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Preface.- The Constant Function c.- The Factorial Function n!.- The
Zeta Numbers and Related Functions.- The Bernoulli Numbers Bn.- The
Euler Numbers En.- The Bionmial Coefficients.- The Linear Function
bx + c and Its Reciprocal.- Modifying Functions.- The Heaviside and
Dirac Functions.- The Integer Powers xn and (bx + c)n.- The
Square-Root Function and Its Reciprocal.- The Noninteger Power xv.-
The Semielliptic Function and Its Reciprocal.- The (b/a)square root
of x2 +- a2 Functions and Their Reciprocals.- The Quadratic
Function ax + bx + c and Its Reciprocal.- The Cubic Function x3 +
bx + c.- Polynomial Functions.- The Pochhammer Polynomials (x)n.-
The Bernoulli Polynomials Bn(x).- The Euler Polynomials En(x).- The
Legendre Polynomials Pn(x).- The Chebyshev Polynomials Tn(x) and
Un(x).- The Laguerre Polynomials Ln(x).- The Hermite Polynomials
Hn(x).- The Logarithmic Function ln(x).- The Exponential Function
exp(x).- Exponential of Powers.- The Hyperbolic Cosine cosh(x). and
Sine sinh(x) Functions.- The Hyperbolic Secant and Cosecant
Functions.- The Inverse Hyperbolic Functions.- The Cosine cox(x)
and Sine sin(x) Functions.- The Secant sec(x) and Cosecant csc(x)
Fucntions.- The Tangent tan(x) and Cotangent cot(x) Functions.- The
Inverse Circular Functions.- Periodic Functions.- The Exponential
Integrals Ei(x) and Ein(x).- Sine and Cosine Integrals.- The
Fresnel Integrals C(x) and S(x).- The Error Function erf(x) and Its
Complement erfc(x).- The exp(x)erfc(square root of x) and Related
Functions.- Dawson's Integral daw(x).- The Gamma Function.- The
Digamma Function.- The Incomplete Gamma Functions.- The Parabolic
Cylinder Function Dv(x).- The Kummer Function M(a, c, x).- The
Tricomi Function U(a, c, x).- The Modified Bessel Functions In(x)
of Integer Order.- The Modified Bessel Functions of In(x) Arbitrary
Order.- The Macdonald Function Kv(x).- The Bessel Functions Jn(x)
of Integer Order.- The Bessel Functions Jv(x) of Arbitrary Order.-
The Neumann Function Yv(x). The Kelvin Functions.- The Airy
Functions Ai(x) and Bi(x).- The Struve Function hv(x).- The
Incomplete Beta Function.- The Legendre Functions Pv(x) and Qv(x).-
The Gauss Hypergeometric Function F(a, b, c, x).- The Complete
Elliptic Integrals K(k) and E(k).- The Incomplete Elliptic
Integrals.- The Jacobian Elliptic Functions.- The Hurwitz
Function.- Appendix A: Useful Data.- Appendix B: Bibliography.-
Appendix C: Equator, The Atlas Function Calculator.- Symbol Index.-
Subject Ind
This book represents the refereed proceedings of the Third
International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo
Methods in Scientific Computing which was held at Claremont
Graduate University in 1998. An important feature are invited
surveys of the state of the art in key areas such as
multidimensional numerical integration, low-discrepancy point sets,
random number generation, and applications of Monte Carlo and
quasi-Monte Carlo methods. These proceedings include also carefully
selected contributed papers on all aspects of Monte Carlo and
quasi-Monte Carlo methods. The reader will be informed about
current research in this very active area.
Not only does this text explain the theory underlying the
properties of the generalized operator, but it also illustrates the
wide variety of fields to which these ideas may be applied. Topics
include integer order, simple and complex functions,
semiderivatives and semi-integrals, and transcendental functions.
1974 edition.
This exposition examines fundamentals of Monte Carlo methods plus
discrete and continuous random walk processes and standard variance
reduction techniques. It focuses on methods of superposition and
reciprocity, illustrating applications that include computation of
thermal neutron fluxes and the superposition principle in resonance
escape computations. 1969 edition.