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This book demonstrates how local contexts of urbanization and
cultures of work are intimately meshed together. Each chapter
explores a discrete dimension of the way people organize their
working lives in post-industrial cities, taking close account of
the social and environmental impact of this balancing act. The book
features cross-national and inter-city comparative household level
research, highlighting significant contradictions underpinning the
nature of production, consumer expectation, work-life balance and
urban environmental quality.
Co-Teaching in Higher Education, edited by Daniel Jarvis and Mumbi
Kariuki, brings together an international group of educators and
scholars to examine the theoretical frameworks and practical
experiences relating to co-planning, co-teaching, and co-assessing
at the post-secondary level. Co-teaching practices at the
elementary and secondary school levels have been widely documented.
This collection explores topics that will enable post-secondary
instructors to maximize their courses' potential including
undergraduate projects, graduate level co-teaching, pair and group
co-teaching, co-taught single-subject courses, and innovative
cross-curricular experiments. Contributors share their insights
addressing key factors such as logistics, resources, administrative
support, Ministry initiatives, and academic freedom. Jarvis and
Kariuki have created an indispensable resource that provides the
reader with an informed perspective on the realities of creating
and sustaining rich co-teaching experiences at the university
This book demonstrates how local contexts of urbanization and
cultures of work are intimately meshed together. Each chapter
explores a discrete dimension of the way people organize their
working lives in post-industrial cities, taking close account of
the social and environmental impact of this balancing act. The book
features cross-national and inter-city comparative household level
research, highlighting significant contradictions underpinning the
nature of production, consumer expectation, work-life balance and
urban environmental quality.
Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional Practice
examines student transitions between major levels of schooling,
teacher transitions in instructional practice, and the intersection
of these two significant themes in education research. Twenty-six
leading international experts offer meaningful insights on current
pedagogical practices, obstacles to effective transitions, and
proven strategies for stakeholders involved in supporting students
in transition. The book is divided into four sections, representing
the four main transitions in formal schooling: Early Years (Home,
Pre-school, and Kindergarten) to Early Elementary (Grades 1-3);
Early Elementary to Late Elementary (Grades 4-8); Late Elementary
to Secondary (Grades 9-12); and Secondary to Post-Secondary
(College and University). A coda draws together over-arching themes
from throughout the text to provide recommendations and a visual
model that captures their interactions. Combining theoretical
approaches with practical examples of school-based initiatives,
this book will appeal to those involved in supporting either the
student experience (both academically and emotionally) or teacher
professional learning and growth.
Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional Practice
examines student transitions between major levels of schooling,
teacher transitions in instructional practice, and the intersection
of these two significant themes in education research. Twenty-six
leading international experts offer meaningful insights on current
pedagogical practices, obstacles to effective transitions, and
proven strategies for stakeholders involved in supporting students
in transition. The book is divided into four sections, representing
the four main transitions in formal schooling: Early Years (Home,
Pre-school, and Kindergarten) to Early Elementary (Grades 1-3);
Early Elementary to Late Elementary (Grades 4-8); Late Elementary
to Secondary (Grades 9-12); and Secondary to Post-Secondary
(College and University). A coda draws together over-arching themes
from throughout the text to provide recommendations and a visual
model that captures their interactions. Combining theoretical
approaches with practical examples of school-based initiatives,
this book will appeal to those involved in supporting either the
student experience (both academically and emotionally) or teacher
professional learning and growth.
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