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In "Yesterday's Reflections," author Albert F. Schmid invites us to consider the various holidays that are celebrated throughout the year. He provides interesting facts about each holiday and includes the religious origins of them where relevant because many of our holidays have a religious connection. He also explains important points about the holidays, such as why Easter is always on a Sunday and why Thanksgiving is always on the fourth Thursday in November. In addition, he includes devotionals on topics ranging from "Contentment" to "God Is Where Love Is." Each devotional includes the pertinent Scriptures, a story to illustrate the point being made, and Schmid's comments. For example, "The Rear View Mirror" tells the story of Grace, who remembers her father's advice for driving in the snow: "find a snow plow and follow it." When she encounters a blizzard, she does this; an hour later, the driver stops to make certain she is all right, as he had plowed a large parking lot, was moving on to the next business, and was concerned when he noticed that she was following him. We often become comfortable thinking that we can just "follow the snow plow" when in truth we need to learn to trust God and let Him lead the way. "Yesterday's Reflections" is an inspiring collection that reminds us that we are Christ's ambassadors and that God expects each of us to live and act as though He is making His appeal through us. The best sermons are not preached; they are lived.
And So It Is presents a collection of sermons, memories, and short stories written by Albert Schmid, displaced midwesterner and recently ordained minister of the First Baptist Church of East Greenwich, Rhode Island. The central theme of Pastor Schmid's first book is to remind us that God is love, a fact that we certainly need to acknowledge. This inspiring volume is a repository of memories-a cornucopia of short stories, poems, sermons, and devotionals that remind us that we are Christ's ambassadors and God expects each of us to live and act as though He is making His appeal through us. And how do we do that? Remember, the best sermons are lived not preached. Because he visits nursing homes and shut-ins as part of his ministry, several of the stories he shares here are from the devotionals he uses during those visits. Whether talking about the meaning of Advent or recounting the story of Jabez, Pastor Schmid inspires with his sermons and stories. He makes them personal, and anyone may be enriched by his interpretations of these timeless stories and Christian traditions. And So It Is seeks to teach as well as inspire all who discover the treasures included within.
This is the first up-to-date, comprehensive reference on building construction terms and phrases to have been published in recent years. The coverage will be wide ranging from familiar terms like 'concrete' to arcane terms like 'elutriator.' Entries are explained in terms of their use in specific types of construction. Common construction math formulas are also explained. The book will provide ample resources for further reference and study, including listings of relevant associations and societies, as well as governmental agencies involved with the construction industry.
In diesem Buch erzahlt der neu bestellte Geschaftsfuhrer eines zuvor traditionell aufgestellten mittelstandischen Unternehmens die Geschichte einer kulturellen Transformation: weg von "Wir sind einfach die Besten", hin zu kontinuierlicher Veranderung, Digitalisierung, Beweglichkeit und Internationalisierung. Er beschreibt den lebendigen Change-Management-Prozesses, von einem Verlagshaus zu einer agil arbeitenden Tech-Company, der durch Radikalitat und Ausdauer letztlich zu notwendigem Wachstum und nachhaltigem Erfolg gefuhrt hat. Ein Kernelement des Erfolges war dabei, samtliche etablierten Denk- und Handlungsmuster uber Bord zu werfen und zwar mit Blick auf folgende Themen: Die Vision - wohin soll die Reise gehen? Die Strategie - wie gelangen wir dorthin? Die Organisation - der strukturelle Aufbau und die internen Ablaufe. Die Mitarbeiter - welche brauchen wir, wen wollen wir halten, wen neu gewinnen? Die Kultur - wie wollen wir zukunftig arbeiten und uns kontinuierlich andern Das Zeitalter der Digitalisierung und Globalisierung fordert Innovation und Beweglichkeit. Es verlangt auch Investitionen sowie ein generelles Umdenken uber die bisherigen Konstanten Kunde, Konkurrenz und Geschaftsmodell. Nicht zuletzt ist ein Fuhrungsstil gefragt, der kluge Koepfe anzieht, foerdert und halt.Dieses Buch soll Unternehmer, Manager und Macher ermutigen, aktiv und methodisch durchdacht Veranderungsprozesse einzuleiten, um ihr Unternehmen jetzt zukunftsfahig und langfristig erfolgreich zu machen. Es zeigt anhand eines real durchlebten Prozesses exemplarisch alle notwendigen Schritte auf - inklusive Erfolge, Fehlschlage, Frustrationen und begeisternde Momente.
