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MPEG-4 is the multimedia standard for combining interactivity,
natural and synthetic digital video, audio and computer-graphics.
Typical applications are: internet, video conferencing, mobile
videophones, multimedia cooperative work, teleteaching and games.
With MPEG-4 the next step from block-based video (ISO/IEC MPEG-1,
MPEG-2, CCITT H.261, ITU-T H.263) to arbitrarily-shaped visual
objects is taken. This significant step demands a new methodology
for system analysis and design to meet the considerably higher
flexibility of MPEG-4. Motion estimation is a central part of
MPEG-1/2/4 and H.261/H.263 video compression standards and has
attracted much attention in research and industry, for the
following reasons: it is computationally the most demanding
algorithm of a video encoder (about 60-80% of the total computation
time), it has a high impact on the visual quality of a video
encoder, and it is not standardized, thus being open to
competition. Algorithms, Complexity Analysis, and VLSI
Architectures for MPEG-4 Motion Estimation covers in detail every
single step in the design of a MPEG-1/2/4 or H.261/H.263 compliant
video encoder: Fast motion estimation algorithms Complexity
analysis tools Detailed complexity analysis of a software
implementation of MPEG-4 video Complexity and visual quality
analysis of fast motion estimation algorithms within MPEG-4 Design
space on motion estimation VLSI architectures Detailed VLSI design
examples of (1) a high throughput and (2) a low-power MPEG-4 motion
estimator. Algorithms, Complexity Analysis and VLSI Architectures
for MPEG-4 Motion Estimation is an important introduction to
numerous algorithmic, architectural and system design aspects of
the multimedia standard MPEG-4. As such, all researchers, students
and practitioners working in image processing, video coding or
system and VLSI design will find this book of interest.
MPEG-4 is the multimedia standard for combining interactivity,
natural and synthetic digital video, audio and computer-graphics.
Typical applications are: internet, video conferencing, mobile
videophones, multimedia cooperative work, teleteaching and games.
With MPEG-4 the next step from block-based video (ISO/IEC MPEG-1,
MPEG-2, CCITT H.261, ITU-T H.263) to arbitrarily-shaped visual
objects is taken. This significant step demands a new methodology
for system analysis and design to meet the considerably higher
flexibility of MPEG-4. Motion estimation is a central part of
MPEG-1/2/4 and H.261/H.263 video compression standards and has
attracted much attention in research and industry, for the
following reasons: it is computationally the most demanding
algorithm of a video encoder (about 60-80% of the total computation
time), it has a high impact on the visual quality of a video
encoder, and it is not standardized, thus being open to
competition. Algorithms, Complexity Analysis, and VLSI
Architectures for MPEG-4 Motion Estimation covers in detail every
single step in the design of a MPEG-1/2/4 or H.261/H.263 compliant
video encoder: Fast motion estimation algorithms Complexity
analysis tools Detailed complexity analysis of a software
implementation of MPEG-4 video Complexity and visual quality
analysis of fast motion estimation algorithms within MPEG-4 Design
space on motion estimation VLSI architectures Detailed VLSI design
examples of (1) a high throughput and (2) a low-power MPEG-4 motion
estimator. Algorithms, Complexity Analysis and VLSI Architectures
for MPEG-4 Motion Estimation is an important introduction to
numerous algorithmic, architectural and system design aspects of
the multimedia standard MPEG-4. As such, all researchers, students
and practitioners working in image processing, video coding or
system and VLSI design will find this book of interest.
In this note a short introduction to the project "Employment
Effects of Entrepreneurs" is presented. First, we describe the
purpose of the project; second, we present the background; third,
we briefly describe the three papers that constitute the output of
the project, and fourth, we discuss two important qualifications
for the understanding of the contributions and results established
in the project.
