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No Kiss - No Hug (Hardcover)
Gin Noon-Spaulding; Illustrated by Gaurav Bhatnagar; Foreword by Dana Moutachouik
Discovery Miles 5 570
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High dimensional probability, in the sense that encompasses the
topics rep resented in this volume, began about thirty years ago
with research in two related areas: limit theorems for sums of
independent Banach space valued random vectors and general Gaussian
processes. An important feature in these past research studies has
been the fact that they highlighted the es sential probabilistic
nature of the problems considered. In part, this was because, by
working on a general Banach space, one had to discard the extra,
and often extraneous, structure imposed by random variables taking
values in a Euclidean space, or by processes being indexed by sets
in R or Rd. Doing this led to striking advances, particularly in
Gaussian process theory. It also led to the creation or
introduction of powerful new tools, such as randomization,
decoupling, moment and exponential inequalities, chaining,
isoperimetry and concentration of measure, which apply to areas
well beyond those for which they were created. The general theory
of em pirical processes, with its vast applications in statistics,
the study of local times of Markov processes, certain problems in
harmonic analysis, and the general theory of stochastic processes
are just several of the broad areas in which Gaussian process
techniques and techniques from probability in Banach spaces have
made a substantial impact. Parallel to this work on probability in
Banach spaces, classical proba bility and empirical process theory
were enriched by the development of powerful results in strong
The Japanese occupation of both British Borneo -- Brunei, Sarawak
and North Borneo -- and Dutch Borneo in 1941 to 1945 is a much
understudied subject. Of particular interest is the occupation of
Dutch Borneo, governed by the Imperial Japanese Navy that had
long-term plans for permanent possession'. This book surveys Borneo
under Western colonialism, examines pre-war Japanese interests in
Borneo, and analyses the Japanese military invasion and occupation.
It goes on to consider the nature of Japanese rule in Borneo,
contrasting the different regimes of the Imperial Japanese Army,
which ruled the north, and the Navy. A wide range of issues are
discussed, including the incorporation of the economy in the
Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere and the effects of this on
Borneo's economy. The book also covers issues such as the
relationship with the various indigenous inhabitants, with Islam
and the Muslim community, and the Chinese, as well as topics of
acculturation and propaganda, and major uprisings and mass
executions. It examines the impact of the wartime conditions and
policies on the local multiethnic peoples and their responses,
providing an invaluable contribution to the greater understanding
of the significance of the wartime Japanese occupation in the
historical development of Borneo.
For almost fifty years, Richard M. Dudley has been extremely
influential in the development of several areas of Probability. His
work on Gaussian processes led to the understanding of the basic
fact that their sample boundedness and continuity should be
characterized in terms of proper measures of complexity of their
parameter spaces equipped with the intrinsic covariance metric. His
sufficient condition for sample continuity in terms of metric
entropy is widely used and was proved by X. Fernique to be
necessary for stationary Gaussian processes, whereas its more
subtle versions (majorizing measures) were proved by M. Talagrand
to be necessary in general.
Together with V. N. Vapnik and A. Y. Cervonenkis, R. M. Dudley
is a founder of the modern theory of empirical processes in general
spaces. His work on uniform central limit theorems (under
bracketing entropy conditions and for Vapnik-Cervonenkis classes),
greatly extends classical results that go back to A. N. Kolmogorov
and M. D. Donsker, and became the starting point of a new line of
research, continued in the work of Dudley and others, that
developed empirical processes into one of the major tools in
mathematical statistics and statistical learning theory.
As a consequence of Dudley's early work on weak convergence of
probability measures on non-separable metric spaces, the Skorohod
topology on the space of regulated right-continuous functions can
be replaced, in the study of weak convergence of the empirical
distribution function, by the supremum norm. In a further recent
step Dudley replaces this norm by the stronger p-variation norms,
which then allows replacing compact differentiability of many
statistical functionals by Fr chet differentiability in the delta
Richard M. Dudley has also made important contributions to
mathematical statistics, the theory of weak convergence,
relativistic Markov processes, differentiability of nonlinear
operators and several other areas of mathematics.
Professor Dudley has been the adviser to thirty PhD's and is a
Professor of Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of
A friendly and systematic introduction to the theory and applications. The book begins with the sums of independent random variables and vectors, with maximal inequalities and sharp estimates on moments, which are later used to develop and interpret decoupling inequalities. Decoupling is first introduced as it applies to randomly stopped processes and unbiased estimation. The authors then proceed with the theory of decoupling in full generality, paying special attention to comparison and interplay between martingale and decoupling theory, and to applications. These include limit theorems, moment and exponential inequalities for martingales and more general dependence structures, biostatistical implications, and moment convergence in Anscombe's theorem and Wald's equation for U--statistics. Addressed to researchers in probability and statistics and to graduates, the expositon is at the level of a second graduate probability course, with a good portion of the material fit for use in a first year course.
