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A wide range of books on urban systems models are available today
for the student of urban planning, geography, and economics. There
are few, if any, books, however, that deal with integrated urban
systems modeling from the operational viewpoint. The term
"integrated" is used here in the same sense as the "general
equilibrium," in contrast to such approaches as "sequential" or
"partial equilibrium." In fact, the main thesis of this book is
that the characteristics of ur ban activity that best distinguish
it from rural activity are (1) the intensive use of urban land and
(2) urban congestion. On this basis, models that are introduced in
this book are three- dimensional in character and produce urban
land use configurations with explicit optimal density of urban pro
duction activities along with optimal levels of transportation
congestion. It is also assumed that both public and private sectors
play significant roles in shaping urban forms, structures, and
functions in mixed economic systems. From this viewpoint, models
developed in this book address two integrated decision-making
procedures: one by the public sector, which provides urban
infrastructure and public services, and the other one by the
private sector, which uses provided infrastructure and public
services in pursuing parochial interests."
The author of I Used to Be a Miserable F*ck, The Angry Therapist, now teaches you how to prioritize your relationship with yourself and live a more meaningful life, whether you’re alone, dating, or with a partner.
There’s more to life than loving someone. But being single can feel like a death sentence. Why does being alone = being lonely And why do we stop working on ourselves when we’re in a relationship
After a painful divorce, “The Angry Therapist” John Kim realized he had never truly been on his own. He went on a journey to rebuild his relationship with himself, going from alone and disconnected to alone and fulfilled.
Kim has gone on to help thousands of clients find their own unique way to break free of expectations and finally live their truth. With Single on Purpose, Kim takes his signature no-BS “self-help in a shot glass” approach as he shares his own singlehood story and shows readers how to own their shit, break their patterns, and find a grounded sense of self.
Spending time to cultivate your relationship with yourself shouldn’t be something you only do when you hit rock bottom, go through a major loss, or have a quarter-life crisis. All of us, at some point, need to be single—on purpose.
The author of I Used to Be a Miserable F*ck, The Angry Therapist,
now teaches you how to prioritize your relationship with yourself
and live a more meaningful life, whether you're alone, dating, or
with a partner. There's more to life than loving someone. But being
single can feel like a death sentence. Why does being alone = being
lonely? And why do we stop working on ourselves when we're in a
relationship? After a painful divorce, "The Angry Therapist" John
Kim realized he had never truly been on his own. He went on a
journey to rebuild his relationship with himself, going from alone
and disconnected to alone and fulfilled. Kim has gone on to help
thousands of clients find their own unique way to break free of
expectations and finally live their truth. With Single on Purpose,
Kim takes his signature no-BS "self-help in a shot glass" approach
as he shares his own singlehood story and shows readers how to own
their shit, break their patterns, and find a grounded sense of
self. Spending time to cultivate your relationship with yourself
shouldn't be something you only do when you hit rock bottom, go
through a major loss, or have a quarter-life crisis. All of us, at
some point, need to be single-on purpose.
Recent events-the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, the
Occupy Wall Street movement, and efforts to increase the minimum
wage, among others-have driven a tremendous surge of interest in
the political power of business. Capital Gains collects some of the
most innovative new work in the field. The chapters explore the
influence of business on American politics in the twentieth century
at the federal, state, and municipal levels. From corporate
spending on city governments in the 1920s to business support for
public universities in the postwar period, and from business
opposition to the Vietnam War to the corporate embrace of civil
rights, the contributors reveal an often surprising portrait of the
nation's economic elite. Contrary to popular mythology, business
leaders have not always been libertarian or rigidly devoted to
market fundamentalism. Before, during, and after the New Deal,
important parts of the business world sought instead to try to
shape what the state could accomplish and to make sure that
government grew in ways that were favorable to them. Appealing to
historians working in the fields of business history, political
history, and the history of capitalism, these essays highlight the
causes, character, and consequences of business activism and
underscore the centrality of business to any full understanding of
the politics of the twentieth century-and today. Contributors:
Daniel Amsterdam, Brent Cebul, Jennifer Delton, Tami Friedman, Eric
Hintz, Richard R. John, Pamela Walker Laird, Kim Phillips-Fein,
Laura Phillips Sawyer, Elizabeth Tandy Shermer, Eric Smith, Jason
Scott Smith, Mark R. Wilson.
