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This fourth edition provides an updated look at information
organization, featuring coverage of the Semantic Web, linked data,
and EAC-CPF; new metadata models such as IFLA-LRM and RiC; and new
perspectives on RDA and its implementation. This latest edition of
The Organization of Information is a key resource for anyone in the
beginning stages of their LIS career as well as longstanding
professionals and paraprofessionals seeking accurate, clear, and
up-to-date guidance on information organization activities across
the discipline. The book begins with a historical look at
information organization methods, covering libraries, archives,
museums, and online settings. It then addresses the types of
retrieval tools used throughout the discipline-catalogs, finding
aids, indexes, bibliographies, and search engines-before describing
the functionality of systems, explaining the basic principles of
system design, and defining how they affect information
organization. The principles and functionality of metadata is next,
with coverage of the types, functions, tools, and models
(particularly FRBR, IFLA-LRM, RDF) and how encoding works for use
and sharing-for example, MARC, XML schemas, and linked data
approaches. The latter portion of the resource describes specific
activities related to the creation of metadata for resources. These
chapters offer an overview of the major issues, challenges, and
standards used in the information professions, addressing topics
such as resource description (including standards found in RDA,
DACS, and CCO), access points, authority control, subject analysis,
controlled vocabularies-notably LCSH, MeSH, Sears, and AAT-and
categorization systems such as DDC and LCC. Provides an essential
overview of information organization-a central activity in library
and information science-that describes approaches to organizing in
libraries, archives, museums, online settings, indexing services,
and other environments Newly revised and updated to reflect changes
in cataloging rules, address new standards, and introduce upcoming
changes Expands the scope of content relating to information
organization in non-library settings Features vocabulary and
acronym lists at the end of each chapter to help readers stay
abreast of new terminology
A new edition of this best-selling textbook reintroduces the topic
of library cataloging from a fresh, modern perspective. Not many
books merit an eleventh edition, but this popular text does. Newly
updated, Introduction to Cataloging and Classification provides an
introduction to descriptive cataloging based on contemporary
standards, explaining the basic tenets to readers without previous
experience, as well as to those who merely want a better
understanding of the process as it exists today. The text opens
with the foundations of cataloging, then moves to specific details
and subject matter such as Functional Requirements for
Bibliographic Records (FRBR), Functional Requirements for Authority
Data (FRAD), the International Cataloging Principles (ICP), and
RDA. Unlike other texts, the book doesn't presume a close
familiarity with the MARC bibliographic or authorities formats;
ALA's Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd Edition, revised
(AACR2R); or the International Standard Bibliographic Description
(ISBD). Subject access to library materials is covered in
sufficient depth to make the reader comfortable with the principles
and practices of subject cataloging and classification. In
addition, the book introduces MARC, BIBFRAME, and other approaches
used to communicate and display bibliographic data. Discussions of
formatting, presentation, and administrative issues complete the
book; questions useful for review and study appear at the end of
each chapter. Delineates the new cataloging landscape Shares a
principles-based perspective An introductory text for beginners and
intermediate students Emphasizes descriptive and subject
cataloging, as well as format-neutral cataloging Covers new
cataloging rules and RDA
A critical assessment of the "New Labour" phenomena. It assesses
the impact of Labour's "modernizers" in three crucial areas:
changes within the Labour party itself; the reformation of the
British state; and the influence on particular areas of policy. The
essays do not seek to provide unequivocal answers to the questions
raised by the arrival of New Labour and their initial period in
office, but provide a debate between the contributors over the
nature and significance of these changes. The book is a wide
ranging and accessible account of the political phenomena which
will lead Britain into the 21st century.
This book details a model of consciousness supported by scientific
experimental data from the human brain. It presents how the
Corollary Discharge of Attention Movement (CODAM) neural network
model allows for a scientific understanding of consciousness as
well as provides a solution to the Mind-Body problem. The book
provides readers with a general approach to consciousness that is
powerful enough to lead to the inner self and its ramifications for
the vast range of human experiences. It also offers an approach to
the evolution of human consciousness and features chapters on
mental disease (especially schizophrenia) and on meditative states
(including drug-induced states of mind). Solving the Mind-Body
Problem bridges the gap that exists between philosophers of mind
and the neuroscience community, allowing the enormous weight of
theorizing on the nature of mind to be brought to earth and put
under the probing gaze of the scientific facts of life and mind.
