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An uncommon treat! Reading this book is a visit to a Colombia that
no longer exists. Vivid characters bring the dynamics of an
isolated mountain village into sharp focus revealing a spicy stew
of local customs and superstitions. Here a young doctor just out of
a big city medical school struggles to serve as the only physician
and surgeon to people accustomed to magic while sidestepping the
local matchmakers.
the strategies' performance outcomes. Drawing on organizational
learning theory, she identifies the organizational abilities and
processes that constitute a firm's Strategy Implementation
Capability construct and shows empirically that the concept is very
valuable in explaining how innovative strategies translate into a
firm's performance.
In der Lebensmittelproduktion werden in zunehmendem Masse
biotechnologisch her- gestellte Produkte verwendet. In diesem
Zusammenhang sind insbesondere die mikro- biellen Enzyme bzw.
Enzympraparate zu nennen. Die derzeit bekannten Kultiven
rungsverfahren fur Mikroorganismen, die dank den Erfahrungen und
Erkenntnisse, aus der allgemeinen und technischen Mikrobiologie,
der molekularen Genetiki der Verfahrenstechnik sowie des
Anlagenbaues u. a. Disziplinen zu hoher Reife gelangt sind, haben
die grosstechnische Herstellung von Enzympraparaten und ihre viel-
seitige Verwendung volkswirtschaftlich bedeutsam und oekonomisch
vertretbar ge- macht. Der Einsatz von Enzymen ermoeglicht es,
herkoemmliche lebensmitteltechnologische Verfahren zu
rationalisieren, die Qualitat zahlreicher Produkte zu verbessern,
das Sortiment zu erweitern oder aber neue Nahrungsquellen zu
erschliessen. Auch in der Landwirtschaft, im medizinischen Bereich
der Therapie und Diagnostik, in ver- schiedenen Sektoren der
Leichtindustrie sowie im biochemisch-analytischen Labo- ratorium
werden Enzyme mit Erfolg herangezogen. Das Gebiet der Enzymgewin-
nung und -verwendung schliesst demzufolge eine ganze Reihe Fach-
bzw. Teildiszi- plinen ein, wie die Mikrobiologie, die Chemie und
Biochemie, die Physik und physi- kalische Chemie, die Biophysik,
die Molekularbiologie, die allgemeine und chemische
Verfahrenstechnik, das Bioingenieurwesen, die Lebensmittelchemie
und -technologie, die Ernahrungswissenschaft, die Medizin, die
Pharmazie u. a. m. Die Vielzahl der eng miteinander verflochtenen
Disziplinen kann als Ursache dafur geIten, dass es trotz einer
umfangreichen Spezialliteratur auf den Einzelgebieten noch kein
geschlossenes deutschsprachiges Buch gibt, in dem die verschiedenen
Teilaspekte der industriellen Herstellung und Verwendung von
Enzympraparaten unter einer einheitlichen Konzeption
zusammengefasst sind. Mit dieser Monographie soll diese Lucke
geschlossen werden.
Force Design is the process of designing the organization of army
units. This monograph evaluates the design process to determine if
it is capable of producing units oriented on operational effects.
It concludes that the elements of force design process can be
adapted to evaluate the operational effectiveness of a unit.
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) are comprised of wireless systems
that communicate without the assistance of centrally managed
routers or base stations. MANET research and development has
increased due to computing technologies offering smaller, faster,
smarter, and more power efficient platforms to operate on. Largely
the testing and evaluation of new and existing MANET protocols has
resided in simulation environments. This is due in part to the
complexities and expenses incurred when conducting real world
tests. Many researchers have come to recognize that these current
simulations tend to assume away critical components of the MANET
domain. These assumptions are made either to simplify the physical
layer of the simulation so that the protocol can be tested or out
of necessity because the current simulation platforms are not
capable of providing a more realistic physical layer simulation
environment. This thesis is focused on addressing these assumptions
that affect the physical layer of the MANET protocol by gathering
data in the real world and then modifying the simulation
environment to model as closely as possible to the gathered
results. This modified environment is then compared to the basic
MANET simulation environment by analyzing packet delivery and
propagation effects of both models.
An uncommon treat! Reading this book is a visit to a Colombia that
no longer exists. Vivid characters bring the dynamics of an
isolated mountain village into sharp focus revealing a spicy stew
of local customs and superstitions. Here a young doctor just out of
a big city medical school struggles to serve as the only physician
and surgeon to people accustomed to magic while sidestepping the
local matchmakers.
"Applying Educational Psychology in Coaching Athletes" discusses
how to improve coaching success and athletic performance through
the application of teaching principles and theories. Delving deeper
than an explanation of what athletes learn and what coaches teach,
"Applying Educational Psychology in Coaching Athletes" offers
insight into the "how" of athletes' learning and coaching by
- principles of psychology that drive the emotions, motivation,
expectations, self-worth, and relationships of athletes;
- application of principles of psychology to the motor learning
process; and
- use of principles of educational psychology to improve sport
expertise and coaching success.
A three-time U.S. Olympic coach and veteran collegiate coach,
Huber infuses his own experience in applying theories of
educational psychology in working with individual athletes, as well
as world-class national and international teams. With an engaging
presentation and strong practical applications, Huber assists
coaching students and practicing coaches in utilizing educational
psychology as a platform for improving coaching skills.
