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Das Buch enthalt eine Gesamtdarstellung zu Fragen der Systembildung
im Europaischen Vertragsrecht. Mit ihrem Grunbuch vom 11. Juli 2001
hat die Europaische Kommission die Frage nach dem wunschenswerten
Harmonisierungskonzept erneut aufgeworfen. Daran anschliessend hat
sie am 12. Februar 2003 einen Aktionsplan fur "Ein koharentes
Europaisches Vertragsrecht" vorgelegt. Beide Themenkreise werden in
der vorliegenden Arbeit bereits zusammenhangend erortert. Der
Verfasser legt zunachst Grundlagen fur die Arbeit: Im ersten Teil
werden Grundfragen des Systemdenkens im Privatrecht erortert und
der Begriff des Europaischen Privatrechts naher konturiert. Im
zweiten Teil untersucht der Verfasser, ob sich die zahlreichen
einzelnen Angleichungsrechtsakte als Auspragungen eines Gesamtplans
verstehen lassen: Lasst sich den Einzelrechtsakten ein
Harmonisierungskonzept entnehmen, das Grund und Grenzen der
Rechtsangleichung erkennen lasst? Den Hauptteil der Arbeit bildet
die systematische Gesamtdarstellung des materiellen Vertragsrechts
im dritten Teil. In einer nach Sachfragen des Vertragsrechts
geordneten Weise werden hier die zahlreichen Einzelregelungen
erortert, die sich uber verschiedene Richtlinien verstreut finden.
Es handelt sich um den- wohl ersten - Versuch einer Dogmatik des
Europaischen Vertragsrechts. Uber den Autor: Dr. Karl Riesenhuber
ist Privatdozent an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat
Developments of the law in Japan and in Germany provide ample
reason for an inquiry into "The Identity of Japanese and German
Civil Law". Japanese civil law has a long tradition of absorbing
and digesting foreign influences, - in particular from Germany,
France, England and the United States. The absorption of foreign
influences occurred on various levels: at the legislative level, in
particular during the drafting process of the Civil Code, at the
judicial level and in the field of scholarship. The reception of
legal theories was followed by a unique process that has been
characterised as "theory reception" (Kitagawa). Irrespective of
such foreign influences, we can discern a unique legal tradition in
Japan - in other words, its own identity. At the same time, German
private law is under the influence of legal harmonisation in the
EU. While the predominant view in the 1980's was still that this
development was confined to a restricted area - that of "consumer
law" - recent developments demonstrate that European Union
legislation now influences large parts of German civil law. What
does this mean in terms of the identity of German civil law? And
how does this development of a "Europeanization" of German civil
law affect related legal systems, such as that of Japan? The
present volume contains the proceedings of a conference held in
Japan in 2006 to mark the occasion of the "Germany Year in Japan".
In their contributions, Japanese scholars discuss the various
influences on Japanese law; German scholars enquire into the
Europeanization of German private law; and finally, the identity of
Japanese civil law is discussed from the perspectives of German
civil law and of common law.
The book is a novelty. For the first time the fundamentals of the
performance activities of the German Society for Musical Performing
Rights and Mechanical Reproduction Rights (GEMA) will be
comprehensively presented, expertly explained and scientifically
fathomed. In addition to the historical and legal basics, this
especially concerns the presentation and elucidation of GEMA's
"internal rules": The statutes, authorisation agreement and the
plan of distribution. An overview concerning the practice of
licensing will also be provided. Such a presentation has long since
been a sought-after reference factor of practice and science. The
reference work should provide those individuals entitled as well as
users, supervisory authorities and courts - but also scholars -
reliable information concerning the performance activity, and thus
contribute to transparency.
This compilation of texts on European private law makes available
to both students and practitioners alike a comprehensive paperback
edition of good value focused on the core fields of European
private law: contract law, employment law, and corporate law. This
edition's special advantage is that it is available in one volume.
Copyright contract law mainly serves to protect the creator in
particularly "hazardous situations." The reasoning behind the
particular need for protection is seldom discussed. Dedicated to
this issue, this work considers the extent to which tools of
behavioral law and economics can contribute to the analysis and
assessment of the need for protection and the instruments of
protection. In addition to fundamental questions, individual
instruments of protection are examined from the behavioral law and
economics perspective and followed by insights from the copyright
perspective. The interdisciplinary dialog promises a deeper
understanding of copyright contract law.