When and why did "white people" start calling themselves "white"? When and why did "white slavery" become a paradox, and then a euphemism for prostitution? To answer such questions, Taylor begins with the auction of a "white" slave in the first African American novel, William Wells Brown's Clotel (1853), and contrasts Brown's basic assumptions about race, slavery, and sexuality with treatment of those issues in scenes of slave marketing in English Renaissance drama. From accounts of Columbus and other early European voyagers to popular English plays two centuries later, Taylor traces a paradigm shift in attitudes toward white men, and analyzes the emergence of new models of sexuality and pornography in an "imperial backwash" that affected whites as much as blacks. Moving between the English Renaissance and the "American Renaissance" of the 1850s, this original and provocative book recovers the lost interracial history of the birth of whiteness.
This both accessible and exhaustive book will help to improve
modeling of attention and to inspire innovations in industry. It
introduces the study of attention and focuses on attention
modeling, addressing such themes as saliency models, signal
detection and different types of signals, as well as real-life
applications. The book is truly multi-disciplinary, collating work
from psychology, neuroscience, engineering and computer science,
amongst other disciplines. What is attention? We all pay attention
every single moment of our lives. Attention is how the brain
selects and prioritizes information. The study of attention has
become incredibly complex and divided: this timely volume assists
the reader by drawing together work on the computational aspects of
attention from across the disciplines. Those working in the field
as engineers will benefit from this book's introduction to the
psychological and biological approaches to attention, and
neuroscientists can learn about engineering work on attention. The
work features practical reviews and chapters that are quick and
easy to read, as well as chapters which present deeper, more
complex knowledge. Everyone whose work relates to human perception,
to image, audio and video processing will find something of value
in this book, from students to researchers and those in industry.
The chapters collected here explore a number of different issues,
including the operation of the tariff-rate quotas established under
the Uruguay Round Agreement, the implications of sanitary and
phytosanitary restrictions on trade, and the growing controversy
over genetically modified organisms. In addition, several chapters
analyze the interaction between agricultural trade and
environmental concerns. The relative prosperity in U.S. agriculture
that attended the passage of the Federal Agriculture Improvement
and Reform Act of 1996 was followed by a general decline in U.S.
agricultural prices from 1998 to 2000. This trend in declining
prices continues through the year 2001, despite the movement toward
more liberalized agricultural trade. Trade liberalization has been
the result of a variety of factors, including the implementation of
the Uruguay Round Agreement, and the establishment of a variety of
regional trade agreements, such as the North America Free Trade
Agreement. Needless to say, in the face of falling agricultural
prices and increasingly liberalized agricultural trade, the
agricultural policy scene is an extremely complex one, both locally
and globally. This volume does not pretend to offer a single,
systematic prescription for what the next agricultural policy
should be. Rather, the arguments and analyses contained herein are
intended to highlight several issues that must be considered in the
continuing debates on agricultural policy.
This book is an investigation into how the categories of political
sociology have been impacted by the cultural, global and complexity
turns in contemporary sociology. The author argues for the
development of an existential turn in political sociology to
capture the ambiguous social and political forms that have emerged
through these turns.
Did Shakespeare really join John Fletcher to write Cardenio, a lost
play based on Don Quixote? With an emphasis on the importance of
theatrical experiment, a script and photos from Gary Taylor's
recent production, and essays by respected early modern scholars,
this book will make a definitive statement about the collaborative
nature of Cardenio.
Many experiments have shown the human brain generally has very
serious problems dealing with probability and chance. A greater
understanding of probability can help develop the intuition
necessary to approach risk with the ability to make more informed
(and better) decisions. The first four chapters offer the standard
content for an introductory probability course, albeit presented in
a much different way and order. The chapters afterward include some
discussion of different games, different "ideas" that relate to the
law of large numbers, and many more mathematical topics not
typically seen in such a book. The use of games is meant to make
the book (and course) feel like fun! Since many of the early games
discussed are casino games, the study of those games, along with an
understanding of the material in later chapters, should remind you
that gambling is a bad idea; you should think of placing bets in a
casino as paying for entertainment. Winning can, obviously, be a
fun reward, but should not ever be expected. Changes for the Second
Edition: New chapter on Game Theory New chapter on Sports
Mathematics The chapter on Blackjack, which was Chapter 4 in the
first edition, appears later in the book. Reorganization has been
done to improve the flow of topics and learning. New sections on
Arkham Horror, Uno, and Scrabble have been added. Even more
exercises were added! The goal for this textbook is to complement
the inquiry-based learning movement. In my mind, concepts and ideas
will stick with the reader more when they are motivated in an
interesting way. Here, we use questions about various games (not
just casino games) to motivate the mathematics, and I would say
that the writing emphasizes a "just-in-time" mathematics approach.
