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Includes bibliographical references (p.[435]-441) and index.
This book provides a critical discussion of fuzzy controllers
from the perspective of classical control theory. Special emphasis
is placed on topics of importance for industrial applications,
including self-tuning of fuzzy controllers, optimisation and
stability analysis. The text begins with a detailed introduction to
fuzzy systems and control theory, and guides the reader to a
thorough understanding of up-to-date research results.
This book contains selected state-of-the-art contributions to the
9th conference on natural language processing, KONVENS 2008
(Konferenz zur Verarbeitung naturlicher Sprache), with the central
theme: text resources and lexical knowledge. The collection is
unique in its placement of focus on the interaction between both of
the above-mentioned fields, illustrating in particular the
importance of methods in corpus linguistics for building lexical
resources on the one hand, and the relevance of lexical resources
for the analysis of and intelligent search methods for text corpora
on the other. The selected articles all present novel approaches to
one of three different research areas which in turn define the
three parts of the book: Techniques and models for the linguistic
analysis of text resources: contributions from computational
linguistics Methods and tools for the acquisition of lexical
knowledge from digitized and linguistically annotated text
resources Approaches to the representation of lexical knowledge in
digital media for various purposes.
This book examines the normative tensions inherent in upward
mobility within the international system, focusing particularly on
the clash between sovereign self-interest and the putatively
universal norms associated with international interventions. It
provides extensive detail and deep analysis of Brazil's nature as a
rising power, and that nature's implications for how the country
crafts its international profile on issues such as intervention. In
addition, the book proposes innovative ways of (re)organising
thematic, conceptual and empirical research on the normative
behaviour of emergent powers with regard to institutions of global
governance and questions of intervention. In analysing what
distinguishes Brazil as a rising power, the contributors begin from
the assumption that participation in intervention is an
increasingly crucial element in demonstrating the capacity and
responsibility for which demand accrues as a state seeks increased
international profile. As such, the debates around intervention
serve as an indicative locus for examining the clash of norms that
accompanies emergence as a global player. The book's approach is to
organise the analysis around thematic rather than chronological or
praxis-based lines, using the Brazilian case as an illustrative
example capable of extrapolation to other emerging powers such as
Turkey, India and others. This work draws together rich empirical
detail with sophisticated and varied conceptual analysis and will
be of interest to scholars of international relations,
Latin-American politics and global governance.
This volume is the first English-language work to focus
specifically on South America in the context of peace operations.
The region of South America has been undergoing significant changes
recently with regard to its attitudes towards participation in
peace operations. Leaving behind a strong reluctance with regard to
intervention, the states have recently taken on a much stronger
presence among UN peacekeepers. The foremost showcase of this more
robust and responsible stance has been MINUSTAH, the current UN
mission in Haiti. South American contributors provide over half the
operation's troops, and the Force Commander is provided by Brazil.
This book is intended as an introduction for researchers to the
nexus of issues surrounding South America's increasing influence as
a contributor to peace operations. The authors provide the reader
with a historically and theoretically grounded understanding of
what motivates defence policy and decisions on intervention in the
region. Featuring contributions from prominent thinkers in the
field and a broad range of case studies, this volume successfully
combines practical applicability with diversity of analysis. This
book will be of much interest to students of peacekeeping, South
American politics, peace and conflict studies, security studies and
International Relations in general.
Dieses Buch führt in die Ziele, Strategien und Maßnahmen des
Nachhaltigkeitsmarketings ein. Dabei werden ökonomische,
ökologische und soziale Perspektiven berücksichtigt. Die Absicht
ist, vor allem die Prinzipien und Merkmale des
Nachhaltigkeitsmarketings stärker als Standard für alle
Marketingaktivitäten zu verankern. Eine ausgewogene Mischung aus
theoretischen Grundlagen und Fallbeispielen – wie
Allos-Hofmanufaktur, dm-drogerie Markt, Initiative Tierwohl und
Edeka Zentrale Stiftung & Co. KG, Migros, Molkerei Söbbeke,
Pampers, Raizen Biosprit Produktion, Rügenwalder Mühle, Vaude,
Waschbär, Weleda – machen das Buch sowohl für Studierende als
auch für die unternehmerische Praxis interessant. Die 2.
