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This book presents an introduction to the key topics in Real
Analysis and makes the subject easily understood by the learners.
The book is primarily useful for students of mathematics and
engineering studying the subject of Real Analysis. It includes many
examples and exercises at the end of chapters. This book is very
authentic for students, instructors, as well as those doing
research in areas demanding a basic knowledge of Real Analysis. It
describes several useful topics in Real Analysis such as sets and
functions, completeness, ordered and field, neighborhoods, limit
points of a set, open sets, closed sets, countable and uncountable
sets, sequences of real numbers, limit, continuity and
differentiability of real functions, uniform continuity, point-wise
and uniform convergence of sequences and series of real functions,
Riemann integration, improper integrals and metric spaces.
The volume will consist of about 40 articles written by some very
influential mathematicians of our time and will expose the latest
achievements in the broad area of nonlinear analysis and its
various interdisciplinary applications.
One service mathematics has rendered the 'Et moi .... si favait su
comment en revenir, je human race. It has put common sense back n'y
serais point a1l6.' lules Verne where it belongs, on the topmost
shelf next to the dusty eanister labelled 'discarded nonsense' .
Erie T. Bell The series is divergent; therefore we may be able to
do something with it O. Heaviside Mathematics is a tool for
thought. A highly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and
nonlineari ties abound. Similarly, all kinds of parts of
mathematics serve as tools for other parts and for other sci ences.
Applying a simple rewriting rule to the quote on the right above
one finds such statements as: 'One ser vice topology has rendered
mathematical physics .. .'; 'One service logic has rendered
computer science .. .'; 'One service category theory has rendered
mathematics .. .'. All arguably true. And all statements obtainable
this way form part of the raison d'etre of this series. This
series, Mathematics and Its Applications, started in 1977. Now that
over one hundred volumes have appeared it seems opportune to
reexamine its scope. At the time I wrote "Growing specia1ization
and diversification have brought a host of monographs and textbooks
on increasingly specialized topics. However, the 'tree' of
knowledge of mathematics and It also happens, quite often in
related fields does not grow only by putting forth new branches."
This book features selected papers from The Seventh International
Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics that was held
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 25 - 27th August 2015. With chapters
devoted to the most recent discoveries in mathematics and
statistics and serve as a platform for knowledge and information
exchange between experts from academic and industrial sectors, it
covers a wide range of topics, including numerical analysis, fluid
mechanics, operation research, optimization, statistics and game
theory. It is a valuable resource for pure and applied
mathematicians, statisticians, engineers and scientists, and
provides an excellent overview of the latest research in
mathematical sciences.
The book is devoted to recent developments in the theory of
fractional calculus and its applications. Particular attention is
paid to the applicability of this currently popular research field
in various branches of pure and applied mathematics. In particular,
the book focuses on the more recent results in mathematical
physics, engineering applications, theoretical and applied physics
as quantum mechanics, signal analysis, and in those relevant
research fields where nonlinear dynamics occurs and several tools
of nonlinear analysis are required. Dynamical processes and
dynamical systems of fractional order attract researchers from many
areas of sciences and technologies, ranging from mathematics and
physics to computer science.
This book explores several important aspects of recent developments
in the interdisciplinary applications of mathematical analysis
(MA), and highlights how MA is now being employed in many areas of
scientific research. Each of the 23 carefully reviewed chapters was
written by experienced expert(s) in respective field, and will
enrich readers' understanding of the respective research problems,
providing them with sufficient background to understand the
theories, methods and applications discussed. The book's main goal
is to highlight the latest trends and advances, equipping
interested readers to pursue further research of their own. Given
its scope, the book will especially benefit graduate and PhD
students, researchers in the applied sciences, educators, and
engineers with an interest in recent developments in the
interdisciplinary applications of mathematical analysis.
The Asian Logic Conference (ALC) is a major international event in
mathematical logic. It features the latest scientific developments
in the fields of mathematical logic and its applications, logic in
computer science, and philosophical logic. The ALC series also aims
to promote mathematical logic in the Asia-Pacific region and to
bring logicians together both from within Asia and elsewhere for an
exchange of information and ideas. This combined proceedings volume
represents works presented or arising from the 14th and 15th ALCs.
The National Botanical Research Institute came into being as the
13th among a chain of National Laboratories established during
April, 1953 under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
by the Govt. of India for advanced research in fields of
specialisation which have a direct bearing on socio-economic,
industrial and scientific advancement of the nation. Christened
initially as National Botanic Gardens, the nucleus around which the
institution took shape under its founder- Director Late Prof. K. N.
Kaul, was a large herbarium of Indian flora and a centu- old
botanical garden spread over 35 ha of land on the banks of River
Gomti in the heart of Lucknow city. It's a matter of great pleasure
and profound satisfaction to me that a Golden Jubilee volume
entitled, "Pteridology in the New Millennium" is being published
and released during the Golden Jubilee year of NBRI in the honour
of Professor B. K. Nayar who laid the foundation of the Pteridology
Laboratory of the NBRI, which is now a well equipped laboratory for
the study of Indian pteridophytes. Professor Nayar is a holistic
Botanist as evident through his contributions and publications in
almost all the areas of study of Pteridophyta. The contribution of
Professor Nayar towards the development of modern Pteridology and
the role of NBRI in it is indeed great and very important. His
publications will be valuable for the younger generation of
scientists in the field as well as for the more mature research
workers and teachers.