Keat Gin Ooi examines and evaluates the overall impact of the Japanese occupation of Sarawak on the indigenous people, the Chinese inhabitants and the minority European community. How each community responded and reacted to Japanese wartime policies is analyzed to gauge the extent to which occupation can affect, positively or otherwise, the lives and attitudes of the people. Specifically, this book is intended to examine whether the Japanese occupation initiated developments that transformed Sarawak's history. In addition, the book examines whether the Japanese occupation of Sarawak was a turning point in the country's history or whether it was no more than a rude interruption in Sarawak's physical and mental development.
The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Brunei presents an overview
of significant themes, issues, and challenges pertinent to Brunei
Darussalam in the twenty-first century. Multidisciplinary in
coverage, the contributions cover topics relating to philology,
history, religion, language and literature, geography,
international relations, economics, politics and sociocultural
traditions. The Handbook is structured in eight parts: Foundations
History Faith and Ethnicity Literature Language and Education
Economics Material Culture Empowerment Chapters focus on the recent
past and contemporary developments in this unique country which has
remained a Malay Muslim sultanate, sustaining its religious and
traditional heritage encapsulated in the national philosophy,
Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB, Malay Islamic Monarchy). The MIB
philosophy represents the sultanate's three pillars of social,
cultural, political and economic sustainability, and the
contributors discuss this concept in relation to the notion of
'Malay' or 'Malaydom', the official religion of the nation-state,
Islam and monarchy as the essential system of government. This
Handbook is an invaluable reference work for students of Asian and
Southeast Asian Studies and researchers interested in what is
demographically the smallest country within the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
This book presents recent and important developments in the field
of Photonics and Optoelectronics, with a particular focus on Laser
Technology, Optical Communications, Optoelectronic Devices and
Image Processing. At present, Photonics and Optoelectronics
Technologies are pivotal to the future of laser, displays, sensors
and communication technologies, and currently being developed at an
extraordinary rate. This book details the theories underlying the
mechanisms involved in the relevant Photonics and Optoelectronics.
Devices such as laser diodes, photodetectors, and integrated
optoelectronic circuits are investigated. The reviews by leading
experts are of interest to researchers and engineers as well as
advanced students.
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From the end of the Second World War in 1945 to the collapse of the
Soviet Union in 1991, there was a great deal of turmoil, tension
and violence in what became Malaysia as a result of the 1963
Federation; upheavals included the Malayan Emergency of 1948*1960,
the independence of Malaya in 1957, Konfrontasi with Indonesia of
1963*1966, the Philippines' claim to Sabah, the Sarawak Communist
Insurgency (1962*1990) and the Second Malayan Emergency of
1968*1989. This book breaks new ground in arguing for a longer
trajectory of the Cold War, tracing this phenomenon back to 1920s'
colonial Malaya and Sarawak. Many new research findings showing how
Malaysia coped with and overcame the many trials, challenges and
difficulties are presented here, further enriching the
This book presents a great deal of new research findings on the
history of Borneo, the history of Sulawesi and the
interrelationship between the two islands. Some specific chapters
focus on empires and colonizers, including the activities of James
Brooke in Sulawesi, of Chinese mining communities in Borneo and of
the the quisling issue in immediate post-war Sarawak. Other
chapters consider indigenous peoples and how different regimes have
handled them. The book is published in honour of Victor T. King, a
leading scholar in the field of Southeast Asian studies, and a
final chapter discusses his contribution to scholarship, in
particular his views on how area studies should be approached, and
the implications of this for future research.
Although by about 1950 both British Borneo, including the protected
sultanate of Brunei, and Indonesian Borneo seemed settled under
their different regimes and well on the way to post-war
reconstruction and economic development, the upheavals which
affected Southeast and East Asia during the Cold War period also
deeply affected Borneo. Besides the impact of the Korean and
Vietnam Wars and the Malayan Emergency and communist uprisings in
other Southeast Asian states, there was within Borneo the attempted
communist takeover of Sarawak from the 1950s, a failed coup d'etat
in Brunei in 1962, Sukarno's Konfrontasi (confrontation) with
Malaysia, and the horrific purge of Leftists and ethnic Chinese in
the late 1960s. This book details these momentous events and
assesses their impact on Borneo and its people. It is a sequel to
the author's earlier books The Japanese Occupation of Borneo,
1941-1945 (2011) and Post-War Borneo, 1945-1950: Nationalism,
Empire, and State-Building (2013), collectively a trilogy.
