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Die afgelope halfeeu het meer as 15 000 uitgawes van Beeld verskyn met derduisende stories in woord en beeld. Regdeur hierdie 50 jaar is ’n mantra in die redaksie: “Slaan die groot storie hard.” In Beeld 50 vertel dié geliefde koerant se joernaliste hoe hulle juis dit gedoen het deur die dekades en wat hulle
steeds bybly van daardie ervaring. Die boek neem die leser op ’n reis deur van die grootste nuusgebeure sedert 1974 en weerspieël die geskakeerde leefwêreld van die Afrikaanse gemeenskap in die noorde van die land.
Beeld is die Suid-Afrikaanse dagblad wat al die meeste as die mooiste aangewys is, daarvan getuig die foto’s, voorblaaie, spotprente en grafika op dié blaaie. Tog is dit nie ’n beste-voetjie-voorsit-soort boek nie, want dis in die eerste plek joernaliste wie se stemme jy hier hoor. Op die ou end is die belangrikste element die leser.
Soos Pieter du Toit in 2014 as nuusredakteur gesê het: “Ons lojaliteit lê by die briefskrywer wat ons kapittel oor ’n onbesonne hoofberig, die intekenaar wat kla oor sy nat koerant op die grasperk en die leser wat dankie sê vir die nuwe Saterdag-Beeld.”
Do librarians rock the boat ? Do they challenge those around them
to win influence and advantage? Why is it that librarians are
little found on the influence grid of personality assessment tests?
The Machiavellian Librarian offers real life examples of librarians
who use their knowledge and skill to project influence, and turn
the tide in their, and their library s, favor. Authors offer first
hand and clear examples to help librarians learn to use their
influence effectively, for the betterment of their library and
their career. Opening chapters cover visualizing data, as well as
networking and strategic alignment. Following chapters discuss
influence without authority-making fierce allies, communicating
results in accessible language and user-centered planning. Closing
chapters address using accreditation and regulation reporting to
better position the library, as well as political positioning and
outcome assessment.
Throws the spotlight on librarian s professional and personality
traits, many of which are deleterious to the long-term viability of
library fundingShows how best to boost the value proposition of
libraries, through enhanced influenceIncludes how-to chapters on
influencing others in the organization"
Die skrywer Erika Murray-Theron wou weet waar die vroue in haar familie vandaan kom. Wat kry ’n mens van wie? Waar kom alles wat jý is vandaan? Hoe is die vroue in haar familie se lewe geraak deur trauma en groot wêreldgebeurtenisse waaroor hulle geen beheer gehad het nie? Theron se ouma Issie is op 3 Mei 1885 gebore; 133 jaar gelede. In hierdie verhaalbiografie gaan soek Theron in ou kookboeke, aantekeninge, foto’s, herinneringe, albums, briewe en geslagsregisters na haar ouma Issie se storie. ’n Lewe ontvou wat geraak is deur die verlies van ouers, die Anglo-Boereoorlog, die Rebellie van 1914 en daarna die energie wat dit verg om ’n groot huisgesin te behartig. ’n Skerfie glas wys hoe die verlede, selfs die verre verlede, spore op latere geslagte laat.
A joyful, empowering call to be the hero of your OWN story! A girl
opens up a book looking for the story that's perfect for HER and
tumbles inside. But Goldilocks is not her story, and Jack and the
Beanstalk is not her story and Little Red Riding Hood is not her
story... There's only one thing for it: she's going to have to
write her own story - and the hero will be HER. A celebration of
the stories we ALL love and the stories we are yet to write, this
vivid, irresistible picture book introduces the terrific new
partnership of Smriti Halls (bestselling author of I'm Sticking
with You illustrated by Steve Small and Rain Before Rainbows
illustrated by David Litchfield) and Erika Meza (award-winning
illustrator of My Two Border Towns written by David Bowles). Also
by Smriti Halls and published by Simon & Schuster: I'm Sticking
With You I'm Sticking With You Too
Seven episodes from the Henson Studios TV series that combines
pre-schoolers' interest in dinosaurs and trains with providing an
introduction to natural history and life sciences. The episodes
are: 'New Neighbours', 'Don and Lily', 'The Wing Kings', 'Big Tooth
Bucky', 'Great Big Stomping Dinosaur Feet!', 'Street Party' and
'Dad's Day Out'.
The ESV Journaling Study Bible pairs the content of a robust study
Bible with extra-large, 2-inch margins that are perfect for writing
observations, prayers, and more as you study God’s Word. Featuring more
than 12,000 study notes adapted from the ESV Study Bible, this
journaling Bible also includes nearly 900 special facts, 120 Bible
character profiles, 10 topical articles, a glossary of key terms, more
than 80 maps and illustrations, and 80,000 cross-references. These and
many other features make it the most comprehensive and content-rich
journaling Bible available today.
• 7.5-point type size
This ESV Prayer Journal will guide you in a study on the gospel
over 6 weeks, leading you to write and pray about how to understand
and articulate the gospel message.