In this volume, the basic principles of the administrative
functions carried out by the Society for Performing and Mechanical
Reproduction Rights (GEMA) are presented comprehensively and
academically explained. This work is primarily focused on
presenting and explaining the GEMAa (TM)s a oeinternal
regulationsa: the statutes, the deed of assignment, and the
distribution plan. Additionally, an overview is presented on the
day to day practice of licensing the rights. The main focus of this
presentation is the commentary section. The commentary presents in
detail and academically considers the statutes as the basis of the
organization, the deed of assignment as the foundation of the
assignment of rights, and the distribution plan. The new edition
brings this work up to date. The copyright law reform (a oeZweite
Korba ) is taken into consideration as well as the latest
judicature and the newest amendments to the GEMA's deed of
assignment and distribution plan.
This conference volume on the German-Japanese colloquium a
oeTransformations or Erosion of Private Autonomy?a carries the
debate on the subject into the area of contract law that is central
to economic life.
This compilation of texts on European private law makes available
to both students and practitioners alike a comprehensive paperback
edition of good value focused on the core fields of European
private law: contract law, employment law, and corporate law. This
edition's special advantage is that it is available in one volume.
a oeGlobalization and law - contributions by Japan and Germany to
an international legal system in the 21st centurya - this was the
subject of a jurisprudential congress in Tokyo from 29 September to
1 October 2005 on the occasion of the "Germany in Japan" year
2005/2006. The conference report contains papers from well-known
authors from Japan and Germany; the articles deal with the
foundations and individual fields of law in their links and
development lines to the subject a oeGlobalization and Lawa .
The Ruhr-Akademie fA1/4r EuropAisches Privatrecht is an initiative
of the Department of Civil Law, German and European Commercial and
Business Law at the Ruhr-UniversitAt Bochum. Its objective is to
process European private law for practitioners. The Ruhr-Akademie
organises various events, further training, lectures and
conferences. The contributions to the events are published in a
series by the Ruhr-Akademie: "Practical Booklets on European
Private Law."
(The Interpretation and Control of the Safeguarding Agreement) The
interpretation and contextual control of copyright safeguarding
agreements play a substantial role in court practice. That's why
for one thing disputes between authorized parties and copyright
collecting companies can evolve. And for another thing,
interpretation and control also play an important role for the
users of protected works or ancillary copyrights, since they
require clarity as to whether they must acquire the necessary
rights from the copyright collecting company or the authorized
parties themselves. The author investigates the interpretation
rules of copyright and the law of contract as well as the control
circumstances of the copyright law, the copyright safeguarding law,
the civil code (AGB [general terms & conditions] control), the
law against restraints of competition as well EC antitrust (cartel)
law. Informed through a legal practice on the one hand, and on the
other hand on the basis of his scholastic works in the realm of
German and European law of contract, commercial law and copyright,
the author develops a system in which the different circumstances
of interpretation and control merge into an orderly whole. The
dogmatic of prevailing law is in the foreground. Moreover, the
author also discusses legal policy issues in view of the national
law and the Community law. They are now of great relevance to the
present, because the Commission of the European Community has
announced the establishment of a European safeguarding right with
their notification for "Safeguarding of copyrights and related
protective rights in the internal market" from April 16th, 2004.
German civil law political theory is not in high demand these days.
However, political theory is important for establishing an overall
picture of German civil law and portraying an image of German civil
law to Europe and beyond. This is especially true in times when
ideas are widely circulated and the circulation itself can be
useful for influencing transnational legal realities. The collected
essays on German civil law instructors presented in this work aim
to contribute to just such a political theory. This two volume
edition is based on the lecture series a oe20th Century German
Civil Law Instructors Described by their Studentsa that was held at
the Humboldt-UniversitAt Berlin, the Europa-UniversitAt Viadrina at
Frankfurt (Oder), and the Ruhr-UniversitAt Bochum.
Politik, Gesetzgebung, Wissenschaft, aber auch die Rechtsanwender
gehen bei ihrer Arbeit von einem bestimmten Verbraucherleitbild
aus. Ziel der Tagung - und der daran anschliessenden Publikation
der Tagungsbeitrage - ist es, auf interdisziplinarer und
vergleichender Grundlage eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme zu liefern
und den intra- und interdisziplinaren Dialog zu beleben."
