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Proceedings of an interdisciplinary meeting, sponsored by the
Commission of the European Communities, as advised by the Committee
on Medical and Public Health Research
Proceedings of a NATO ARW held in Cargese, France, October 9-13,
The contact between the human blood and foreign technical apparatus
(circulatory) and respiratory assist devices, arti ficial kidneys)
leads to changes in the plasmatic and cel lular components of the
blood, which have often only been taken as signs of gross but
passive blood destruction. There is much evidence to support this
notion in parts (mechanical cellolysis of erythrocytes and
thrombocytes), however, these changes have to be seen in a broader
bio logical context as an organ-specific reaction of the blood. It
is an unjustified oversimplification to simply treat the blood as
transport organ for respiratory gases (02 and CO ) and metabolites.
The blood is rather also an organ 2 system for specific and
unspecific defense mechanisms, di rected against the hazards of
mechanical, microbiological and toxicological risks posed to
multicellular macro-orga nisms in an environment in which trauma
and other distur bances of the physical integrity are common. The
two defense systems of the blood are based on humural and cellular
constituents; the latter have to be considered as "excitable
cells," capable of responding in a predictable and automatic
fashion to adequate stimuli. The response of the cellular
constituents in controlled and coordinated by chemical mediators.
The immunological research of the last century has distinguished
two separate defense systems of the blood: I. The highly specific
defense system (immune system sen sustrictori) which is
phylogenetically new and is ontogenetically learned."
The edition of Nietzsche's correspondence is concluded with the
commentary on the letters from and to Nietzsche in the
crisis-ridden period from 1887 to 1889. The effort required for the
commentary is particularly great for this time, as nearly every
document from the period has been subjected to intense comment and
interpretation. Renate MA1/4ller-Buck, who has proved her worth in
editing the letters from the very beginnning of the project, has
not only been involved in collating and accessing the manuscript
resources (particularly the drafts of letters) but has over and
above this devoted her attention to unravelling difficult personal
connections, personal and literary allusions and the complicated
networks in this wide-ranging correspondence. The comprehensive
index to Section III, to which Holger Schmid has made an equal
contribution, now provides access to the final and most complex
episode in Friedrich Nietzsche's life and work.
Un sere Vorstellungen iiber die Pathogenese der chronis chen
arteriellen VerschluB- krankheit haben sich in den vergangenen
fiinfzehn Jahren gewandelt. Dies muBte auch unsere Konzepte iiber
die Wirkungen von Substanzen fUr die Therapie dieses komplexen
Krankheitsprozesses beriihren. Gegeniiber den bisher bekannten Re-
zeptor-Wechselwirkungen und muskulotropen Effekten treten in der
jiingsten Zeit Wirkungen auf Membranen in den Vordergrund.
Angriffspunkte dieser Art kon- nen mit neuenTestsystemen aufgezeigt
werden. In der hier vorliegenden Dokumentation zur Pharmakologie
von Ginkgo biloba sind erste Untersuchungen in dieser Richtung
beschrieben. Sie werfen Licht auf das differenzierte
pharmakologische Wirkprofil einer Substanz, die in den ver-
schiedenen Fachrichtungen bei der Therapie der chronischen
arteriellen Ver- schluBkrankheit breite Anwendung gefunden hat. Das
iiberraschende Ergebnis dieser Experimente war, daB das Verhalten
der Zellen in StreBsituationen, die fUr die aktive Atherosklerose
charakteristisch sind wie Storungen des Ionen- und
pH-Gleichgewichts, Einwirkung reaktiver Sauerstoff-Radikale sowie
Austausch von Mediatoren zwischen Blutzellen untereinander und mit
Endothelzellen, unter Ginkgo biloba in beeindruckenderWeise
verbessert wurde. Diese Beobachtungen fiihrten zu dem SchluB, daB
ginkgospezifische Terpenoide und Flavonoide in die Lipidphase von
Membranen inkorporiert werden und dadurch die mechanischen und
biochemischen Eigenschaften der Membran positiv beeinflussen.
Neuere rheologische Befunde deuten darauf hin, daB die
Inkorporation von Ginkgo biloba in Membranen ein ProzeB ist, der
sich iiber einen langeren Zeitraum vollzieht. Moglicherweise werden
die Komponenten bereits im Rahmen der Membranbio- synthese
eingebaut. Die Beobachtungen zeigen auch, daB kiinftig neue
Langzeit- strategien bei der Erforschung derWirkung von
Phytopharmaka eingesetzt werden miissen.