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The figure of Prince William of Orange (1572-84) dominates the
political landscape of the sixteenth century Netherlands, and in
many ways personifies the Dutch revolt against Spanish hegemony.
Yet despite the European significance of his struggle, there has
not been a major English-language study of William since C.V.
Wedgwood's biography published in 1944. As such, scholars will
welcome this publication of Koen Swart's distinguished and
authoritative biography of the first of the hereditary stadholders
of the United Provinces. Originally available only in Dutch, this
edition provides an English speaking audience for the first time
with a detailed account of William's role in the Dutch Revolt that
reflects the vast amount of scholarship undertaken in the field of
European political and religious history over the last few decades.
In the book, Swart explores the means by which William established
his rule in Holland and Zeeland in the 1570s, and provides an
analysis of William's relations with the provincial states, the
States-General and the towns, and the creation of a new system of
government and finance. Within this framework of national history,
he is always careful to locate the subject in its broad
international context, thus adding to our wider understanding of
this turbulent period. Moreover, Swart avoids the uncritical
glorification of William evident in some previous works, and asks
searching and pertinent questions concerning the wisdom of
William's decisions, such as that to break up the pre-1572 unity of
the Habsburg Netherlands. In so doing, Swart provides a much more
balanced view than has hitherto been available, that not only takes
Protestant views into account, but also contemplates the Revolt
form the perspective of the Catholic population, and shows sympathy
for Charles V's and Philip II's predicament. In so doing, this book
provides the most important revision of William for a century, and
will undoubtedly have repercussions upon many studying the history
of Europe in the age of Reformations. Published posthumously, this
book also includes introductory material written by leading
scholars H.F.K. van Nierop, M.E.H.N. Mout, J. Israel and A.C. Duke.
In the Survey of Recent Historical Works, which according to custom
concludes this IXth volume of the Acta, is a notice of the recent
'Report of the Dutch research, with suggestions for future
development'. Such a report could easily be classified as an
attempt to bring pressure to bear on financial resources for
support of a somewhat neglected branch of scientific effort, indeed
as a symptom of the current disease of notatitis. A recent special
issue 'Regeren door notas', of the periodical Beleid and
Maatschappij, March-April 1976, discusses this severe Dutch
epidemic of official note-writing, for any purpose, on any matter,
at any time, by any sort of official committee to any sort of
official body. But even if such were the only reason for the
production of this Report, which indeed it is not, the Report will
stand on its own feet, as significant and of consequence. In
general, however, this Report makes sad reading. It would seem that
Dutch historical research and historiography lags far behind
comparable foreign developments. There are said to be immense gaps
in knowledge of and insight into virtually all fields of the Dutch
past and moreover a total lack of modem sophistication. Inevitably,
currently fashionable techniques such as programming,
co-ordination, and teamwork are suggested as desirable, and a
preference is expressed for the currently highly regarded
socio-historical approach.