This book provides analysis and discusses the design of various
MOSFET technologies which are used for the design of Double-Pole
Four-Throw (DP4T) RF switches for next generation communication
systems. The authors discuss the design of the (DP4T) RF switch by
using the Double-Gate (DG) MOSFET, as well as the Cylindrical
Surrounding double-gate (CSDG) MOSFET. The effect of HFO2 (high
dielectric material) in the design of DG MOSFET and CSDG MOSFET is
also explored. Coverage includes comparison of Single-gate MOSFET
and Double-gate MOSFET switching parameters, as well as testing of
MOSFETs parameters using image acquisition.
This book gives an overview on the fundamentals and recent
developments in the field of luminescent materials. Starting from
the definitions and properties of phosphors, novel application
areas as well as spectroscopic methods for characterization will be
described. The reader will benefit from the vast knowledge of the
authors with backgrounds in industry as well as academia.
This book presents a collection of original research papers from
the 2nd International Conference on Mathematical and Related
Sciences, held in Antalya, Turkey, on 27 - 30 April 2019 and
sponsored/supported by Duzce University, Turkey; the University of
Jordan; and the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Baku State
University, Azerbaijan. The book focuses on various types of
mathematical methods and models in applied sciences; new
mathematical tools, techniques and algorithms related to various
branches of applied sciences; and important aspects of applied
mathematical analysis. It covers mathematical models and modelling
methods related to areas such as networks, intelligent systems,
population dynamics, medical science and engineering, as well as a
wide variety of analytical and numerical methods. The conference
aimed to foster cooperation among students, researchers and experts
from diverse areas of mathematics and related sciences and to
promote fruitful exchanges on crucial research in the field. This
book is a valuable resource for graduate students, researchers and
educators interested in applied mathematics and interactions of
mathematics with other branches of science to provide insights into
analysing, modelling and solving various scientific problems in
applied sciences.
This book features selected papers from The Seventh International
Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics that was held
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 25 - 27th August 2015. With chapters
devoted to the most recent discoveries in mathematics and
statistics and serve as a platform for knowledge and information
exchange between experts from academic and industrial sectors, it
covers a wide range of topics, including numerical analysis, fluid
mechanics, operation research, optimization, statistics and game
theory. It is a valuable resource for pure and applied
mathematicians, statisticians, engineers and scientists, and
provides an excellent overview of the latest research in
mathematical sciences.
The volume will consist of about 40 articles written by some very
influential mathematicians of our time and will expose the latest
achievements in the broad area of nonlinear analysis and its
various interdisciplinary applications.
This book provides analysis and discusses the design of various
MOSFET technologies which are used for the design of Double-Pole
Four-Throw (DP4T) RF switches for next generation communication
systems. The authors discuss the design of the (DP4T) RF switch by
using the Double-Gate (DG) MOSFET, as well as the Cylindrical
Surrounding double-gate (CSDG) MOSFET. The effect of HFO2 (high
dielectric material) in the design of DG MOSFET and CSDG MOSFET is
also explored. Coverage includes comparison of Single-gate MOSFET
and Double-gate MOSFET switching parameters, as well as testing of
MOSFETs parameters using image acquisition.
In recent years there has been an increasing interest in problems
involving closed form evaluations of (and representations of the
Riemann Zeta function at positive integer arguments as) various
families of series associated with the Riemann Zeta function ((s),
the Hurwitz Zeta function ((s, a), and their such extensions and
generalizations as (for example) Lerch's transcendent (or the
Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function) iI>(z, s, a). Some of these
developments have apparently stemmed from an over two-century-old
theorem of Christian Goldbach (1690-1764), which was stated in a
letter dated 1729 from Goldbach to Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782),
from recent rediscoveries of a fairly rapidly convergent series
representation for ((3), which is actually contained in a 1772
paper by Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), and from another known series
representation for ((3), which was used by Roger Apery (1916-1994)
in 1978 in his celebrated proof of the irrationality of ((3). This
book is motivated essentially by the fact that the theories and
applications of the various methods and techniques used in dealing
with many different families of series associated with the Riemann
Zeta function and its aforementioned relatives are to be found so
far only"in widely scattered journal articles. Thus our systematic
(and unified) presentation of these results on the evaluation and
representation of the Zeta and related functions is expected to
fill a conspicuous gap in the existing books dealing exclusively
with these Zeta functions."
