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Intelligence-Based Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery: Artificial
Intelligence and Human Cognition in Cardiovascular Medicine
provides a comprehensive survey of artificial intelligence concepts
and methodologies with real-life applications in cardiovascular
medicine. Authored by a senior physician-data scientist, the book
presents an intellectual and academic interface between the medical
and data science domains. The book's content consists of basic
concepts of artificial intelligence and human cognition
applications in cardiology and cardiac surgery. This portfolio
ranges from big data, machine and deep learning, cognitive
computing and natural language processing in cardiac disease states
such as heart failure, hypertension and pediatric heart care. The
book narrows the knowledge and expertise chasm between the data
scientists, cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, inspiring
clinicians to embrace artificial intelligence methodologies,
educate data scientists about the medical ecosystem, and create a
transformational paradigm for healthcare and medicine.
This guide to wireless LAN systems describes the current
technologies, spells out the pros and cons of each, and offers
implementation insights that can save your company valuable
installation time, money, and effort. It provides in-depth analyses
of all aspects of indoor LAN wireless transmission techniques via
RF and infrared waves.
These paper cut-outs developed from toys into a historically
important reflection on the German military and social classes from
the early nineteenth to the early twentieth century, culminating in
their proliferation during the rise and reign of the Third Reich.
They make it possible to take a tour through German military and
political history, from the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt in 1806 right
up to the Maginot Line in 1940. These German paper soldiers, or
papiersoldaten zum ausschneiden are, without a doubt, unique visual
images that, nowadays, are similar to archeological artifacts,
which are very hard to find on the market. Even today, the number
of preserved or catalogued images in German museums is very small,
so this book, showing thousands of figures in 173 color images, is
a an essential collection.
Aunque Francisco Lopez de Gomara nunca fue a America, la historia
de la conquista le fue contada por el propio Cortes y otros
expedicionarios. Con estos testimonios escribio la Historia General
de las Indias y conquista de Mexico (1552), muy difundida en su
epoca. El texto es una autentica sucesion pormenorizada de aquellos
acontecimientos, una cronica ordenada y bien insertada en la
historia, escrita con estilo elegante, y llena de citas de los
clasicos;una exaltacion epica de Cortes, al estilo de Plutarco.
Respecto a los indigenas, su punto de vista fue el oficial, opuesto
al de fray Bartolome de las Casas.
"Los bigrafos no se ponen de acuerdo sobre las fechas de su
nacimiento y muerte, parece que vivi entre 1510 y 1560. Naci en
Sevilla y estudi en la Universidad de Alcal. Fue uno de los
principales cronistas de la conquista espaola de Amrica; ense
lenguas clsicas en la Universidad de Alcal y despus se hizo
sacerdote y fue secretario y capelln de Hernn Corts. Aunque
Francisco Lpez de Gomara nunca fue a Amrica, la historia de la
conquista le fue contada por el propio Corts y otros
This timely book takes the historic restoration of diplomatic ties
between Cuba and the United States in 2015 as the point of
departure for a Cuban perspective on future relations. Tracing the
history of the long and contentious relationship, Francisco Lopez
Segrera analyzes the pre-revolutionary and Cold War periods as well
as more recent changes within each nation and in the international
environment that led to the diplomatic opening and the abandonment
of regime change as the goal of U.S. policy. He considers factors
such as the declining influence of hard-line Cuban exiles in the
United States; almost universal calls from Latin America, Europe,
and other U.S. allies for constructive diplomatic engagement; and
the economic restructuring underway in Cuba following the crisis of
the "Special Period" triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The author also identifies conditions favoring further progress, as
well as outstanding issues that may constitute barriers-especially
the blockade, U.S. demands for a Western-style democracy in Cuba,
and its refusal to return the Guantanamo naval base to Cuban
sovereignty. Comparing the differing perceptions shaping policies
on both sides, Lopez Segrera weighs the steps that will be
necessary for the two countries to move toward full normalization.