'A thoughtful, profound, important book' - Irish Independent
Powerful and timely, To The Other Side explores the journey of two
young refugee children in search of safety. Perfect for opening up
conversations about conflict and war, encouraging empathy and
understanding. A young boy and his older sister have left home to
play a game. To win, she tells him, they must travel across endless
lands together and make it to the finish line. Each child imagines
what might be waiting for them across the border: A spotted dog?
Ice cream! Or maybe a new school. But the journey is difficult, and
the monsters are more real than they imagined. And when it no
longer feels like a game, the two children must still find a way to
forge ahead, and reach the other side. A stunning, symbolic and
emotionally rich picture book about the spirit and strength it
takes to leave your home behind. Beautifully brought to life by
author-illustrator Erika Meza. 'One of the best picture books I've
read in recent memory' Steve Antony 'Perceptive and exquisitely
illustrated' Flavia Z. Drago 'Beautiful. Beautifully illustrated.
Beautifully told' Jarvis 'An incredible book' Mark Bradley 'Simply
impeccable' Steven Lenton 'An instant classic' Celine Kiernan
In 2001 verander Erika Murray-Theron se lewe onherroeplik toe haar man, Tom, met parkinsonsiekte gediagnoseer word.
Erika begin haar vertelling eers in 2011, toe Tom in ’n meer gevorderde stadium van die siekte verkeer. Dit is die rou optekening van saamleef met ’n geliefde met parkinsons: die ervaring om die fisieke en intellektuele aftakeling van jou lewensmaat te aanskou, die fisieke eise wat met die versorging van so iemand gepaard gaan, en die emosionele inspanning wat dit kos om jouself te staal teen dramatiese en stadige verlies.
Conservation Physiology for the Anthropocene - A Systems Approach,
Volume 39B in the Fish Physiology series, is a comprehensive
synthesis related to the physiology of fish in the Anthropocene.
This volume helps solve knowledge gaps by considering the many ways
in which different physiological systems (e.g., sensory physiology,
endocrine, cardio-respiratory, bioenergetics, water and ionic
balance and homeostasis, locomotion/biomechanics, gene function)
and physiological diversity are relevant to the management and
conservation of fish and fisheries. Chapters in this release
include Using physiology for recovering imperiled species - the
Delta smelt, Conservation hatcheries - the Sturgeon story, Aquatic
pollutants and stressors, and more. Other sections discuss
Fisheries interactions in a multi-stressor world, Environmental
change in riverine systems - Amazon basin stressors, Environmental
change in lakes and wetlands - East African basin stressors, Coral
reef fish in a multi-stressor world, Polar fish in a multi-stressor
world, Physiology informs fisheries restoration and habitat
management, A physiological perspective on fish passage and
entrainment, Invasive species control and management - the sea
lamprey story, and On the conservation physiology of fishes for
The Other Germany
Erika Erika, Klaus Mann
Discovery Miles 9 030
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
This book showcases various methodological approaches to the
analysis of organizational talk and text. Arguing that
organizations are discursive constructions that are communicatively
constituted, the authors use the analysis of transcripts of
audio-recordings of naturally-occurring workplace talk and
authentic written texts to demonstrate what applied linguistics has
to offer to scholarly research into organizations as well as
management practice and training. The authors discuss the
theoretical underpinnings of discursive approaches to the role
language in the communicative constitution of organization, and
then each chapter focuses on one particular analytical
approach. The chapters cover conversation analysis;
membership categorization analysis, positioning theory;
ventriloquism; metaphor analysis; and metadiscourse analysis and
computer-mediated discourse analysis. Consequently, this
interdisciplinary work presents a number of methods that allow
researchers unfamiliar with fine-grained linguistic analyses of
naturally-occurring talk and text to explore ways of adding to
their repertoire of research skills.
The series "Fish Physiology" recently celebrated its 50th
Anniversary. In total, the editors of the series have produced a
total of 47 books (several volumes have two books) that contain
almost 500 chapters since the inaugural volume published in 1969.
The content of the "Fish Physiology" volumes has evolved over time.
The initial volumes were devoted to understanding the basic
mechanisms and principles of fish physiology, with a focus on a few
model species and some application to natural environmental
conditions. Then, as the field better understood mechanisms, the
approach was broadened to not only delve deeper into system
physiology (e.g., chapters in early volumes were expanded to become
books), but interspecific differences in physiology were explored,
permitting a more evolutionary framework. Finally, as interspecific
physiological mechanisms were further resolved, it became possible
to discuss physiology in light of a changing world. Thus,
physiology can now inform on conservation, sustainability and
management, as exemplified with the most recent volumes. This
anniversary issue celebrates the series by highlighting some of the
very important early work in the field that was published in the
Series. In particular, we wished to (re)introduce new researchers
to this research that has stood the test of time and that shaped
the field. Each re-published chapter is preceded by a short review
written by experts in the field to provide an overview/introduction
of each selected chapter, discuss what is particularly noteworthy
or important in the particular chapter, and discuss why in their
opinion this chapter has become a classic in its own right and how
it has inspired the field of fish physiology today?
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Nadine Gordimer
Discovery Miles 1 680