What are the characteristics of jobs in entrepreneurial firms as
compared to jobs in incumbent firms? Even though this question has
been addressed by many researchers before us, we provide new
evidence to the field since we measure the entrepreneur as the
organic new firm. In the literature, the majority of studies have
focused on entrepreneurs as measured by small or new firms. By
organic new firms, we mean new firms that are not the result of
restructurings or organizing existing or additional activities in a
formally new firm. Moreover, we distinguish entrepreneurial firms
by different types and distinguish between growing and declining
industry-region clusters. Our results differ from the findings in
the existing literature. Specifically, we find that compared to
incumbents, entrepreneurial firms have higher total factor
productivity, are more skill intensive, and pay higher wages. The
differences are more pronounced in growing clusters. Moreover, the
results show important differences between different types of
entrepreneurial firms. Specifically, spin-offs are found to enjoy
the largest productivity advantage. The wage and skill premiums at
the firm level disappear at the job level, as larger incumbents are
both more skill intensive and pay higher wages than smaller
We study whether entrepreneurial spinoffs are important drivers of
industry dynamics. More precisely, we investigate whether the
quality of jobs in spinoff entrepreneurs are higher than for other
entrepreneurs. We distinguish spinoff firms by different types and
distinguish between growing and declining industry-region clusters.
We find that spinoffs on average have higher wages, are more skill
intensive, have higher sales per worker and are more productive
than non-spinoff entrepreneurial firms. The differences are more
pronounced in growing clusters. The results even hold when we
control for worker heterogeneity and industry and region clusters
characteristics. An important feature of the analysis is that we
measure the entrepreneur as the organic new firm. By organic new
firm, we mean new firms that are not the result of restructurings
or organising existing or additional activities in a formally new
The discovery and introduction of the internal combustion engine
has resulted in a very rapid development in machines utilizing the
action of a piston. Design has been limited by the internal
components of the engine, which has been subjected to ever
increasing thermal and mechanical stresses, Of these internal
engine components, the piston and piston rings are of particular
importance and the momentary position of engine development is not
seldom dependent upon the development of both of the components,
The piston ring is a well-known component and has been used in its
present shape in the steam engine of the last century,
Corresponding to its importance, the piston ring has been a rich
field for creative activity and it is noteworthy that in spite of
this the ring has maintained its shape through the many years. From
the many and complicated designs which have been suggested as a
packing between piston and cylinder wall hardly one suggestion has
remained which does not resemble the original design of cast iron
rectangular ring.
We extend earlier analyses of the job creation of start-ups vs.
established firms by taking into consideration the educational
content of the jobs created and destroyed. We define
education-specific measures of job creation and job destruction at
the firm level, and we use these to construct a measure of "surplus
job creation" defined as jobs created on top of any simultaneous
destruction of similar jobs in incumbent firms in the same region
and industry. Using Danish employer-employee data from 2002-7,
which identify the start-ups and which cover almost the entire
private sector, these measures allow us to provide a more nuanced
assessment of the role of entrepreneurial firms in the job-creation
process than previous studies. Our findings show that while
start-ups are responsible for the entire overall net job creation,
incumbents account for more than a third of net job creation within
high-skilled jobs. Moreover, start-ups "only" create around half of
the surplus jobs, and even less of the high-skilled surplus jobs.
Finally, our approach allows us to characterize and identify
differences across industries, educational groups and regions.
A middle-school principal is given one hour to choose between
risking the entire school or selecting twenty students to leave on
a bus. His decision puts students in danger and his career in
trouble. The twenty students spend several days in an abandoned
mansion until one boy plans to save them all. If his plan works,
parents will see their children again and the crooks involved will
learn that crime really doesn't pay.