Topics are presented mathematically as questions about the games
themselves are posed. Table of Contents Preface 1. Mathematics and
Probability 2. Roulette and Craps: Expected Value 3. Counting:
Poker Hands 4. More Dice: Counting and Combinations, and Statistics
5. Game Theory: Poker Bluffing and Other Games 6.
Probability/Stochastic Matrices: Board Game Movement 7. Sports
Mathematics: Probability Meets Athletics 8. Blackjack: Previous
Methods Revisited 9. A Mix of Other Games 10. Betting Systems: Can
You Beat the System? 11. Potpourri: Assorted Adventures in
Probability Appendices Tables Answers and Selected Solutions
Bibliography Biography Dr. David G. Taylor is a professor of
mathematics and an associate dean for academic affairs at Roanoke
College in southwest Virginia. He attended Lebanon Valley College
for his B.S. in computer science and mathematics and went to the
University of Virginia for his Ph.D. While his graduate school
focus was on studying infinite dimensional Lie algebras, he started
studying the mathematics of various games in order to have a more
undergraduate-friendly research agenda. Work done with two Roanoke
College students, Heather Cook and Jonathan Marino, appears in this
book! Currently he owns over 100 different board games and enjoys
using probability in his decision-making while playing most of
those games. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, cooking, coding,
playing his board games, and spending time with his six-year-old
dog Lilly.
The perception-action cycle is the circular flow of information
that takes place between the organism and its environment in the
course of a sensory-guided sequence of behaviour towards a goal.
Each action causes changes in the environment that are analyzed
bottom-up through the perceptual hierarchy and lead to the
processing of further action, top-down through the executive
hierarchy, toward motor effectors. These actions cause new changes
that are analyzed and lead to new action, and so the cycle
continues. The Perception-action cycle: Models, architectures and
hardware book provides focused and easily accessible reviews of
various aspects of the perception-action cycle. It is an
unparalleled resource of information that will be an invaluable
companion to anyone in constructing and developing models,
algorithms and hardware implementations of autonomous machines
empowered with cognitive capabilities. The book is divided into
three main parts. In the first part, leading computational
neuroscientists present brain-inspired models of perception,
attention, cognitive control, decision making, conflict resolution
and monitoring, knowledge representation and reasoning, learning
and memory, planning and action, and consciousness grounded on
experimental data. In the second part, architectures, algorithms,
and systems with cognitive capabilities and minimal guidance from
the brain, are discussed. These architectures, algorithms, and
systems are inspired from the areas of cognitive science, computer
vision, robotics, information theory, machine learning, computer
agents and artificial intelligence. In the third part, the
analysis, design and implementation of hardware systems with robust
cognitive abilities from the areas of mechatronics, sensing
technology, sensor fusion, smart sensor networks, control rules,
controllability, stability, model/knowledge representation, and
reasoning are discussed.
Writing Race Across the Atlantic World, 1492-1789, comprises a set of lively, diverse, and original investigations into contemporary notions of race in the oceanic interculture of the Atlantic during the early modern period. Working across institutional boundaries of “American” and “British” literature in this period, as well as between “history” and “literature,” ten essays address the ways in which cultural categories of “race”—brown, red, and white, African-American and Afro-Caribbean, Spanish and Jewish, English and Celtic, native American and northern European, creole and mestizo—were constructed and adapted by early modern writers.
This important volume provides a source of information on the key
issues, including constraints and capacity building, necessary to
implement participatory approaches in China today. A wealth of case
studies are provided by principal Chinese academics and
practitioners in forestry, natural resource management, rural
development, irrigation and poverty alleviation. At the core, the
book is about strengthening local government as a key player in the
development of participatory initiatives. It is an invaluable text
for development practitioners, donors, researchers and students
seeking to understand the opportunities and constraints for
participation in China, and for those working to institutionalize
participatory processes in a complex rural context.