The first International Conference on Horseshoe Crab's Conservation
conducted at Dowling College, USA, (2007) and it's proceedings
published by Springer in 2009, prompted the continued research and
conservation efforts presented at subsequent conferences and
colloquium in Hong Kong, Taiwan, (2011); San Diego, CA, (2014),
(CERF); Japan, Sasebo (2015) and an accepted inclusion for a
special session on Horseshoe Crabs at the 2017 CERF Conference held
in Providence, RI, USA. All these aforementioned conferences
contributed manuscripts, posters, workshop "position papers", and
oral presentations the majority of which have not been published in
total. In 2015, Carmichael et al. had published by Springer the
majority of manuscripts from the 2011 Hong Kong / Taiwan
conference. However, workshop results and all subsequent
presentations and workshops were not. The Japan conference
presented over 40 papers alone. A collection of all workshop
summaries, poster presentations and new manuscript submittals (San
Diego, CA; Sasebo, Japan; and Providence, RI) as well as products
prepared for the IUCN World Congress in Hawaii, (2016), are
included potential contributions for review in this compilation now
available for global distribution in this Springer Nature
publication.The "Proceedings of International Conferences on the
Biology and Conservation of Horseshoe Crabs", thus contains over 50
manuscripts and a diversified collection of documents, photos and
memorabilia covering all four of the horseshoe crab species
globally: their biology, ecology evolution, educational, and
societal importance. This book exposes the impacts that humans have
imposed on all four of these species, revealing through the
coordinated effort of horseshoe crab scientists with the IUCN, of
the worldwide need for a clear conservative effort to protect these
paleo- survival organisms from a looming extinction event.
Biologists, conservationists, educators, and health professionals
will all welcome this book not only for exploration of its
pharmacological interest, but also for the mystery of their
longevity. This book also clarifies the future research needs and
the conservation agenda for the species worldwide. Anyone working
or studying estuaries on a global scale, will need to obtain this
seminal work on horseshoe crabs.
This book presents a great deal of new research findings on the
history of Borneo, the history of Sulawesi and the
interrelationship between the two islands. Some specific chapters
focus on empires and colonizers, including the activities of James
Brooke in Sulawesi, of Chinese mining communities in Borneo and of
the the quisling issue in immediate post-war Sarawak. Other
chapters consider indigenous peoples and how different regimes have
handled them. The book is published in honour of Victor T. King, a
leading scholar in the field of Southeast Asian studies, and a
final chapter discusses his contribution to scholarship, in
particular his views on how area studies should be approached, and
the implications of this for future research.
Malaysia is one of the most intriguing countries in Asia in many
respects. It consists of several distinct areas, not only
geographically but ethnically as well; along with Malays and
related groups, the country has a very large Indian and Chinese
population. The spoken languages obviously vary at home, although
Bahasa Malaysia is the official language and nearly everyone speaks
English. There is also a mixture of religions, with Islam
predominating among the Malays and others, Hinduism and Sikhism
among the Indians, mainly Daoism and Confucianism among the
Chinese, but also some Christians as well as older indigenous
beliefs in certain places. This second edition of Historical
Dictionary of Malaysia contains a chronology, an introduction,
appendixes, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section
has over 500 cross-referenced entries on important personalities,
politics, economy, foreign relations, religion, and culture. This
book is an excellent resource for students, researchers, and anyone
wanting to know more about Malaysia.
This book presents extensive new research findings on and new
thinking about Southeast Asia in this interesting, richly diverse,
but much understudied period. It examines the wide and
well-developed trading networks, explores the different kinds of
regimes and the nature of power and security, considers urban
growth, international relations and the beginnings of European
involvement with the region, and discusses religious factors, in
particular the spread and impact of Christianity. One key theme of
the book is the consideration of how well-developed Southeast Asia
was before the onset of European involvement, and, how, during the
peak of the commercial boom in the 1500s and 1600s, many polities
in Southeast Asia were not far behind Europe in terms of
socio-economic progress and attainments.
Brunei, although a relatively small state, is disproportionately
important on account of its rich resource base. In addition, in
recent years the country has endeavoured to play a greater role in
regional affairs, especially through ASEAN, holding the chair of
the organisation in 2013, and also beyond the region, fostering
diplomatic, political, economic and educational ties with many
nations. This book presents much new research and new thinking on a
wide range of issues concerning Brunei largely drawn from Bruneian
academics. Subjects covered include Brunei's rich history - the
sultanate formerly had much more extensive territories and was a
key player in regional affairs; the country's economy, politics,
society and ethnicities; and resource issues and international
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Discovery Miles 1 680