Using Action Inquiry in Engaged Research: A Professional Guide
offers higher education and school professionals practical guidance
and methods for using the Action Inquiry Model (AIM) in engaged
research initiatives and community partnerships. Replete with group
exercises and case studies, this guide was originally developed to
supplement workshops for faculty, administrators and students
working on action initiatives that focused on critical educational
issues facing local communities. It provides a useful framework and
straightforward techniques for building empowering partnerships.
The Action Inquiry Model (AIM) includes four stages: Assessment:
Using research and experience to identify critical challenges
facing the university with respect to the improvement of
educational opportunities Organization: Developing workgroups to
collaborate on initiatives that address critical challenges;
providing financial support for new initiatives; and providing
release time and professional development opportunities for faculty
and staff who engage in reform initiatives Action Initiatives:
Treating reforms as pilot tests for new strategies, as a means of
promoting organizational learning, professional development, and
student success Evaluation: Integrating the evaluation of current
programs and incorporating new initiatives into the reform process.
This guide provides two methods for learning the inquiry process: a
step-by-step process for defining tasks for teams of researchers
and practitioners working together to use research to inform the
educational improvement; and sets of case studies on assessment and
action inquiry to inform groups in collectively discussing problems
and strategies, an approach that supports the classroom use of the
Using Action Inquiry in Engaged Research: A Professional Guide
offers higher education and school professionals practical guidance
and methods for using the Action Inquiry Model (AIM) in engaged
research initiatives and community partnerships. Replete with group
exercises and case studies, this guide was originally developed to
supplement workshops for faculty, administrators and students
working on action initiatives that focused on critical educational
issues facing local communities. It provides a useful framework and
straightforward techniques for building empowering partnerships.
The Action Inquiry Model (AIM) includes four stages: Assessment:
Using research and experience to identify critical challenges
facing the university with respect to the improvement of
educational opportunities Organization: Developing workgroups to
collaborate on initiatives that address critical challenges;
providing financial support for new initiatives; and providing
release time and professional development opportunities for faculty
and staff who engage in reform initiatives Action Initiatives:
Treating reforms as pilot tests for new strategies, as a means of
promoting organizational learning, professional development, and
student success Evaluation: Integrating the evaluation of current
programs and incorporating new initiatives into the reform process.
This guide provides two methods for learning the inquiry process: a
step-by-step process for defining tasks for teams of researchers
and practitioners working together to use research to inform the
educational improvement; and sets of case studies on assessment and
action inquiry to inform groups in collectively discussing problems
and strategies, an approach that supports the classroom use of the
The connections between economics, planning, and the environment
are receiv ing increased attention among scholars and policy makers
in many countries. The common denominator among these three
variables is the earth's life support sys tems, the ecosystems on
which the world depends. When we describe our physi cal
surroundings as a collection of possible uses, we are establishing
linkages between economics, planning, and the environment. Because
possible alternative uses compete with each other, and conflicts
arise over scarce land resources, the varying environmental impacts
of alternative uses are major concerns for the cur rent as well as
the next generation. How to achieve sustainable development is the
pressing question for today's environmental professionals.
Environmental planners and engineers help us study the implications
of our choices, and new technologies and techniques that improve
the practice of environmental planning should enhance our ability
to protect our future. The depletion of the earth's natural
resources and loss of biodiversity, the deg radation of air, land,
and water quality, the accumulation of greenhouse gases leading to
changes in our climate, and the depletion of the ozone layer
comprise only a partial list of environmental issues that concern
our policy makers. To sup port their decisions, environmental
planning must be a multidimensional and multidisciplinary activity
that incorporates social, economic, political, geograph ical, and
technical factors. Solutions for problems in these areas frequently
re quire not only numerical analyses but also heuristic analyses,
which in turn depend on the intuitive judgements of planners and
This volume is the result of an international collaboration, which
started with a conference at Smadalaro Gfrrd in Sweden. The
workshop was supported by the National Science Foundation of the
USA (INT-9215114) and by the Swedish National Road Administration,
the Swedish Council for Building Research, the Swedish Transport
and Communications Research Board and the Swedish Council for
Planning and Coordination of Research. This support is gratefully
acknow ledged. The collaboration started as a bilateral
u.S.-Swedish endeavour but was soon widened to other scholars in
Europe, Asia, Australia and South-America. Network Infrastructure
and the Urban Environment is a policy area of growing importance.