From the memories of everyday experience, "Living Atlanta" vividly
recreates life in the city during the three decades from World War
I through World War II--a period in which a small, regional capital
became a center of industry, education, finance, commerce, and
travel. This profusely illustrated volume draws on nearly two
hundred interviews with Atlanta residents who recall, in their own
words, "the way it was"--from segregated streetcars to college
fraternity parties, from moonshine peddling to visiting
performances by the Metropolitan Opera, from the growth of
neighborhoods to religious revivals. The book is based on a
celebrated public radio series that was broadcast in 1979-80 and
hailed by Studs Terkel as "an important, exciting project--a truly
human portrait of a city of people." "Living Atlanta" presents a
diverse array of voices--domestics and businessmen, teachers and
factory workers, doctors and ballplayers. There are memories of the
city when it wasn't quite a city: "Back in those young days it was
country in Atlanta," musician Rosa Lee Carson reflects. "It sure
was. Why, you could even raise a cow out there in your yard." There
are eyewitness accounts of such major events as the Great Fire of
1917: "The wind blowing that way, it was awful," recalls fire
fighter Hugh McDonald. "There'd be a big board on fire, and the
wind would carry that board, and it'd hit another house and start
right up on that one. And it just kept spreading." There are
glimpses of the workday: "It's a real job firing an engine, a darn
hard job," says railroad man J. R. Spratlin. "I was using a scoop
and there wasn't no eight hour haul then, there was twelve hours,
sometimes sixteen." And there are scenes of the city at play:
"Baseball was the popular sport," remembers Arthur Leroy Idlett,
who grew up in the Pittsburgh neighborhood. "Everybody had teams.
And people--you could put some kids out there playing baseball, and
before you knew a thing, you got a crowd out there, watching kids
play." Organizing the book around such topics as transportation,
health and religion, education, leisure, and politics, the authors
provide a narrative commentary that places the diverse remembrances
in social and historical context. Resurfacing throughout the book
as a central theme are the memories of Jim Crow and the
peculiarities of black-white relations. Accounts of Klan rallies,
job and housing discrimination, and poll taxes are here, along with
stories about the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, early
black forays into local politics, and the role of the city's black
colleges. Martin Luther King, Sr., historian Clarence Bacote,
former police chief Herbert Jenkins, educator Benjamin Mays, and
sociologist Arthur Raper are among those whose recollections are
gathered here, but the majority of the voices are those of ordinary
Atlantans, men and women who in these pages relive day-to-day
experiences of a half-century ago.
In May 1914, workers walked off their jobs at Atlanta's Fulton Bag
and Cotton Mills, launching a lengthy strike that was at the heart
of the American Federation of Labor's first major attempt to
organize southern workers in over a decade. In its celebrity, the
Fulton Mills strike was the regional contemporary of the well-known
industrial conflicts in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and Ludlow,
Colorado. Although ultimately unsuccessful, the strike was an
important episode in the development of the New South, and as
Clifford Kuhn demonstrates, its story sheds light on the
industrialization, urbanization, and modernization of the region.
Drawing on an extraordinary collection of sources--including
reports from labor spies and company informants, photographs,
federal investigations, oral histories, and newly uncovered records
from the old mill's vaults--Kuhn vividly depicts the strike and the
community in which it occurred. He also chronicles the struggle for
public opinion that ensued between management, workers, union
leaders, and other interested parties. Finally, Kuhn reflects on
the legacy of the strike in southern history, exploring its complex
ties to the evolving New South.
Le campagne di informazione sulla droga sono spesso troppo
semplificate e sbilanciate verso atteggiamenti di preconcetta
condanna o assoluzione, basati piu su criteri di tipo ideologico
che di tipo scientifico. Ma le persone, in particolare gli
adolescenti che si trovano ad affrontare il problema, vogliono
capire prima di decidere: non "basta dire di no" (come suggeriva la
moglie del presidente Reagan negli anni '80), c'e bisogno di sapere
come stanno le cose per fare delle scelte consapevoli.
Questa edizione italiana di Buzzed, grande successo editoriale
internazionale, rappresenta una fonte comprensibile ed essenziale
per capire come agiscono le droghe e quali sono i loro effetti
sull'organismo e sul comportamento. Scientificamente accurato e
facile da leggere, il libro fornisce dati equilibrati, oggettivi e
aggiornati sulle sostanze piu usate e abusate - dall'alcol alla
caffeina, dalla nicotina all'eroina, all'ecstasy, alla
metamfetamina. Arricchito da indici che velocizzano la ricerca
delle informazioni e da capitoli di approfondimento, il volume
spiega come le droghe si muovono nell'organismo e descrive i loro
effetti immediati e a lungo termine, il tipo di "sballo" che
provocano, le circostanze in cui possono essere molto pericolose.