Auflage wurde vollständig überarbeitet und um zahlreiche
Praxisbeispiele erweitert. Insbesondere wurden folgende Anpassungen
vorgenommen:Â Integration der Sustainable Development Goals
(SDG) als normativen Orientierungspunkt für die Ausgestaltung des
Nachhaltigkeitsmarketings bis 2030 Stärkere Berücksichtigung der
normativen, strategischen und operativen Managementebene
Integration der Digitalisierung im Rahmen von digitalen Märkten,
einer organisatorischen und instrumentellen Ebene (Technologien und
Dienste) Zudem erhalten Sie Zusatzmaterial via App: Laden Sie die
Springer Nature Flashcards-App herunter und nutzen Sie exklusive
Inhalte, um Ihr Wissen zu überprüfen.
The Lenape tribe, also known as the Delaware Nation, lived for
centuries on the land that English colonists later called New
Jersey. But once America gained its independence, they were forced
to move further west: to Indiana, then Missouri, and finally to the
territory that became Oklahoma. These reluctant migrants were not
able to carry much from their ancestral homeland, but they managed
to preserve the stories that had been passed down for
generations.  On the Turtle’s Back is the
first collection of Lenape folklore, originally compiled by
anthropologist M. R. Harrington over a century ago but never
published until now. In it, the Delaware share their cherished
tales about the world’s creation, epic heroes, and ordinary human
foibles. It features stories told to Harrington by two Lenape
couples, Julius and Minnie Fouts and Charles and Susan Elkhair, who
sought to officially record their legends before their language and
cultural traditions died out. More recent interviews with Lenape
elders are also included, as their reflections on hearing these
stories as children speak to the status of the tribe and its
culture today. Together, they welcome you into their rich and
wondrous imaginative world. Â
The controlled clinical trial has become an essential part of the
clinician's decision-making process. Clinical trials, however,
still raise methodological problems that are important and at the
same time controversial: subgroup analysis and interactions,
meta-analy sis of similar trials, consideration of subjective
clinical opinions and those of the public at large, assessment of
quality of life, pre vention trials, and so on. In February 1987 we
took our third step along the road to evaluating these issues in
dialogues between cli nicians, psychologists, legal experts, and
statisticians. The talks presented at the meeting were revised by
the authors afterwards and have been rearranged by the editors to
form a strictly organ 1 2 ized book. The two preceding meetings in
1978 and 1981 focused strongly on adjuvant therapy in primary
breast cancer, but this top ic served merely as a nucleus in the
third meeting. This meeting, although called the Third Heidelberg
Symposium was forced to leave Heidelberg and in fact was held in
Freiburg. Without the interest and enthusiasm of Professor Martin
Schu macher and his colleagues in Freiburg the meeting would never
have taken place. The meeting was generously supported again by the
Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (Bundesministe rium
flir Forschung und Technologie, BMFT) within the framework of the
West German BMFT Breast Cancer Study Group. We are grateful, in
particular, to Mr. Hans W. Herzog for his personal in volvement.
Juni 1988 H. Scheurlen, R. Kay, M."
This book provides a critical discussion of fuzzy controllers
from the perspective of classical control theory. Special emphasis
is placed on topics of importance for industrial applications,
including self-tuning of fuzzy controllers, optimisation and
stability analysis. The text begins with a detailed introduction to
fuzzy systems and control theory, and guides the reader to a
thorough understanding of up-to-date research results.
In birds, the beak is the most important organ for manipulative
actions: its manipulative capabilities vary as much as those of the
forepaws and snouts of mammals. For the peripheral parts and at
brainstem levels, the sensorimotor circuit of the avian oral region
is roughly similar to the mammalian, but is strikingly different at
higher levels of the central nervous system (CNS) (Ariens- Kappers
et al. 1936). Our field of interest is the organization of the
telencephalic areas involved in the manipulative actions of the
bill. The goose was chosen as a subject because of the extensive
development of the tactile system of the oral region. The
mechanoreceptors in the lower and upper beak are innervated by the
trigeminal nerve (Cords 1904; Berkhoudt 1980), while the tongue is
innervated by branches of the glossopharyngeal and hypoglossal
nerves (Cords 1904). In the ganglion semilunare, the perikarya of
the fibers of the trigeminal nerve are separated into a distinct
ophthalmic population, and two mutually overlap- ping maxillary and
mandibulary populations (Dubbeldam and Veenman 1978; Noden 1980).
In duck and cockatoo both the glossopharyngeal nerve and trige-
minal nerve relay in the metencephalic principal sensory nucleus of
the trige- minal nerve (PrV) (Dubbeldam et al. 1979; Dubbeldam
1980; Wild 1981). In PrY the three trigeminal branches are
represented in an overlapping dorsoventral sequence (Zeigler and
Witkovsky 1968; Dubbeldam and Karten 1978).
