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This book examines systemic family therapy research, addressing key
topics across the interrelated disciplines of psychotherapy, social
work, and counseling. Drawing from contributions at the 2017
International Systemic Research Conference in Heidelberg, it
includes both quantitative and qualitative research perspectives
and outlines a wide array of approaches, using systems theory and
constructivist epistemology. In addition, the book focuses on
innovative paradigms, research strategies, and methods, seeking to
bridge the gap between research and practice in the field of
systemic family therapy. Finally, it provides guidance on
submitting and maximizing the likelihood of research paper
acceptance to leading family therapy journals. Topics featured in
this book include: Effectiveness of research-informed systemic
therapy. Mindfulness and compassion-based interventions in
relational contexts. Use of SCORE (Systemic Clinical Outcome and
Routine Evaluation) as an indicator of family functioning in
Europe. Systemic approaches for working with couples with high
conflict behaviors. Therapeutic-Factor-Oriented skill building in
systemic counseling. Importance of client feedback in development
of professional knowledge base. Systemic Research in Individual,
Couple, and Family Therapy and Counseling is a must-have resource
for researchers, professors, and graduate students in family
therapy, clinical psychology, general practice/family medicine, and
social work as well as all interrelated psychology and medical
Design thinking is widely recognized as an alternative approach to
innovation, but it can be challenging to implement, often
conflicting with organizational structures, cultures, and
processes. The practice of design thinking calls for a new mindset
that moves past conventional approaches to innovation, and embraces
ambiguity, risk-taking, and collaboration. Transform with Design
presents examples of creative organizations across industries and
geographies, and recounts the stories of how they adapted design
thinking to build their innovation capabilities. Written by leading
industry experts and design-thinking scholars, the book features
ten anecdotal experiences by professionals who detail the
implementation of design thinking as it unfolded for them.
Contributors share how they navigated the many barriers and
obstacles they encountered along the way and describe their
experience from early beginnings to the present, revealing valuable
lessons for anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation.
Providing a rich tapestry of examples, anecdotes, and lessons that
place design thinking in perspective, Transform with Design is for
innovators interested in learning how design has transformed
organizations while also gaining a current perspective on what
others are doing in their field.
Written by an expert team and praised for its refreshing approach,
this essential text offers a critical, holistic understanding of
strategy theory and practice. The fourth edition has been fully
updated to include: * Coverage of contemporary issues including the
Covid-19 pandemic, climate change and digitalization * Topical and
engaging case studies such as Disney's Strategy and Covid-19,
Netflix Versus Amazon: Dynamic Capabilities for Global Success, and
PS5, Xbox and BMW: Chips and Supply Chains * A wealth of new
examples of strategy in practice from world-renowned organisations
such as Google, Uniqlo, Tesla, IKEA, and Airbnb Suitable for both
undergraduate and postgraduate study, Strategy: Theory and Practice
encourages readers to engage critically with the internal and
external factors that shape strategy in the real world. A selection
of tried and tested online resources, including a teaching guide,
PowerPoints, an online case study bank and test bank of questions
have been developed to support lecturers using the book in their
teaching. Stewart Clegg is Professor at the University of Sydney,
Emeritus Professor at the University of Technology Sydney, and
Visiting Professor at the University of Stavanger, University of
Johannesburg, and Nova School of Business and Economics. Christos
Pitelis is Head of Department of International Business and
Professor of International Business and Sustainable Competitiveness
at the University of Leeds, and Life Fellow at Queens' College,
University of Cambridge. Jochen Schweitzer is an Associate
Professor at the University of Technology Sydney. Andrea Whittle is
Professor of Management at Newcastle University Business School.
Written by an expert team and praised for its refreshing approach,
this essential text offers a critical, holistic understanding of
strategy theory and practice. The fourth edition has been fully
updated to include: * Coverage of contemporary issues including the
Covid-19 pandemic, climate change and digitalization * Topical and
engaging case studies such as Disney's Strategy and Covid-19,
Netflix Versus Amazon: Dynamic Capabilities for Global Success, and
PS5, Xbox and BMW: Chips and Supply Chains * A wealth of new
examples of strategy in practice from world-renowned organisations
such as Google, Uniqlo, Tesla, IKEA, and Airbnb Suitable for both
undergraduate and postgraduate study, Strategy: Theory and Practice
encourages readers to engage critically with the internal and
external factors that shape strategy in the real world. A selection
of tried and tested online resources, including a teaching guide,
PowerPoints, an online case study bank and test bank of questions
have been developed to support lecturers using the book in their
teaching. Stewart Clegg is Professor at the University of Sydney,
Emeritus Professor at the University of Technology Sydney, and
Visiting Professor at the University of Stavanger, University of
Johannesburg, and Nova School of Business and Economics. Christos
Pitelis is Head of Department of International Business and
Professor of International Business and Sustainable Competitiveness
at the University of Leeds, and Life Fellow at Queens' College,
University of Cambridge. Jochen Schweitzer is an Associate
Professor at the University of Technology Sydney. Andrea Whittle is
Professor of Management at Newcastle University Business School.