Forse unico nel panorama dei libri sulla droga, presta inoltre una
particolare attenzione agli effetti spesso insidiosi che alcune
droghe esercitano sul cervello ancora in sviluppo
Questa edizione e stata calata nella realta italiana attraverso
la completa riscrittura di alcuni capitoli, l'aggiunta di
moltissime note sulla situazione in Italia e, soprattutto,
attraverso il coinvolgimento di studenti liceali, ai quali e stato
chiesto di valutare e commentare il testo.
Insomma, un libro per capire, per dire, all'occorrenza, "lo
Berthold M. Kuhn and Dimitrios L. Margellos present a thoroughly
reflected analysis of global trends shaping our future. Key
megatrends include climate change and sustainability,
digitalization, growing inequalities, urbanization and smart
cities, the progression toward a green economy, and sustainable
finance. Addressing geopolitical shifts and the future of
multilateralism, the authors also discuss new trends in democracy
and governance, migration, and health and nutrition, as well as
civilizational developments like demography, diversity, identity
politics, individualization, and shifting gender norms. Based on
their own research and a series of interviews with leading analysts
and researchers from different world regions, the authors present
cutting-edge content on the future of humanity.
Understanding the phenomenon of long-lasting vulnerability to
addiction is essential to developing successful treatments. Written
by an international team of authorities in their respective fields,
Advances in the Neuroscience of Addiction provides an excellent
overview of the available and emerging approaches used to
investigate the biologic mechanisms of drug addiction. It also
delineates the promising research discoveries being made in relapse
prevention. The book begins with current animal models of
addiction, which mimic the state of humans entering treatment:
recently-abstinent animals that receive common triggers for relapse
(classical conditioning, stress, and neuroadaptive dysregulation).
Coverage then shifts to the use of electrophysiologic approaches,
which enable researchers to characterize the discharge patterns of
single neurons during drug self-administration. After exploring
advances in voltammetry and enzyme-linked biosensors for measuring
glutamate, the book discusses the theoretical background and
results of neuroimaging studies related to neuronal networks that
are activated by drug-specific cues. It then describes modern
genetic approaches to manipulate target proteins that influence
addictive behavior. The book rounds out its coverage by
illustrating how a neuroeconomic approach can inform studies of
reward processing in general and addiction in particular. It is a
comprehensive introduction to the methodologies of the field for
students and beginning researchers and an essential reference
source for established investigators.
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Grundlich Erprobte Anweisung Zur Holz-Cultur Und Wie Die
Verosigten oden Platze Wiederum Mit Wald-Saamen Anzubauen: Dann Wie
Von Allerley Arten Laub- Und Nadel-Saame Gesammlet Und In Den Boden
Gebracht Wird 2 Johann M. Kuhn Felecker, 1764
Understanding the phenomenon of long-lasting vulnerability to
addiction is essential to developing successful treatments. Written
by an international team of authorities in their respective fields,
Advances in the Neuroscience of Addiction provides an excellent
overview of the available and emerging approaches used to
investigate the biologic mechanisms of drug addiction. It also
delineates the promising research discoveries being made in relapse
prevention. The book begins with current animal models of
addiction, which mimic the state of humans entering treatment:
recently-abstinent animals that receive common triggers for relapse
(classical conditioning, stress, and neuroadaptive dysregulation).
Coverage then shifts to the use of electrophysiologic approaches,
which enable researchers to characterize the discharge patterns of
single neurons during drug self-administration. After exploring
advances in voltammetry and enzyme-linked biosensors for measuring
glutamate, the book discusses the theoretical background and
results of neuroimaging studies related to neuronal networks that
are activated by drug-specific cues. It then describes modern
genetic approaches to manipulate target proteins that influence
addictive behavior. The book rounds out its coverage by
illustrating how a neuroeconomic approach can inform studies of
reward processing in general and addiction in particular. It is a
comprehensive introduction to the methodologies of the field for
students and beginning researchers and an essential reference
source for established investigators.
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