Sustainable cities and sustainable transport systems are necessary
for attaining a sustainable development. The research and policy
field, represented in this volume, comprises a number of
challenging contrasts: - the contrast between infrastructure
investments, mobility and environmental sustainability; - the
contrast between policy contexts, modelling traditions and
available decision support systems in various parts of the world; -
the contrast between available best practice methods and the
majority of models applied in planning; the contrast between static
models of cross-sectionary equilibria and dynamic models of
disequilibrium adjustments; and the contrast between
state-of-the-art operationalland-use/transport models and new
demands for land-use/transportlenvironment models due to changing
policy contexts. Bridging some of these gaps constitutes important
research tasks, that are discussed in the twenty-two chapters of
this book. A number of emerging research directions are identified
in the introduction and summary chapter."
A wide range of books on urban systems models are available today
for the student of urban planning, geography, and economics. There
are few, if any, books, however, that deal with integrated urban
systems modeling from the operational viewpoint. The term
"integrated" is used here in the same sense as the "general
equilibrium," in contrast to such approaches as "sequential" or
"partial equilibrium." In fact, the main thesis of this book is
that the characteristics of ur ban activity that best distinguish
it from rural activity are (1) the intensive use of urban land and
(2) urban congestion. On this basis, models that are introduced in
this book are three- dimensional in character and produce urban
land use configurations with explicit optimal density of urban pro
duction activities along with optimal levels of transportation
congestion. It is also assumed that both public and private sectors
play significant roles in shaping urban forms, structures, and
functions in mixed economic systems. From this viewpoint, models
developed in this book address two integrated decision-making
procedures: one by the public sector, which provides urban
infrastructure and public services, and the other one by the
private sector, which uses provided infrastructure and public
services in pursuing parochial interests."
Datacenter networks provide the communication substrate for large
parallel computer systems that form the ecosystem for high
performance computing (HPC) systems and modern Internet
applications. The design of new datacenter networks is motivated by
an array of applications ranging from communication intensive
climatology, complex material simulations and molecular dynamics to
such Internet applications as Web search, language translation,
collaborative Internet applications, streaming video and
voice-over-IP. For both Supercomputing and Cloud Computing the
network enables distributed applications to communicate and
interoperate in an orchestrated and efficient way. This book
describes the design and engineering tradeoffs of datacenter
networks. It describes interconnection networks from topology and
network architecture to routing algorithms, and presents
opportunities for taking advantage of the emerging technology
trends that are influencing router microarchitecture. With the
emergence of "many-core" processor chips, it is evident that we
will also need "many-port" routing chips to provide a
bandwidth-rich network to avoid the performance limiting effects of
Amdahl's Law. We provide an overview of conventional topologies and
their routing algorithms and show how technology, signaling rates
and cost-effective optics are motivating new network topologies
that scale up to millions of hosts. The book also provides detailed
case studies of two high performance parallel computer systems and
their networks. Table of Contents: Introduction / Background /
Topology Basics / High-Radix Topologies / Routing / Scalable Switch
Microarchitecture / System Packaging / Case Studies / Closing
Written in John Kim’s unique “advice-in-a-shot glass” style,
a month-long program that applies the tenets of his bestseller
Single on Purpose, packed with daily tips for self-reflection,
growth, and adventure. As John Kim revealed in Single on Purpose,
your single years are the most crucial for having big life
experiences, discovering who you are, and investing in yourself,
body and soul. But what if you’re newly single or stuck in a rut?
How do you start living your single years with intention and
meaning? How do you make new friends, find out what you enjoy
without a significant other, gain confidence, try things that scare
you, get out of your shell, forgive yourself for past mistakes, and
look at life like the adventure it is? Whether you’ve embraced
the advice in Single on Purpose or are just discovering Kim’s
ideas, 31 Days of Single on Purpose can help you transform being
single into a joyous, exciting period of personal growth filled
with memories, deep work, play, forgiveness, and freedom. Each day
is framed in classic John Kim style, and features: No-bullsh*t ways
to confront your past—what you've settled for before and what
you're changing today Kick-in-the-butt prompts for getting out in
the world—starting a new pastime, and meeting new people Journal
questions that don’t feel like “journaling,” focusing on
brief, direct, and honest answers to help you know yourself Tips
that help you understand where you are emotionally—Do you feel
fulfilled? Stuck? Lonely? Overwhelmed? Sad? Daily mantras for
meditation and visual manifestation Suggestions for sweating,
lifting, walking, hiking, and moving your body 31 Days of Single on
Purpose includes stories, helpful diagrams and charts as well as
plenty of blank pages for reflection. This is an interactive
workbook meant to be used. Whether you’re just getting started or
a single king or queen looking to level up, 31 Days of Single on
Purpose will help you find fulfilment, direction, and an
understanding of who you are and what you truly want.