This book examines systemic family therapy research, addressing key
topics across the interrelated disciplines of psychotherapy, social
work, and counseling. Drawing from contributions at the 2017
International Systemic Research Conference in Heidelberg, it
includes both quantitative and qualitative research perspectives
and outlines a wide array of approaches, using systems theory and
constructivist epistemology. In addition, the book focuses on
innovative paradigms, research strategies, and methods, seeking to
bridge the gap between research and practice in the field of
systemic family therapy. Finally, it provides guidance on
submitting and maximizing the likelihood of research paper
acceptance to leading family therapy journals. Topics featured in
this book include: Effectiveness of research-informed systemic
therapy. Mindfulness and compassion-based interventions in
relational contexts. Use of SCORE (Systemic Clinical Outcome and
Routine Evaluation) as an indicator of family functioning in
Europe. Systemic approaches for working with couples with high
conflict behaviors. Therapeutic-Factor-Oriented skill building in
systemic counseling. Importance of client feedback in development
of professional knowledge base. Systemic Research in Individual,
Couple, and Family Therapy and Counseling is a must-have resource
for researchers, professors, and graduate students in family
therapy, clinical psychology, general practice/family medicine, and
social work as well as all interrelated psychology and medical
Der sehr erfolgreiche kompakte Band "Systemische Interventionen"
der beiden Autoren wird in ihrem neuen Buch ergAnzt durch die
erkenntnistheoretischen Basics, ohne die systemisches Arbeiten in
allen Beratungskontexten im luftleeren Raum bleibt. Es geht um die
selbstverstAndliche Konsequenz einer systemischen Sicht auf die
Welt.Interventionen, die als systemisch bekannt und beliebt
geworden sind, lassen sich auf einige wesentliche Gedanken
zurA"ckfA"hren: Das Interesse richtet sich nicht mehr darauf,
Fakten herauszufinden, es wird also nicht nach etwas gesucht, das
es gibt, sondern eher nach dem, was sich zwischen Menschen
ereignet. Daraus entsteht wie von selbst eine Praxis, die nicht
versucht, Defizite zu finden oder eine Ursache, eine Diagnose, eine
StArung festzuschreiben. Systemische Praxis sucht danach, wie ein
PhAnomen, ein Problem von unterschiedlichen Menschen
unterschiedlich beschrieben wird. Sie will BeziehungsverhAltnisse
ergrA"nden und Reflexionen anregen. Sie zielt auf die Muster
flA"chtiger Kommunikationen, die sich in den vielen, stAndig neu
erzeugten zwischenmenschlichen und psychischen Wirklichkeiten
menschlichen Lebens beobachten lassen. Es geht weniger um den
richtigen Einsatz von Techniken oder Tools als vielmehr um eine
systemische Sicht auf die Welt.
Unter welchen Bedingungen gelingt gesundes und motiviertes
Arbeiten uber eine verlangerte Lebensarbeitszeit hinweg? Wie kann
konstruktiv mit demografischen Konfliktfeldern im Betrieb
umgegangen werden? Diesen und anderen Fragen widmen sich die
Autoren auf der Basis wissenschaftlicher Forschung und systemischer
Beratungspraxis. Dem Leser verspricht das Buch eine Landkarte der
Herausforderungen des demografischen Wandels zur
Handlungsreflexion, aber auch Losungsvorschlage fur die
betriebliche Praxis und Impulse fur die Gestaltung der eigenen
Berufsbiografie. "
English summary: Ten years after the publication of the first
volume of the Textbook of Systemic Therapy and Counseling, Jochen
Schweitzer and Arist von Schlippe turn their attention to the
disorder-specific knowledge we have today of systemic therapy. From
schizophrenic psychoses to eating disorders and addictions to
suicidal endangerment; from cry-babies to learning disorders to
hyperactivity; from adolescent headache to breast cancer to
diabetes - the authors discuss the most important disorders
occurring in adult psychotherapy, in child and adolescent therapy,
and in family medicine. For each disorder they portray the most
characteristic patterns and established treatments, employing
numerous case studies to illuminate the system-therapeutic
methods.This textbook demonstrates that it is indeed possible to
bridge the gap between context- and solution-based theories of
systemic therapy and the disorder-oriented approach from
evidence-based medicine and psychotherapy. German description: Zehn
Jahre nach dem Lehrbuch der systemischen Therapie und Beratung
befassen sich Jochen Schweitzer und Arist von Schlippe im zweiten
Teil mit dem storungsspezifischen Wissen der systemischen Therapie.