Analytic and Geometric Inequalities and Applications is devoted to
recent advances in a variety of inequalities of Mathematical
Analysis and Geo metry. Subjects dealt with in this volume include:
Fractional order inequalities of Hardy type, differential and
integral inequalities with initial time differ ence,
multi-dimensional integral inequalities, Opial type inequalities,
Gruss' inequality, Furuta inequality, Laguerre-Samuelson inequality
with extensions and applications in statistics and matrix theory,
distortion inequalities for ana lytic and univalent functions
associated with certain fractional calculus and other linear
operators, problem of infimum in the positive cone, alpha-quasi
convex functions defined by convolution with incomplete beta
functions, Chebyshev polynomials with integer coefficients,
extremal problems for poly nomials, Bernstein's inequality and
Gauss-Lucas theorem, numerical radii of some companion matrices and
bounds for the zeros of polynomials, degree of convergence for a
class of linear operators, open problems on eigenvalues of the
Laplacian, fourth order obstacle boundary value problems, bounds on
entropy measures for mixed populations as well as controlling the
velocity of Brownian motion by its terminal value. A wealth of
applications of the above is also included. We wish to express our
appreciation to the distinguished mathematicians who contributed to
this volume. Finally, it is our pleasure to acknowledge the fine
cooperation and assistance provided by the staff of Kluwer Academic
Publishers. June 1999 Themistocles M. Rassias Hari M."
Volume 43 of "Progress in Drug Research" contains five reviews and
the various indexes which facilitate its use and establish the
connection with the previous volumes. The articles in this volume
deal with high cholesterol blood levels and other dyslipidemias;
search of ideal antihypertensive drugs; the natural PQlyamines and
the immune system; biologically active quinazolones and with
production and action of interferons. In the 35 years the PDR has
existed, the Editor has enjoyed the valuable help and advice of
many colleagues. Readers, the authors of the reviews, and last but
not least, the reviewers have all contributed greatly to the
success of this series. Although the comments received so far have
generally been favorable, it is nevertheless necessary to analyze
and to reassess the current position and the future direction of
such a review series. So far, it has been the Editors intention to
help disseminate information on the vast domain of drug research,
and to provide the reader with a tool with which to keep abreast of
the latest developments and trends. The reviews in PDR are useful
to the non-specialist, who can obtain an overview of a particular
field of drug research in a relatively short time. The specialist
readers of PDR will appreciate the reviews' comprehensive
bibliographies, and, in addition, they may even get fresh impulses
for their own research. Finally, the readers can use the 43 volumes
of PDR as an encyclopedic source of information.
One service mathematics has rendered the 'Et moi .... si favait su
comment en revenir, je human race. It has put common sense back n'y
serais point a1l6.' lules Verne where it belongs, on the topmost
shelf next to the dusty eanister labelled 'discarded nonsense' .
Erie T. Bell The series is divergent; therefore we may be able to
do something with it O. Heaviside Mathematics is a tool for
thought. A highly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and
nonlineari ties abound. Similarly, all kinds of parts of
mathematics serve as tools for other parts and for other sci ences.
Applying a simple rewriting rule to the quote on the right above
one finds such statements as: 'One ser vice topology has rendered
mathematical physics .. .'; 'One service logic has rendered
computer science .. .'; 'One service category theory has rendered
mathematics .. .'. All arguably true. And all statements obtainable
this way form part of the raison d'etre of this series. This
series, Mathematics and Its Applications, started in 1977. Now that
over one hundred volumes have appeared it seems opportune to
reexamine its scope. At the time I wrote "Growing specia1ization
and diversification have brought a host of monographs and textbooks
on increasingly specialized topics. However, the 'tree' of
knowledge of mathematics and It also happens, quite often in
related fields does not grow only by putting forth new branches."
This book explores several important aspects of recent developments
in the interdisciplinary applications of mathematical analysis
(MA), and highlights how MA is now being employed in many areas of
scientific research. Each of the 23 carefully reviewed chapters was
written by experienced expert(s) in respective field, and will
enrich readers' understanding of the respective research problems,
providing them with sufficient background to understand the
theories, methods and applications discussed. The book's main goal
is to highlight the latest trends and advances, equipping
interested readers to pursue further research of their own. Given
its scope, the book will especially benefit graduate and PhD
students, researchers in the applied sciences, educators, and
engineers with an interest in recent developments in the
interdisciplinary applications of mathematical analysis.
The National Botanical Research Institute came into being as the
13th among a chain of National Laboratories established during
April, 1953 under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
by the Govt. of India for advanced research in fields of
specialisation which have a direct bearing on socio-economic,
industrial and scientific advancement of the nation. Christened
initially as National Botanic Gardens, the nucleus around which the
institution took shape under its founder- Director Late Prof. K. N.
Kaul, was a large herbarium of Indian flora and a centu- old
botanical garden spread over 35 ha of land on the banks of River
Gomti in the heart of Lucknow city. It's a matter of great pleasure
and profound satisfaction to me that a Golden Jubilee volume
entitled, "Pteridology in the New Millennium" is being published
and released during the Golden Jubilee year of NBRI in the honour
of Professor B. K. Nayar who laid the foundation of the Pteridology
Laboratory of the NBRI, which is now a well equipped laboratory for
the study of Indian pteridophytes. Professor Nayar is a holistic
Botanist as evident through his contributions and publications in
almost all the areas of study of Pteridophyta. The contribution of
Professor Nayar towards the development of modern Pteridology and
the role of NBRI in it is indeed great and very important. His
publications will be valuable for the younger generation of
scientists in the field as well as for the more mature research
workers and teachers.
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