Recent events—the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, the
Occupy Wall Street movement, and efforts to increase the minimum
wage, among others—have driven a tremendous surge of interest in
the political power of business. Capital Gains collects some of the
most innovative new work in the field. The chapters explore the
influence of business on American politics in the twentieth century
at the federal, state, and municipal levels. From corporate
spending on city governments in the 1920s to business support for
public universities in the postwar period, and from business
opposition to the Vietnam War to the corporate embrace of civil
rights, the contributors reveal an often surprising portrait of the
nation's economic elite. Contrary to popular mythology, business
leaders have not always been libertarian or rigidly devoted to
market fundamentalism. Before, during, and after the New Deal,
important parts of the business world sought instead to try to
shape what the state could accomplish and to make sure that
government grew in ways that were favorable to them. Appealing to
historians working in the fields of business history, political
history, and the history of capitalism, these essays highlight the
causes, character, and consequences of business activism and
underscore the centrality of business to any full understanding of
the politics of the twentieth century—and today. Contributors:
Daniel Amsterdam, Brent Cebul, Jennifer Delton, Tami Friedman, Eric
Hintz, Richard R. John, Pamela Walker Laird, Kim Phillips-Fein,
Laura Phillips Sawyer, Elizabeth Tandy Shermer, Eric Smith, Jason
Scott Smith, Mark R. Wilson.
Una guia oportuna y poco convencional para encontrar la felicidad y
tu proposito en la vida. Esclarece tus dudas sobre lo que debes o
no debes hacer e invita a examinarte y a reevaluar tu definicion de
la masculinidad. Separa quien eres de lo que haces No seas bueno,
se amable Expresa tus putos sentimientos No registres tu hora de
llegada y salida Suda a diario No orines en la ducha JOHN KIM,
LMFT, ("El terapeuta enojado") fue el pionero del movimiento de
life coaching virtual que nacio hace siete anos, fruto del divorcio
que lo transformaria en quien es hoy en dia. Acaparo una gran red
de fans gracias a su honestidad y a la autenticidad de las ideas
que empezo a publicar en sus redes sociales. Se quito el velo y
compartio su historia personal a pesar de que a los terapeutas se
les ensene a hacer lo contrario. Kim es conocido por ser un
terapeuta inconformista e innovador, reuniendose con sus pacientes
en cafeterias, en caminatas y en gimnasios de CrossFit. Creo su
propio equipo de life coaching y lanzo otra compania llamada
"JRNI", una nueva herramienta para cambiar nuestra percepcion de la
vida. Vive en Los Angeles.
An up-to-date, clinical guide to managing scars, improving function
and quality of life for patients Authored by pioneers in
dermatology and laser medicine, this unique text is the first
comprehensive overview of the treatment of burn and traumatic
scars. The content is logically divided into three sections:
Defining the Problem, which covers important fundamentals such as
the clinically relevant elements of wound care, pain, range of
motion, and patient selection, and includes a treatment valuable
algorithm. The next section focuses on Treatment, and features
discussion of traditional techniques as well as laser assisted drug
delivery, fractional resurfacing, vascular lasers and lights,
minimally invasive surgical techniques, and more. The final section
is devoted to Caring for Wounds and Complications, and includes
best practices for wound care, and management of pain, infection,
and ulceration. You will find cutting-edge coverage of the latest
treatment options, including lasers, medications, and biological
implants, along with extensive discussion of wound care.
His mom called him a "miracle baby," with a good reason. He
saved her entire family during World War II. This story portrays
his childhood during World War II and the Korean War and
life-changing events as he grew up. He came to the United States as
an aspiring student with hopes and dreams. Life was far different
from his dream. He often feels alone, like a man without a country,
living in the past. The author hopes that his unique life
experience resonates with many people, especially foreign students
and immigrants who came to this country hoping to pursue their
Every person has one thing in common, no matter what your ethnic,
financial or religious status happens to be. This common
denominator affects you whether you are male or female, and it
causes you to spend hordes of time energy and money for its
pursuit. What is it? Love. Since the dawning of time, there has
always been a need to share our lives with someone else. Thus God's
proclamation, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make
him a helper suitable for him (Genesis 2:18, NASB)."
As Eve was created out of Adam, so do we all long for someone
perfectly created for us. We desire a relationship in which we are
connected to someone else in perfect harmony. The notion of a
soulmate is woven into the fabric of our consciousness. We are all
in a search for this seemingly mythical person and relationship.
The key to this discovery can be found within the pages of the
Bible. Once you've understood the mysteries that are hidden away in
this sacred text, you too will be able to find what hundreds of
others have already found: your soulmate.
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