German civil law political theory is not in high demand these days.
However, political theory is important for establishing an overall
picture of German civil law and portraying an image of German civil
law to Europe and beyond. This is especially true in times when
ideas are widely circulated and the circulation itself can be
useful for influencing transnational legal realities. The collected
essays on German civil law instructors presented in this work aim
to contribute to just such a political theory. This two volume
edition is based on the lecture series a oe20th Century German
Civil Law Instructors Described by their Studentsa that was held at
the Humboldt-UniversitAt Berlin, the Europa-UniversitAt Viadrina at
Frankfurt (Oder), and the Ruhr-UniversitAt Bochum.
Within a private law system, whose fundamental principle is private
autonomy, content control raises significant and fundamental
questions. Over the past few decades the trend of strengthening
content control in nearly all fields of private law has become
apparent. Against this backdrop and from a comparative law
perspective, the authors of this volume discuss fundamental issues
including historical development, the relationship between
interpretation and content control, the basic legal warranty and
aspects of content control in selected legal fields such as
employment law, inheritance law, and international private law as
well as specific questions.
In Germany, the prohibition of discrimination under Community law
is transposed through the General Equal Treatment Act ("Allgemeine
Gleichbehandlungsgesetz"). The new Act is introduced, and its
community-law background is discussed. In addition, the new
regulations are examined in greater depth for individual areas by
means of practical examples from German and foreign courts and of
current questions.
[Writings pertaining to European and international private, banking
and commercial law] Europeanization and internationalization
challenge the realm of jurisprudence to an extraordinary degree.
The division in special fields and the relationship with other
social sciences necessitate critical reevaluation in view of many
interactions. Cross-references between commercial law regulation
and private, autonomous arrangement distinctly show this
development. Jurisprudence emerging beyond Germany has to deal with
such challenges. The law of financial services serves as an example
of the cross-section material from private law and (public)
commercial law. This takes into account the series at hand in terms
of content and method. In addition to banking, capital market and
financial law as the main emphasis, corporate law, competition
& cartel law, intangible property rights, insolvency law and
also labor law show similar overlaps. The intensive
internationally-oriented treatment of the overlaps of classical
private law - in particular contractual law - and commercial law
promise a bountiful yield, especially on the European level under
the summarizing aspect of corporate law. The outstanding monography
also finds its place in the series, as well as the conference
volume, works in German and also occasional works in English. There
are economically-aligned works in addition to juridical works
constituting the main emphasis. Works pertaining to Europeanization
and internationalization are compiled in the series, which convey
commercial law and commercially-conceived private law in an
outstanding manner.
In this handbook questions regarding the method behind European
law, particularly European private law, are represented for the
first time comprehensively and systematically for instruction and
practice. In addition to the basics, the authors discuss the
questions of method behind the primary and secondary law as well as
the member states' (transfer) laws. In the special part, legal
scholars and practicing lawyers specializing in European law
dedicate themselves on the one hand to questions of method in the
individual legal areas, contract law, labor law, law of
associations and capital market law, and on the other hand
questions of method in the court decisions of the European Court of
Justice and the German Federal Supreme Court of Justice. The
complete work combines an in depth examination of method questions
with the exemplary in depth examination of individual legal areas
and institutions.
Ernst-Joachim Mestmacker hat eine Reihe von Beitragen zum
Urheberrecht publiziert. Diese sind freilich weit verstreut
veroeffentlicht, in Sammelbanden, Festschriften und in- und
auslandischen Zeitschriften. In dem vorliegenden Band werden diese
Beitrage zusammengefuhrt und so erstmals in einer Gesamtschau
zuganglich gemacht. Die Gesamtschau zeigt die Breite der
Themenstellungen, die Mestmacker behandelt. Sie macht zugleich aber
auch die Koharenz des Gesamtschaffens deutlich. Urheberrecht und
Wahrnehmungsrecht werden bei Mestmacker stets im
wirtschaftsrechtlichen Kontext gesehen und zudem von Anfang an auch
unter Berucksichtigung des Europarechts. Ein Schwerpunkt der
Untersuchungen - in der beeindruckenden Spanne wissenschaftlichen
Schaffens 1960 bis heute - liegt im Recht der urheberrechtlichen
Verwertungsgesellschaften. Die Publikation erscheint im Jahr 2006,
zum 80. Geburtstag von Ernst-Joachim Mestmacker.