"Applying Educational Psychology in Coaching Athletes"
introduces the idea of the developing coach as both teacher and
learner, and how coaching principles and a strong coaching
philosophy provide a foundation for effective management and
decision-making. By considering the theories that drive successful
coaching, developing coaches gain focus, motivation, and guidance
as they learn how a thoughtful coach provides the structure and
discipline to make athletes more successful on the field of
Throughout the text, Huber focuses on how athletes learn,
considering theories of motivation, behaviorism, cognition, and
humanism, and the interplay between emotions and motor learning and
performance. Each chapter opens with a coaching related anecdote
that readers can relate to in order to highlight the significance
of the theory under consideration. After careful explanation of
each theory, Huber details concrete examples, guidelines, and
specific applications for coaching. In addition to summary
information, each chapter concludes with 'Your Coaching Toolbox, '
which focuses readers on ways to incorporate their newly gained
knowledge into their interactions with athletes.
"Applying Educational Psychology in Coaching Athletes" is
unmatched in its depth of insight into the teaching and learning
process in sport and how to put it into practice. By examining how
athletes learn and coaches teach, the text helps coaches understand
how to maximize athlete performance and increase their athletic
This book turns the traditional approach to student success on its
head by examining the learning habits of successful students based
on what they have told us about their learning strategies, on what
they do to succeed in college, and on the teaching practices they
think best foster their learning. This approach is in stark
contrast to most recent studies of learning at the college level
which focus on what students need to do to succeed, but are written
from the point of view of "experts" who provide advice to
struggling students. Learning from the Learners: Successful College
Students Share Their Effective Learning Habits is based on what
"expert" students tell us about what they - as learners - do to
succeed. It is grounded in a 10-year study that rests on a rich
qualitative data set that includes open-ended survey responses
gathered on a term-by term basis and in depth interviews during the
freshman and junior years with over 700 students of diverse
backgrounds. Additionally, since many students interviewed were the
first in their family to attend college and from backgrounds
traditionally underserved by higher education, the book's insights
will be of particular interest to educators elsewhere who are
increasingly expected to help similar students succeed. Themes
include student success, academic challenges, diversity, pedagogy,
and technology in the classroom. No other book on the widely
discussed subject of student success relies on such a wealth of
quantitative and qualitative data about what works from the point
of view of students themselves.
This book turns the traditional approach to student success on its
head by examining the learning habits of successful students based
on what they have told us about their learning strategies, on what
they do to succeed in college, and on the teaching practices they
think best foster their learning. This approach is in stark
contrast to most recent studies of learning at the college level
which focus on what students need to do to succeed, but are written
from the point of view of "experts" who provide advice to
struggling students. Learning from the Learners: Successful College
Students Share Their Effective Learning Habits is based on what
"expert" students tell us about what they - as learners - do to
succeed. It is grounded in a 10-year study that rests on a rich
qualitative data set that includes open-ended survey responses
gathered on a term-by term basis and in depth interviews during the
freshman and junior years with over 700 students of diverse
backgrounds. Additionally, since many students interviewed were the
first in their family to attend college and from backgrounds
traditionally underserved by higher education, the book's insights
will be of particular interest to educators elsewhere who are
increasingly expected to help similar students succeed. Themes
include student success, academic challenges, diversity, pedagogy,
and technology in the classroom. No other book on the widely
discussed subject of student success relies on such a wealth of
quantitative and qualitative data about what works from the point
of view of students themselves.
Reiseberichte und Infos aus neun L ndern: La Palma " SpanienAntikes
" LibyenRas al Khaima " VAEKiew bis Jalta " UkraineAlexandrien "
gyptenReich der Mitte " ChinaMausoleen " IranSamarkand "
UsbekistanT rme des Schweigens " IranTheben-West " gyptenIban auf
Borneo " Malaysia141 Farbfotos (ganzseitig)Grafiken
Mit Japans ph nomenalen Z gen werden von Norden nach S den
Highlights japanischer Geschichte und Kultur angesteuert, vom
turbulenten kaiserlichen und wirtschaftlichen Zentrum Tokyo ber
historisch und kulturell bedeutende Orte wie Nikko, Kyoto und
Himeji, das wieder erstandene Hiroshima und Kobe, beschaulich in
Berg und Tal gelegene Tempel, Schreine und G tterstatuen bis zu den
k stlichen hei en Quellb dern im famili ren Ambiente seiner G steh
user; Schiffe, Hunderte Stufen und Gondeln f hren ber See und Berg.
Informative Texte zu Geschichte, Religionen, Kunst und Kultur (auch
K che, Sumo und Manga fehlen nicht) sowie rund zweihundert teils
farbige Fotos, Pl ne von Burgen, G rten und Tempelanlagen und
zahlreiche Illustrationen der Autorin vermitteln ein lebendiges
Bild des Landes mit seinen vielen Gesichtern. Sakura, das Fest der
Kirschbl te, berstrahlt das Ende der Reise.
In the years since John Huber's trailblazing Lean Library
Management was published, budget pressures on libraries have only
increased. Yet libraries who have adopted his strategies have
turned conventional management thinking-that if budgets are
reduced, customer service suffers-on its head. These libraries have
proven that by streamlining and improving customer services, they
can eliminate wasteful activities and bring down costs. In The
Purpose-Based Library, Huber and seasoned public library
administrator Potter build on insight gleaned from decades of
experience to demonstrate how libraries can create real growth
opportunities through concentrating on their true mission and
purpose, and without spending a lot more money. With a focus on
putting ideas into action, they point the way towards New ways to
think about metrics Reexamining customer self-driven services
Effectively leveraging the considerable footprint of libraries
Identifying and assessing community needs and realigning library
services accordingly Actively encouraging community fundraising
Offering cutting-edge services and programs Packed with
boots-on-the-ground commentary, this book presents strategies to
help libraries survive and succeed.