Von den schizophrenen Psychosen uber Essstorungen und Suchte bis
zur Suizidgefahrdung, von den Schreibabys uber die Lernstorungen
bis zur Hyperaktivitat, vom Kinderkopfschmerz uber den Brustkrebs
bis zum Diabetes - Jochen Schweitzer und Arist von Schlippe
erlautern die wichtigsten Storungsbilder der
Erwachsenenpsychotherapie, der Kinder- und Jugendlichentherapie und
der Familienmedizin. Zu jedem Storungsbild werden charakteristische
Beziehungsmuster und bewahrte Entstorungen vorgestellt, zahlreiche
Fallbeispiele veranschaulichen die systemtherapeutischen
Arbeitsweisen. Dieses Lehrbuch zeigt, dass der Bruckenschlag
zwischen dem kontext- und losungsbezogenen Denken der systemischen
Therapie und dem storungsbezogenen Denken der evidenzbasierten
Medizin und Psychotherapie moglich ist.
Der technologische Wandel fordert von hierarchisch organisierten
Unternehmen mehr Anpassungsfahigkeit und Innovationskraft. Eine neu
ausbalancierte Art der Fuhrung und Selbstorganisation soll dies
ermoeglichen ungewohntes Terrain fur viele Fuhrungskrafte und
Teams. Die paradoxe Aufgabe fur die Fuhrungskraft: Meist muss sie
den Wandel initiieren, Orientierung geben und sukzessive
Verantwortung abgeben. Wie kann sie mit dem Team Fahrt aufnehmen?
Welche Fahigkeiten mussen die Akteure scharfen, um zu einem
souveranen Zusammenspiel zu finden? Diese Fragestellungen
beleuchtet Antoinette Beckert vor dem Hintergrund einer systemisch
orientierten Sichtweise anhand von Praxissituationen. Diese
Fragestellungen beleuchtet Antoinette Beckert vor dem Hintergrund
einer systemisch orientierten Sichtweise anhand von
Praxissituationen. Sie gibt Fuhrungskraften im mittleren Management
und Teams einen Kompass an die Hand, der sie Schritt fur Schritt zu
einer neuen Zusammenarbeit fuhrt.
As an important addition to child and youth welfare, early help is
an integral part of the current aid landscape. Andreas Eickhorst
shows in a concise, up-to-date and comprehensive manner which
systemic basics and methods can be used in early help and names
workable fields. Friction issues are also discussed, as the early
help situations are often rather ambivalent relationships, as
certain issues - such as the prevention dilemma or the actual
voluntary participation of families - are still unresolved. There
is a huge potential in early help that needs to be exploited, with
unresolved problems and uncertainties.
English summary: This is a revised edition of the classical text on
systemic thought. A total of 10 of the 22 chapters were completely
rewritten, and the other 12 were revised. This is a textbook par
excellence: a detailed look at basic theory, with many practical
examples taken from the everyday experiences of the readers in
their own contexts of psychotherapy, counseling, social work,
coaching and organizational development. Since its initial
publication in 1996, this volume has not experienced a radical
change in paradigms, albeit a great number of innovations have
occurred in methodology and the relevant settings. Systemic therapy
and counseling has now been integrated into many new fields, has
developed a number of responses to new problems and has become
concerned with interacting with basic research in therapy and
counseling approaches. Also, it has managed to sideskirt the usual
internal debates. The authors present a broadly based and
well-integrated picture of systemic therapy and counseling. They
have also expanded the role of new innovations and methods derived
from the English-language literature. This book is required reading
for both students and practitioners in healthcare, social work,
education and pastoral care as well as for persons who work in or
with management and business consultation. German description:
Dieser rundumerneuerte Klassiker - 10 von 22 Kapitel wurden neu
geschrieben, die anderen 12 aktualisiert - ist im besten Sinne ein
Lehrbuch: theoretisch fundiert und umfassend, in seinem Praxisbezug
nahe am Alltag der Leser/-innen in den verschiedenen Kontexten von
Psychotherapie, Beratung, Sozialer Arbeit, Padagogik, Coaching und
Organisationsentwicklung.Die systemische Therapie und Beratung hat
seit Erscheinen der Erstauflage 1996 keine grundlegenden
Paradigmenwechsel erlebt, dafur aber zahlreiche Innovationen in der
Methodik und in den Settings. Sie hat sich in neuen Arbeitsfelder
erprobt, neue Vorgehensweisen fur neue Probleme entwickelt, sich
mit Diskursen aus Grundlagenforschung und anderen Therapie- und
Beratungsansatzen beschaftigt und schliesslich die schulenbedingten
Profilierungskampfe weiter hinter sich gelassen. So stellen die
Autoren eine inzwischen deutlich breiter angelegte und mehr
integrierte systemische Therapie und Beratung dar, wobei sie weit
umfassender als in der ersten Ausgabe auf Innovationen und
Praktiken aus der englischsprachigen Literatur eingehen. Das Buch
ist ein Muss fur Studierende und Praktiker in Gesundheitswesen,
Sozialer Arbeit, Padagogik und Seelsorge sowie fur Personen in
Management und Unternehmensberatung.