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Object-oriented programming is a popular buzzword these days. What
is the reason for this popularity? Is object-oriented programming
the solution to the software crisis or is it just a fad? Is it a
simple evolutionary step or a radical change in software
methodology? What is the central idea behind object-orien ted
design? Are there special applications for which object-oriented
program ming is particularly suited? Which object-oriented language
should be used? There is no simple answer to these questions.
Although object-oriented programming was invented more than twenty
years ago, we still cannot claim that we know everything about this
programming technique. Many new con cepts have been developed
during the past decade, and new applications and implications of
object-oriented programming are constantly being discovered. This
book can only try to explain the nature of object-oriented program
ming in as much detail as possible. It should serve three purposes.
First, it is intended as an introduction to the basic concepts of
object-oriented program ming. Second, the book describes the
concept of prototypes and explains why and how they can improve the
way in which object-oriented programs are developed. Third, it
introduces the programming language Omega, an object oriented
language that was designed with easy, safe and efficient software
development in mind."
This book is intended for the novice as well as for the experienced
programmer who wants to learn Modula-2. We do not limit ourselves
to just a description of Modula-2. Instead, we seek to familiarize
the reader with the concept of algorithms and to show him/her how
to implement algorithms in Modula-2. The programming language
Modula-2 was developed by Niklaus Wirth (also the father of
world-famous Pascal) and made public in 1978. Compared to other
programming languages such as Ada, COBOL or PL/ , Modula-2 is a
compact language, which makes it easy to learn. Nevertheless,
Modula-2 contains all important language elements necessary for
formulating complicated algorithms and for implementing the modern
concepts of software engineering. Modula-2 is distinguished by a
systematic structure that makes it possible to write easily
readable programs. The language supports many of the principles of
modern software engineering. All this makes Modula-2 a useful
instrument for an introduction to the basics of programming. This
textbook strives to establish a solid foundation in the techniques
of programming with up-to-date methods of program development. Use
of the programming language Modula-2 is reinforced with numerous
hands-on exercises. This book does not presuppose any knowledge of
programming, but it does require a certain ability in the realm of
abstract thinking, some pleasure in problem solving, and a desire
to come to terms with complex interrelationships.
Dieses Buch, in dessen Titel sich "Einfuhrung in die
Programmierung" und "Programmierung mit Modula-2" verbinden, wendet
sich sowohl an den Programmieranfanger, als auch an den erfahrenen
Programmierer, der die Sprache Modula-2 erlernen will. Einerseits
vermittelt es ein solides Grundwissen der Programmiertechnik und
fuhrt in zeitgemasse Methoden des Programmentwurfs ein,
andererseits gibt es eine handbuchartige Beschreibung der
Programmiersprache Modula-2 und ubt ihren methodischen Gebrauch an
vielen Beispielen ein. Die von Niklaus Wirth stammende
Programmiersprache Modula-2 hat, im Gegensatz zu
Programmiersprachen wie Ada, COBOL oder PL/I, einen geringen
Sprachumfang und ist daher leicht erlernbar. Trotzdem enthalt sie
alle Sprachelemente, die zur Formulierung kompliziertester
Algorithmen und zur Realisierung der modernen Konzepte des Software
Engineering erforderlich sind. Modula-2 zeichnet sich durch einen
systematischen Aufbau aus, ermoglicht das Schreiben gut lesbarer
Programme, unterstutzt moderne Prinzipien des Software Engineering
und eignet sich zur Implementierung auf Mikrocomputern; all dies
macht die Sprache zu einem wertvollen Instrument auch zur
Einfuhrung in die Grundlagen der Programmierung. Die meisten
Kapitel und viele Abschnitte enthalten Ubungsaufgaben, die dem
Leser helfen sollen, das erlernte Wissen zu vertiefen und seinen
Wissensstand zu uberprufen. Das Buch unterscheidet sich von vielen
Buchern uber Programmiersprachen vor allem dadurch, dass das
Hauptgewicht nicht auf der Programmiersprache selbst, sondern auf
der Programmiermethodik liegt. In der bereits 1 1/2 Jahre nach
Erscheinen des Buches vorliegenden 2. Auflage wurden alle
bekanntgewordenen Fehler und Unklarheiten beseitigt.