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Since oxygen is mainly transported by diffusion within tissue, the
oxygen pressure field reflects the local balance between oxygen
supply and oxygen consumption and characterizes the state of oxygen
supply. Despite large physiological varia- tions (e. g. , hypo-and
hyperoxia, hypo-and hypertension, change of energy de- mand), this
oxygen pressure field can remain remarkably constant, demonstrating
that very effective mechanisms must exist that guarantee the
adequacy of oxygen supply. Today, it is possible to describe in
detail the responsible effector mecha- nisms that produce such a
stable state of oxygen supply, but our knowledge of the reactions
that sense tissue oxygen supply and trigger the regulatory
responses is still incomplete. Since such knowledge is essential
for understanding the system of oxygen supply and the way in which
it has developed during evolution, even small progress is
important. In this book the important O sensor reactions are
discussed as they occur in 2 cells, organs, and organ systems. This
broad approach gives an excellent picture of the actual state of
knowledge in this field. Professor Dr. D. W. Lubbers Contributors
Acker, H. Max-Planck-Institut fUr Systemphysiologie, Rheinlanddamm
201, 4600 Dortmund 1, FRG Bassenge, E. Institut fUr Angewandte
Physiologie der Universitat Freiburg, Hermann-Herder-Stral3e 7,
7800 Freiburg, FRG Bingmann, D. Poliklinik fUr zahnarztliche
Chirurgie, Universitat Mainz, Augustusplatz 2, 6500 Mainz, FRG
Bauer, C. Physiologisches Institut, Universitat Zurich,
Winterthurerstral3e 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland Busse, R.
Institut fUr Angewandte Physiologie, Universitat Freiburg,
Hermann-Herder-Stral3e 7, 7800 Freiburg, FRG Delpiano, M. A.
This volume records the papers presented in Warsaw on the meeting
of the International Society of Arterial Chemoreception (LS. A. C.
) organized as a Satellite Symposium of the XXXI International
Congress of the Union of Physiological Sciences (I. U. P. S. ) in
Helsinki in July 1989. It is a 30 years old tradition to hold
periodically international meetings on recent developments in
chemoreceptor research and to exchange information between those of
us interested in chemoreception. The first meeting was organized by
B. B. Lloyd in Oxford in 1959. Later on, similar international
meetings were held at irregular intervals. In 1966, R. W. Torrance
organized the second meeting again in Oxford. In 1973, the third
meeting was organized in Bristol (U. K. ) by M. J. Purves. In 1974,
a fourth meeting combined with the XXVI I. U. P. S. Congress in
Delhi was organized by A. S. Paintal in Srinagar (Kashmir, India).
In 1976, H. Acker organized the fifth meeting in Dortmund (F. R. G.
), and in 1979, C. Belmonte in Valla dolid (Spain) organized the
sixth international meeting commemorating the 50th anniversary of
Fernando de Castro publishing his classical work on the structure
and possible function of the carotid body. In 1982, the seventh
meeting was due to D. J. Pallot in Leicester (U. K. ), in 1985 -
the eighth one due to A. J.
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