Now in its fifth edition, the Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicine
is the essential rapid-reference guide to emergency medicine for
everyone from junior doctors to specialist registrars, nurse
practitioners, and paramedics. New and improved, the Handbook has
been thoroughly revised throughout, with 100 extra illustrations
and the latest guidelines and treatment advice, completely
overhauled chapters on Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and
Paediatric emergencies, and new topics on treatment escalation,
end-of-life care, and sepsis. Clear and concise, extensively
updated, and packed with a host of new X-rays to aid identification
and treatment, this Handbook has everything you need to thrive in
the demanding world of emergency medicine today.
By the spring of 1941, the enemy had taken much of Southern Europe:
Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, and with Italy in the Axis
it stood to dominate. The powerful British Naval Fleet and the
amassed allied infantry of Britain, New Zealand, Australia,
disposed Greeks, and the good people of Crete stood between the
Axis powers and total control of the Mediterranean. This is the
story of a soldier involved in the defence of Crete. The Luftwaffe
commanded the air with their Stuka, Junkers and the formidable
German Paratroopers: the Fallschirmj�ger. It begins with Jack
Seed's part, as a Royal Engineer, in the Balkan Campaign of 1941\.
Starting with an account of the defence of Crete, it tells of the
retreat from an overpowering enemy and of a determined survival
until the victorious moments of the war's end. Along with his
comrades, Jack was taken prisoner of war and moved from Stalag to
Stalag in railway trucks, enduring terrible hardships at the hands
of his German captors for four years. With barely enough food to
keep body and soul together, he and his fellow captives were sent
out in gangs to work, often in perishingly cold conditions. They
devised ways of getting extra food, but their schemes were often
discovered by the German guards. They burnt the wood from their
bunks in order to keep warm at night. They grew weak and weary and
wondered how much more hardship they could stand. But finally,
Hitler was dead, Germany had surrendered and the war was over.
Within days, Jack was bound for home, flying over the white cliffs
of Dover. He had survived. Jack Seed wrote his Second World War
memoir during the 1970s, typing two copies for posterity on a
mechanical typewriter. Like many with such experiences, his writing
was not for any notion of reward, but to formalise his own lasting
experience of the Second World War. Now, almost eighty years later,
that story is shared.
International authority control will soon be a reality. Examine the
projects that are moving the information science professions in
that direction today! In Authority Control in Organizing and
Accessing Information: Definition and International Experience,
international experts examine the state of the art and explore new
theoretical perspectives. This essential resource, which has its
origins in the International Conference on Authority Control
(Italy, 2003), addresses standards, exchange formats, and
metadatawith sections on authority control for names, works, and
subjects. Twenty fascinating case examples show how authority
control is practiced at institutions in various nations around the
world. Authority Control in Organizing and Accessing Information
provides an essential definition of authority control and then
begins its sharply focused examinations of essential aspects of
authority control with a section entitled State of the Art and New
Theoretical Perspectives. Here you'll find chapters focusing on:
the current state of the artwith suggestions for future
developments the importance (and current lack) of teaching
authority control as part of a library/information science
curriculum the guidelines and methodology used in the creation of
Italy's SBN Authority File Next, Standards, Exchange Formats, and
Metadata covers: Italy's Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana UNIMARC
database, which was created using authority control principles the
past and present activities of the International Federation of
Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), and an examination of
IFLA's Working Group on Functional Requirements and Numbering of
Authority Records (FRANAR) metadata standards as a means for
accomplishing authority control in digital libraries traditional
international library standards for bibliographic and authority
control the evolution and current status of authority control tools
for art and material culture information the UNIMARC authorities
formatwhat it is and how to work with it Authority Control for
Names and Works brings you useful, current information on: changes
and new features in the new edition of the International Standard
Archival Authority Record (Corporate Bodies, Persons, Families)
Encoded Archival Context (EAC)and its role in enhancing access to
and understanding of records, and how it enables repositories to
share creator description the LEAF model for collection,
harvesting, linking, and providing access to existing
local/national name authority data national bibliographic control
in China, Japan, and Korea, plus suggestions for future cooperation
between bibliographic agencies in East Asia authority control of
printers, publishers, and booksellers how to create up-to-date
corporate name authority records authority control (and the lack of
it) for works Authority Control for Subjects updates you on:
subject gatewayswith a look at the differences between the Program