[Writings pertaining to European and international private, banking
and commercial law] Europeanization and internationalization
challenge the realm of jurisprudence to an extraordinary degree.
The division in special fields and the relationship with other
social sciences necessitate critical reevaluation in view of many
interactions. Cross-references between commercial law regulation
and private, autonomous arrangement distinctly show this
development. Jurisprudence emerging beyond Germany has to deal with
such challenges. The law of financial services serves as an example
of the cross-section material from private law and (public)
commercial law. This takes into account the series at hand in terms
of content and method. In addition to banking, capital market and
financial law as the main emphasis, corporate law, competition
& cartel law, intangible property rights, insolvency law and
also labor law show similar overlaps. The intensive
internationally-oriented treatment of the overlaps of classical
private law - in particular contractual law - and commercial law
promise a bountiful yield, especially on the European level under
the summarizing aspect of corporate law. The outstanding monography
also finds its place in the series, as well as the conference
volume, works in German and also occasional works in English. There
are economically-aligned works in addition to juridical works
constituting the main emphasis. Works pertaining to Europeanization
and internationalization are compiled in the series, which convey
commercial law and commercially-conceived private law in an
outstanding manner.
Das vorliegende Lehrbuch, in dem das Europaische Vertragsrecht in
geschlossener, nach Sachfragen systematisch geordneter Form
dargestellt wird, soll Studenten ebenso wie Praktikern Auskunft zu
Einzelfragen geben, daruber hinaus aber auch eine UEbersicht uber
das Rechtsgebiet als Ganzes eroeffnen. Die Entwicklung des
Europaischen Vertragsrechts in Gesetzgebung
(Gleichbehandlungsrichtlinie, Richtlinie uber unlautere
Geschaftspraktiken, Reform der Verbraucherkreditrichtlinie) und
Rechtsprechung und die zunehmende dogmatische Vertiefung durch die
Wissenschaft machen die Neuauflage erforderlich. Das Lehrbuch
wendet sich an Studenten ab dem 3. Semester ebenso wie an
Referendare und Praktiker.
This book introduces and develops Contract Governance as a new
approach to contract theory. While the concept of governance has
already been developed in Williamson's seminal article, it has,
ironically, not received much attention in general contract law
theory. Indeed, Contract Governance appears to be an important and
necessary complement to corporate governance and in fact, as the
second, equally important pillar of governance research in the core
of private law. With this in mind, Grundmann, Moeslein, and
Riesenhuber provide a novel approach in setting an international
and interdisciplinary research agenda for developing contract law
scholarship. Contract Governance focuses particularly on the ways
in which a governance perspective leads to research questions that
have been neglected in traditional contract law scholarship, and
how, from a governance perspective, the questions are dealt with in
a different manner and style. Combining substantive chapters and
commentaries, this collection of essays addresses an array of
topics, including: third party impact and contract governance
problems in herd behaviour; governance of networks of contracts;
governance in long-term contractual relationships; contract
governance and rule setting; and contract governance and political
Ein Europaisches Wahrnehmungsrecht entsteht. Das Europaische
Parlament hat dazu in einer Entschliessung vom Januar 2004 Stellung
genommen. Die Kommission hat nun, nachdem sie zuvor im April 2004
weitergehende Angleichungsplane angekundigt hatte, kurzfristig im
Oktober 2005 eine Empfehlung fur den Bereich der
Online-Musikdienste verabschiedet. Die Entwicklung ist im Fluss.
Sie bedarf einer breiten und tiefgehenden Eroerterung. Dabei sind
die Vorgaben des Primarrechts und des Internationalen Urheberrechts
ebenso zu berucksichtigen wie Wahrnehmungsrecht und
Wahrnehmungspraxis der Mitgliedstaaten. Die hier nebst Materialien
veroeffentlichten Beitrage zur INTERGU-Tagung 2005 an der
Europa-Universitat Viadrina sollen einen Beitrag zu dieser
Diskussion leisten. Auf der Grundlage eines deutsch-polnischen
Rechtsvergleichs werden die Grundlagen der gemeinschaftsrechtlichen
Rechtsangleichung sowie die Entwicklung der Marktordnung im Bereich
der Wahrnehmung von Online-Rechten an Werken der Musik eroertert.
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