Die Rontgendiagnostik im Thoraxraum besteht heute etwa 7 Jahrzehnte, und es ist verstandlich, daB sich in diesem Zeitraum ein fUr den Einzelnen nicht mehr iiberschau- bares Schrifttum angesammelt hat. In allen Kulturstaaten der Erde gibt es eine groBe Zahl ganz ausgezeichneter Lehrbiicher der Diagnostik und Differentialdiagnostik im Be- reich des Respirationstraktes, ebenso informieren entsprechende Zeitschriften den Leser iiber die neuesten Beobachtungen und Forschungsergebnisse. Es ist auch nicht zu leugnen, daB wir uns eben zu der Zeit, da dieses Handbuch geschaffen wird, in einem revolutio- nierenden Umbruch befinden durch die Tatsache, daB die Bildverstarker-Fernsehtechnik die konventionelle rontgenologische Untersuchungstechnik ziemlich rasch abzulOsen be- gonnen hat. Aus geschichtlicher Sicht sei daran erinnert, daB es der groBe Pionier der Rontgeno- logie, Hofrat HOLTZKNECHT in Wien, war, der mit seiner Publikation "Rontgenologische Diagnostik der Erkrankungen der Brustorgane" 1901 eigentlich die klinische Radiologie eingeleitet hat. Urn der Aufgabe dieses Handbuches gerecht zu werden und urn das Bedeutende aus dem Schrifttum zusammenzutragen und urn den anfallenden Stoff sinngemaB zu ordnen, war es notwendig geworden, den Thoraxband IX mit 5 Unterbanden zu planen. Der vorliegende dritte Teilband wird eingeleitet mit den Ventilationsstorungen der Lunge. Nach der Diskussion der Probleme der Lungenbeliiftung und ihrer Patho-Physiologie werden die Bronchusstenose, das Lungenemphysem und die Lungenatelektase im all- gemeinen, das Mittellappen- und Lingulasyndrom im besonderen diskutiert. Das ront- genologische Vorgehen bei der Untersuchung dieser einzelnen Ursa chen der Ventilations- storung leitet iiber zu einer eingehenden ErkHirung der bei der rontgenologischen Unter- suchung erfaBbaren morphologischen und funktionellen Befunde.
Die Bedeutung, welche N eurologie, Psychologie und Psychiatrie im Rahmen der Padiatrie gewonnen haben, wird in einem eigenen Band des Handbuches zum Ausdruck gebracht. Diese friiher von wenigen Interessenten gepflegten, am Rande des weiten Feldes "Padiatrie" gelegenen Teilgebiete nehmen heute eine zentrale Stellung innerhalb des Faches ein. Diese Feststellung gilt nicht nur hinsichtlich ihrer Problematik fUr Klinik und Praxis, sondern ist auch von der quanti- tativen Seite her motiviert. Der Raum, der von den typischen "Kinderkrankheiten", also den Zivilisationsseuchen, freigegeben wurde, wird zum nicht geringen Teil von den neurologischen Erkrankungen und den psychologischen Problemen des Kindes unserer Tage ausgefiillt. Nach der "zweiten technischen Revolution" sind die sozialen und zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen differenzierter und damit komplizierter geworden. Die von den Erwachsenen durch ihr Erfolgs-und Geltungsdenken so gepragte "Ordnung" wirkt sich tiefgreifend auf das kindliche Nervensystem und die Psyche aus - und zwar urn so nachhaltiger, je mehr der "seelenlose" Technizismus in die Welt des Kindes und Jugendlichen eindringt. In diesen Fragen versucht der hier vorliegende Band diagnostische Abklarung und im Thera- peutischen Fiihrung und Geleit zu geben. Die Gestaltung der beiden Teile "Neurologie" und "Psychologie, Psychiatrie" muBte zwangslaufig unterschiedlich werden. Die Neurologie ist eine Wissenschaft geworden, die sich in ihren - von technischen Geraten unterstiitzten - kon- kreten Aussagen weitgehend den naturwissenschaftlichen Maximen der Gegenwartsmedizin genahert hat.
Uber Tumoren im Kindesalter liegt ein umfangreiches Schrifttum vor; sucht man jedoch nach einer Ubersichtsdarstellung mit moglichst umfassender Aussage zu diesem soziologischen und klinischen Problemkreis, so wird man sich vergeblich bemiihen. Stati- stische, epidemiologische, symptomatologische und therapeutische Perspektiven zu ein- zelnen Tumorgruppen und Tumorarten - und dies oft noch aus der Sicht von Sub- spezialrichtungen - liegen in reicher Fulle vor, vermitteln aber kein Gesamtbild. Aufgabe des hier vorliegenden Bandes des Handbuches der Kinderheilkunde war eine universelle Behandlung des Tumorproblems im Wachstumsalter. Fragen der absoluten und relativen Haufigkeit, dispositioneller Faktoren, der histologischen Ordnung und Diagnostik, der Einteilungsprinzipien, der Nomenklatur, der klinischen Symptomato- logie, verschiedener therapeutischer Ansatze, Verfahren und der Prognose waren zu berucksichtigen und wurden nach der dem Handbuch eigenen Systematik behandelt. Dadurch entstand das wohl reprasentativste und inhaltsreichste Werk, das bisher uber die Tumoren im Kindesalter vorliegt. Die Padiatrie hat gegenwartig in der wissenschaftlichen und in ihrer reich differen- zierten klinischen Problematik zwei Hauptaufgaben: die Bewaltigung des Komplexes und MiBbildungen und die Verbesserung der Tumorbehandlung. Fur angeborener Fe- den letzten Problemkreis bietet dieser Handbuchband eine solide Orientierungsbasis in Form einer Bestandsaufnahme unseres gegenwartigen Wissens - und arztlichen Hand- lungsvermogens. Die an diesem Band mitarbeitenden Autoren standen bei der Abfassung ihrer Beitrage oft vor recht schwierigen Aufgaben des Sammelns von seltenen Beob- achtungen und vor allem der ordnenden Wertung. Ihnen allen gebuhrt der Dank fUr das Gelingen dieses Handbuchbandes.