The Alexandrine Schism (1159 1177) has generally been interpreted
as a conflict between Pope Alexander III and Frederick I
Barbarossa. In contrast to past research, this study uses private
documents to examine different perceptions of this ecclesiastical
crisis and explore the strategies of action pursued by those on
lower levels of political power in dealing with demands for
absolute obedience."
The Bible is the bestselling book of all time. It has been
venerated -or excoriated,as God's word, but so far no one has read
the Bible for what it is: humanity's diary, chronicling our
ancestors' valiant attempts to cope with the trials and
tribulations of life on Earth.In The Good Book of Human Nature ,
evolutionary anthropologist Carel van Schaik and historian Kai
Michel advance a new view of Homo sapiens' cultural evolution. The
Bible, they argue, was written to make sense of the single greatest
change in history: the transition from egalitarian hunter-gatherer
to agricultural societies. Religion arose as a strategy to cope
with the unprecedented levels of epidemic disease, violence,
inequality, and injustice that confronted us when we abandoned the
bush,and which still confront us today.Armed with the latest
findings from cognitive science, evolutionary biology, archeology,
and religious history, van Schaik and Michel take us on a journey
through the Book of Books, from the Garden of Eden all the way to
Golgotha. The Book of Genesis, they reveal, marked the emergence of
private property,one can no longer take the fruit off any tree, as
one could before agriculture. The Torah as a whole is the product
of a surprisingly logical, even scientific, approach to society's
problems. This ground-breaking perspective allows van Schaik and
Michel to coax unexpected secrets from the familiar stories of Adam
and Eve, Cain and Able, Abraham and Moses, Jesus of Nazareth and
Mary. The Bible may have a dark side, but in van Schaik and
Michel's hands, it proves to be a hallmark of human
indefatigability.Provocative and deeply original, The Good Book of
Human Nature offers a radically new understanding of the Bible. It
shows that the Bible is more than just a pillar for religious
belief: it is a pioneering attempt at scientific inquiry.
Studenten sowie Praktiker erhalten eine praxisorientierte
Einfuhrung in die zentralen Grundlagen des Marketing. Ausgangspunkt
jedes Kapitels ist eine Fallstudie, die eine konkrete praktische
Rahmenbedingung eines Unternehmens vorstellt. Diese Situation wird
in den Ausfuhrungen dann mit den theoretischen und methodischen
Ansatzen verknupft. Dadurch wird die Transferleistung von Theorie
zur Praxis und vice versa fur den Leser erleichtert. Der Leser
lernt auf diese Weise die Aufgaben des Marketing im Unternehmen zu
verstehen und einzuschatzen. Neben der Unternehmensperspektive wird
ferner ein Verstandnis uber die Markt- und Konsumentenperspektive
erarbeitet. Daruber hinaus werden die klassischen Instrumente des
Marketing-Mix nicht nur singular dargestellt, sondern mit Bezugen
zu den originaren Wachstum- oder Kostenzielen von Unternehmen.
Zusatzliche UEbungen helfen Studierenden, sich fruhzeitig auf
Klausuren vorzubereiten.
Kai-Michael Griese untersucht den Einfluss langerfristig
vorhandener emotionaler Dispositionen einer Person auf die
Kundenzufriedenheit. Diese wird anhand des
Konfirmations-/Diskonfirmationsparadigma charakterisiert."
Nachdem die ersten Fuzzy-Regler Anfang der siebziger Jahre
entwickelt und in der Praxis erprobt wurden, hat das Gebiet der
Fuzzy-Regelung in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten einen gewaltigen
Fortschritt erfahren. Die zugrunde liegenden mathematischen und
technischen Konzepte sind umfassend analysiert worden, und
mittlerweile werden Fuzzy-Regler in vielen industriellen
Anwendungen routinemassig eingesetzt. Das Ziel dieses Buches ist
eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme der Fuzzy-Regler aus Sicht der
klassischen Regelungstechnik. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Buches liegt
in der Darstellung von Themen, die fur den Anwender von besonderem
Interesse sind. Hierzu zahlen insbesondere die (Selbst-)
Einstellung, Optimierung und Stabilitatsanalyse von Fuzzy-Reglern.
Ausgehend von einer detaillierten Einfuhrung in die Gebiete
Fuzzy-Systeme und Regelungstechnik wird der Leser systematisch an
aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse herangefuhrt."
Der Autor analysiert Konzepte zur Erschliessung des Kreativitats-
und Problemlosungspotentials der Mitarbeiter und die auftretenden
Motivationshemmnisse. Er erarbeitet Ansatze fur kontinuierliche
Problemlosungsprozesse und uberpruft sie empirisch."
