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Vogel views health care within the context of total Sub-Saharan
economic systems, emphasizing the output of health-care programs
(i.e., healthier people) and the most cost-effective ways to
maximize that output. He recommends shifting public financing
resources from the hospital sector to primary and preventive care,
in order to reposition financial resources away from the colonial
and post-colonial period of concentration upon cost-ineffective
hospitals and toward the direction emphasized by the World Health
Blurb for Volume 2
Hans Vogel and a panel of leading researchers review the protein
chemistry and behavior of this significant class proteins, and
provide a comprehensive collection of proven experimental
techniques for studying it both in vitro and in vivo. This second
volume focuses on cutting-edge experimental techniques for studying
the solution structure, stability, dynamics, calcium-binding
properties, and biological activity of calcium-binding protein in
general. In addition to enzymatic assays and more routine
spectroscopic and protein chemistry techniques, there are also NMR
approaches, thermodynamic analyses, kinetic measurements such as
surface plasmon resonance, strategies for amino acid sequence
alignments, and fluorescence methods to study the distribution of
calcium and calcium-binding proteins in cells. The first companion
volume, Reviews and Case Histories sets the stage for this volume
by introducing the various classes of intra- and extra-cellular
calcium-binding proteins and their mode of action.
Single Blurb for Both Volumes
Hans Vogel and a panel of leading researchers review the protein
chemistry and behavior of this significant protein class, and
provide a comprehensive collection of proven experimental
techniques for their study both in vitro and in vivo. The first
volume discusses the role of calcium in intracellular secondary
messenger activation mechanisms, including unique aspects of
calcium chemistry and its utilization in dairy proteins and blood
clotting. Detailed case studies provide a wealth of valuable
information about protein purification and characterization
strategies, X-ray crystallography, and specific calcium-binding
proteins andtheir modes of action. The second volume focuses on
cutting-edge experimental techniques for studying the solution
structure, stability, dynamics, calcium-binding properties, and
biological activity of calcium-binding protein in general. In
addition to enzymatic assays and more routine spectroscopic and
protein chemistry techniques, there are also NMR approaches,
thermodynamic analyses, kinetic measurements such as surface
plasmon resonance, strategies for amino acid sequence alignments,
and fluorescence methods to study the distribution of calcium and
calcium-binding proteins in cells.
Blurb for Volume 1
Hans Vogel and a panel of leading researchers review the protein
chemistry and behavior of this significant protein class, and
provide a comprehensive collection of proven experimental
techniques for their study both in vitro and in vivo. This first
volume discusses the role of calcium in intracellular secondary
messenger activation mechanisms, including unique aspects of
calcium chemistry and its utilization in diary proteins and blood
clotting. Detailed case studies provide a wealth of valuable
information about protein purification and characterization
strategies, X-ray crystallography, and specific calcium-binding
proteins and their modes of action. The second companion volume
focuses on cutting-edge experimental methods for studying solution
structure, stability, dynamics, calcium-binding properties, and
biological activity of calcium-binding proteins in general.
Single Blurb for Both Volumes:
Hans Vogel and a panel of leading researchers review the protein
chemistry and behavior of this significant protein class, and
provide a comprehensive collection of proven experimental
techniques for their study both in vitro and in vivo. The first
volume discusses the role of calcium in intracellular secondary
messenger activation mechanisms, including unique aspects of
calcium chemistry and its utilization in dairy proteins and blood
clotting. Detailed case studies provide a wealth of valuable
information about protein purification and characterization
strategies, X-ray crystallography, and specific calcium-binding
proteins and their modes of action. The second volume focuses on
cutting-edge experimental techniques for studying the solution
structure, stability, dynamics, calcium-binding properties, and
biological activity of calcium-binding protein in general. In
addition to enzymatic assays and more routine spectroscopic and
protein chemistry techniques, there are also NMR approaches,
thermodynamic analyses, kinetic measurements such as surface
plasmon resonance, strategies for amino acid sequence alignments,
and fluorescence methods to study the distribution of calcium and
calcium-binding proteins in cells.
Calcium plays an important role in a wide variety of biological
processes. This divalent metal ion can bind to a large number of
proteins; by doing so it modifies their biological activity or
their stability. Because of its distinct che- cal properties
calcium is uniquely suited to act as an on-off switch or as a light
dimmer of biological activities. The two books entitled
Calcium-Binding Protein Protocols (Volumes I and II) focus on
modern experimental analyses and methodologies for the study of
calcium-binding proteins. Both extracel- lar and intracellular
calcium-binding proteins are discussed in detail. H- ever, proteins
involved in calcium handling (e. g. , calcium pumps and calcium
channels), fall outside of the scope of these two volumes. Also,
calcium-bi- ing proteins involved in bone deposition will not be
discussed, as this specific topic has been addressed previously.