This timely book takes the historic restoration of diplomatic ties
between Cuba and the United States in 2015 as the point of
departure for a Cuban perspective on future relations. Tracing the
history of the long and contentious relationship, Francisco Lopez
Segrera analyzes the pre-revolutionary and Cold War periods as well
as more recent changes within each nation and in the international
environment that led to the diplomatic opening and the abandonment
of regime change as the goal of U.S. policy. He considers factors
such as the declining influence of hard-line Cuban exiles in the
United States; almost universal calls from Latin America, Europe,
and other U.S. allies for constructive diplomatic engagement; and
the economic restructuring underway in Cuba following the crisis of
the "Special Period" triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The author also identifies conditions favoring further progress, as
well as outstanding issues that may constitute bariers-especially
the blockade, U.S. demands for a Western-style democracy in Cuba,
and its refusal to return the Guantanamo naval base to Cuban
sovereignty. Comparing the differing perceptions shaping policies
on both sides, Lopez Segrera weighs the steps that will be
necessary for the two countries to move toward full normalization.
Major depressive disorders have recently been associated with
impairments in signaling pathways that regulate neuroplasticity and
cell survival. Agents designed to directly target molecules in
these pathways hold promise as new therapeutics for depression.
With the collaboration of the most prestigious international
specialists in biochemistry, molecular biology, genomics,
psychiatry, psychology, and pharmacology, Neurobiology of
Depression discusses the nature of the central nervous system
circuits responsible for the modifications of neuronal functioning
that lead to depression.
The book begins by discussing animal, neurophysiological, and
neuropsychological models of depression as well as neural
foundations. It explores genetic factors that contribute to
depression and describes the effect of monoaminergic systems in the
central nervous system.
Next, the book profiles the rise of psychopharmacology in the
treatment of depression and the research into serotonin and
monoamine reuptake inhibitors. It examines the role of the
glutamatergic, endocannabinoid, and opioid systems in the
pathophysiology of mood disorders, as well as the effect of
biological rhythms on the human body.
Later chapters review the role of CRF-related ligands, CRF
receptors, HPA axis activity, and glucocorticoid receptors in the
regulation of the stress response and depression. They also
describe cytokine modulation of molecular mechanisms. They examine
the role of neuropeptide Y, nitric oxide, beta-arrestins, BDNF, and
phosphodiesterases, and discuss the use of tachykinin antagonists
in treatment. Finally, they analyze the neurobiological basis for
the development of new antidepressant agents.
Exploring myriad aspects of a disease that plagues a large
percentage of the population worldwide, this volume captures the
state of the science of this debilitating disorder, facilitating
further research and discovery.
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture (ITPGRFA) is a pivotal piece of recent legislation,
providing a route map for the use of such resources for sustainable
agriculture and food security.
Plant Genetic Resources and Food Security explains clearly the
different interests and views at stake between all players in the
global food chain. It touches upon many issues such as
international food governance and policy, economic aspects of food
and seed trade, conservation and sustainable use of food and
agricultural biodiversity, hunger alleviation, ecological concerns,
consumers' protection, fairness and equity between nations and
generations, plant breeding techniques and socio-economic benefits
related to food local economies.
The book shows that despite the conflicting interests at stake,
players managed to come to an agreement on food and agriculture for
the sake of food security and hunger alleviation in the world.
Published with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the
United Nations and with Bioversity International.
In this book, Barbara Ellison and Thomas B. W. Bailey lay out and
explore the mystifying and evanescent musical territory of 'sonic
phantoms': auditory illusions within the musical material that
convey a 'phantasmatic' presence. Structured around a large body of
compositional work developed by Ellison over the past decade, sonic
phantoms are revealed and illustrated as they arise through a
diverse array of musical sources, materials, techniques, and
compositional tools: voices (real and synthetic), field recordings,
instrument manipulation, object amplification, improvisation, and
recording studio techniques. Somehow inherent in all music--and
perhaps in all sound--sonic phantoms lurk and stalk with the
promise of mystery and elevation. We just need to conjure them.
