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This book examines the historical roots and evolution of simulation from an epistemological, institutional and technical perspective. Rich case studies go far beyond documentation of simulation 's capacity for application in many domains; they also explore the "functional" and "structural" debate that continues to traverse simulation thought and action. This book is an essential contribution to the assessment of simulation as scientific instrument.
The advancement of a scientific discipline depends not only on the "big heroes" of a discipline, but also on a community 's ability to reflect on what has been done in the past and what should be done in the future. This volume combines perspectives on both. It celebrates the merits of Michael Otte as one of the most important founding fathers of mathematics education by bringing together all the new and fascinating perspectives created through his career as a bridge builder in the field of interdisciplinary research and cooperation. The perspectives elaborated here are for the greatest part motivated by the impressing variety of Otte 's thoughts; however, the idea is not to look back, but to find out where the research agenda might lead us in the future. This volume provides new sources of knowledge based on Michael Otte 's fundamental insight that understanding the problems of mathematics education how to teach, how to learn, how to communicate, how to do, and how to represent mathematics depends on means, mainly philosophical and semiotic, that have to be created first of all, and to be reflected from the perspectives of a multitude of diverse disciplines.
In this ethnographic study, Johannes Lenhard observes the daily practices, routines and techniques of people who are sleeping rough on the streets of Paris. The book focusses on their survival practises, their short-term desires and hopes, how they earn money through begging, how they choose the best place to sleep at night and what role drugs and alcohol play in their lives. The book also follows people through different institutional settings, including a homeless day centre, a needle exchange, a centre for people with alcohol problems and a homeless shelter.
In this ethnographic study, Johannes Lenhard observes the daily practices, routines and techniques of people who are sleeping rough on the streets of Paris. The book focusses on their survival practises, their short-term desires and hopes, how they earn money through begging, how they choose the best place to sleep at night and what role drugs and alcohol play in their lives. The book also follows people through different institutional settings, including a homeless day centre, a needle exchange, a centre for people with alcohol problems and a homeless shelter.
How are notions of 'home' made and negotiated by ethnographers? And how does the researcher relate to forms of home encountered during fieldwork? Rather than searching for an abstract, philosophical understanding of home, this collection asks how home gains its meaning and significance through ongoing efforts to create, sustain or remake a sense of home. The volume explores how researchers and informants alike are always involved in the process of making and unmaking home, and challenges readers to reimagine ethnographic practice in terms of active, morally complex process of home-making. Contributions reach across the globe and across social contexts, and the book includes chapters on council housing and middle-class apartment buildings, homelessness and migration, problems with accessing the field as well as limiting it, physical as well as sentimental notions of home, and objects as well as inter-human social relations. Home draws attention to processes of sociality that normally remain analytically invisible, and contributes to a growing and rich field of study on the anthropology of home.
If all philosophy starts with wondering, then Calculated Surprises starts with wondering about how computers are changing the face and inner workings of science. In this book, Lenhard concentrates on the ways in which computers and simulation are transforming the established conception of mathematical modeling. His core thesis is that simulation modeling constitutes a new mode of mathematical modeling that rearranges and inverts key features of the established conception. Although most of these new key features-such as experimentation, exploration, or epistemic opacity-have their precursors, the new ways in which they are being combined is generating a distinctive style of scientific reasoning. Lenhard also documents how simulation is affecting fundamental concepts of solution, understanding, and validation. He feeds these transformations back into philosophy of science, thereby opening up new perspectives on longstanding oppositions. By combining historical investigations with practical aspects, Calculated Surprises is accessible for a broad audience of readers. Numerous case studies covering a wide range of simulation techniques are balanced with broad reflections on science and technology. Initially, what computers are good at is calculating with a speed and accuracy far beyond human capabilities. Lenhard goes further and investigates the emerging characteristics of computer-based modeling, showing how this simple observation is creating a number of surprising challenges for the methodology and epistemology of science. These calculated surprises will attract both philosophers and scientific practitioners who are interested in reflecting on recent developments in science and technology.
The advancement of a scientific discipline depends not only on the "big heroes" of a discipline, but also on a community's ability to reflect on what has been done in the past and what should be done in the future. This volume combines perspectives on both. It celebrates the merits of Michael Otte as one of the most important founding fathers of mathematics education by bringing together all the new and fascinating perspectives created through his career as a bridge builder in the field of interdisciplinary research and cooperation. The perspectives elaborated here are for the greatest part motivated by the impressing variety of Otte's thoughts; however, the idea is not to look back, but to find out where the research agenda might lead us in the future. This volume provides new sources of knowledge based on Michael Otte's fundamental insight that understanding the problems of mathematics education - how to teach, how to learn, how to communicate, how to do, and how to represent mathematics - depends on means, mainly philosophical and semiotic, that have to be created first of all, and to be reflected from the perspectives of a multitude of diverse disciplines.
Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject Art - Installation / Action/Performance Art / Modern Art, grade: 1.3, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, language: English, abstract: The core of my term paper is based on two issues. The concept of an "art laboratory" in general and its application on Warhol and Warhols factory. In the first part of my paper, I try to develop the idea of a laboratory. I start with the common sense interpretation of the laboratory in the natural sciences. Afterwards I try to employ different theories taken from the cultural sciences to develop the term for my intention. Bourdieu, Becker, Knorr Cetina and others designed concepts to fill the laboratory idea used by Dragicevic Sesic and Dragojevic with life and in the end of the first part of my paper, I will have an idea of the "art laboratory" which can be used to describe Warhols factory and evaluate its policies in the 1960s. In the next chapter, I will first introduce Warhol and his life in a short introduction. After this, I will describe in a very short paragraph the development oft the art scene in New York in the 1950s and 1960s before I come to describe the factory as Warhols studio and working place and as a meeting point for the new york boheme and scene, as the venue in the 1960s New York. In the last chapter interwoven with the description, I will cope with Warhols policies and with its major aims and tasks prospective power and aesthetics. Especially the concept of avantgarde is a major topic in this cahpter. In a final paragraph, a short recapitulation and reflexion will be done and I will come up with an evaluation of the concept of the "art laboratory" and its appliance to Warhols factory.
Seminar paper from the year 2009 in the subject Business economics - Personnel and Organisation, grade: 1.3, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, language: English, abstract: Intangible Asstes and especially human resources are crucial for the present and future success of a company. Many studies have found out the importance of human resources as a strategic resource following the argumentation of Prahalad and Hamelt and their resource based view. The need for a HR management system is therefore perceivable. Different approaches have been made including Human Resource Accounting and a Human Resource Balanced Scorecard. These attempts, however, are either not meaningful for the practical use or not holistic in terms of money and strategy. After discussing the problems of the various approaches, I tried to combine different means towards an adaption of the Human Resource Balanced Scorecard developed by Becker et al..
a Populationena und a Nischea, a Resource Partitioninga und a Density Dependencea a " Konzepte und Begriffe, die von Hannan und Freeman 1977 von der Biologie auf die Organisationsforschung ubertragen wurden und mit denen die Richtung der OrganisationsA kologie eng verbunden ist. Diese Forschungsrichtung beschaftigt sich mit der Grundung, Veranderung und dem Sterben von Organisationen a " sie ubertragt dabei Theorien aus dem biologischen Kontext auf den organisationalen und findet mA gliche Ursachen fur die oben beschriebenen Vorfalle. In meiner Arbeit beschaftige ich mich mit einem dieser a Eventsa, namlich dem organisationalen Sterben. Die bisherigen Ansatze verfolgen eine Vielzahl von Variablen, die einen Einfluss auf diesen Prozess haben a " GrA A e, Alter, Dichte der Population, Identitat oder Blueprint a " um nur einige zu nennen. Es lasst sich jedoch folgern, dass es die eine perfekt Organisationen, die gegen das Sterben gefeit ware, nicht gibt. Nichtsdestoweniger gibt es mA gliche Strategien, wie man mA glichst lange a vom Ende verschonta bleibt. In einer empirischen Betrachtung mA chte ich eben diese fur die Population der a Desing your own Tshirta a " Online Shops herausfinden."
