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The first full-scale history of Theoderic and the Goths in more
than seventy-five years, tracing the transformation of a divided
kingdom into a great power In the year 493, the leader of a vast
confederation of Gothic warriors, their wives, and children
personally cut down Odoacer, the man famous for deposing the last
Roman emperor in 476. That leader became Theoderic the Great
(454–526). This engaging history of his life and reign immerses
readers in the world of the warrior-king who ushered in decades of
peace and stability in Italy as king of Goths and Romans. Theoderic
transformed his roving “warrior nation” from the periphery of
the Roman world into a standing army that protected his taxpaying
Roman subjects with the support of the Roman elite. With a ruling
strategy of “integration through separation,” Theoderic not
only stabilized Italy but also extended his kingdom to the western
Balkans, southern France, and the Iberian Peninsula. Using sources
as diverse as letters, poetry, coins, and mosaics, Hans-Ulrich
Wiemer brings readers into the world of Theoderic’s court, from
Gothic warriors and their families to the notables, artisans, and
shopkeepers of Rome and Ravenna to the peasants and enslaved people
who tilled the soil on grand rural estates. This book offers a
fascinating history of the leader who brought peace to Italy after
the disintegration of the Roman Empire.
Das hellenistische Rhodos gilt in der modernen Forschung ganz
uberwiegend als ein Staat, der aufgrund seiner "merkantilen
Interessenstruktur" eine aussenpolitische Grundlinie verfolgt habe,
die durch Bekampfung der Piraterie, Minimierung militarischer
Gewaltanwendung, Neutralitat und das Eintreten fur ein
"Gleichgewicht der Machte" gekennzeichnet gewesen sei. Dieses
Modell eines "friedlichen Handelsstaates" hat den Blick dafur
verstellt, dass die Rhodier wahrend der Jahre 220 bis 168 in fur
sie wichtigen Regionen nachweislich dynamisch und expansiv
agierten. Auch wurde ubersehen, dass sie dort, wo dies fur sie
erfolgversprechend war, durchaus auch militarische Gewalt
einsetzten. Durch ihren Angriff auf Philipp V. und den
anschliessenden Appell an Rom, die Beteiligung am Krieg der Romer
gegen Antiochos III. sowie die Neutralitat im Krieg der Romer gegen
Perseus haben die Rhodier das Ende ihrer Unabhangigkeit selbst mit
herbeigefuhrt. Aus dem Inhalt: Zur Kritik der literarischen Quellen
Vom Synoikismos bis zur Abwehr des Stadtebelagerers Rhodos und die
Ptolemaer im 3. Jahrhundert Rhodos und die Piraterie Der 1.
Kretische Krieg Der Krieg gegen Philipp V. Rhodos als
Hegemonialmacht Der Krieg gegen Perseus und das Ende der rhodischen
Unabhangigkeit Der 2. Kretische Krieg"
Millennium transcends boundaries - between epochs and regions, and
between disciplines. Like the Millennium-Jahrbuch, the journal
Millennium-Studien pursues an international, interdisciplinary
approach that cuts across historical eras. Composed of scholars
from various disciplines, the editorial and advisory boards welcome
submissions from a range of fields, including history, literary
studies, art history, theology, and philosophy. Millennium-Studien
also accepts manuscripts on Latin, Greek, and Oriental cultures. In
addition to offering a forum for monographs and edited collections
on diverse topics, Millennium-Studien publishes commentaries and
editions. The journal primary accepts publications in German and
English, but also considers submissions in French, Italian, and
Spanish. If you want to submit a manuscript please send it to the
editor from the most relevant discipline: Wolfram Brandes,
Frankfurt (Byzantine Studies and Early Middle Ages):
[email protected] Peter von Moellendorff, Giessen (Greek language
and literature): [email protected]
Dennis Pausch, Dresden (Latin language and literature):
[email protected] Rene Pfeilschifter, Wurzburg (Ancient
History): [email protected] Karla Pollmann,
Bristol (Early Christianity and Patristics):
[email protected] All manuscript submissions will be
reviewed by the editor and one outside specialist (single-blind
peer review).