Der deutsche Gesetzgeber ist der Ansicht, mit dem 3.
Opferrechtsreformgesetz die seitens der EU vorgegebenen
europaischen Mindeststandards, wie sie sich aus der
Opferschutzrichtlinie 2012/29/EU ableiten lassen, ausreichend
umgesetzt zu haben. Der Autor kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass dies
nicht der Fall ist. Der deutsche Gesetzgeber hat die Tragweite
dieser Mindeststandards, fur die vereinzelt auch die Rechtsprechung
des EGMR zur Auslegung der EMRK heranzuziehen ist, zumindest
teilweise verkannt. Dieses Ergebnis wird von einer umfassenden
Wurdigung der deutschen Rechtslage zu den Opferrechten im
Strafverfahrensrecht getragen, bei der auch verfassungsrechtliche
und straftheoretische Erwagungen nicht zu kurz kommen, um den
rechtspolitischen Nachholbedarf zu umreissen.
The Lenape tribe, also known as the Delaware Nation, lived for
centuries on the land that English colonists later called New
Jersey. But once America gained its independence, they were forced
to move further west: to Indiana, then Missouri, and finally to the
territory that became Oklahoma. These reluctant migrants were not
able to carry much from their ancestral homeland, but they managed
to preserve the stories that had been passed down for
generations.  On the Turtle’s Back is the
first collection of Lenape folklore, originally compiled by
anthropologist M. R. Harrington over a century ago but never
published until now. In it, the Delaware share their cherished
tales about the world’s creation, epic heroes, and ordinary human
foibles. It features stories told to Harrington by two Lenape
couples, Julius and Minnie Fouts and Charles and Susan Elkhair, who
sought to officially record their legends before their language and
cultural traditions died out. More recent interviews with Lenape
elders are also included, as their reflections on hearing these
stories as children speak to the status of the tribe and its
culture today. Together, they welcome you into their rich and
wondrous imaginative world. Â
Includes bibliographical references (p.[435]-441) and index.
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2001 im Fachbereich
Ingenieurwissenschaften - Bauingenieurwesen, Note: 1,3, Hochschule
Magdeburg-Stendal; Standort Magdeburg (unbekannt), Sprache:
Deutsch, Abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung: Durch die vorliegende
Diplomarbeit wird das Thema des energie-sparenden Bauen auf
Grundlage der neuen Energieeinsparverordnung aufgegriffen.
Zielstellung soll es sein, ein normales Einfamilienhaus, das nach
heutigen Massstaben dem Niedrigenergiehausstandard (Q''H 75 kWh/m
a) entsprechen wurde, schrittweise bis zum Passivhausstandard (Q''H
15 kWh/m a) weiterzuentwickeln. Die Ausrichtung der entsprechenden
Varianten erfolgt auf Grundlage des flachenbezogenen
JahresPrimarenergiebedarfs Q''P, da dieser die Grundlage fur die
Bewertung nach der Energieeinsparverordnung ist. Die dabei
herausgearbeiteten Varianten sind hinsichtlich ihrer
baukonstruktiven und ihrer anlagentechnischen Massnahmen
darzu-stellen und zu bewerten. Gang der Untersuchung: Die
nachfolgende Diplomarbeit gliedert sich in einen theoretischen Teil
und in einen Teil zur praktischen Umsetzung. Der theoretische Teil
soll dazu dienen, dem Leser die Grundlagen der
Energieeinsparverordnung und der Bewertung von Gebauden nach der
Energieeinsparverordnung zu vermitteln. Im praktischen Teil werden
die Gesetzmassigkeiten der Energieeinsparverordnung anhand
verschiedener Beispiele angewendet. Um eine grossere
Auswahlmoglichkeit zu erhalten, sind Hausvarianten mit
unterschiedlichen Wandkonstruktionen und verschiedene technischen
Anlagen zur Beheizung und Trinkwassererwarmung miteinander
kombiniert worden. Die daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse fur den
flachenbezogenen JahresPrimarenergiebedarf Q''P, den flachen-
bezogenen Endenergiebedarf Q''WE, E, den flachenbezogenen
Hilfsenergie- bedarf Q''HE, E, die jahrlichen Betriebskosten und
die jahrlichen Gesamtkosten aus den Investitions- und den
Betriebskosten sind in Tabellen- und Diagrammform zusammengefasst
worden, um eine bessere Vergleichsmoglich
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