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich BWL - Investition und Finanzierung, Note: 1.3, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Finanzkrise hat den Ruf nach Regulierung laut werden lassen - aber auf der anderen Seite auch gezeigt, dass einzelne Regulierungsmassmassnahmen bei einer globalen Krise keine Wirkung zeigen. Vor allem wenn verschiedene Regulierungen nicht aufeinander abgestimmt sind, kann dies in gegensatzlicher Weise Krisentendenzen verschlimmern. So stellt sich hier die Frage nach der richtigen Regulierung. Kann es ein Zuviel an Regulierung geben? Die derzeitige Krise, wie auch jede zukunftige wird von globaler Natur sein und daher ist es heute wichtiger als je zuvor, dass die einzelnen Akteure zusammenarbeiten und eine einheitliche Losung gefunden wird - jedoch nicht um jeden Prei
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Organisation und Verwaltung, Note: 2,0, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Rechts- und Organisationsformen, mit denen Nationen, Lander und Kommunen ihre Aufgaben wahrnehmen, unterliegen, wie die Gesellschaft auch, einem standigen Wandel. ...] Stillstand ware Ruckschritt. ...] Aktuell ist die Managerialisierung Okonomisierung der offentlichen Verwaltung in Deutschland in vollem Gange" (Niederelz, 2007, S. 276) Dieses Zitat beschreibt die gegenwartige Situation sehr genau. Globalisierung, Terrorismus und Themen innerhalb der Gesellschaft, wie Familie und das soziale System uben einen ungeheuren Druck auf die Verwaltung aus, der vor allem einen Kostendruck darstellt. Kosten mussen vermieden und Effektivitat gesteigert werden. Das Instrument der leistungsbezogenen Entgelte stellt ein Mittel dar um dieser Tendenz entgegenzukommen. Der Einsatz dieses Allheilmittels" muss jedoch grundlich vorbereitet werden um ihn zu einem erfolgreichen zu machen. Wie Befragungen zeigen, wird es in Zukunft zu einer verstarkten Nutzung des Instruments des 18 kommen, und das auf allen Ebenen der Verwaltung. Ob diese Nutzung jedoch positiv ist, hangt davon ab, wie viele Mittel man bereit ist im Vorfeld in die Verwaltung zu investieren, die sie spater um ein Vielfaches wieder einsparen wird.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensfuhrung, Management, Organisation, Note: 1.3, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Patents are an important element in the innovation system {...}. How patents are managed can foster or hinder innovation and can expand or restrict access to the fruits of federally funded biomedical research {...} That the system works does not prove that it is near an optimum. The patent system is filled with arbitrary rules, such as the patent term, and arcane but important practices {...}. The wealth of public rhetoric justifying the patent system as essential - while very likely true - is ironic given the dearth of empirical analysis that policymakers need to assess its costs and benefits Bar-Shalom, Cook-Deegan, 2002, S. 663/671 Dieses Zitat spiegelt schon 2002 wider, was auch heute bezuglich des amerikanischen Patentsystems diskutiert wird. Das System ist mit Abstrichen als wirksam zu bewerten - jedoch gibt es erhebliche Probleme mit den gegenwartigen Regelungen. Diese werden sowohl in der algemeinen Literatur, als auch speziell innerhalb des Artikels von Sean M. OConnor, der meinem Kommentar zugrunde liegt, analysiert und diskutiert. Dabei liefert der Autor wichtige Anregungen fur Verbesserungsvorschlage, speziell hinsichtlich der legislativen Entwicklung in der Folge des Bayh Dole Acts und den zahlreichen nicht-staatlichen Initiativen. Im Folgenden werde ich zunachst in einer deskriptiven Analyse den Inhalt des Papiers kurz zusammenfassen um danach Kritikpunkte, Verbesserungsvorschlage und weiter Ansatzpunkte, die von OConnor nicht aufgegriffen werden, anzufuhren und die Arbeit in den Kontext des aktuellen Diskurses zu stellen.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich BWL - Personal und Organisation, Note: 2.3, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, Veranstaltung: Human Resource Management, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Unsere Studie mochte eine Dimension von kultureller Diversitat eroffnen, die bisher haufig so nicht aufgekommen ist. Im Allgemeinen gehen die Studien, die sich mit kultureller Diversitat beschaftigen auf Variablen, wie Hautfarbe, Rasse oder Ethnie ein (bspw. Greenhaus et al. 1990). Diese Kategorien eignen sich vor allem fur den amerikanischen Kontext, der auch in der Literatur am haufigsten untersucht wir. Jedoch mochten wir uns dem bisher weitaus weniger ausgiebig untersuchten europaischen Kontinent widmen, der eine andere Dimension von kultureller Diversitat benotigt. Unsere Dimension von kultureller Diversitat bezieht sich damit einerseits auf das Phanomen der Kultur mit den damit verbunden Implikationen hinsichtlich der Unterschiede, die von verschiedenen Kulturen hervorgebracht werden.Es soll dabei einerseits um Ethnie, andererseits aber auch um kulturell bedingte Werte, Hintergrunde, Ansichten und Informationen gehen.
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