The focus of these two books is on studies of the calcium-binding
proteins and their behavior in vitro and in vivo. The primary
emphasis is on protein chemistry and biophysical methods. Many of
the methods described will also be applicable to proteins that do
not bind calcium. Calcium-Binding Protein Protocols is divided into
three main sections. The section entitled Introduction and Reviews
provides information on the role of calcium in intracellular
secondary messenger activation mechanisms. Mo- over, unique aspects
of calcium chemistry and the utilization of calcium in dairy
proteins, as well as calcium-binding proteins involved in blood
clotting, are addressed.
Calcium plays an important role in a wide variety of biological
processes. This divalent metal ion can bind to a large number of
proteins; by doing so it modifies their biological activity or
their stability. Because of its distinct che- cal properties
calcium is uniquely suited to act as an on-off switch or as a light
dimmer of biological activities. The two books entitled
Calcium-Binding Protein Protocols (Volumes I and II) focus on
modern experimental analyses and methodologies for the study of
calcium-binding proteins. Both extracel- lar and intracellular
calcium-binding proteins are discussed in detail. H- ever, proteins
involved in calcium handling (e. g. , calcium pumps and calcium
channels), fall outside of the scope of these two volumes. Also,
calcium-bi- ing proteins involved in bone deposition will not be
discussed, as this specific topic has been addressed previously.
The focus of these two books is on studies of the calcium-binding
proteins and their behavior in vitro and in vivo. The primary
emphasis is on protein chemistry and biophysical methods. Many of
the methods described will also be applicable to proteins that do
not bind calcium. Calcium-Binding Protein Protocols is divided into
three main sections. The section entitled Introduction and Reviews
provides information on the role of calcium in intracellular
secondary messenger activation mechanisms. Mo- over, unique aspects
of calcium chemistry and the utilization of calcium in dairy
proteins, as well as calcium-binding proteins involved in blood
clotting, are addressed.
This book is not about one glorious triumph after another, nor is
it a series of complaints about doctors and hospitals. Rather,
these essays examine American medicine within its context,
sensitive to the role of medical knowledge, practitioners, and
institutions in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The
selections not only cover general considerations of the social and
cultural context in which American medicine developed but also
analyze the relationship between science and medicine, the
development of mental hospitals, nursing, and health insurance.
1926. The author explains in the preface that other nations have
known or still practice this form of animal worship. But it would
be difficult to quote another instance in which it takes such a
prominent place in literature folklore, and art, as it does in
India. Nor would it be possible to name another country where the
development of this cult can be studied during a period which may
be estimated at no less than three millennia. During so vast a
space of time the deified serpents have haunted the imagination of
the people of Hind. But even more astonishing is the endless
variety of aspect under which the Nagas appear in Indian literature
and art. We meet, on the one hand, with the primitive type of the
reptile endowed with the magic properties which we are wont to
associate with the dragon of western fable. On the other hand, the
Naga frequently has the character of a water-spirit. Again, he may
be able to assume any form he chooses, and commonly appears in
human shape. In Brahmanical legend he may become a pious ascetic,
in Buddhist lore he may even develop into a self-denying saint very
often these various types appear strangely blended. In the present
volume it has been my object to collect the legends relating to the
Nagas which are found in the Brahmanical and Buddhist literature of
India. We do not pretend that in that gigantic body of literary
tradition there may not be a Naga story which has escaped our
notice. The three chief repositories of serpent-lore, the
Mahabharata, the Jataka Book, and the Rajatarangini, have, at
least, been fully utilized. But for the rest it is questionable
whether much would have been gained by aiming at completeness. The
stories here presentedwill certainly suffice to show the Nagas in
that great variety of aspect to which reference has been made.
Grosse Rechenzentren bieten Computerleistung uber Telefonnetz und
Terminal. Hersteller bieten ,,Mini" -Computersysteme , die eben
soviel leisten, wie vor wenigen Jahren grosse Rechenanlagen. Be
triebssysteme sind vielseitiger und gleichzeitig einfacher in der
Be dienung geworden. Problemorientierte Programmiersprachen und
ganze Programmpakete erleichtern die Loesung fachbezogener Pro
bleme in zahlreichen Gebieten. Dies alles hat dazu gefiihrt, dass
die Benutzung von Computerleistung nicht mehr einigen Computerspe
zialisten vorbehalten bleibt. Vielen Ingenieuren ist heute der Com
puter als Hilfsmittel zur Erfullung ihrer Aufgaben ein ebenso
alltag liches Werkzeug geworden, wie es fruher der Rechenschieber
war. Manchem Ingenieur oder Naturwissenschaftler fehlen jedoch die
notwendigen Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen fur eine computerge rechte
Loesung seiner Probleme. Der Besuch eines FORTRAN-Kur ses allein
bietet hierzu keine genugende Grundlage mehr. Seit 1974 bietet
deshalb das Schweizer Kapitel der Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM) mit einer Reihe von Kursen und Seminaren den in der
Industrie tatigen Ingenieuren die Moeglichkeit, ihre Kenntnisse in
Informatik zu erweitern. Das vorliegende Werk ist aus dieser Reihe
entstanden. Es wendet sich gleichermassen an Studenten von
Hochschulen und Ingenieurschulen und an praktizie rende Ingenieure.