for Cooperative Cataloging's SACO program and browsable online
subject gateways MACSa virtual authority file that crosses language
barriers to provide multilingual access OCLC's FAST project, which
strives to retain the rich vocabulary of LCSH while making the
schema easier to understand, control, apply, and use the efforts of
Italy's National Central Library toward semantic authority control
the interrelationship of subject indexing languages and authority
controlwith a look at the semantics vs. syntax issue how subject
indexing is done in Italy's Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale
Authority Control Experiences and Proje
International authority control will soon be a reality. Examine the
projects that are moving the information science professions in
that direction today! In Authority Control in Organizing and
Accessing Information: Definition and International Experience,
international experts examine the state of the art and explore new
theoretical perspectives. This essential resource, which has its
origins in the International Conference on Authority Control
(Italy, 2003), addresses standards, exchange formats, and
metadatawith sections on authority control for names, works, and
subjects. Twenty fascinating case examples show how authority
control is practiced at institutions in various nations around the
world. Authority Control in Organizing and Accessing Information
provides an essential definition of authority control and then
begins its sharply focused examinations of essential aspects of
authority control with a section entitled State of the Art and New
Theoretical Perspectives. Here you'll find chapters focusing on:
the current state of the artwith suggestions for future
developments the importance (and current lack) of teaching
authority control as part of a library/information science
curriculum the guidelines and methodology used in the creation of
Italy's SBN Authority File Next, Standards, Exchange Formats, and
Metadata covers: Italy's Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana UNIMARC
database, which was created using authority control principles the
past and present activities of the International Federation of
Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), and an examination of
IFLA's Working Group on Functional Requirements and Numbering of
Authority Records (FRANAR) metadata standards as a means for
accomplishing authority control in digital libraries traditional
international library standards for bibliographic and authority
control the evolution and current status of authority control tools
for art and material culture information the UNIMARC authorities
formatwhat it is and how to work with it Authority Control for
Names and Works brings you useful, current information on: changes
and new features in the new edition of the International Standard
Archival Authority Record (Corporate Bodies, Persons, Families)
Encoded Archival Context (EAC)and its role in enhancing access to
and understanding of records, and how it enables repositories to
share creator description the LEAF model for collection,
harvesting, linking, and providing access to existing
local/national name authority data national bibliographic control
in China, Japan, and Korea, plus suggestions for future cooperation
between bibliographic agencies in East Asia authority control of
printers, publishers, and booksellers how to create up-to-date
corporate name authority records authority control (and the lack of
it) for works Authority Control for Subjects updates you on:
subject gatewayswith a look at the differences between the Program
for Cooperative Cataloging's SACO program and browsable online
subject gateways MACSa virtual authority file that crosses language
barriers to provide multilingual access OCLC's FAST project, which
strives to retain the rich vocabulary of LCSH while making the
schema easier to understand, control, apply, and use the efforts of
Italy's National Central Library toward semantic authority control
the interrelationship of subject indexing languages and authority
controlwith a look at the semantics vs. syntax issue how subject
indexing is done in Italy's Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale
Authority Control Experiences and Proje
This both accessible and exhaustive book will help to improve
modeling of attention and to inspire innovations in industry. It
introduces the study of attention and focuses on attention
modeling, addressing such themes as saliency models, signal
detection and different types of signals, as well as real-life
applications. The book is truly multi-disciplinary, collating work
from psychology, neuroscience, engineering and computer science,
amongst other disciplines. What is attention? We all pay attention
every single moment of our lives. Attention is how the brain
selects and prioritizes information. The study of attention has
become incredibly complex and divided: this timely volume assists
the reader by drawing together work on the computational aspects of
attention from across the disciplines. Those working in the field
as engineers will benefit from this book's introduction to the
psychological and biological approaches to attention, and
neuroscientists can learn about engineering work on attention. The
work features practical reviews and chapters that are quick and
easy to read, as well as chapters which present deeper, more
complex knowledge. Everyone whose work relates to human perception,
to image, audio and video processing will find something of value
in this book, from students to researchers and those in industry.