In "Yesterday's Reflections," author Albert F. Schmid invites us to consider the various holidays that are celebrated throughout the year. He provides interesting facts about each holiday and includes the religious origins of them where relevant because many of our holidays have a religious connection. He also explains important points about the holidays, such as why Easter is always on a Sunday and why Thanksgiving is always on the fourth Thursday in November. In addition, he includes devotionals on topics ranging from "Contentment" to "God Is Where Love Is." Each devotional includes the pertinent Scriptures, a story to illustrate the point being made, and Schmid's comments. For example, "The Rear View Mirror" tells the story of Grace, who remembers her father's advice for driving in the snow: "find a snow plow and follow it." When she encounters a blizzard, she does this; an hour later, the driver stops to make certain she is all right, as he had plowed a large parking lot, was moving on to the next business, and was concerned when he noticed that she was following him. We often become comfortable thinking that we can just "follow the snow plow" when in truth we need to learn to trust God and let Him lead the way. "Yesterday's Reflections" is an inspiring collection that reminds us that we are Christ's ambassadors and that God expects each of us to live and act as though He is making His appeal through us. The best sermons are not preached; they are lived.
And So It Is presents a collection of sermons, memories, and short stories written by Albert Schmid, displaced midwesterner and recently ordained minister of the First Baptist Church of East Greenwich, Rhode Island. The central theme of Pastor Schmid's first book is to remind us that God is love, a fact that we certainly need to acknowledge. This inspiring volume is a repository of memories-a cornucopia of short stories, poems, sermons, and devotionals that remind us that we are Christ's ambassadors and God expects each of us to live and act as though He is making His appeal through us. And how do we do that? Remember, the best sermons are lived not preached. Because he visits nursing homes and shut-ins as part of his ministry, several of the stories he shares here are from the devotionals he uses during those visits. Whether talking about the meaning of Advent or recounting the story of Jabez, Pastor Schmid inspires with his sermons and stories. He makes them personal, and anyone may be enriched by his interpretations of these timeless stories and Christian traditions. And So It Is seeks to teach as well as inspire all who discover the treasures included within.
This pocket-sized book is a concise guide to the basics of estimating construction costs for residential and light commercial building projects. It provides a step-by-step guide to estimating the total cost of a construction project. It takes readers through five phases that lead to a successful estimate: initial assessment, work analysis, programming, costing and cost distribution and summarization. The book's primary targets are small contractors; however, the principles set forth in the book are applicable to all contractors. The book could also serve as a textbook for estimating classes in construction management programs at universities and community colleges. The last section of the book provides useful but not readily available information for estimators on diverse topics, e.g., detailed information about Value Engineering, scheduling, subcontractor selection, bid summarization, and so on. An extensive glossary of construction terms is also included. Readers in all construction capacities will find: A new, fresh look at the often baffling and deceptive job of estimating construction costs for residential and light commercial construction How to assess plans, review bonds, and evaluate the site and the project schedule before beginning a cost take-off How to integrate a cost estimate into a general accounting program for cost management and eventual billing
Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest trends in theory and practice, this this substantially revised and extended edition is the most in-depth and wide-ranging textbook available on person-centred psychotherapy and counselling. Divided into four parts, it examines the theoretical, philosophical and historical foundations of the person-centred approach; the fundamental principles of person-centred practice and applications of person-centred practice; how person-centred conceptualisations and practices can be applied to groups of clients who bring particular issues to therapy; and, finally, professional issues for person-centred therapists, such as ethics, supervision and training. Written by a diverse range of expert contributors, unified by a more relational, ethics-based reading of person-centred theory and practice, this is a comprehensive, cutting-edge resource for students on all advanced level person-centred courses, as well as for a wide range of professional practitioners in the field. New to this Edition: - A new, introductory chapter looking at contemporary challenges and opportunities for growth for the person-centred world - Nine further new chapters, including work with children and young people, older clients, arts-based therapies, addiction and bereavement, spiritual dimensions, contact and perception, working integratively, global and political implications - Increased use of text learning features to make the chapters more accessible and engaging - A greater focus on actual practice, with more case studies and examples of therapist-client dialogues Increased reference to research - A general updating of all chapters to include all relevant references
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
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