number of
non-German speaking participants joining. To give the international
guests their own discussion forum, the Annual International Forum
(AIF) within the GCOCP was established in 2007. For international
guests this event offers lectures in English language as well as
other activities within the GCOCP that are translated
simultaneously. This book reflects the outcomes of the 4th AIF (10.
and 11. of May 2010 in Berlin) and 5th AIF (30. and 31. of May 2011
in Oldenburg). The articles reflect worldwide views on crime
prevention and criminal policy as well as the current status,
discussion, research and projects in crime prevention from
different countries. Also both the Berlin and Oldenburg
Declarations are included, reports about the key findings of both
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