Es setzt eine gewisse Programmiererfahrung vor aus: die Autoren
erwarten vom Leser die Kenntnis einer Program miersprache. Das Buch
ist keine Enzyklopadie, eine umfassende Behandlung des Fachgebietes
Informatik ist in diesem Rahmen nicht moeglich. Die Autoren haben
sich zum Ziel gesetzt, dem Leser eine Auswahl von - nach ihrem
Ermessen - fur den angesprochenen Leserkreis wichtigen Themen zu
bieten. Ich danke den Autoren fur die ausgezeichnete
This is a new release of the original 1926 edition.
This is a new release of the original 1926 edition.
1926. The author explains in the preface that other nations have
known or still practice this form of animal worship. But it would
be difficult to quote another instance in which it takes such a
prominent place in literature folklore, and art, as it does in
India. Nor would it be possible to name another country where the
development of this cult can be studied during a period which may
be estimated at no less than three millennia. During so vast a
space of time the deified serpents have haunted the imagination of
the people of Hind. But even more astonishing is the endless
variety of aspect under which the Nagas appear in Indian literature
and art. We meet, on the one hand, with the primitive type of the
reptile endowed with the magic properties which we are wont to
associate with the dragon of western fable. On the other hand, the
Naga frequently has the character of a water-spirit. Again, he may
be able to assume any form he chooses, and commonly appears in
human shape. In Brahmanical legend he may become a pious ascetic,
in Buddhist lore he may even develop into a self-denying saint very
often these various types appear strangely blended. In the present
volume it has been my object to collect the legends relating to the
Nagas which are found in the Brahmanical and Buddhist literature of
India. We do not pretend that in that gigantic body of literary
tradition there may not be a Naga story which has escaped our
notice. The three chief repositories of serpent-lore, the
Mahabharata, the Jataka Book, and the Rajatarangini, have, at
least, been fully utilized. But for the rest it is questionable
whether much would have been gained by aiming at completeness. The
stories here presented will certainly suffice to show the Nagas in
that great variety of aspect to which reference has been made.
1926. The author explains in the preface that other nations have
known or still practice this form of animal worship. But it would
be difficult to quote another instance in which it takes such a
prominent place in literature folklore, and art, as it does in
India. Nor would it be possible to name another country where the
development of this cult can be studied during a period which may
be estimated at no less than three millennia. During so vast a
space of time the deified serpents have haunted the imagination of
the people of Hind. But even more astonishing is the endless
variety of aspect under which the Nagas appear in Indian literature
and art. We meet, on the one hand, with the primitive type of the
reptile endowed with the magic properties which we are wont to
associate with the dragon of western fable. On the other hand, the
Naga frequently has the character of a water-spirit. Again, he may
be able to assume any form he chooses, and commonly appears in
human shape. In Brahmanical legend he may become a pious ascetic,
in Buddhist lore he may even develop into a self-denying saint very
often these various types appear strangely blended. In the present
volume it has been my object to collect the legends relating to the
Nagas which are found in the Brahmanical and Buddhist literature of
India. We do not pretend that in that gigantic body of literary
tradition there may not be a Naga story which has escaped our
notice. The three chief repositories of serpent-lore, the
Mahabharata, the Jataka Book, and the Rajatarangini, have, at
least, been fully utilized. But for the rest it is questionable
whether much would have been gained by aiming at completeness. The
stories here presented will certainly suffice to show the Nagas in
that great variety of aspect to which reference has been made.
Technology has invaded the classroom. As instructors attempt to
transform their traditional teaching methods to meet the demands of
the new digital age, universities across the nation are pushing to
move more classes online. To meet the demands of the students for a
new "media rich" learning environment, educators must explore new
technologies that will increase student collaboration and
engagement. This guide will look at instant messaging and how it
can be used in the online learning environment and specifically how
the new version of iChat has opened new avenues of exploration.
This is not a book filled with theory - full of confusing jargon
and detailed concepts. This is a book on what button to push, which
settings to use, and when to use it within the iChat application.
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