Es un libro fantastico que te ensenara de manera practica y
sencilla: El funcionamiento de la vida. La manera de mantener un
equilibrio de salud fisica, emocional y espiritual. Los errores
emocionales que nos provocan las enfermedades (psicosomatica). Como
mantener un cuerpo sano y jovial toda la vida; alcanzando una
longevidad llena de vitalidad y armonia. Como sanar las
enfermedades cronicas degenerativas (cancer, diabetes,
hipertension, artritis, osteoporosis, sida, etc.) en poco tiempo,
sin necesidad de ningun tipo de intervencion medica convencional.
Comprender las leyes espirituales y el como operan estas en la
sanidad fisica. Como crear un Reino de Dios aqui en la tierra, es
decir lograr todos juntos un nuevo mundo lleno de armonia y
abundancia para todos. Descubriras tu poder interno para sanar
cualquier enfermedad y ayudar a tus semejantes a sanar: "de igual
manera, como tu cambies, tu entorno cambiara."
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture (ITPGRFA) is a pivotal piece of recent legislation,
providing a route map for the use of such resources for sustainable
agriculture and food security.
Plant Genetic Resources and Food Security explains clearly the
different interests and views at stake between all players in the
global food chain. It touches upon many issues such as
international food governance and policy, economic aspects of food
and seed trade, conservation and sustainable use of food and
agricultural biodiversity, hunger alleviation, ecological concerns,
consumers' protection, fairness and equity between nations and
generations, plant breeding techniques and socio-economic benefits
related to food local economies.
The book shows that despite the conflicting interests at stake,
players managed to come to an agreement on food and agriculture for
the sake of food security and hunger alleviation in the world.
Published with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the
United Nations and with Bioversity International.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common
neurodevelopmental disorder with underlying brain anatomical and
functional measures, as well as familial/genetic factors that are
major foci of neuropsychiatric research. In recent years, ADHD is
one of the neuropsychiatric diseases receiving more attention in
scientific literature. During this decade, numerous studies were
published on the implementation of diagnostic criteria and
assessment tools for clinical research and the social impact of the
disease, which continued to discuss genetic and neurobiological
aspects. Psychostimulants are highly effective medications for the
treatment of ADHD, and the development of long-acting stimulant
formulations has greatly expanded the treatment options for
individuals with ADHD. However, despite the established efficacy of
the stimulants in ADHD, 10-30% of the adolescent population with
ADHD does not respond to stimulants or may not tolerate them due to
side effects. The potential for abuse and the stigma of a
controlled medication are reasons to consider alternatives to
stimulants in children and adolescents with ADHD. Traditionally,
ADHD is regarded as a childhood disorder, but it is now clear that
ADHD affects both children and adults. Many adults with ADHD are
undiagnosed and untreated. Thus, the negative outcomes reported by
most follow-up studies may be a consequence of untreated symptoms.
The diagnosis of ADHD is broad and heterogeneous, with multiple
causes being of neurological, paediatric and psycho-social nature.
With this in mind, it must always be done rigorously by a
multidisciplinary team.
In this book, Barbara Ellison and Thomas B. W. Bailey lay out and
explore the mystifying and evanescent musical territory of 'sonic
phantoms': auditory illusions within the musical material that
convey a 'phantasmatic' presence. Structured around a large body of
compositional work developed by Ellison over the past decade, sonic
phantoms are revealed and illustrated as they arise through a
diverse array of musical sources, materials, techniques, and
compositional tools: voices (real and synthetic), field recordings,
instrument manipulation, object amplification, improvisation, and
recording studio techniques. Somehow inherent in all music--and
perhaps in all sound--sonic phantoms lurk and stalk with the
promise of mystery and elevation. We just need to conjure them.
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