This is the first book to describe the Microsoft HoloLens wearable
augmented reality device and provide step-by-step instructions on
how developers can use the HoloLens SDK to create Windows 10
applications that merge holographic virtual reality with the
wearer's actual environment. Best-selling author Allen G. Taylor
explains how to develop and deliver HoloLens applications via
Microsoft's ecosystem for third party apps. Readers will also learn
how HoloLens differs from other virtual and augmented reality
devices and how to create compelling applications to fully utilize
its capabilities. What You Will Learn: The features and
capabilities of HoloLens How to build a simple Windows 10 app
optimized for HoloLens The tools and resources contained in the
HoloLens SDK How to build several HoloLens apps, using the SDK
This book details a model of consciousness supported by scientific
experimental data from the human brain. It presents how the
Corollary Discharge of Attention Movement (CODAM) neural network
model allows for a scientific understanding of consciousness as
well as provides a solution to the Mind-Body problem. The book
provides readers with a general approach to consciousness that is
powerful enough to lead to the inner self and its ramifications for
the vast range of human experiences. It also offers an approach to
the evolution of human consciousness and features chapters on
mental disease (especially schizophrenia) and on meditative states
(including drug-induced states of mind). Solving the Mind-Body
Problem bridges the gap that exists between philosophers of mind
and the neuroscience community, allowing the enormous weight of
theorizing on the nature of mind to be brought to earth and put
under the probing gaze of the scientific facts of life and mind.
The perception-action cycle is the circular flow of information
that takes place between the organism and its environment in the
course of a sensory-guided sequence of behaviour towards a goal.
Each action causes changes in the environment that are analyzed
bottom-up through the perceptual hierarchy and lead to the
processing of further action, top-down through the executive
hierarchy, toward motor effectors. These actions cause new changes
that are analyzed and lead to new action, and so the cycle
continues. The Perception-action cycle: Models, architectures and
hardware book provides focused and easily accessible reviews of
various aspects of the perception-action cycle. It is an
unparalleled resource of information that will be an invaluable
companion to anyone in constructing and developing models,
algorithms and hardware implementations of autonomous machines
empowered with cognitive capabilities. The book is divided into
three main parts. In the first part, leading computational
neuroscientists present brain-inspired models of perception,
attention, cognitive control, decision making, conflict resolution
and monitoring, knowledge representation and reasoning, learning
and memory, planning and action, and consciousness grounded on
experimental data. In the second part, architectures, algorithms,
and systems with cognitive capabilities and minimal guidance from
the brain, are discussed. These architectures, algorithms, and
systems are inspired from the areas of cognitive science, computer
vision, robotics, information theory, machine learning, computer
agents and artificial intelligence. In the third part, the
analysis, design and implementation of hardware systems with robust
cognitive abilities from the areas of mechatronics, sensing
technology, sensor fusion, smart sensor networks, control rules,
controllability, stability, model/knowledge representation, and
reasoning are discussed.
Did Shakespeare really join John Fletcher to write "Cardenio," a
lost play based on "Don Quixote"? In 2009, the world's first
academic symposium dedicated to the "lost play" was convened in New
Zealand. Since then, a flurry of activity has confirmed the play's
place in the literary canon. Drawing on cutting-edge scholarship
and organized around the first full-scale production of Gary
Taylor's recreation of the Jacobean play, these sixteen essays
suggest the play was not "lost" but was instead deliberately
"disappeared" because of its controversial treatment of race and
Breaking new ground, this collection gives equal attention to
Shakespeare, Cervantes, and Fletcher. With an emphasis on the
importance of theatrical experiment and performance, a copy of
Taylor's script, a photographic record of Bourus's production, and
historical research by respected scholars in the fields of early
modern England and Spain, this book makes a bold and definitive
statement about the collaborative nature of Cardenio.
The chapters collected here explore a number of different issues,
including the operation of the tariff-rate quotas established under
the Uruguay Round Agreement, the implications of sanitary and
phytosanitary restrictions on trade, and the growing controversy
over genetically modified organisms. In addition, several chapters
analyze the interaction between agricultural trade and
environmental concerns. The relative prosperity in U.S. agriculture
that attended the passage of the Federal Agriculture Improvement
and Reform Act of 1996 was followed by a general decline in U.S.
agricultural prices from 1998 to 2000. This trend in declining
prices continues through the year 2001, despite the movement toward
more liberalized agricultural trade. Trade liberalization has been
the result of a variety of factors, including the implementation of
the Uruguay Round Agreement, and the establishment of a variety of
regional trade agreements, such as the North America Free Trade
Agreement. Needless to say, in the face of falling agricultural
prices and increasingly liberalized agricultural trade, the
agricultural policy scene is an extremely complex one, both locally
and globally.This volume does not pretend to offer a single,
systematic prescription for what the next agricultural policy
should be. Rather, the arguments and analyses contained herein are
intended to highlight several issues that must be considered in the
continuing debates on agricultural policy.